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Posts posted by ahmedcrow

  1. Gospel said that there are three witness in heaven, the father, the son and the holy spirit, I think it's in one of John's messages, the holy spirit can take forms like the dove, and Gospel is clear about the faith of holy spirit but there's no much details about how holy spirit works nor how he looks like nor his abilities. Holy spirit concept is so essential basic one in Christianity and refusing it will make another kind of Christianity. I think that.

  2. 23 hours ago, Neighbor said:

    Hi, No not me  but a grandchild. He played in two games so it was a fun but long day  sitting on rather cold metal bleachers.

    Speaking of the word, I had the terrific fun of hearing the testimony of a couple from our home church that have been at the same mission field forty two years. A exciting morning. So much wonderful  praise to God  on my head this day! I won't try to describe their account of  42 years  here. The grace of God, his answers to prayer, are such awesome encouragement to me this morning. I have been encouraged greatly in the power of prayer and God's faithfulness to answer.

    Perhaps if you are able we can chat some about gaining insight from the word and of visions and I guess of some system of trying to interpret  visions. Right now though, I am of a much lighter joyous mindset, kind of basking in the Glory that is God, that he does know His own people, hears His own individually, and answers the prayer of those that are His for eternity forward.

     In the meantime please share with everyone anything that you may think is helpful regarding this idea of visions, and separating Bible passages into individual  verses as though they are written separately by persons of the Trinity. As for myself I don't see why one would be trying to do that in the first place. What is th end game or end goal for such an effort? Even if it were to be so that the word of God coming from via Matthew in your example, would be inspired separately by three persons of the Trinity.  What " secret" would be revealed by assigning credit for a portion  of a passage  as coming from inspiration  by the Holy Spirit and another part from Jesus, or God the Father? ??? What would be the point of trying to do this? Where is the gain, the profit to body  and/or soul?

    Take care this fine day.

    I've no problem to chat anytime you like, I welcome that if there's a benefit behind that.

    I heard many times people asking about things we have limited knowledge about 'em, they know that we have limited knowledge, so why they asking?! I have no idea, but anyway I think - for now - I typed many of what I know about this topic except if someone asked something I like to answer it according to what I know.

    God isn't a mind like evil one who read our secrets and thoughts and daily events and show 'em to us in a way to bow down to him. God gives choice to man to come to his way, evil one use God's way to control man, there's a big difference, God made everything to be normal and evil one keeps to do his plans normally too, he who will follow evil one through God way, in fact, he doesn't worship real God, he's like a machine that controlled by another mind like computer games, no real faith, no real understanding for Gospel, nothing.

    Fine days come when the evil one lose, as long as this evil mind is still working, there's no fine days, it's just warning. :)

  3. 16 hours ago, Neighbor said:

    I do in most every post (For I have difficulty seeing what I type). Will discuss more later have to go to a baseball game now.

    Do you have good bat?!

    To me, I'll seek good bat in Gospel too and I'll find, everything even simple things we need are inside the word.

  4. 1 hour ago, Neighbor said:

    Curios, are you playing  "CUROS"   https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Curos  ? Or are you curious about the gospel of Jesus? 

     I have no interest in Curos, but am always interested in my Lord and savior Jesus and the word of God te Bible which does indeed have much layering, not so much that it is secret as it is confirming that it is inspired of God over many hundreds and even thousands of years of God using men as He has selected to  be the bearers of His word and doers of his will.

     If interested in the gospel of Jesus we have basis for further conversation. if interested in a pet theory   on personally being used to put forward a vision of a private interpretation then no I am not interested. Nor do I care to play CUROS.

    Take care may God bless with His word, guide and protect His own.

    It would be better if you said something like "Do you mean "curious"?" because English isn't my first language, and even native speaker can make a fault in typing.

    "Curos" is a game I've no idea about and thank you for mentioning it, a vision said that computer world is a Gospel-like world, so it belongs to Gospel, and it's wonderful vision I consider because I love computers. Another vision said that Christianity is a joyful religion, talking serious in kind some people think doesn't support Gospel. Yes, we want joy and pleasure from Gospel and everything belongs to it like computers. Evil one is ugly person and evil like his name and he is and the Antichrist want people not to be happy, I advise you to beware of their teaching, seek happiness in everything belongs to Gospel like computers and games.

