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Posts posted by Ineedhugs

  1. 21 minutes ago, Peterlag said:

    I will respond since you wrote this on my birthday...

    Most Christians still believe the spirit of Christ makes their flesh spiritual. And this is why they believe their sins are forgiven when they are born again up to that point. Most of all of those same Christians believe they must run to God to confess and repent their new sins every time they sin after becoming a Christian. The belief is that you will either be lost, or on your way to hell, or at the very least God will not fellowship with you and He certainly will not answer your prayers if you are found with an unconfessed sin.

    Such a concept would mean everybody would be on their way to hell because there is not a person on this earth who does not have either a known or an unknown unconfessed sin. Now if this new sin just means the loss of a relationship with God, which would include unanswered prayers. Then God would not have a single person on this earth qualified to receive an answer to prayer or to be able to fellowship with Him.

    Well Bill Wiese went to hell and met Jesus and he reckons one unforgiven sin and you go to hell. You might not believe Bill's testimony but i do. Check him out. Anyway, i think the bible does strongly imply that. For instance, repentance technically means to turn from a life of sin and follow God, not turn from most of your sins and she'll be right because God is so loving. Also, Jesus mentioned several times how hard it is to get into heaven.

    He said 'many are called, but few are chosen'. Who are those that are called? Christians. He said few will be chosen. 

    Jesus said narrow is the path to life and few find it.

    Jesus advice to us was to 'strive to enter through the narrow door, because many will seek to enter and not be able'. Who are those who seek to enter? Christians. Again he says many christians will fail.

    Jesus said on judgement day many will say to him 'didn't we cast out demons in your name, and heal in your name and do many miracles in your name' and Jesus will say 'depart from me, you workers of iniquity, i never knew you'. 

    Jesus also said that if your hand causes you to sin, it would be better to cut it off than have two hands and go into hell. This says that if you sin you go to hell. 

    But that doesn't mean if we sin we are damned. Like i said earlier. If you make a mistake and sin, then ask God to forgive you, apologise and try your best to repent. Then Jesus blood washes you clean. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Justin Adams said:

    Tell you what. Take a break from writing here while you become sinless. When you are sinless, get back with us again and explain how you did it.

    Jesus said narrow is the path to life and difficult is the way. Sorry, but christianity is significantly harder than doing whatever you please but you can do it. However, you are right in that we are naturally corrupt and WILL make mistakes. If you make a mistake and sin, then just say 'God, today i did this and i'm sorry, please forgive me and i'll repent of it'. Done. Then Jesus blood washes you clean. However, we must do our best to avoid sinning. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. 16 hours ago, Justin Adams said:

    And what part of forgiveness do you not understand?

    You would have us all on the RCC and Reformist rack so we can 'pay' over and over again for our miss deeds.

    And what about the overbearing gloating that I feel some people display when looking down on us mere mortals: Is that not also a sin?

    Maybe some kinds of believers is are a very sad kind that can never work their way to heaven and never feel forgiven either.

    Salvation is free for us sinners and at great cost to our Lord and Saviour. Do not add to it please.

    Repentance means to turn from your sins, not most of them, but all of them. Technically.

    Many christians still sin here and there but since when does repentance mean to turn from 'the majority of your sins'?. Technically repentance means to turn from a life of sin so i'm right and frankly Justin if you keep sinning then you won't be forgiven...why would God forgive you when you keep sinning and putting to shame Jesus sacrifice for you. 

    • Huh?  I don't get it. 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, Justin Adams said:

    If you read what I wrote earlier, you will see how preposterous this really is. Christians need SUPPORT from other believer and NOT faith destroying nonsense.

    what part of repentance don't you understand?

    Jesus said if your hand causes you to sin then cut it off or you'll go to hell. That means if you sin you go to hell. Jesus said many are called but few are chosen and narrow is the path to life and few find it. Jesus said make every effort to enter heaven because many will seek to enter and not be able to. Why would Jesus give these warnings? It's because there is a really high standard to enter heaven.

    Repentance means to TURN FROM YOUR SINS anyway man. 

  5. 14 hours ago, Wesley L said:

    The bible also tells husbands to love their wives as themselves. Just as Christ loved us.

    Which husband is able to fully love his wife as Christ loved us?
    Which christian is able to fully repent?
    Which christian is able to fully obey God?

