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Posts posted by AlsoBroken

  1. On 6/6/2023 at 12:28 AM, AlsoBroken said:

    Interesting replies. Why do most of you have such a compunction to preach or lecture though? 

    Let’s say you’re the pastor of a church. One Sunday you get up and read Psalm 91, and the during your sermon you tell the amazing, glowing account of how your whole family narrowly missed a deadly car collision during your vacation. Praise God! 

    Then as parishioners file out the door after the worship service, one man stops and says,

    “Pastor, my 8 yr. old son was killed in an auto accident 6 months ago. Why did God protect your children but not mine?” 

    I’d like to hear ONLY your answer to this one simple question. In that pastor’s shoes, what is YOUR answer to this father? 

    Any other answers to this question? 

  2. My own reply (if I was that pastor) would be something like… 

    “I am SO sorry for your loss Mr. Smith, and would love to have you stay and talk with me after everyone goes. Could you do that? So you can tell me about what happened to your son and your family?” 

    And then in private, I would invite him to pour out his heart, and to his question of “Why” I would say honestly… “I don’t know.” I might apologize to him “if my praises of God’s protection seemed very insensitive to you.”
    I’d ask if I could pray with him, Then perhaps I’d offer some scriptures about trusting God because He has His purposes that are beyond our limited comprehension. Ultimately good purposes. 

    I would want to make sure this father is given emotional support in whatever way he needs it, because THIS IS what Jesus would do. 

    • Interesting! 1
  3. @Neighbor, I appreciate all of what you’re saying, thank you. And I hear where you’re coming from, but my question is NOT answered. You’re saying YOU would not ask your pastor that Why question. You said…

    “Specifically; …I would be aware of his burdens just as he is of mine, and so I would not ask that question of him.”

    That’s beside the point. 

    I asked you, or anyone here, to imagine BEING the pastor (who had given that particular scripture and testimony in his sermon) then afterwards being met with a very personal question of Why from a grieving parent. Why didn’t God protect his son from being killed? 

    @Hartono is the only one who gave a reply as far as what to say TO THAT PARENT in that circumstance. It’s a very real question, and one that any Christian might be asked by someone suffering a great loss. 



  4. Again,

    Let’s say you’re the pastor of a church. One Sunday you get up and read Psalm 91, and the during your sermon you tell the amazing, glowing account of how your whole family narrowly missed a deadly car collision during your vacation. Praise God! 

    Then as parishioners file out the door after the worship service, one man stops and says,

    “Pastor, my 8 yr. old son was killed in an auto accident 6 months ago. Why did God protect your children but not mine?” 

    I’d like to hear ONLY your answer to this one simple question. In that pastor’s shoes, what is YOUR answer to this father? 

  5. 4 hours ago, Neighbor said:

    I’d like to hear ONLY your answer to this one simple question. In that pastor’s shoes, what is YOUR answer to this father? 

    Repeating my original question: you have the bereaved father right in front of you searching your face for an answer. It’s not a far fetched question.
    In THAT moment, what do you say?

  6. Interesting replies. Why do most of you have such a compunction to preach or lecture though? 

    Let’s say you’re the pastor of a church. One Sunday you get up and read Psalm 91, and the during your sermon you tell the amazing, glowing account of how your whole family narrowly missed a deadly car collision during your vacation. Praise God! 

    Then as parishioners file out the door after the worship service, one man stops and says,

    “Pastor, my 8 yr. old son was killed in an auto accident 6 months ago. Why did God protect your children but not mine?” 

    I’d like to hear ONLY your answer to this one simple question. In that pastor’s shoes, what is YOUR answer to this father? 

  7. Who me: Yours are all good points but I think you missed my original point. God does not protect us from all harm and disease and tragedy. These happen in one way or another to everyone eventually. And happy-going Christians need to be circumspective when it comes to who we share testimonies of God’s protection and blessings with. 

  8. On 6/1/2023 at 8:05 AM, farouk said:

    @AlsoBroken Can't remember if I asked you or not: did you try vaping?

    Sometimes ppl find that vaping, where you can gradually cut down on the amount of nicotine that you add, is a viable way of cutting down on cigarettes.

    Smokers of course find they need varying levels of nicotine. (Perhaps you are at the level of a low tar already, maybe you still need a high tar for the time being, IDK.)

    I have tried it. But not very much. It remains an option but only for when I am SET with a quitting date. 

  9. I love to read Psalm 91 - and the picture of being protected under the Wings of God, but I ALSO have a problem with claiming it as 100% true in a practical sense!

    - Did God protect Job from disease and calamity? (No)
    - Did God always protect David from disease and calamity? (No)
    - Did God protect all the Jews from pogroms or the holocaust? (No)
    - Does He always protect innocent children from harm? (No) 
    - Or the family members of “good” Christians? (No)

    We get the point, right?