  5. 2 hours ago, Neighbor said:

    Hi, Rather than breaking down  a lengthy book  of the Bible  to just  look at one or two sentences of it without considering it's nearest context and also and it's fuller context in relation to the other three testimonies of the four witnesses, I suggest it might be beneficial to consider the human author God is using under God's inspiration first.

    And to also see who that witness is trying to communicate with.  So that we all can now look in upon and gain what is useful for all of us to know today.

    If you are willing, might we look at the gospel  of Matthew  as  a whole? Trying to see who he was led by God to be addressing,  especially in comparison to the other three witness Mark, John, and Luke? For each  make a presentation  of the same events, but from a differing personal perspective  to help a vastly differing audience.  

    We are fortunate to be living at this time where we have so much more information avilable to us than did  the immediate audience of each of the four witesss giving testimony of the same gospel, the gopel of Jesus. Jesus  who is Lord, God, and personal savior, coming manifested as fully a man  to take the sin of man onto himself, to suffer the consequence of the sin of man so that man will not have to suffer it, if any man will hear  the Holy Spirit call out to him personally t be turned about to seeing  what Jesus has done for him individually. Jesus  doing so  in order to  serve, honor, and bring glory to His Father.

    I do think any vision requires much work  on the part of the hearer or seer of it, and that it must be tested by other as well to see if it is of god or if it is  of one's own thinking or even if it is of the deceiver ( Satan) and His minions (fallen angels) to mislead  humans int their own folly.

    So; are you interested in an overview of the gospels the truths as shared by four separate man, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, in order to have fuller awareness of what any  "vision" might mean, plus to also risk testing  through challenge, and possibly finding it is an errant vision?

    What I understood from your words that we must care in the general doctrine of Christianity and not to make something that can change the basics or the core of Christianity. Don't afraid, there's no vision has conflict with straight Christianity, there's no vision has conflict with correct Gospel teaching, these visions show us things we have no idea about in Gospel, it's like more details or information, don't worry except from some visions I know and you can't accept that kind of visions, they seem to be against the Christian doctrine but they don't, they tell hidden information happened in history for reasons we have no idea about yet, but current Christianity is correct 100% although that. They are like if someone is curios and wished to know what's behind the scenes.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Neighbor said:

    You are coding verses as to their origin, or their source, is that right?

    In your example passage you have the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit  each speaking a separate portion or verse, if I understand what you re stating.

    If I follow you at all then a passage is the Trinity speaking, each coming separately from a person of the Triune God Father -Son - Holy Spirit ( Holy Ghost) making up the big S ( God )=three in one.

    Is that your understanding, and the idea that  you are sharing  for discussion?


    The visions said that the concept of trinity is correct and it was an old concept not in the meaning of that Christianity took the trinity from another religion but in the meaning of that God made that concept in world since first days. Letters such (S L O) called Roman numbers, and one of most difficult questions to answer is "What's the number?", but to make it some simple, numbers have many attributes and descriptions and one of 'em is that they are like positions of things that they have these numbers.

    For ( S L O) they are the numbers (positions) of trinity, but I'm not sure which number for which part of trinity, so I did it by my own limited personal effort and discovered that it maybe "S" for father, "L" for son and "O" for holy spirit. Look, this order is different of (S L R) according to little knowledge I have, but yes, we can consider 'em the voices of trinity members, but I don't know yet how I can gain useful knowledge from that to share 'em with world to support Gospel teaching.

  7. 10 hours ago, Neighbor said:

    Hi, Well having had a little silly fun, how about  my getting more serious for at least a moment?  Might you care to elaborate on  the letters themselves? S is what? L is what? O is what?

    I don't find my  God to be a trickster nor a games player, but He does  have an awesome capacity for  numerics and uses it. But it gets lost in the transliteration of the Bible into English, my own  foundational language. I do beleve visions are usually associated with some context, a prophecy as example:

     I do ask how does one reconcile or use such "visions" in light of the following caution, instruction and encouragement regarding prophecy?

