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Tammy Roesch

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Posts posted by Tammy Roesch

  1. 4 minutes ago, missmuffet said:

    No, I am a pre tribulation believer. I believe that Jesus Christ will take all of those to heaven who are genuine born again believers before the 7 year tribulation. All those who enter the 7 year tribulation are not believers but many will come to Christ during the 7 year tribulation. 

    I see...I don't find any support for the Bible in that teaching.  

  2. 1 minute ago, missmuffet said:

    Did you make that bread? It looks good. What kind is it? I love to bake. Do you drink tap water?

    Yes, I make almost all our bread....It's whole grain, I grind the grain into flour and only use whole grain flour, no refined flour.  We buy purified water.  Our water for our house comes from our pond, and our purification system isn't up to par, so right now we buy bottled water.

  3. 1 minute ago, missmuffet said:

    Groceries are so expensive now it costs more to make food at home than it does to get take out. But my issue with that is that you don't know how safe the food is when you take it out from a restaurant. How did they prepare it? Have gotten food poisoning a couple of times from food taken out from a very nice restaurant. 

    I buy most everything in bulk, and make it from scratch...much cheaper that way.  Yes, I wouldn't ever trust the safety of the food.

  4. Quote


    Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in many parts of the world, as well as famines. But this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come. Mark 13:8


    Just imagine the devastation...imagine how many families will be destroyed....how many people will be seriously injured.....most of us have never experienced anything like this... https://www.christianpost.com/news/thousands-feared-dead-after-massive-earthquake-hits-haiti.html

    As we get closer to the return of Jesus, more and more of these natural disasters are going to happen...

    Haiti Earthquake 8:14:2921.jpg

  5. 3 hours ago, Chicken coop2 said:

    Allow me to share my own personal experiences with Covid19:

    Spring 2019: I was teaching English in Korea.  My health was excellent.  I was literally running all over a huge mountains university campus to get to classes on time because of such a heavy course load and classes all over campus.  

    My office was on the 11th floor and I took the stairs to get to it a couple of times a day. 

    I went mountain climbing regularly on the weekends. 

    I was in excellent health. 

    That same Spring after many years in Korea I returned to USA. 

    Spring 2020:

    Where I am in USA quickly became one of the hottest hotspots in USA for Covid 19.

    It happened so fast.  It was like a zombie apocalypse movie.

    The hospitals were overwhelmed.  Refrigerator trucks with dead bodies were in the hospital parking lot and in the streets in front of the mortuaries. 

    In just a short time in just my county alone we had over 2000 dead.  Neighbors were dying.  Two were young healthy fire fighters and a young cardiologist.

    I was among the earliest to get Covid19. 

    I have permanent lung damage and heart damage from it.

    I am a Covid19 long hauler.  After over a year I am still in horrible condition. 

    Many foods taste like rotten meat.  I constantly am suffocating from the smell of gasoline for no reason.  I have developed neurological problems.  The list goes on and on. 

    Many people are like me and are in such bad condition after having recovered from Covid19 that they often feel that they would have been better off dying. 

    If there had been a vaccine before I got Covid19, I would have had it.

    Much recent studies have shown that Covid19 long haulers are getting better after vaccination.  Therefore I had the first dose of Pfizer Covid vaccine 3 weeks ago and get second dose tomorrow.  

    Also, because of Delta Variant, many  in my area,  some I know personally, who had regular Covid19 in the beginning of the pandemic have gotten it again because of delta variant. But, the vaccination can prevent it or keep it from being as bad. More reasons why I am getting it.

    Simply just wanted to post my personal real life experience on this topic.

    Everyone is free to make their own decisions.  I have made mine. 

