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Tammy Roesch

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Posts posted by Tammy Roesch

  1. Quote

    1Co 10:31  Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

    So, why do you think God put this verse in the NEW TESTAMENT if it matters NOT what you eat?

    I've read alot of posts in this thread where many of you say that a New Testament Christian can eat anything they want....  That doesn't seem to JIVE with this verse.  Clearly the REVERSE of this text is saying that there ARE things you can EAT & DRINK that DO NOT bring glory to God.


  2. I'm by no means a PETA advocate.... But I honestly don't know how people can raise a beautiful calf or goat or even chickens, feed them everyday, look into their trusting eyes, and then kill them to feast on.  It's barbaric if you ask me.  

    It's one thing if people are starving and really NEED the meat....but that isn't the case with 99.9% of the people in America.  The vast majority of people eat meat because they LIKE it, not because they NEED it...

    Have you ever looked up and studied the effect that meat has on the human body?  We all know the effect sugar has....makes kids bounce off the walls, right?  Well, meat has a different effect, it makes people more CARNAL and AGGRESSIVE.  They did a study in a prison and found that prisoners on a vegetarian diet were much less aggressive and they had fewer fights.  My grandfather was a PRIZE FIGHTER.....before he became a Christian....and he would LITERALLY DRINK BLOOD before he fought, because it made him much more aggressive....  That is what  meat does.....


  3. You all will probably have a hard time believing this, but I've never even TASTED a bite of ANY KIND of meat or fish. :). To me, meat is absolutely REPULSIVE.  The thought of eating a dead animal.....well, I'd starve first.  My mom was raised as a vegetarian and my dad became one when he married my mom.  People always say, "You don't know what you are missing!" and I say, "But I do! That is why I don't eat it!" :).  Or they will say, "WHAT do you eat????" as if, if you don't eat meat, you must be starving to death! :).  I love to cook/bake...etc.  And when we had our walk-in health food store, I would have cooking classes, sometimes as many as 70 people would attend the classes.  We did homeschool and our kids helped me cook up all the food. Yes, my boys know how to cook :).  Our son who owns a tree business now, made all the bread that we sold in the store.  Each week, the 5 kids took a turn cooking for the family....I'm a firm believer that men should know how to cook as they never know when they might have to do it for themselves :).

  4. 1 hour ago, Alive said:

    In any discussion among Christians, its important that we agree that all of our conduct and doctrine should be derived from what the Holy scriptures teach us.

    Although there are writings of man and scientific discoveries made that are profitable in various ways, the final authority on all things must be scripture.

    This has always been held to be true since the first century and before and is the one means by which we can both measure our beliefs and agree together how it is possible for us to be on the 'same page'--pun intended.

    If any of us, think otherwise--then a problem exists and its impossible to truly fellowship, as the basis of that fellowship, aside from a shared LIFE, is what God has given to us in the Bible.

    The NT is transparent as it regards food for the body.

    I don't have time to respond fully right now, may not until tomorrow morning but I agree 100% with the 1st paragraph, Alive :).  It's just that YOUR interpretation and understanding of certain verses is different than mine....that is where the problem lies.  I didn't start this thread to create an argument. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Dennis1209 said:

    Hi Tammy,

    May I ask which part(s) you disagree with and not taught in the Bible?

    (1) Jesus ruling with a rod of iron in the millennium (Rev. 2:25-29).

    (2) Millennial Jewish sacrifice (Ezek. 45:17-20).

    (3) Kingdom of God (Matt. 26:29; 6:33; 8:3).

    (4) Or if there is a millennial reign at all (Isaiah 2:4; 42:1).

    In the millennium, because of sin, anyone dying at 100 years old is considered a child (Isaiah 65:20). "All" death, plant, animal and human; seems to perish after the millennium entering eternity (Rev. 20:14).

    Probably won't get back to this until tomorrow Dennis, have our two little grand babies today :)  Will try to catch up tomorrow :)


  6. 4 minutes ago, Dennis1209 said:

    So, what you're actually saying is: at the wedding feast when I place my order; "steak, medium rare" with mushrooms and onions, A-1 Steak Sauce. I'll be waiting until the cows come home LoL?

    But I agree with you, one would be hard pressed to prove a vegan diet is not healthier. Looking at the Jewish dietary restrictions in hindsight, and our modern scientific times of knowing food disease and contamination. The enhanced risks of under cooked pork, cloven vs. un-cloven animals and the diseases / worms they can carry. I would think God established them probably in part, for a healthier life and longevity? 

