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Everything posted by Eli1

  1. It seems like this is where most of your mental block is. Do you realize the technical implications of what it means to be immortal? Do you realize and appreciate the technical complications of our bodies right now to even answer that question? This is funny to me why people want to make this choice and disregard what their eyes are seeing but i'm also a believer that bliss is better than knowledge. If God were to give me a choice right now and say "I will wipe your memory and make you a robot" i will take that choice.
  2. Exactly! Through science we also get to know more about our Creator. Science glorifies God in my view. Science is not this thing that sits out there alone. Science is us, asking HOW questions. You also have free-will to believe that the Bible fell from the sky.
  3. All right, great, yes i believe this too. Now let's talk about how an immortal body works. Was it like ours right now or was it different?
  4. Okay let's take this viewpoint. Let's assume Eden was located on Earth. Now, let's talk about the details. What kind of body did Adam and Eve have?
  5. It's like you didn't read what i said about your assumptions on where Adam and Eve were. This is because some people think that Eden was a location on Earth. So again, you're being literal about a lot of things the Bible says, yet you deny your eyes when you see bones from 1 million years ago.
  6. I'm going take another wild guess here and say that you're a Protestant that worships the Bible and the whole interpretation of the Bible revolves around two topics: 1. Salvation 2. and Revelation. Again, there's nothing wrong on how we approach God, just don't make it a requirement that it's your way or the highway. That's why God gave us free-will didn't He?
  7. I believe that you didn't consider all the points but it's okay. There's nothing wrong with believing in 6-day Creationism either. I just don't think it's a good talking point when we try to talk to others about God. God is the God or miracles who can defy the laws of nature who brought His only son who rose from the dead. Nobody can explain that. Because of that alone, no one should put any limitations on God on how He chooses to create us.
  8. Well, this also depends on how you view the Bible. Based on your comment here i take it that you believe that the Bible fell from the sky and God Himself wrote it. But the fact is that the Bible was written by people like you and me who were chosen by God to convey a revelation. So they had to put into words concepts about Creation which are probably 1 million years from now in terms of technical language to be described properly, and they had to put them into a language which was acceptable in 3000 BC. This is why the Bible is, again, not a mathematics or biology or thermodynamics book, but a relationship book to our Creator.
  9. Are you sure you got your assumptions correct on how God does things? Why do you assume Adam and Eve were even in this realm? Maybe there were not made of flesh and blood and they existed in a different realm. There were in direct fellowship with the presence of the Creator were they not? Or maybe they were made flesh and blood and by eating by the Tree of Life, it made their bodes incorruptible against entropy and death. Or maybe there are a million of other things in terms of details that nobody knows. But right now, as we are, God has created us with 5 senses so we have to reach to Him though these senses. So when i see the Neanderthal bones, i don't just put a fork in my eye and pretend that i never saw it. This whole creation is a mystery and that's why faith in God is a choice we have to make, which is based on free-will again. Jesus' resurrected body is also a mystery. He could go through walls but He could also eat food. So maybe that's how Adam and Eve was. How God does things, is only a limitation from our point of view, not God's.
  10. There is no conflict here. Adam brought death through sin because of free-will.
  11. God is first. The methods are second. He can choose to create us through evolution, or in six 24-hour days as some believe. There is nothing wrong with either method as long as it doesn't turn into fundamentalism.
  12. That's a two way street. Just because a scientist is an idiot, doesn't mean we all have to be idiots. God gave us eyes to see and ears to hear. God also gave you free-will to reject what you see and gave me free-will to believe what i see. There are no limitations on how God chooses to create us.
  13. The scripture is not a biology book or a science book. It's a relationship book to our Creator. God gave me eyes to see so, when we see bones of our ancestors with our eyes then we have to make some guesses on the changes we've experienced through the ages. When you look at your family line 20 generation ago, they looked very different from you now. And when you look at your family line 10, 000 years ago you also see Neanderthals in the mix. Also what we see is more about what is revealed to us and based on what's revealed to us we have to make some educated guesses. This for me has no problems with my faith in God because i don't want to make it a fundamentalist issue, because i respect free-will.
  14. What an odd question. A Creator has all the right and means to create us through evolution and judge us. The limit is only in your mind and worldview.
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