    How I see "repent and turn from your sins" is a matter of the heart. God knows our hearts.
    Willing to humble ourselves, bow down to our Lord, follow His will.
    Failing in trying. Persevering in trying although sometimes failing.
    Without faith, nothing we do pleases God.
    With faith, nothing we do will be perfect yet, but through faith our attempts pleases God and God gives us the Helper, The Holy Spirit to guide us in truth.

    Each christian should ask him/herself, am I in true faith?

    2 Corinthians 13:5
    Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?

    I think you are able to fully repent. In the old testament you had to make it on your own righteousness without Christ, for like 4000 years. Atoning for every sin with a sacrifice. My understanding is that our sins became so great, for the vast majority of people, that they wasn't enough sacrifice they could do to cover them so Christ came to be an ultimate sacrifice. However, for 4000 years you were expected to make it on your own so yes it's possible. 

    I think you do have to fully repent but i'm not saying you'll never sin again. Because we will always have the flesh battling the spirit. But when you do sin, just confess it and forsake it and the blood of Jesus covers you.

  6. 9 hours ago, missmuffet said:

    If a person truly asks Jesus Christ into their life to be their Lord and Savior and asks for forgivness of their sins then all sins are forgiven past, present and future. 

    Yes but the bible says to believe in Jesus and then repent? yes? Cos if Gods son had to be crucified then continuing in sin is mocking God's son, which is really bad. The way i see it, before Jesus was born people had to obey the law and make sacrifices for 'unintentional sins'. You were meant to be banished under moses law if you deliberately sinned. That shows the seriousness of sin. Anyway, our past sins need a sacrifice and that's were Jesus comes in. You don't have a licence to sin you need to repent cos you'll be mocking Gods son and what he did if you still sin. Repent means to turn from your sins....all of them. 

  7. 26 minutes ago, Wesley L said:

    Will one unforgiven sin send you to hell?
    Depending what you truly mean by an unforgiven sin.
    Point is, one sin will send you to hell. Sin is a very serious matter to our Holy and Righteous God.
    So, by one sin, we are already condemned to hell. It is that serious.

    How are our sins forgiven? Not only by repenting. It is only by faith in Jesus Christ.
    Once someone truly put their trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, God will give us the Helper, the Holy Spirit.
    We are marked by the Holy Spirit, our sins are forgiven.

    hebrews 10:26 says that if we deliberately go on sinning after we receive Christ then there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins and you can only expect judgement.
    My understanding is. God says if someone who identifies himself as a christian and still deliverately keep on sinning without any conviction of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is clearly not in that person, thus that person is not forgiven at all to begin with, because his faith was not genuine faith. Or he put his faith in a fake christ.

    even if you accidently sin, your still guilty and must make a sacrifice. 
    Can a true born again believer sin? Yes. And here it says a sacrifice must be made.
    Who is the perfect Lamb? Who is the sacrifice sufficient for all who has genuine faith in Him?
    Do you believe that?
    Is this a license to sin? Only a false believer would say yes. A true believer will not believe in vain. True faith comes with repentance, gratefulness, good works and fruits of the Spirit.

    Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

    Good. You agree that one sin sends you to hell. I agree. A lot of Christians don't 100% repent and i try to tell them but they are stubborn. Repent, by definition, is to turn from your sins and turn to God. That implies ALL sins and you may as well do that to be on the safe side. 

  8. I think yes. Billy graham said in one of his sermons that one unforgiven sin and your blocked from heaven if you die, which means hell. Bill Wiese who spent 23 minutes in hell also says that. I agree with them because i think that the bible pretty much agrees with this. Alot of people think that God wouldn't be that strict because he's a God of love but repentance means 'to turn from your sins' which implies all of them right? Also, hebrews 10:26 says that if we deliberately go on sinning after we receive Christ then there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins and you can only expect judgement. Jesus said 'Many are called, but few are chosen' and 'few walk on the narrow road which leads to life'. Doesn't that mean the bar to heaven is really high?

    Also, in the law moses gave the Israelites, God said that 'he who sins deliberately is to be cut off from Israel, he has broken my covenant' and even if you accidently sin, your still guilty and must make a sacrifice. 