    2 Peter 1 English Standard Version (ESV)


    Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ,

    To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:

     May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

    Confirm Your Calling and Election

     His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to  his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire. For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge,  and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love.  For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins. Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall.  For in this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

     Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have.  I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by way of reminder,  since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me.  And I will make every effort so that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things.

    Christ's Glory and the Prophetic Word

     For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. 17 For when he received honor and glory from God the Father, and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic Glory, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased,” we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain.  And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts,  knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation.  For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.



    To those seek the word with no pride, everything will be clear, I think that. I don't treat Gospel with pride, and as I see that you talked good in some points but really knowledge I've is little about such topic and if someone knows more than me, I love to hear from him to learn more and understand such knowledge.

    To be honest, I think "S" stands for "the father", "L" stands for "the son", "O" stands for "the holy spirit". It'll be not sensible to ask any prophet about more details although he had some limited knowledge from holy spirit, no one claim that he knows everything. It'll be challenge too but there will be no reply from heaven because heaven doesn't work in same way of world nor as people think.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 27 minutes ago, Neighbor said:

     Give me a B, a T, and a vowel E.

    Ok sir, I'm still solving this icon and I promise I'll give you all Roman alphabet you want:

    Saint Apollenaris

    I think "T" is the right eye of Evil one and it works with "L", "E" is my left eye or all-seeing-eye, I think that, maybe I'm wrong, but "B" really I've no idea more than a vision said that the English letters "P" and "B" came from the Arabic letter "Ba".

    • Loved it! 1
  9. I mentioned before the Bible verse order (S L O S L R V). A vision told me that there's a relationship between the (S L O) and they make the big S because they are the sections of the big S section. I was thinking in these verses kind in Gospel and what they can be useful for us like vision told and found that when we read these verses in order (L O S) they give sense but I didn't know yet how can we use it in Gospel thinking.

    For example:

    "19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; 21 for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - (Matthew 6)

    The order of these three verses is (S L O), if we read 'em in (L O S) they will give sense like this:

    "20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; 21 for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal."

    I liked to share this vision and information, don't forget to look at the previous topic I mentioned such information in it:

    The Wolf two eyes

    The order I examined to be accurate in your searching about the meant verses:

    Matthew: S L ...
    Mark: S L ...
    Luke: S L ...
    John: S L ...
    Acts: S L ...
    Romans: S L ...
    1 Corinthians: S L ...
    2 Corinthians: S L ...
    Galatians: S L ...
    Ephesians: S L ...
    Philippians: ? S L ...
    Colossians: S L ...
    1 Thessalonians: S L ...
    2 Thessalonians: S L ...
    1 Timothy: ? S L ...
    2 Timothy: ? S L ...
    Titus: ? S L ...
    Philemon: S L ...
    Hebrews: S L ...
    James: S L ...
    1 Peter: ? S L ...
    2 Peter: ? S L ...
    1 John: ? S L ...
    2 John: S L ...
    3 John: S L ...
    Jude: ? S L ...
    Revelation: ? S L ...

  10. 16 hours ago, Godismyloveforever said:

    Perhaps you do not know the meaning of the word "calling " when it is being used as a noun.  The clue here that it is a noun, and not a form of the verb "to call " is that it is being modified with the possessive adjective "your".  Therefore,  "your calling" is that which God is calling someone (not just you) to do in life. 

    One last point,  if the reply were only meant for you,  the post most likely would have been made quoting you or would have included @ahmedcrow

    I remembered Gospel term "calling", thanks.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Not me said:

    I’m sorry, please forgive, you lost me...

    But I wish you well in your search for the answers to the questions in your heart.

    Be blessed in Him, Not me 

    Forgive my harsh style in writing. I meant the state of power isn't like the state when we can't do except the right things. I hope you continue with us in this topic.

  12. 25 minutes ago, Godismyloveforever said:

    This post is quite confusing.  First,  do you think @charisenexcelsis post was only meant for you?  It seems to me that post applies to everyone in the world. 

    Also, it looks like you called charisenexcelsis a freak.  Was that your intention? 