    As far as life spans pre and post flood; I have a different theory, that makes sense to me and doesn't involve food. I think sun and solar radiation [x-ray, gamma] is detrimental to our genome and DNA, and is passed down from generation to generation. Based on the fossil record, that everything was humongous in size pre-flood. Most insects are limited in size based on the amount of oxygen they can absorb through their exoskeletons. Three foot long dragonflies have been found in fossils. Try messing with one of those with your fly-swatter :o

    The only biological way [proven many times with experiments] animals, insects and plant life to grow to the size they did, is and increase in the percentage of oxygen, CO2, and atmospheric pressure. It makes scientific sense the earth must have had some sort of water / ice canopy protecting the earth? 

    But don't get me wrong, I'm not against a vegan diet; as a matter of fact, I practice it myself. A nice chef salad; just before my carnivorous teeth chomp into that sizzling beef steak, smothered in mushrooms and onions. And don't forget my A-1 steak sauce please. The waitress asked me how my steak was, and I told her wonderful. She then asks, "what would you like for desert?" An order of 'crab legs'. 

    Would you agree that our Lord Jesus will be physically here on earth, ruling with a rod of iron from Jerusalem, during the millennial reign of 1,000 years. That so where God is, is also the Kingdom of Heaven? 

    That the Jews will again practice animal sacrifice in the millennium? And if you agree with that; what happens to all that meat?

    Sorry Dennis, I can't agree with 



    Would you agree that our Lord Jesus will be physically here on earth, ruling with a rod of iron from Jerusalem, during the millennial reign of 1,000 years. That so where God is, is also the Kingdom of Heaven? 

    That the Jews will again practice animal sacrifice in the millennium? And if you agree with that; what happens to all that meat?


    I don't see that taught in the Bible at all. :) I do appreciate your humor though....

  7. 25 minutes ago, johnthebaptist said:

    The problem I have with becoming a vegetarian is that I find it hard to get the protein I need without meat, and the protein content in my blood is already low, according to my doctor.

    Anytime you combine BEANS with GRAINS, NUTS or SEEDS, it's a COMPLETE PROTEIN.  We actually need far less protein than what we've been told for many years. I'm a vegan, been one for nearly 50 years...never have had a protein issue....it's a very healthy way to go :)

  8. 12 hours ago, johnthebaptist said:

    Are you saying I have to eat vegetables?

    I'm saying that a vegetarian diet is healthier than a meat diet, it was the diet God gave to us when He created us...meat was not added to the diet until AFTER the Flood and the life span dropped from 950+ BEFORE the Flood to 150 AFTER the Flood in just 10 generations. When the Lord returns and takes His own to Heaven, they will be Vegetarians, as NOTHING is ever going to die in Heaven...the more we can get back to the ORIGINAL PLAN now, the healthier we will be.

    Sadly, it seems that many Christians today are just like those who came out of Egypt...who wished they had died in Egypt where they could sit by the flesh pots.  They would rather remain in SLAVERY and have their MEAT than be FREE and eat a PLANT BASED diet.  Sad.

    Exo 16:2  And the whole congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness:

    Exo 16:3  And the children of Israel said unto them, Would to God we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots, and when we did eat bread to the full; for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole assembly with hunger.

  9. 16 hours ago, Arrabon said:

    @Tammy Roesch

    I remember when they past the law that I had to wear a helmet to ride my motorcycle, and then they passed a law that kids and adults have to wear a bicycle helmet where I live, and remember when they passed a law that we all had to wear seatbelts.. Click-it-or-ticket.

    We've been told what to do by the Gov. for as long as I can remember.

    Why the big deal now over a stupid shot or two.

    Titus 3:1
    "Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good deed."

    I keep hearing people say, no Govt. is going to tell me what to do.

    Maybe they should move somewhere else where the govt. doesn't care if they live or die, and maybe they would appreciate what this gov. does, and allows us to worship freely ta boot.

    Romans 14:8, "If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.


    Just me guys. I'll probably get an earful, but I love my imperfect country a lot.



    Not taking the vaccine has nothing to do with loving my Country, as I see it, Arrabon.  I'm very patriotic.  I am really surprised at your post. 

    I'm sorry, but THIS GOVERNMENT that we have RIGHT NOW doesn't care whether you live or die. If they did, they would stop ALCOHOL and CIGARETTES from being sold, as there is no one in the world who thinks those are healthy, EVERYONE knows they cause the deaths of millions.  There are alot of things they would do differently if they really cared about Americans.  FORCING people to get a shot that has already KILLED over 10,000 people (just the shot, not the disease) is MIND BOGGLING. But there is so much $$$ to be made on this vaccine, that they don't care how many people die.