    All these things make me think you must confess and repents of ALL sins to enter heaven. Also, i think spreading the gospel and tithing are common sense too. 


  9. Are you sure you don't have schizophrenia? You mentioned God telling you to get friends too. You know those voices could all be in your head. Anti-psychotic medication takes hearing and seeing things, as well as delusions away. Maybe you should try it?

    It might not be the devil or God, just pure biology. I have schizophrenia so i know a lot about it. With schizophrenia, when you see and hear things, they are nearly always negative. Same with the delusions. Schizophrenics with negative delusions think people are out to get them then they do a pre-emptive strike. It's logical to them. Ever heard of schizophrenics randomly attacking people, their family or cops? They are deluded. I was one of them also, but i'm on medication and better now.

    I think you may have schizophrenia. 

    • Well Said! 2
  10. A became a Christian in May of 2019 and i decided to do everything right as a christian should. Leaving nothing out. However, i struggled with strong doubts and porn/masturbation. After about a year i managed to stop the doubts by thinking about every doubt i had and finding a satisfactory answer to it, in my own mind. However, its been 15 months now since my conversion and i'm still struggling with porn/masturbation. I don't know how to conquer it. I hate myself for it, to be honest. But after 1-2 or 3 weeks the urges just flip a switch in my head and i do it. Then i feel bad afterward. I don't know how i'm going to conquer it. I pray everyday to be delivered. For God to show me the way out so i can endure it that he promised in the bible and to strengthen me with the holy spirit. Sigh.

    I really want to be right with God....

  11. I struggle with porn and masturbation to =(. I don't know how to beat it =(. Also, Hebrews 10:26 has bothered me also. However, the past is the past and you can't change it. But you can change the future. Although i struggle with sin, people who have had tours of hell say that ONE unrepentant sin will block heaven when you die and you go to hell. Look up Bill Wiese 23 minutes in hell or just google him. He says one sin sends you to hell. Jesus showed him hell and sent him on a mission to tell everyone because to many people don't believe in hell. 

    But here's the good news. It doesn't matter how bad you are, if you ask for forgiveness and GENUINELY repent then you will be forgiven. When Hitler was in his bunker and about to suicide, if he had given his life to Christ and faced what he did (he would've got the death penalty) then he would be in heaven right now. So cheer up, dear, it's not to late for you. It doesn't matter how bad you are as long as you change before you die. People don't go to hell for 'many' or 'really bad' sins. Christ already died and payed the price for our sins and is willing to forgive anyone. People go to hell because they reject Gods offer of salvation AND fail to repent. 

    I recommend that you put the past behind you, confess all your sins and ask for forgiveness and then genuinely repent and you will go to heaven when you die. As for Hebrews 10:26, yeah, it does say your damned. So am i according to that cos i can't stop masturbating after several weeks, it's to much for me. But you can't change the past just change the future, ok? 


  12. I live in Australia and my first contact with Christianity was 'religious education classes' in primary school. We learned Noah's ark, Adam and Eve, Moses parting the sea and Jesus dying on the cross, all the major stories and themes. At the time i thought of them as maybe true, maybe not. But i didn't commit because i was fine without God. Then at age 12, my mum converted to Christianity after being into raky/hippy stuff. She bought all us kids teen bibles, explained it to us and warned us of hell. So i started reading my bible and liked the whole idea of a God who is perfect and loves me and i'm going to heaven and there is meaning and purpose to this world, as well as justice, in the end. So i became Christian even though there was no scientific proof. I liked it and that was enough. 

    However, i was a half-hearted christian. Or a lukewarm Christian. I read bits and pieces of the bible and had no strong christian's in my life nor did i go to church. Also, i was only 12. Basically i didn't repent of every sin, i thought only really bad people go to hell and i'd be right, i mean Gods the nicest person in the world right? I wouldn't go to hell. Or so i thought. When i got to age 24 i became agnostic. I started thinking about hell and how it was insane to send someone there just because they believed the wrong thing or who was a 'good person' but still did to many sins and was thrown into hell. I couldn't justify hell. It sounded nuts. What made it worse was the verse in Matthew where it said that many walk on the broad road to hell, and few make it to heaven. I didn't like that verse because 'most people' are much more 'good' than 'bad' and i didn't see why they should burn for eternity. I figured hell couldn't be real, so why trust the bible. That and no scientific evidence and i became agnostic. Basically, thinking about hell ruined my liking the religion at age 12, so there was nothing worth hanging onto.

