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Everything posted by Eli1

  1. Yes, of course. The one involving sight was the one that happened in one of the churches i go to. I saw a white light which looked like an angel to me. It had human shape but no face, and it had wings. It appeared in front of me and i got very scared at first but i didn't have fear because i knew immediately that this was a response to some of the prayers i was doing for months, in regards to a health-related situation. So it was more of a shock-scare, like when someone yells behind you to scare you but you know they don't mean any harm. The angel stayed in front of me for about 10 seconds and then it flew away on the top of the church and went through the roof of the church. My wife was also present who saw this. It was only me and her in the church on a Wednesday afternoon, and the priest opened the door for us so we can pray. So i also have her as a witness to "comfort" me that i wasn't crazy. But even if she wasn't there, i wouldn't care if people believe me or not. Because miracles are personal, unless God wants them public like the Fatima miracle or other miracles throughout history. The one involving smell is related to an icon in Pennsylvania which releases an oil which smells like roses. This is also a miracle onto itself on how this icon releases oil but i was lucky to be anointed with this oil. So, 3 months after, when i was praying, i smelt this scent as a response to my prayer and the issue which was health-related, was resolved. GLORY TO GOD!
  2. Interesting topic. I've seen this topic many times. So, in general, 90% of people who Christians call as "satanic" are basically people who troll Christians or do these "satanic rituals" either as a way to upset Christians or because they think they're "cool" rituals. For example, since i live in Massachusetts i have been to Salem which is basically the official "witch" town. All i saw in there was a whole town which has monetized the whole "witch" topic. There's nothing demonic or anything serious in there. It's a tourist town. -Hey young man, come here so i can read your hand for $100. - Yeah, sure lady, go rip off another tourist. However, real demonic possessions and appearances do occur in our realm. I have personally never encountered them myself and i don't want to, but the priest at my church as well as other relatives have told me many cases. The most famous case which is televised is a series on History Channel called The Skinwalker Ranch is a a place littered with UFOs, entities and other paranormal activities. The crew of the show such as cameramen, had to leave the show because in some areas of the ranch they experienced horrific visions followed-up with horrific dreams, as well as their skin would appear as burned, by simply walking into a (what i think is) an unholy area. So, yeah, demons do interfere in our realm just like angels and God interferes according to our prayers and His will in many other miracles in history and today.
  3. This is a common phrase that a lot of Churches emphasize about reading the Bible, but faith is an inward journey where you are seeking God as sort of a need, like seeking your father. Faith begins with this very existence we find ourselves in. In this creation, where we have eyes to see and ears to hear. You can look at this miracle and our lives and say it takes no less than a powerful Creator to put this whole thing into motion. And to find the answer WHY the Creator isn't here with us right now, that's when you get to the Bible to get more answers. But faith begins just by looking at the stars and wondering How is all this possible?
  4. Well said. From my interactions, online and real life, i have learned that a lot of believers in US don't like a lot of miracles either. They either confuse them as something related to the Catholic Church, or related to demons, or simply discount them altogether because they don't fit their interpretations of the Bible. For me, miracles are the biggest evidence that we are not alone here despite the separation since the garden. God is with us and He intercedes according to His will and as a reaction to our prayers.
  5. The teachings that i have received in Eastern Theology don't agree with PreTrib, PostTrib or Rapture. Also my understanding of Salvation is very different too. Salvation and Revelation are two favorite topics in US. I am simply discussing what good comes out of this Dispensational Theology as Marathoner mentioned earlier. Like, how can you win any hearts if you say "the sky is falling" everyday?
  6. This is not in the Bible, it's just my idea. This question is common among Protestants too. Is this [action] found in the Bible? There are a million things we do in our daily lives that are not in the Bible. What's in the Bible is a moral guide for the million things we do in our lives.