    Really I didn't insult him, I said "I didn't say something freak", I mean I didn't say something so strange but in some hard language. I think he said "your calling", he meant what I wrote in the subject of the thread, but really I've nothing against him, I'm replying to his opinion that I didn't get thoughts outside of Gospel.

  13. 30 minutes ago, dhchristian said:

    You raise the Point of there being "justifiable sins"? For example a Poor man stealing food to feed his family? In that respect, No it is not black white to all people. But to God it is still a sin. A sin that he is more likely to be merciful about as opposed to a rich man stealing money from the poor by swindling them as some tele-evangelists and false prophets like to do. From the human perspective there are worse sins and lesser sins, from God's perspective all sin is grievous in the presence of a Holy God. 

    The contrast to this However is the mercy and Grace of God. As much as we deserve the condemnation for all our sins whether poor or rich, or smart or ignorant, There is forgiveness at the cross for all sin. Even sins we commit that we are unaware of. In Fact the more we grow in Christ Jesus, the More his light shines on our sinfulness, and the more we realize how sinful we are, and the greater his grace is towards us. Paul the Apostle who was a great man of God called himself the "chief of all sinners" (1 tim. 1:15) So in tune was he to the Holiness of God that despite being the greatest writer of scripture he saw himself as the greatest of sinners. This is the way it is with all saints, The closer we get in our relationship with God the more unworthy we see ourselves of receiving his Grace and the More we Praise Him and thank Him for His grace, and the more we yield to him allowing to finish his work in us, of writing the Law upon our hearts.  

    I've no problem against apostle Paul, I've the opposite, I like him :)

    He talked an example that if you do something your faith feel it's a sin, it'll be a sin, so we are not the same in this, if you for example eat meats from idols and your conscience feel it's unholy it'll be unholy but if your faith is strong and you know that idols are fake and eat the meat, there's no problem, we are not equal in this.

    How can you imagine God punishes the poor stealing because the rich people refused to help 'em?!! God doesn't think like humans, remember that.

  14. 35 minutes ago, charisenexcelsis said:

    There is what is moral and what is your calling. True morality is universal. Culture may change the context of that morality, but nevertheless the morality does not change. Your calling is about obedience to what God asks you to do.

    "what I'm calling" in the first post in the thread is based on Gospel, I didn't say something freak, look apostle Paul letters. Your words is an appropriate reply not to mine but to "Not Me" member.

    Look, again, when we have power it's difference, whether it was morals or obedience Gospel instructions, if I have power I'll do all what I see right and no one will stop me, but if I'll do something in that case of Gospel or of Jesus, I'll do it because I think Gospel is good or Jesus is good, but any way I've power, so it won't a problem to ignore Gospel or Jesus.

    You talk about morals in case we can't do the opposite, this is not the truth, the truth is when we have power, what we will do?

  15. 3 hours ago, Not me said:


    Hi, my two cents worth...

    I’m of the thoughts that right and wrong are eternal. They are the same for all peoples of all time...We might not yet see something as right or wrong, but that’s just our seeing or understanding..

    Our customs may change...Like that which concerns the “taste not and touch not” that scripture speaks of that is going to perish with the using. 

    I would even go so far as to say what is right and wrong, is that that is right and wrong to God and to all creatures everywhere for all eternity....Which I believe to be the state of righteousness we, and all creatures that live, or will live in the Kingdom of God will abide by for all eternity..

    Anyways, those are my thinks on the thought.  

    Be blessed as we pursue Him that we might grow and learn right and wrong, as right and wrong are in themselves, Not me 


    “taste not and touch not” logic can't work when we have power, because we will do our desire with power or force what faces us to do what we desire. It's noble and high thing when you have power and refuse to do something because you see it wrong, but it's easy to use “taste not and touch not” logic when we have no power to do.

  16. What can be righteous to my conscience, can be sin to another conscience, we're not all equal in this, of course there are the general clear sins and righteous things to all of us, like murdering, it's a sin to all of us. The word guidance in eyes of true wise men is the true light of world, with the spirit of heaven, everyone of us can distinguish what right and wrong to him, "27 As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, [i]you abide in Him." - (1 John 2)

  17. 9 hours ago, other one said:

    that's real easy to say, but it's not that easy to make people understand, especially young people who are being caught up in supposedly fun and games with their friends.

