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Everything posted by pelihat

  1. Catholic Students in Tangerang, Indonesia Beaten and Stabbed with Knives While Praying Together by Muslims A group of Catholic students at Pamulang University were beaten and stabbed with knives while praying by a mob of Muslims who did not like their prayer activities. This incident was located on Jalan Ampera RT 007/002, Babakan Village, Setu District, South Tangerang City, Indonesia. This attack was led by a local community leader (RT Chair). The victims admitted that they were shouted at with harsh words as well as threats of physical violence. The SETARA Institute said this incident was a violation of Freedom of Religion and Belief (KBB) as well as a reflection of the weak ecosystem of tolerance amidst Indonesia's diversity system. The SETARA Institute also stated that law enforcement against perpetrators of various types of freedom of terror has been too weak so that incidents like this continue to occur. In Indonesia, although the country has religious freedom for Christians, Catholics, Buddhists and Hindus. In fact, adherents of this religion are often the target of attacks from the Muslim community, usually on the grounds that they are prohibited from worshiping at home. Meanwhile, Muslims can worship anywhere freely without having to have permission. Every Friday Muslims close roads and public facilities for worship in many places, sound loudspeakers in residential areas at 2.00 AM during the fasting month, and sound loudspeakers freely 5 times a day. Source: instagram @permadiaktivis2 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6m9PeNStSN/ https://www.bbc.com/indonesia/articles/c51n9qry21wo
  2. Christian worship activities in Balaraja, Tangerang, Indonesia were disbanded by Muslim residents. The activity has been running for more than 2 years. Previously, he had asked permission from local Islamic religious leaders. However, on March 17 2024, the RT head and local residents protested the Christian activities and forced the activities to stop. The reason their residents feel disturbed. When asked what the problem was, they didn't answer. When asked for information, the police revealed that "Christians without coercion stopped their activities forever". In Indonesia, there are many areas where building churches is made difficult by both the local government and local Muslim residents. There are even areas where just by praying and singing at home, Muslims will come and ban them. Source: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4nUOcFRViF/?igsh=MTJjMWlpaDV1ZDNoeg== https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DdMi6HPAmk&pp=ygUPaWJhZGFoIGJhbGFyYWph https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tziFspb-c4&pp=ygUPaWJhZGFoIGJhbGFyYWph
  3. A letter containing the prohibition on celebrating Christmas 2023 and New Year in the Merbau Village area was widely circulated and made the community anxious. The official letter with the village logo was signed by the Head of Merbau Village, Pelalawan, Riau Kasmiran on December 22. The reason the letter was written was for the safety and comfort of the community. Circular Number: 141/PEM-MB/XII/2023/02 contains two points prohibiting Christmas and New Year. 1. Prohibit Christmas and New Year celebrations in the Merbau area that gather large crowds or bring in people from outside Merbau Village, if they do not have official permission. 2. People who want to celebrate Christmas and New Year must report it to the Merbau Village government, have official permission and get approval from the community in the area where the event is being held. Sources: __https://tangsel.inews.id/read/386714/kades-di-riau-larang-masyarakat-rayakan-natal-2023-dan-tahun-baru-2024-viral-di-media-sosial/2 __https://www.pojokbaca.id/berita/223655111/viral-oknum-kades-di-riau-larang-masyarakat-rayakan-natal-2023-dan-tahun-baru-2024-begini-jadinya?page=2 __https://www.bbc.com/indonesia/articles/ck504d9lkweo
  4. Gereja Kristen Kemah Daun Kelurahan Rajabasa Jaya, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia disallow to build their church even though they have fulfill the qualification to build the church. The village authorities (Kelurahan) have not given permission for various reasons. Bandar Lampung is one of the regions in Indonesia. Indonesia is a Muslim majority country. Even though Indonesia guarantees freedom of religion and worship in its legal provisions. In practice, much of the persecution is carried out by governments dominated by Muslim officials and among Muslim communities. In general, minorities such as Christians, Buddhists or Hindus find it difficult to build places of worship even when worshiping with their families in their own homes. There are always Muslims who protest and get angry when they worship in their own homes in several places. Source: Instagram (@KabarSejuk)