  7. Honestly i don't even understand how a Christian can lose faith when he sees the second coming of Jesus. For me and others it would be a relief. Finally! God is here to fix this fallen world and bring the New Jerusalem. And this second coming would even convert millions of unbelievers too. So i don't even know how one would lose faith during a miraculous event.
  8. Tristen I can see from your response that you’re more interested in word games and it also comes from your legalistic culture so it’s not your fault. A lot of atheists use this language too so it’s understandable . However I do not know anything about you to further discuss these finer details or definitions or assumptions about creationism or big bag or anything of the sort to say if you’re applying any of these rigorous concepts to yourself or if you just like to say words. In either case, I don’t think the discussion would be very fruitful because I’ve done this sort of thing before with this mindset where people are stuck in text or definitions without any larger point or failing to apply definitions to themselves.
  9. I appreciate your response here Marathoner. It also helps me understand more the fine details of Protestants. You have to understand that from my point of view, a lot of Americans fall under the general umbrella of Protestantism but I realize internally that you have many flavors inside that too. However I really appreciate your description about pre millennial dispensationalism which explains a segment of this population who’s all about doom and gloom and false prophecies. Thanks again and God bless you. Feel free to ask me anything too.
  10. This is just a simple fact of life my friend and as a mature Christian you should be beyond political correctness at this point, but your second question is very interesting one. Are other denominations confused? Absolutely! For example, i go to an Orthodox Church where there are some mature members, but in other areas of the Church in USA or Greece or Albania or Italy, what you see is people stuck in tradition. Now, those folks don't make predictions because that's a realm of Protestants mainly, but they're just too much stuck in tradition. So they're confused too. In pretty high numbers i'd say. Like 60%.
  11. Sorry, i didn't mention numbers but i'd say is as high as 50%, which is pretty high. Because think about it, you flip a coin and you get a false prophet. You flip it again you get some other person linking a daily occurrence to the end of the world, you flip it again you get some other person lost in conspiracies, and then you flip it one more time and you get a regular Christian who says : and then you say: Wow thank you brother or sister it's good to see you among the crowd.
  12. A lot of times it's difficult for me to understand if people are joking or they're serious in Christian circles, but i think most of the time they're serious. And it's this mystery which makes me laugh because if they're joking, then it's a good joke and we're sharing in the laugh, but if they're serious you laugh because it's better than crying or getting worked up over nonsense.
  13. @farouk i remember you from other forums where almost 10 years ago you were asking about tattoos. I'm curious, why are you so obsessed with this topic? Thanks.
  14. I don't think you're insane, i think you're an empath and it's a normal reaction to our fallen world. I feel the same way too. But i hope that you will overcome your feeling of "urgency" because that's a reaction of your theology which says that you need more "wins" in your pocket to "save" people by having an ingrained sense of doom and gloom yourself. But your feeling of empathy, i hope you never lose. I hope i never lose it too. Hopefully you don't think i'm hateful. God bless you.
  15. You sure about that? Because a LOT of Protestants are the opposite of that. They're all about doom and gloom, the sky is falling, run for the hills, false prophets type.
  16. Well, if you are blessed by God to receive a miracle then be thankful and use that to guide you forward.
  17. Sometimes yelling at God is okay too. That's what David did, my least favorite character in the Bible, and the point of that is to stay in communication with God even when we think that things are not going according to how we want. But the question of suffering is a complex topic which doesn't have very clear answers.
  18. I don't. Why? What do you have in mind this week?
  19. I'm glad that it's free because i was preparing to take out a loan.
  20. Definitely not. We are now living in the movie Idiocracy and we are on America Season 12.
  21. I guess Peter would be my second choice. I like his personality.
  22. Not even a question for me but it's Jesus. My least favorite character is David.
  23. Indeed. And Biden needs to send unmanned drones in everyone's house to take the vaccine shot. Whoever doesn't, will be taken to a re-education camp.
  24. Don’t question liberal logic. They know what they’re doing. Everyone needs to pay for carbon credits.
  25. We need to install air conditioning units asap!
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