     It’s actually very PAINFUL (I speak from experience) for some, be they Christians or not (!) to hear a glowing testimony  about how God AWESOMELY protected you from a tragedy of one kind or another. Or to hear boasting about ANY kind of Miracle that God performed. 

    Yes, We need to tell others about what God is doing in our lives, and we LOVE to especially tell about His provision and protection and healing miracles - all the Feel Good stuff, right? 

    BUT… use some caution! Let’s please know WHO our audience is. Who is listening (or reading us) that may have just gone through a Tragedy of some kind? In other words, be CONSIDERATE of anyone who may be in terrible pain and doubt, wondering… Where was God for THEM?



    • Thumbs Up 1
    • Well Said! 1
  10. On 5/30/2023 at 9:26 AM, 3Nails4Given said:

    I smoked for about ten years.  It’s one of the worst decisions I’ve ever made. Somehow after beginning a career in law enforcement and having to run to emergencies I decided to quit. 

    My mom smoked for years.  She used to smoke in the car and in the house and my sister and I would beg her not to smoke in the car or house.

    After growing up in that, I swore I’d never smoke.  Between peer pressure and my own stupidity I started smoking at about 15.

    After I quit I pleaded with my mom for years to quit.  After she had developed a cough that wouldn’t go away, she decided to quit.

    She got real sick and the doctors treated her for bronchitis for about six weeks and she didn’t get any better.  I got her in the car and took her to the closest big city hospital.

    They admitted her and after two days of tests discovered she had small cell cancer, smokers cancer.  After a biopsy it was determined to be stage 3 cancer inoperable and terminal.

    They decided to treat her with chemotherapy.  After twelve chemotherapy treatments, they said the tumor was dead and the cancer was virtually gone.

     They followed the chemotherapy with radiation treatments.  Which burned her esophagus leaving her virtually unable to eat.  After ten radiation treatments to the tumor site in the lung, they decided to do five preemptive radiation treatments to her brain.  They said this was because small cell smokers cancer always metastasized to the brain.

    These treatments to her brain seriously damaged her remaining quality of life.  If she would have known what it would have done she said she’d never have taken it.

    I watched my mom suffer immensely and die eleven months after her smoker’s cancer diagnosis.

    During her last two weeks of life, in our local hospital.  The respiratory therapists would suction the fluid out of her lungs daily.  Then they would step out the back door and smoke.

    There were five respiratory therapists working at our hospital.  Three of them were smokers?

    After I watched them suction out that thick fluid from my mom’s lungs, almost jelly like, I asked the guy, “How can you smoke? You see this daily, my mom is dying from this, I’ve only seen it once, how can you witness this and still smoke?”  He said, “I know I need to quit”, and kept right on smoking.  That is insanity.

    Wow 3Nails, thank you for this account of your mom’s suffering. And how you stayed by her side. It’s been said that quitting smoking for some is harder than quitting heroin. God help us. Our addictions ARE insanity. 

  11. 17 hours ago, Your closest friendnt said:

    It could be a local Christian issue but they still preach the Gospel to them. That is not a Salvation issue..

    It is a Health Issue and this is why the Governments are involved....and they have ban smoking in the work place and in public places...

    This issue has been a catalyst for the people to began and seek be more health conscious in other important areas of their health...about condroling salt and sugar and transfat and saturated fats intake...and the ban of various chemicals and highliting the healthier alternatives. 

    The objective is to develop discipline in people...and by highliting the benefits of healthier alternatives they make the people taking control of their lives...makes them leaders of them selves...and not victims of their environment...as it was in my case...the same as with the discipline to recycle which was absent at the time when I was growing up. 

    Many people had to learn how to have healthier habits whether they smoked or not. 

    Thanks. I’m aware of all the above but it’s beside the point that I was trying to make. 

  12. On 5/30/2023 at 1:49 PM, farouk said:

    @AlsoBroken So are some ppl still trying to beat up on you because of your cigarettes?

    No. I live by myself and keep my addiction to myself and don’t smoke around anyone unless they smoke too. We are a very exclusive club 🤣 of misfits. I just wanted to point out the weird ways Christians make rules and have health standards that make no sense (I.e. the sugar thing) when other habits are examined. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. When I ask myself what I believe about this whole subject, the voice of my inner child says, “Jesus save me!” Save me from spending even one hour of my life thinking I can get anywhere near knowing how old the earth is, or whether there is life on Mars, or when and how the Antichrist will take over, and when will our Jesus come back for us! 
    For me (and I’m sure millions of others), for various reasons, it’s all I can do to just get through a DAY with my mind and heart at least halfway focused on God my Father,  and my Redeemer Jesus. While I admire more scientific minds and those who specialize in specific studies like this, I can’t help but wonder how you do it. For most of us (I’m guessing) just putting one foot in front of the other in the NOW of each day is enough. 

    God help us! 