    • Thumbs Up 1
    • Well Said! 1
    • Huh?  I don't get it. 1
  10. I am encouraged to see so many of you posting on the benefits of a healthy diet.  So often on Christian forums, I find that Christians are less interested in healthy eating and taking care of their bodies that the Lord has given us, than are non-Christians....sadly, they have the mistaken idea that all we have to do is PRAY over it, and somehow, saying the blessing over our food CONVERTS UNHEALTHY FOOD into HEALTHY FOOD. :crazy:  If you visit most any church today, there are as many sick members, percentage wise, as there are sick in the world.  People have forgotten that God has told us that ~ 


    Exo 15:26  And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

    God wants His people, those who call themselves Christians TODAY, to be just as healthy as He intended His people in the Old Testament to be.  All we have to do is follow the Health Laws, and claim the Promise.  It is PRESUMPTION though, to claim the Promise while disregarding the Health Laws.

    Fruits Grains Nuts.jpg

    • Thumbs Up 1
    • Praise God! 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Marathoner said:

    Indeed. I reference a study in 2019, referred to by the U.S. NIH in an article entitled, "Study Finds No Benefit For Dietary Supplements." This crops up in the news cycle now and again; an earlier treatment by the BBC (2016) can be found in the article, "Why vitamin pills don't work, and may be bad for you."

    As a rule I don't furnish links on the forum, but both may be easily found on a search engine using the titles. :) 

    That is true for alot of supplements...but there are some others that are excellent :)

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. I believe Jesus has MANY names....


    Isa 9:6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.


  13. 10 hours ago, Sparks said:

    I take organic food based vitamin supplements every day (meaning, the vitamins are derived from organic food sources rather than synthesized chemicals), but I think what staves off viruses best is Zinc, C and D3. 

    Zinc is interesting.  It has an ability to throw a wrench in virus production at a cellular level.   While it cannot prevent a virus from showing up in the first place, a virus cannot reproduce itself very well when zinc is in the cells and this gives the body time to fire up defenses.   Zinc can even get rid of warts (warts are produced by a virus) after a month or two.  There are interesting studies on that topic.

    Note, you don't have to take much Zinc daily for it to have good effects.  I take about 15 mg of Zinc daily, in a liquid form.  

    Tip:  This is a simplified statement, but when a plant consumes iron or calcium or something, it hangs an amino acid on it, and then those non-organic things become an organic form of iron or calcium.  When you eat that plant that has 'eaten' minerals, your body can immediately metabolize those organic substances.  That's why I choose food based vitamins, in case you were curious.

    I'm a big believer in FOOD SOURCE vitamins....God intended us to get our nutrition of the FOOD we eat :)....they are MUCH better absorbed compared to synthetic ones.  

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  14. 3 hours ago, missmuffet said:

    A person needs to not get in the abusive position to begin with. You need to ask yourself who am I marrying? How well do you really know this person? Being a  good judge of character  and asking God to guide and direct you in your choice is a good place to start. As a Christian look for character, integrity, a person who displays the fruit of the Spirit. Last but not lease look for a person who is a genuine born again Christian. Put God in the drivers seat of your relationship. Also look for a giver not a taker. In a marriage you have two givers and the marriage will be a good one. You have a giver and a taker and things will not go as well. You have two takers and..... WATCH OUT!!

    Alot of good advice there, MissMuffet :)

  15. 5 hours ago, Marathoner said:

    Let us know how it turns out!

    That's what my adopted mother called plants such as there: volunteers. We had volunteer beans, volunteer mint, and volunteer mullein. The mint exploded all over the place so we always had some on hand to dry and use for tea.

    I didn't know squat about growing things until I stayed by her side. Everything she touched seemed to be blessed, and her secret was the soil. Our goal: grow and produce our own food. I learned a great deal working with her in the greenhouse and the gardens. :) 

    I'm sure that was a great blessing.... Yes this year I have Volunteer Sunflowers, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, and some sort of melon, along with this squash, Oh! and potatoes, and even some beans!  We are just now setting up our greenhouse.  I believe food is going to get REAL expensive soon, and want to be as self-sufficient as possible.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  16. 6 hours ago, AandW_Rootbeer said:

    We have that with sun flowers.   40 years ago these fields before being split into farms were sun flowers.   I've planted several grasses for haying trying to find the one that survives my climate.   In between plantings random sun flowers keep popping up.   Wheat, alfalfa, grasses, corn, beans, squash, lettuce have all been planted throughout the years here, but in between planting, a swarth of sun flowers erupt all over like they were meant to.

    Where do you live, A&W?

  17. Just now, Walter Goraj jr said:

    Maybe the motorcycle accident was a poor illustration.  The point is we cannot trust the fatality numbers because many of these people have had preexisting conditions. If someone dies from the flu the general consensus is that their health was already compromised. The same goes for covid. The difference is that there is an agenda, and you would be foolish to trust their statistics. 

    And sadly, there are alot of foolish people.  I refuse to be an OSTRICH and stick my head in the sand and pretend I don't see what is going on.

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