    At age 28 i became Christian again. This time not lukewarm, but a serious Christian that does everything i think i ought to do. Such as tithing, spreading the gospel and repenting of all sin etc. Why the change? Between age 27-28, i started wondering if anyone had actually been to hell. I was curious, even if it could be made up. I came across youtube videos of people who went on tours of hell and describing why people were sent there. Masturbating, hell. Not tithing, hell. Fornication, hell. Not helping a neighbor when you could, financially, hell. Just any unrepentant sin = hell. I came across NDE experiences about heaven/hell and then Bill Wiese who spent 23 minutes in hell and tells the world in any way he can about hell. He reckons Jesus showed him hell and sent him on the mission because to many people don't believe in hell. One thing all the hell videos say is that one unrepentant sin will deny you heaven and send you to hell. When God says repent he means it. Besides the fact that if you just confess your sins, and forsake them, you will be forgiven.

    These hell videos scared me. So i looked at reasons to believe in God. There's documents outside the bible that mention Jesus and prove he was a real person but what really won me over was the intelligent design theory. Whatever made us, i figured, would be really smart and powerful because of all the well-made, complex, design of the universe. Plus God is known all over the globe with billions of followers and there's 66 books and letters (the bible) of eye-witness testimonies between God and man. All of this together and i was pretty convinced that God was real, and i was on my way to hell, despite what i thought. I read a book on evolution and thought God was much better at explaining our existence. I also don't care for other religions, i only like Christianity. Islam, is immoral (ISIS, al quida), Buddhism just follows a wise man (ill follow God thank you) and Hindu, meh, there's a chance it could be real but Christianity is way more successful and i like it so yeah. I'm Christian. The real religion will be the most successful in my opinion. Hindu has many followers but it is only in India and Nepal. Not all over the earth. Then i researched Christianity online and learnt a lot from Billy Graham videos and decided to be a Christian that does EVERYTHING right. The hell videos all say you can't have one unforgiven sin and i believe them because, that's pretty much what the bible says. Taken at face value. Word for word. 

    That's me. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, Justin Adams said:

    The Masoretic text was a re-issue of the Hebrew text to the liking of the rabbis. The septuagint that the apostles and Yeshua read were heavily edited, so our modern 'bibles' are limited in this regard.  Go study for yourself and see.

    If you do not study this you will never know. The Vulgate (by Jerome)was heavily influenced by Augustine. He had horrible ideas. This is what the textus receptus was based on for the KJV scriptures. This likewise has errors.

    I reiterate: go study for yourself and find out.

    lol dude why should i believe what men today think they did not exist 2000-3000 years ago to be sure. However, maybe they do have evidence for what they believe in. But i think that God purposefully left us the bible otherwise no one would know how to follow him. If he purposefully left us the bible i'm pretty sure a righteous God would guide the writers so there are no errors in the bible lest we have an excuse on judgement day. Doesn't that make sense?

  14. 3 minutes ago, Justin Adams said:

    Much of the Hebrew contains oddities and so does the Greek. Only men wrote the words. And many men from pulpits get it wrong as well.

    Study for yourself. Find out. Do not take anyone's word for it. Go seek yourself. Listen to the scholars that spend a lifetime assaying the scriptures. Beware of the seminaries as they all have agendas for their particular 'brand'.

    I believe in the Christian God and he would ensure that the bible says what he wants it to say. Full stop. It's easily within Gods power he wouldn't have something written that was incorrect. Humans wrote the bible yes but they were inspired by the holy spirit. God purposefully would leave his instructions for us to follow and he could and would easily keep errors from creeping in.

    I trust God and not what men say. Men think they know everything but they weren't around when the bible was written now were they?

    • Well Said! 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Justin Adams said:

    The scriptures as written in many places, edition and translations contain errors, minor though most are. So to follow the Bible is sometimes to forget the Author.

    Trust in God thru Yeshua. Remember, the doctrines and dogmas may not be 100% correct.

    Believe in the Gospel of Yeshua. Be loyal in spite of your errors and 'sins'. Study well the scriptures for YOURSELF...

