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Posts posted by dailyprayerwarrior

  1. I've learned that when you are saved you, your spirit becomes one with Him. He's so close that when you think you have a thought or feel something it may actually be Him. I've prayed that God would give me the desires of my heart (Psalm 37:4). Not as its been often taught but from the sense of asking for God to plant in my heart His desires for me since He knows best. Then when I go about my day I look inside to see whether I sense a peace or lack of peace to move forward on a decision (Colossians 3:15). For example I have to decide whether to stay or move out of state. I seek God and desire His will be done in this situation. I then ask Him to give me the right desire concerning this situation. Then I go about my day, week, month as I would and if I think about that decision I just praise God that the answer is rising up within my heart. That the desire is forming - His desire. Then I check my heart numerous times AFTER my emotions have settled (the decision to have to move or something similar, may bring anxiety and its important to calm down and not REACT out of fear). Does it seem within my heart like I should move or stay put? Does something feel off in either staying or going? I go with whichever direction gives me the most peace. The truth is that it takes practice but over time you get better at recognizing what has been described as a still small voice, following after peace. I hope that adds value to this conversation. God bless.

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