    I watched a cousin of mine destroy his spiritual life playing dungeons and dragons when he was young...   try as I did, he was sure it was just fun and games...

    What's the relation between games and faith of Gospel?! forgive my background, I've no idea what's wrong in games of kids.

  18. 1 hour ago, other one said:

    I lived and walked with them for nearly ten years....  Lucifer/Satan was/is a very high covering spiritual being who was made to cover the throne of the Father...   He basically got full of himself and decided he didn't want to be under the Father,Jesus and the Holy Spirit so he put himself on a level equal to God.  After that we simply started calling him Satan instead of Lucifer...   and he talked about a third of the heavenly beings to go along with him.  Those beings the general public usually calls angels...    The demonic spirits are different and are pathetic things in reality...   they don't belong anywhere and have no future.   It was a group of them that Jesus let loose into the heard of pigs instead of sending them to the pit where he could have just as easily done.

    Jesus way is safe and leads to peaceful place, demons, Antichrist, Baphomet or any other creature who's challenging Gospel way are leading for the mortality and man will lose himself in world and in doomsday too.

  19. 1 hour ago, other one said:

    I don't think it makes much difference for the thought process of the thread, but just for the record, devils are fallen angels and demons are the disembodied spirits of the dead Nephilim who mostly died in the flood.

    I think you mean Lucifer. He's not an angel, he lived with angels in the first time in heaven and was righteous one but he has fallen after that. Lucifer and demons are called spirits but in fact they are another creatures like humans but their bodies are like to be of energy, so we call 'em spirits, unholy ones. I don't think the problem is in the devil, the problem is in Antichrist because he's invading humans world.

  20. 1 minute ago, Yeshua153 said:

    There is no accept Christ, as we do not choose God. Jn15v16

    You did not choose Me, but I chose you

    So you have either forgot, or learned the other gospel 2Cor11v4

     For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it!

    In all Christianity I read in both English and Arabic, it has been told "accept Jesus", how can I invade Christianity without accepting Jesus and making a personal relationship with him in faith?!!

    It seems we have to have faith in God of Abraham for our salvation instead of accepting Jesus, and this isn't true, this is an old Jewish teaching apostles faced and wrote about it in Gospels. Look 2 John v9

  21. 9 minutes ago, Yeshua153 said:



    To mature us in the faith. Were you not disciplined as a child to do as your told, & get told off, or slapped if you didn't? God will also us to sin & mess up,as long as you ask forgiveness, it is in our nature, it's harder to live spiritually, in a world that just wants to their own thing. You sound young in faith, so you need to read & study, & not always believe any human, so confirm it in the bible, to see if is truth or lie!

    I'm not young in faith nor cute person. I studied the most hard book known for now according to my background the Quran, it's harder than Torah which is harder than Gospel in the nature of texts. I experienced many tricks of Antichrist and the modern guys want to control and lead world, so I'm not soft one, they are the soft, their writings fulfill the websites as we know.

    Suffering that make no fruit in the heart is useless, living suffering with minds is a work of Antichrist because they care in mind because this is the era the mind try to control everything according to the mind logic with much pride. Faith is spiritual thing comes to the hearts of the true believers, it seems you forgot that faith doesn't come with suffering but with accepting Jesus, for that people will be able to live spiritually in this world, it seems you forgot the basics of Gospel.

  22. 17 minutes ago, Yeshua153 said:

    Yeshua (Jesus) is The Shepherd, who will lose NONE of His sheep (elect church), but most who call themselves Christian, are already following the 'other Jesus' of 2Cor11v4, because that is the 'easy comfortable Jesus'. Yeshua says 'Deny self, take up your cross, & follow me', which means going through trials & tribulations.

    "Another Jesus"?! All I know is that Baphomet and he's a demon tried to be instead of Jesus, a head of the body or Christianity. I didn't see that Jesus following is hard, he's comfortable (Matthew 11:25-30), but in the name of Jesus someones make people life to be in suffering, I didn't know why yet?, but this is the Antichrist way not true Jesus, true Jesus won't make people life in suffering, why he may do that?!

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