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Posts posted by Matt.D

  1. today i was smoking many cigarettes with my eyes glued to my laptop (playing video games) - as i have been doing for the past week, the headache would get worse each day... I realized i was drifting away from my relationship with Christ - and - as I thought about Him - my headache started to vanish - truly a wonder, i thought it may have been the meds i took earlier (an ibuprofen 5+ hours earlier and another med i take to help sleep) but I like to think He took my pain away.I was having a rough night (paranoid schizophrenic) and the headaches werent making it any better so thank you Jesus for bringing light into my otherwise very dark day

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  2. Today I want to talk to you about an important factor in the Body of Christ. What can you do when your enemy strikes? There was a time in my life when my enemies would throw me down, and I’d stay down. I would lie my way out of it, throw a tantrum or simply let myself be beat down. Through Christ I have learned to get back up each time I fall. Proverbs 27:5 states that “Open rebuke is better than secret love.” That verse applies even to this day, if you’re ever feeling like you can’t get back up; from loving them too much to say anything, remember that verse. Begin rebuking the wicked deeds of your enemies… not in hate, but in love for them. What do I mean by that? God knows who you are, but he loves you too much to leave you that way. Love them in a way that lets them know you can’t leave them that way. When I was growing up, the people I believed were my friends would always hurt me, and the people I never knew would shower me with love. Proverbs 27:6 brings light to this occurrence. Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of the enemy are multiplied. As a teenager I wouldn’t know up from down, I was falling away from Christ and the more kisses I received the more likely I was to begin walking down the path most followed. What I’m saying here is, when you begin drifting away from Christ, those who are against Him will shower you with praise and joy to keep you away. What can you do when this happens? It’s a revolving door, it swings back around to open rebuke. Do not secretly love them and join them simply because you feel it’s wrong to rebuke your enemies. I read once that if you judge, you will be judged. Openly rebuking people is judging them, yes. So be prepared for them to strike you. And this leads another scripture: Matthew 5:38-40. Which states that if your enemy strikes you, give him more to strike. And if he asks something of you, give him it and more. For example, if someone is stealing and you tell him not because it’s wrong; it can go one of two ways, he’ll listen or he’ll strike. He may turn on you and judge you in return, give him more to judge you on, tell him why you believe it’s wrong. If he doesn’t listen, he will strike again, give him more and more until he listens or asks something of you. When he asks, give him what he wants, only more. For example, your enemy asks you to give him suggestions on how he can turn away from his life. Give him exactly what he asked for, stay at home, work a job, find a hobby… but give him more, give him scripture as well. I will bring up one last scripture before I end this topic, Matthew 5:43-45 where Jesus tells us to love our enemies. Remember that love is not accepting their evil deeds, it’s knowing that they can turn from it and helping them in their journey away from sin. He loves us too much to leave us this way.

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