    Thanks for sharing, Chicken Coop :). Please don't take me wrong, I know CCV is REAL and that people are dying.  Our youngest daughter, the one we babysit the 2 babies for, is a traveling RN and she went to NYC for 13 weeks and worked with Corona patients the whole time.  She was actually stationed in Harlem.  She said that many people died unnecessarily there because the Doctors and Nurses at that hospital didn't do their job and didn't care for the patients.....her supervisor told her the hospital should have been shut down, it was so bad.

    And from everything I have seen and read, for the MOST PART, those who are dying are those who are overweight and have other health issues.  Yes, there are a few people who appear to be in good shape, not making it. She took care of a Tri-Athalon person, who didn't make it.  But those are the exception to the rule.  

    If more time were spent on educating and encouraging people to eat healthier, quit smoking, drinking and losing weight, MANY LIVES would be saved.  Not only would they not die from CCV but they wouldn't die from heart attacks, strokes and cancer, either!

  6. 3 minutes ago, Ghostdog said:

    its not that im afraid to die its the fact that i dont want to get sick and then pass it on to my loved ones or cause an outbreak in the building im living in

    And that is a really good motive :).  I'm SURE that not everyone is afraid to die, many think just like you...but there are many who think the other way, too.  I doubt very much that you are one of those who is afraid to be around those of us who are not vaccinated.  

  7. It seems when it comes to Chinese Corona Virus, and the two opposing sides MASK/VACCINE  or NO MASK/NO VACCINE, that there is far more of a tendency for those on the MASK/VACCINE side to CUT OFF those who don't stand with them.  That seems ironic to me.  If you wear the mask and are vaccinated and trust the FDA, seems as you ought to relax, and not be afraid of those who do not wear a mask and who are not vaccinated.  If I really believed in the MASK/VACCINE, I would hope I wouldn't worry about others who didn't wear it or were not vaccinated.  I don't believe in them, so I don't wear it and will never be vaccinated.

    I also think it comes down to the fact that many are just plain afraid to die.  The fear of death overwhelms them, and causes them to cut off friends and family who they really love, rather than take a chance they might catch CCV from them.  As Christians, we shouldn't be afraid to die...we are all going to die at some point, unless Jesus returns first....and I'm sure not going to be wearing a mask the rest of my life!

    • Thumbs Up 2
    • Well Said! 2
    • Oy Vey! 1
  8. Quote

    Num 16:13  Is it a small thing that thou hast brought us up out of a land that floweth with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, except thou make thyself altogether a prince over us?

    Dathan & Abiram didn't want to accept their fate.  Because of their rebellion and refusing to stand with Caleb and Joshua and lead the people up to take Canaan, they, along with all the rest of the adults over 20, were consigned to die in the Wilderness. So, rather than REPENT and ACCEPT their punishment, they concoct a CONSPIRACY THEORY and tell the people that Moses, NOT GOD, led the Israelites out of Egypt (notice how they here call EGYPT the "land that flowery with milk and honey") and that Moses' plan was to enrich himself from them!  It wasn't long until God Himself let it be known that Korah, Dathan & Abiram were on the wrong side, and swallowed them up with the first earthquake ever

    Amazing how blind humans can be if they do not want to accept the TRUTH.  I love reading these Old Testament stories and learning the lessons they have for me....


  9. 45 minutes ago, Selah7 said:

    The trials in our lives make those who love the Lord thirsty for Him.  We long to be with our heavenly Father “as a deer pants for flowing streams.”  By God’s grace, we hope, become stronger and find joy to press on “in the land of the living.”  The Lord is so good!

    Psalms 42:1

    42 As the deer pants for the water brooks,
    So pants my soul for You, O God.

    Nehemiah 8:10

    10 . . .Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

    Psalm 27:13

    13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believed
    That I would see the goodness of the Lord
    In the land of the living.



  10. There is NOTHING like HOME COOKED meals....many people eat out at restaurants nearly every day.  For me, I LOVE eating at home.  I know what is IN my food and I know what ISN'T IN my food :).  We've eaten out in the last 30 years, less than 5 times. And as good stewards, I can't help but think of the $$$ one can save by eating at home verses eating out.  One of my husbands favorite sayings is, "Take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves."