  14. So many pages of comments and replies on this topic, I’m curious as to why! Maybe because it’s all about a bad habit and most of us can relate to having bad, unhealthy habits. Humans are so peculiar though, because while smoking nowadays is VERY frowned upon (and definitely not what “good” Christians do, right?) eating all manner of sweet foods, and grossly processed foods, is acceptable. The Seventh Day Adventists who very religiously eschew coffee, alcohol, pork and shellfish, and who espouse the Vegan/Vegetarian diet (most that I know of) and who pride themselves on knowledge of the scriptures, have church potluck meals that will include an entire table of sweet, sugar laden desserts! And although I’m no purist in my own diet, I do KNOW that too much sugar destroys a person’s health! Diabetes and obesity having greatly proliferated in the last few decades!

  15. Something Non-Smokers need to KNOW (especially the Never-Smoked folks) if they don’t already:

    People who smoke tobacco need love  and acceptance just as much if not MORE than those who don’t. If you express disgust at their habit and won’t be around them (yes the smell can be bad!) or think it’s your job to warn them of the health dangers, you’re mistaken. How do you know if their smoking cigarettes helps them to stay “sober” - away from alcohol or heroin? (Most recovering substance abuse addicts I know still smoke.) 

    I have smoked since the age of 19 and have QUIT three times (for over a year each time) but started up again due to emotional traumas. Everyone is fighting some kind of Battle we know nothing about. And MANY still don’t know about the Love of Christ and His healing power.  If or when you reject a Smoker - or any addict - you cancel the opportunity God has given you to show them His AMAZING love and grace, and you put yourself above them. 
    I would quote a scripture verse that speaks to this subject, but there are too many to choose from!
    Just examine your own heart. This is what we are ALL told to do.  🙏🏼❤️


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  16. On 5/3/2023 at 4:16 PM, 1to3 said:

    Hi ,

    I just found the time to read through this topic.

    I never liked smoking, tried it and did not like it.

    I actually cannot stand the smell of cigarettes, they give me headaches.

    But iI can understand the struggle that some folks have with it as I have battled myself with overcoming other things that i would call shortcomings that I fell enslaved to..

    Never stop seeking God to heal and remove things that hinder your health and or your walk with God.

    God can do what man cannot.just we need to always come to Him and His Word with our concerns and keep having faith and trust that His Word are true and we can place our full Trust in them.

    I believe God can heal us.  He is the same yesterday, today-tomorrow.Healing can come about instantly and also gradually.

    We just need to keep fellowship with Him daily, sharing our concerns with Him and asking Him to show us the way.

    His purpose if to get us saved, healed through Him and in Him and become through Holy Spirit working in us and refining us as we seek Him daily to become the children of God He always intended for us to be.

    Today some things that used to be a stronghold on me, I look at, as very foreign and can't even quite believe how much of a stronghold it was once one me. That's because of Gods working in my heart and soul by my seeking Him for help and healing..

    Christ Jesus came to set us free from the house of bondage.

    Whatever enslaves us is a type of bondage that God can help free us from.

    God Bless in Christ Jesus always;



    You are exactly correct about this. God bless you! 

    • Loved it! 1
  17. 9 hours ago, FJK said:

    The main reason I quit subscribing to Netflix and Hulu years ago when they became producers of filth, Never subscribed to Disney but they seem to be the leader of the pack lately,

    My personal view about paying subscription streaming services is the same as worshiping in Satan's temple and paying a tithe to him.

    There are free streaming services you can use, but you have to be very careful what you view on them, no place is safe from the anti-Christian and pro-Satan sexually deviant behavior that dominates most of the entertainment industry today.

    When am otherwise acceptable video catches you by surprise by introducing perversions without need or warning, just turn it off immediately and go to something else.

    A little bit of poison mixed into otherwise perfectly good food makes it completely poisonous, not just a little bit poisonous.  A spoonful of sugar may make the medicine go down, but it makes the poison go down as well.

    I agree. There ARE some good movies and series on paid streaming channels, but you have to cull through the lot. Just watched a good series based on a Charles Dickens book, on Brit Box. It’s the only channel I pay for.
    Mostly though I just need to turn the thing off, and focus on much healthier pursuits. 

  18. “Does the show depict things that are in direct opposition to God and his rules and try to normalize them?” - FJK 

    I would guess that at least 75% of prime time TV and streaming shows DO this and have been doing this for decades. It is how children get brainwashed with the lie (for example) that sexual sin isn’t really bad and God will wink at it. Parents have a strict obligation to do battle with these insidious, subtle, and godless influences on their children. But the reason many parent’s DON’T is because they themselves have been whitewashing what the Bible clearly states is Sinful. Being wishy-washy in my faith, I was guilty of this for many years. 😨 In retrospect I now believe that as Christian believers we need to draw a very FIRM LINE in the sand when it comes to secular entertainment of every kind, refusing to give ANY leeway to the millions of ungodly messages they constantly put out. 


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