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Posts posted by AlsoBroken

  1. I would like to hear from others who relate to this life-long difficulty…

    Due to the physical and emotional ABSENCE of my earthly Dad (even though he was alive and usually only a phone call away) and no other caring substitute interested in my life, I seem to be incapable of truly believing and trusting that my Father God loves me unconditionally, and actually WANTS a relationship with me. I believe it in Faith because “the Bible tells me so” and sometimes I DO feel His love for me, but on a daily average, I don’t. I can barely comprehend that this Father - Creator and Sustainer of the Universe - actually wants ME in a close relationship with Him? I have NO frame-of-reference for this. (Which is a deep grief in itself). This lack of comprehension on an emotional level has seriously effected my spiritual growth, my whole life. 

     And yes, I continue to pray for it! 

    • Praying! 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, OneLight said:

    I've never met anyone who didn't go through a "re-education" process of some sorts when they accepted Jesus.  The only difference I've noticed is what we are being re-educated from.  While we all do share some of the same "old ways", each of us had one or more particular issues that was a real thorn in our side. 

    Saying that, in order to change we need to accept that we have these quirks that are from the flesh, part of the old man that needs to die.  The only way to address them is to bring them out into the open so we can deal with them.  These trials and tribulations are where our lessons are learnt.  It's a life long process in some cases, and in other, a pretty quick process.  We don't get to choose which is which, we just need to continue to work through them until we find victory in them.  Just know you are not alone.


    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. Not of This World, 

    Thank you for bringing this subject up. I have to continually give this problem to God and pray (often with tears!) for the Holy Spirit to continue changing my heart. It’s a really tough one for me still but not as bad as it use to be. Due to wounds in my growing up years, I’ve always had a huge need to be listened to, understood and validated. Even a slight such as interrupting me when I’m trying to say something (which many people thoughtlessly DO!) triggers those old wounds. 
    Probably due to other heavy issues I was always dealing with, I never even felt convicted of my reactions of wanting revenge (justice!) until the last couple years. I have to catch myself thinking revengeful thoughts after someone has hurt me (or hurt one of my kids) then REMEMBER God’s very clear Word about this (in multiple NT scripture verses!)  and affirm to myself that indeed, to lash out, get back at someone, hate them, or in various ways wish that they would suffer is just plain WRONG in God’s book. I SO WANT TO JUSTIFY MYSELF and my very OSN feelings and reasons for holding onto my indignation and righteous anger. It is ESPECIALLY HARD to forgive and not want my own justice when I have been deeply hurt by a friend or family member in whom I’ve invested a lot of myself for our relationship. This happened to me a few months ago. I’m still struggling with it. 

    I force myself to try and imagine how God in Christ sees that Offender, how HE forgives them and how He has died for them AND me. Then I pray for them.  You probably know this but it is really difficult to pray for someone you have a grudge against. So much Mercy and Grace is needed all around!  We need to be calling up Jesus’ very words about this and praying for each other against Pride and Self-Righteousness and wanting to “play God” in ALL these situations! Otherwise we’ll strike back and/or end up having Passive Aggressive behavior toward others, and the devil wins. 

    Blessings to you!

    Sister Jan 


    • This is Worthy 2
  4. That’s beautiful AdHoc. I love the human examples that God left for us, broken people or nobodies that God used in powerful ways. Scripture is full of stories that prove His Providence throughout history, that had little or nothing to do with how high born or “successful” individuals were. The story of Joseph is one of my very favorites. What Satan meant for evil, God turned to Good and saved a whole nation. 
    Thank you for your very positive reminder. ❤️

    • Praise God! 1
  5. 1 hour ago, AdHoc said:

    I hear you brother. They were meant as examples, but seem to have come out another way. I'll be more careful in future.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Thank you and God bless you. I don’t know the age of anyone here, but it’s possible that I became a Christian when most of you were still in diapers. 😆  It’s been a very long winding road, but my Lord Jesus has never let go of my hand. I’m grateful to tears.

    And I am your Sister 😉


  6. Thank you all for these replies. Very appreciated. I just get very upset when I read something that infers that I will at some future Day have to give an account for ALL my past life. Even after I was “saved” I relapsed in my addictions, made terrible choices and did terrible things. I was very unstable off and on for many years. I still grieve over all that was lost. I can’t imagine a judgement seat before which I’ll be reminded of it all and not feel total shame and humiliation. 

  7. “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.”

    I don’t understand what this means, given that believers are covered with Christ’s robe of righteousness and He has removed our sins, “as far as the east is from the west.” But we will still be called to account for every word spoken and act done in the flesh? 
    I looked up this passage in several commentaries and they were of no help as far as my question goes. 
    We are made righteous in Christ, but will still be judged? 😓


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