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Posts posted by Snow4JC

  1. :24:

    Pray for the Peace of Irsael+


    Last week a Christian friend told me that she thought I was such a great giver. That I give and give and give and in return I get crumbs of Love. She said this doesn't stop me I continue giving. Oops! Crumbs! :taped:

    This start my head thinking. :huh: This whole idea was very damaging to me. I have been having an on going depression crisis. I am sad, tearful and just miserable. :o


    Please be kind hearted when anwsering to this topic. :24:



    Perhaps the thing you should do is reject the friends words to you...

    not the friend..just her comment...

    You said it got you to thinking... :huh:

    You were satisfied before you started thinking about it right?

    Sometimes we have to filter out things that would cause divisions...

    It is amazing what a word can do to a relationship...

    If you want to continue to love without recompense then I would suggest you forget the comment and just get back to loving your friends.. :P

    Keep praying ...The Lord will speak to your heart... :24:

    Thank you for your healing thoughts. Tomorrow is a NEW Day, RIGHT! ;)


  2. Snow, what exactly is your question, sweetie? ;) I'm not sure I understand what you need..... :24:

    My question is: Is this relationship I am having with Bea and Geroge a one sided one?

    I guess it lies in the word "time!" I take the time to visit them. Yet, George doesn't feel they have the time to visit me.

    Are they taking advantage of me, or I am just a dumbing and keep giving?


  3. Pray for the Peace of Irsael+

    re: Givers

    Giving comes very natrual for me. I see or hear a need and I am first in line. I find myself giving on a daily bases. However, sometimes I give so much I feel like a wilted flower. :huh:

    Last week a Christian friend told me that she thought I was such a great giver. That I give and give and give and in return I get crumbs of Love. She said this doesn't stop me I continue giving. Oops! Crumbs! :24:

    This start my head thinking. :24: This whole idea was very damaging to me. I have been having an on going depression crisis. I am sad, tearful and just miserable. :taped:

    My friend has time for me when I am on their porch. They invite me in, share food and drink, and give me a hug as I go out the door. ;)

    But they don't call to ask how am I doing? They don't come over to my house and visit with me.

    A couple of years ago I asked Geroge why his wife Bea couldn't do this with me. He told me they didn't have the extra time needed to do it. :o

    Now I am really Confused? Plus I am hurt. Don't get me wrong I don't give to receive. I give because this is the desire of my FATHER, for me to do so!

    Please be kind hearted when anwsering to this topic. :24:



  4. I Cor.13 gives us a perfect example of how to treat each other..

    If I am failing in that then I need to repent and ask God to forgive me..

    If someone else is failing then I need to pray for them that God will show them they need such a heart of love..

    I believe we are all growing into that perfect love and we are all in different stages of learning to love and learning to yield to the Holy Spirit in us.....

    patience with one another is invaluable to have as I need yours and you need mine..


    I have faith in all my brothers and sisters in Christ who come here that if I were in need you would comfort me if I needed it...

    Snow4JC...is that what you believe ??

    DITTO! :emot-hug:


  5. +Pray+ for the Peace of Israel!

    re: Are You a Comforter?

    IThessalonians 4:18- Therefore comfort one another with these words. A message of Comfort in the Resurrection Hope!

    We are commanded to be Comforters. Do you see much of this here on WB's?

    (this is just a question, please don't over board) :whistling:


  6. Pray for the +Peace+ of Irsael!

    re: Battle of the Mind ~

    Joyce Meyers has written a book on this.

    Does our Christian society suffer with this problem? Is this a natural problem because of man or woman's nature? Is the Battle of the Mind a Spiritual problem?

    If you have a depression, live alone and find it hard to be "Happy," are always giving too others and feel drained. Are you doomed to fall? :whistling:


    Okay - Let's take Joyce Meyers out of this topic. Let's start overj ~

    Re: Battle of the Mind

    Do Christian brothers and sisters suffer from this problem?

    Do we have this problem because of our natural selves?

    Is the Battle of the Mind more than a Spiritual one?

    If you are depressed, live alone, are always giving and feel drained. Being "Happy" doesn't come easy. Are you doomed to fall? :thumbsup:


  7. It can be proven, but alas, I have already contributed way too much here today! I believe we need to take heed of that warning from scripture that tells us to avoid vain arguing. That, I am hoping to do as of now. This is vain and becoming vanity, and I am withdrawing for a while...if I can! Or until the Lord gives me something to say. :taped:

    Thank you for your contributions. Your right about vain words. Just goes to show how topics get off course.

    Many blessings! :emot-highfive:


  8. Pray for the +Peace+ of Irsael!

    re: Battle of the Mind ~

    Joyce Meyers has written a book on this.

    Does our Christian society suffer with this problem? Is this a natural problem because of man or woman's nature? Is the Battle of the Mind a Spiritual problem?