  11. I agree, like profit from owning a BAR or a STRIP CLUB or any other sinful business....that money is DIRTY $....God doesn't want it.  But I think think you are playing with fire....  You seem to clearly KNOW that gambling is wrong and Christians shouldn't have anything to do with it....

    God tells us ~ 


    James 4:17  Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.


  12. 27 minutes ago, appy said:

    First, sorry to hear about the accident.  Condolences to all who knew him.

    People see this stunt on t.v or online, and then they want to do it too.  The scary part is where they choose to try it for the first time.  Guess where they do this the most often?

    On a highway, and in the middle of traffic.  There is no shortage  of video's of people doing this.  Please folks, don't try this, especially on a public street or highway, if you fall; you take a chance on getting run over by a car that is behind you. Or you may end up in a traffic lane of oncoming cars.

    Thank you, Appy.  You are right! I was talking with a customer this week about this and she said a couple weeks ago, she was driving on the interstate in Cleveland, OH, and like 40-50 of these bikers went by her, all doing stunts....

    I always told my kids, if you are going to die early, do it risking something for the Lord...not showing off!  My husband and I had friends years ago who smuggled Bibles into Communist Countries....that is something work risking your life for.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. On 8/12/2021 at 12:55 PM, ~Shalhevet~ said:

    My husband and I have been going back and forth over this for months now and we can't come to a decision.  I've been praying for clarity, and am hoping to find some here.  The added pressure from friends, family and coworkers have made the decision even more difficult for us.   We've thought about giving in to what everyone else wants, getting the vaccine, and just not having to think about it anymore.  But is that right?  I believe we are making the right decision not getting vaccinated, but I don't want to be deceived because I know God heals and can prevent illness through modern medicine.  I've been reading a lot online but I don't know who to trust or what to believe anymore.   Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  I just want some honesty from some fellow Christians. 

    I'm afraid that there is as much division on this subject amongst Christians and here on this site as anywhere else you might go.

    I agree with a poster a couple pages back who said to not compromise your conscience.  Personally, I will NEVER take this vaccine...they will literally have to hog tie me, first.

    All my girls, 3 daughters/1 daughter in law are all in the medical field....and all tell me the same thing...this whole thing is over blown....  And since when do we offer lotteries to get people to take a vaccine?  or offer them a college scholarship to get them to take a vaccine?  Many issues are ALREADY showing up....give it a couple years and there will be MANY MORE ISSUES.  I believe it's all about POPULATION CONTROL.  

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. 17 minutes ago, Ozarkbound said:

    i love coffee. i don't understand the stigma some people attach to it.



    1. raises your blood pressure

    2. is a major cause of depression

    3. flushes calcium out of the bones and causes osteoporosis

    4. causes ulcers & hiatal hernias

    5. is addictive....it's a drug, same as street drugs

    6. is a factor in breast cancer as well as prostate cancer.

    7. NOTHING good about it, except the smell :)


  15. I believe that as Christians, when we are convicted that something is unhealthy for us, we should give it up. 


    Jas 4:17  Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.


  16. Just now, missmuffet said:

    Do you drink coffee or tea or have you eaten chocolate?

    I've never even tasted coffee or tea. I drink Dandy Blend for a hot drink....  Before I was 13, I ate chocolate, but after reading a really good book at age 13, I gave up all dairy products, sugar and chocolate (I already was a vegetarian, had been one all my life.)  I use CAROB instead of chocolate :).

  17. 30 minutes ago, AandW_Rootbeer said:

    Life is Fragile!


    And even being in God and God in myself, my life is as Fragile as the very moment God takes me Home.   And I still recall my younger days when Fragile had no meaning.   I Pray for God's Peace to come upon these Parents lives. 

    The young man's father was already dead...the grandparents are all dead....all the mother had was this son... :(

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