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Ani Tefillah

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Everything posted by Ani Tefillah

  1. It's because it was recently updated, but if many will join and participate, it can become a fruitful place for the Lord's sake, hopefully. 😊 The Worthy Forum had a beginning once, too, you know.
  2. Wanna join an updated Christian network? You can find me there "PrayerWife73". https://www.jesus.social/
  3. Amen! And shall we not behave like Him?
  4. I think so too, and also that "what a country sow, it will reap". Both Turkey and Syria hates and curses Israel 🇮🇱, right? Isn't that a boomerang which comes back to themselves?
  5. I have many verses I could refer to and share with you if I was a male, but as a woman I will not do so.....I agree with "Marathoner" and he has shared from The Word with us, hasn't he? However I sense that you have a problem to accept that someone actually don't want to bear weapons, and that they find it to be unbiblical?
  6. I can only say that I agree with "Marathoner" in this matter.
  7. I believe that if one really wants something (which the Lord doesn't appreciate), they will try hard to find scripture about the matter, and it is very difficult to change their minds, so I can only pray. 🙏🏽☺️
  8. Hi. I'm on FBook again, trying to be light and salt hopefully. You can find me "PrayerWife PrayerWife".
  9. Thank you for sharing this, as I learned that some have "tooth braces" of necessity (?). I'm sorry to hear about all that you had to endure, but I am so grateful to Abba Father that you are healed now! 😊
  10. And what about the rest of the sum of the Holy Word?
  11. And what about the rest of the sum of the Holy Word?
  12. Amen! My husband says to me now and then that I am so thankful, and that is because I've learned to be grateful in every situation and circumstances, and because He loves me so much and has FORGIVEN me so much, I love Him so much and have always something to be thankful for! 😊 🆙🎶 🆙 🎶 🆙 🎶 🆙
  13. When I was a child, my parents (my mom or/and dentist?) decided that I should have "tooth braces" (🇳🇴 "tannregulering"), because one (or two?) of the incisors up where a little bit crooked. I remember that I hated the tooth braces, and if I had the opportunity to chose, I would rather have been without it! I don't exactly remember how long I had to wear it, but I think it was a couple of years or so (?). Today I'm 🔜 56 years old, and one of the teeth which was in the tooth braces back then, has started to "live its own life", struggling to become as it was before the braces(?). 😂I can only laugh 😅 about it, and it don't mind me at all to have a few crooked teeth, as I'm not vain, and I love my crooked teeth as much as I love my graying hair. 😊 Do you have any experience with such "tooth braces", and what do you think about it all? I encourage you to love yourself as you are, as you are made by the Creator! Because you are so VALUABLE! 🌹 🌼 🌹 🌼 🌹 🌼 🌹
  14. I think I've done the same thing as you, Katrina, and I would certainly grieve in my spirit and pray for them in private afterwards. Nobody can become a new and holy person if they are not saved and born again in the Lord, right? It is The Holy Spirit within me Who makes me to grieve about all the evil, ungodliness and unholiness etc, but He also fills me with His love and compassion to everyone, so I can pray for everyone. 😊 It is simply amazing Grace! So, let's just pray for them!
  15. My way to decency. Part. 2. Because I wasn't strong enough in the sum of His Word and His Holy Spirit, and yet hadn't understood the meaning of Godliness and Holiness, that God is Holy and He wanted me to be likewise both inwardly and outwardly, it went some more years until I had an huge WAKE up call! That's 20 years+ ago now and at that time I was living as a big hypocrite, a sinful and unholy life as a "Christian". One glorious day, mine eyes got wide open, and I could finally see that I was a big hypocrite who needed to wholeheartedly repent, and plea for mercy and forgiveness! Abba Father forgave me once again, cleansed me with the precious Blood of the Lamb, and gave me a brand new chance to start all over again! HalleluYah! 🎼🎻🎹🆙⬆️🎶🎼😊Amazing Grace above all!!! 🌈 After this event, I soon started to dress decent again, with full length dresses&skirts and I was completely satisfied with it, and it's the same today. 😊 I started to cover my head again on a permanent basis for 8 years ago. I'm stronger in the sum of the Word today than back then, and I know that I'm dressing in a Biblical way, to honor my Savior, and to not be a temptation for my brothers in the Lord (or other men), etc. So, if you're a saved and born again woman and don't dress decent yet, please read this testimony once again while you are praying, and I pray that the Holy Spirit will convince you and teach you, to start to dress in a way which will please Him, and not grieve Him, as I believe you love the Lord with all your heart, and that you only want to honor Him in all you do. 😊 May the Lord's peace and grace be with you. Warm regards from Monica. 🌻 🌼 🌸 🤗 🌸 🌼 🌻
  16. My way to decency. Part. 1. This testimony is first of all to all the women who are saved and born again. When I was 20 years old (over 35 years ago), I lived together with some Danish missionaries in Greece for some months, helping out with looking after some of the children, cooking and washing dishes and clothes etc. When I traveled with them, I had to dress decent with full length dresses&skirts and cover the head, and I was satisfied with that, in so much that it became natural to me. After I had lived in Greece for an half year, I (unfortunately) got "homesick" and went back to Norway again. I continued to dress decent etc., even if very few of the other young (and elderly) women did it, because I felt comfortable with it and was considering that it was Biblical to do so. We were 3 young women from a congregation who shared one apartment together, and the dad of one of them, came to visit me one day. I had deep respect for him and his opinions, but I know that in this case I shouldn't have listened to him, cause he managed to talk me out of my decent behavior, telling me that "it wasn't the will of God that I should dress like that, or not cut my hair short or use headcover, cause God want you to be free." What a bunch of lies he told me, but unfortunately I chose to believe in him, and I stopped dressing decently, I cut my hair and didn't use headcover anymore. Even if I know today that the Lord has forgiven me for this, I still feel sorrow 😔 when I think about how I grieved His Holy Spirit. I remember that I felt sorrow inside me immediately when I did what I did back then, but I felt like it was no turning back. Little by little after I had done this, I slowly started to go back to the world again! Exactly what the enemy wanted to obtain. So, I was back in the "pigsty" again for a while, until I heard the Lord calling me back to Him, and I came "crawling" back.
  17. I totally agree with you there! ☺️ Shalom!
  18. I've "eaten" the sum of the Holy Word several times, how come?
  19. I serve The Prince of Peace, and I can't figure out why some think they can have the Bible in one hand, and a weapon in the other...is The Lord really their Sar Shalom/Prince of Peace? This is probably a "hot potato" topic, but I honestly wonder. 😊
  20. Shalom. Are any of you on truth social? If you are, you can find me there. 😊 @LMonicaL https://truthsocial.com/@LMonicaL
  21. Yeah, exactly! I hope we all can improve to walk in the Spirit 24/7, according to His loving will and plan for us. ☺️ 🙏🏽
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