    If you have a depression, live alone and find it hard to be "Happy," are always giving too others and feel drained. Are you doomed to fall? :emot-highfive:


  9. Brothers & Sisters in Jesus Christ~

    From the social status of today's world this has produced the Egalitarian Christian church. A church where women have equal rights to their counterpart male.

    There are many web sites on this subject.

    As for me, I will stick with a male Pastor. Churches that have women as deacons, is fine with me.

    I have attended churches where women help the pastor during communion. I don't see anything wrong with it. A woman annointed Jesus's feet with oil.

    As far as a women being a pastor, I think some have gone too far. :emot-highfive:


  10. A kind reminder~ The topic is: Women in the Church today!

    Do you attend a church that has a woman pastor?

    Do you attend a church where the women are deacons?

    Do you attend a church where women are allowed to particapate with the Pastor in passing communion?

    Does it bother you that Women are now handling jobs that used to be for men only? :emot-highfive:

    Now let's get back on topic! :24:


  11. Ashes to ashes,dust to dust. 6 hours or 30 years, the outcome is the same.


    ...6 hours or 30 years,....There is a new way to bury people now. They don't embolm the person anymore. They just did a hole and put the wrapped body in the ground and cover it with dirt.

    Makes for a cheaper funeral cost for sure. There may be more to it however this is how I remembered it.


  12. I am not trying to say that there is any excuse at all not to visit our elderly relatives and appreciate them while they are here. And I am certainly not saying that "things are not always black and white" with people on this board and their relatives.

    But when I see someone not having a great deal to do with their elderly relatives I realise that there may be more to it than "meets the eye".

    Elderly parents can often "emotionally blackmail" their children into doing what they want, staying in town, or leaving it, working at a particular job or not taking a job that the parents might feel will "take the child too far away". One thing I have realised since my own kids have grown up is that children never "owe" their parents for giving birth to them and bringing them up and if you try and "emotionally manipulate" them you will only succeed in driving them away.

    More than 30 years ago now just after I first met my husband it was his 25th birthday, I came with him when he went to his parents' house to visit, the day before his birthday. I will always remember his mother' words to him: "so it's your birthday tomorrow then? Well just you remember that 25 years ago I was damn uncomfortable" (she was absolutely serious). I was horrified and whenever I have heard a mother try to hold her child responsible for (say) her stretchmarks, I cringe. Both his parents spent the last 30 years trying to manipulate him - an only child - (and as a result, our whole family) using "the will" as a carrot, or rather more a threat: "if you don't (do whatever) we will 'change the will'"! By now I have finally convinced him "you were never going to get anything out of 'the will' anyway" and his father is dead and his mother is 83 and living alone and none of us really want to see her. It is good to have a nice-natured, sweet elderly relative, but sometimes they are just not nice people to be around.

    I am now getting to the stage where I will might soon be in a position of "wanting family to visit and they never do", but I would far rather that they never come and visit than they do but resent it. As long as I know they are happy and I have done my best to ensure that, I will be happy. Jesus loves us unconditionally, so the least we can do is to love our children unconditionally as well. I also hope to leave my children whatever I have without putting conditions on it.

    I can see what it is you are saying, HOWEVER, I am referring to elderly people who know their deaths are closer too now. These people's children should be more intouch with their loved ones. For once they have passed on, they can visit the gravesite, yet their Mother's smile and laugh, they won't see nor hear.


  13. I was back out in God's Country, the back roads of Kent County where I live.

    I was out cutting more wild flowers. There are suposed to be bear and cougars roaming the farmlands. I didn't see any of them. I did see wild rabbits and a doe and her fawn crossed my path.

    On one road there was an Amish wagon drawn by one horse. I tried to catch up so I could get a back end picture of it, I was too slow.

    I need to wash my truck because it is now very dirty.

    It is suposed to rain tomorrow, so I will return to the back roads of GOD's Country another time.

    Pray for the Peace of Israel!


  14. Pray for +Peace+ in the MidEast!

    re: Family That Forgets their Older Ones

    Yesterday, Sunday July 23,2006 I drove north to visit an elderly friend. She lives about 15 miles away. Virginia was sitting at her dinning table eating a snack. She was thinner then the last time I saw her. She still had her smile and laugh. I could tell she wasn't as energetic has in the pass. Virginia's is starting to prepare to leave this earth, whether she knows it or not, I think.

    I asked if her children had been by to say "HI" or help her with her yard. Her answer was a yes/no. A daughter in law popped into say hi and was gone in the wink of her eye. Her sons do the same thing to her.

    I happen to know her children. They would rather be out partying, then to spend an afternoon with her. It is unforunate because she is a lovely lady and Mom/Grand. Once she is gone there will be no more chances.

    Her one son Barney is married to Theresa. Theresa's mother is dying of cancer. She is living on a day to day bases. They will both loose a parent soon. I think it is a shame that they don't try to stay intouch.

    I will start to send her a card on a weekly bases. Just to say, HI!"


    p.s. My mother lives in Canada. We talk on the phone a couple times a month. I write her a letter every week. :emot-hug:

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