  5. Even though they had approved and given permission for the construction of the Gamaliel Christian School, the regional government of Parepare City, South Sulawesi, through the Parepare DPRD actually recommended stopping construction of the school after receiving rejection from a group of demonstrators because the school was being built in a community with a majority Muslim population. Executive Director of Setara Institute, Halili Hasan, stated that the incident of rejection of Christian schools in Parepare indicated that even the lowest level of tolerance had not been met in that area and should not be tolerated by the local government. A demonstration against the construction of the Gamaliel Christian School in Parepare City took place on Friday (06/10). The masses who came to demonstrate came from a group of residents and Islamic mass organizations. Chairman of the Gamaliel Christian Education Foundation, Djuanda Alfonsius, said that his party was surprised by the demonstration against this. This is because the foundation has also followed all the rules so as to obtain permission or approval for the school building (PBG). Source: https://www.bbc.com/indonesia/articles/ceqe56j738no
  6. Christian employees of an oil palm plantation owned by PT Incasi Raya in the south of Pesisir Selatan Regency, West Sumatra are prohibited from worshiping by the company.This company's employees use tarpaulin for Christian worship. The company argued that traditional institutions in West Sumatra which are managed by Muslims prohibit worship for non-Muslims in the area of plantation. Source: https://langgam.id/sulitnya-jemaat-kristiani-beribadah-di-perkebunan-sawit-sumbar/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CyqTIEuyoH4/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  7. Muslim residents in Deli Serdang, Indonesia dispersed church congregations who were worshiping in a shophouse in the Tanjung Morawa area. In many areas in Indonesia, minorities such as Christians, Buddhists and others find it difficult to worship even in their own homes. Usually the perpetrators who prohibit worship are local Muslim residents. Source: https://www.detik.com/sumut/berita/d-6984878/detik-detik-jemaat-kerja-di-deli-serdang-dibubarkan-warga-saat-beribadah
  8. The leadership of Commission VIII (religious affairs) of the DPR (House of Representatives) asked that the screening of the film His Only Son be stopped. The film tells the story of Abraham. According to the chairman of Commission VIII DPR, the story in the film does not match the Islamic version of the story of the Prophet Abraham. "The circulation of the film His Only Son in Indonesia should be stopped or banned. The narrative of this film is full of controversy. The content of this film is not like the current understanding of the history of the Prophet Ibrahim As which is believed by Muslims in Indonesia in general," said Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII DPR, Tubagus Ace Hasan Syadzily, in a written press release, Tuesday (12/9/2023). Source: https://news.detik.com/berita/d-6926269/pimpinan-komisi-viii-dpr-minta-penayangan-film-his-only-son-discontinued.
  9. Perpetrators of the Crime of Dissolving a Christian Service Event in Lampung (Indonesia) Not Arrested The Lampung High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) decided not to arrest Wawan Kurniawan, the RT head who was suspected of disbanding church services. This is different if the offender is a non-Muslim. Generally non-Muslim perpetrators will be jailed. Look at what happened in the case of Ahok being imprisoned on the grounds of blasphemy, look at the case of Meiliana who was imprisoned on the grounds of blasphemy. Another example of a Muslim figure who committed religious blasphemy against Christians is Ustads Abdul Somad, Habieb Rizieq and others. They were not jailed and free from accusations of religious blasphemy. Source : https://regional.kompas.com/read/2023/05/11/180258378/limpahkan-ke-kejati-lampung-ketua-rt-yang-bubaran-ibadah-church-tak-lagi
  10. A group of Muslim residents led by local community leaders became angry and dispersed the prayer activity with Christians in Tambun Selatan, Bekasi, Indonesia. This local leader reasoned that Christians use the house as a place of worship. Several Christians were praying together at the house, and this angered some Muslim residents and community leaders. Source: https://www.msn.com/id-id/berita/other/viral-warga-bubaran-ibadah-umat-kristen-di-tambun-selatan-bekasi/ar-AA1cLU8w
  11. Purwakarta Regent Anne Ratna Mustika closed the church building in Cigelam Village, Purwakarta, West Java. The Ministry of Religion regrets the Regent's decision to disqualify the GKPS church, especially ahead of the Easter celebrations. Referring to SKB 2 Ministers in article 14 paragraph 3, the local government should facilitate the availability of locations for the construction of houses of worship if the requirements for construction have not been met. Purwakarta Regent Anne Ratna Mustika: https://thumb.vdvc.id/vivabandung/1265x711/2022/09/23/632dc591b853a-bupati-purwakarta-anne-ratna-mustika_bandung.jpg Source : https://www.bbc.com/indonesia/articles/crg0jvev11zo
  12. Purwakarta Regent Anne Ratna Mustika closed the church building in Cigelam Village, Purwakarta, West Java. The Ministry of Religion regrets the Regent's decision to disqualify the GKPS church, especially ahead of the Easter celebrations. Referring to SKB 2 Ministers in article 14 paragraph 3, the local government should facilitate the availability of locations for the construction of houses of worship if the requirements for construction have not been met. Purwakarta Regent Anne Ratna Mustika: https://thumb.vdvc.id/vivabandung/1265x711/2022/09/23/632dc591b853a-bupati-purwakarta-anne-ratna-mustika_bandung.jpg Source : https://www.bbc.com/indonesia/articles/crg0jvev11zo
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