    Nah i think God would ensure his word is without error. Something God would make sure of. The different translations are probably 95% the same anyway.

    • Thumbs Up 2
    • Well Said! 1
  16. 52 minutes ago, R. Hartono said:

    What can i say if u look into their cellphone or laptops you may find abundant trace of erased porns.

    And many are smoking addictions.

    And drinkers.

    And often share their curses.

    Im no judge of them, just praying they may repento.

    Yeah tell me about it. It reminds me when Jesus was asked 'teacher, are only a few people going to be saved?' and Jesus replied 'make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many will seek to enter and not be able'. So who are those who seek to enter? The only ones who SEEK to enter are Christians. So Jesus is saying many Christians won't get to heaven and his advice is to make every effort to get there. He also said that narrow is the gate that leads to life and few find it. Wake up people the bar into heaven is high!

  17. 17 minutes ago, Willa said:

    Only one person has ever obeyed the Bible perfectly and that was Jesus Christ.   So He died on the cross for our sins and in exchange gave us His record of perfection.  Every person who is born again belongs to God. He has given us His Spirit as a guarantee of our place in heaven.

    Yeah but the bible says to repent of sins to. Like if our sins were so bad that the son of God had to be nailed to a cross for us to be forgiven then you can't seriously think it's alright to go on sinning? Your mocking what he did.

    Don't get me wrong. If you convert at 20 and die at 85 there might be countless times you sinned in between, because your right we have a sin nature, but for every sin you do you must confess it and genuinely repent. 

    • Brilliant! 1
    • Well Said! 1
  18. You know the bible says to repent of your sins, to be blameless before the lord, to be perfect as God is perfect, to be holy as God is holy etc

    I see the vast majority of Christians don't fully obey the commands in the bible. For example in Ephesians Paul says that there shouldn't be any unwholesome talk or course joking among Christians because we are Gods holy people. Nor should there be any impurity, sexual immorality or greed. I was hanging out with about 10 young adults from church the other day and man, was it course joking galore. They also take Gods name in vain which is one of the 10 commandments. You know saying omg instead of oh my gosh. 

    I have known Christians that swear to. Will these Christians go to heaven? They are not repenting of all their sins. I follow the bible 100% as is intended but i'm concerned about the majority of Christians that don't cos these are direct commands and to disobey is sin. I think that the problem is not enough bible reading and their opinion is corrupted by the worlds standards and Gods standard, the bible, is a weak voice in their head cos they neglect bible reading. 

    Are they in danger of hell? What you think?

    • Thumbs Up 3
  19. 54 minutes ago, BorderCowboy said:

    I have been suffering severe back injury for 19 yrs now. Along the way it progressively has gotten worse with degenerative disease and osteo-arthritis. Countless therapies, injections and a failed surgery all in vain. I've been praying for healing and strength all the while, and still do, meanwhile awaiting as patiently as I can. Nothing at this point. I don't know the good Lords reason for not granting my prayer and to what purpose it serves, but I remain faithful and reliant on my Savior.

    Just my two bits,  JJ

    Don't worry buddy I've got something wrong with me too and it's bad. Your not alone. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  20. I have schizophrenia, it's pretty bad because one of the symptoms is i don't talk much. I talk probably about 25% of a normal person. I used to be normal before this. So that leads to boredom and i can't maintain a girlfriend or friends although i can still do activities with people and there is some talking. Despite this i'm still happy, surprising i know. I'm not angry with God and yell at him and i never will. I'm sure that there is a reason, beyond my ability to understand, that makes sense why i have it. God is good. 

    Anyway, i pray everyday to be healed. But it occurs to me that some people just never get healed. Like i was watching day-star the other day, which is a christian channel, and this old preacher was saying that he knows a very Godly man who was a pastor for decades. Anyway, this Godly pastor got paralysis in his old age and despite prayers, never got healed. This also makes me think about the rich man and Lazarus. Now Lazarus was right with God and got into heaven but his earthly life was terrible and he only got relief when he died. He was a beggar covered in sores who longed to eat the crumbs that fell from the rich mans table. God allowed his life to be this way. Maybe i'll be healed....maybe i won't, time will tell.

    Anyway guys, is anyone reading this been praying for ages for healing and never got it? Or maybe you did get it? Please tell.  

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