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Everything posted by AlsoBroken

  1. Ad Hoc - that is a lot of preaching in response to someone you don’t know at all. Just saying. Seems like (so far) a lot of pontificators here.
  2. Thank you all for these replies. Very appreciated. I just get very upset when I read something that infers that I will at some future Day have to give an account for ALL my past life. Even after I was “saved” I relapsed in my addictions, made terrible choices and did terrible things. I was very unstable off and on for many years. I still grieve over all that was lost. I can’t imagine a judgement seat before which I’ll be reminded of it all and not feel total shame and humiliation.
  3. “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” I don’t understand what this means, given that believers are covered with Christ’s robe of righteousness and He has removed our sins, “as far as the east is from the west.” But we will still be called to account for every word spoken and act done in the flesh? I looked up this passage in several commentaries and they were of no help as far as my question goes. We are made righteous in Christ, but will still be judged? 😓
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