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  1. yes, you are correct - " Who me " I thank you for responding to my comment. Please accept my apology for not making myself clear, I never intended to inject confusion the later JKV - is an exact word for word exact duplicate copy of the previous Catholic English Douay Rheims translation of 1582. word for word exactly in around roughly 96.6 % -- 99 % of the translation protestants then went in and modified and changed only a very few select passages to reflect what they believed how the Catholic Church was in error. If you were to take the Roman Catholic Douay Rheims Translation and the KJV side by side and read them both, you would not be able to tell any differences in 96.6 % of the translation. The Church Of England had not broken away from the Catholic Church Of Rome no less that a single generation until the KJV was granted as a - Permit Bible { A BIBLE PERMIT } granted to the public - authorized for the public to have, that simply reflected the very few minor changes that the Church Of England had disagreed with, - just 77 years previously having broken from Rome 77 years had passed from the time of the separation from Rome - and here, the English government then produced the King James The JKV translators ONLY were concerned, ONLY interested about changing and altering and fixing the doctorial differences, in specifically, centralizing and orbiting around - IDOLS, MARY, EUCHARIST and TRANSUBSTANTIATION, PRIESTS everything else, the KJV is translated exactly the same as the Douay Rheims. this means that Protestants believe that the Catholic Translation was only mistranslating and in error regarding / concerning - Idols, Mary, Eucharist Transubstantiation and Priests . meaning the Catholic Church only concentrated upon these 4 topics for misrepresenting the original message of the manuscripts.
  2. are we to honestly believe that Roman Catholicism was only interested in changing and altering 4 topics for nearly 2000 years ? nearly 2000 years of Catholic silence and prohibition of Scriptural translation suddenly, the Church of England breaks away and only makes corrections to 4 topics that are in disagreement to the the Church of England Trinitarians will not even have a honest discussion about anything from the manuscripts outside of these 4 topics that are in disagreement to the the Church of England what can I do ?"
  3. the christian would not contribute money to propigate such translations one seeking truth simply can look at the original manuscripts and see the glaring differences
  4. it is foolishness and ignorance to think that the Catholic Church only altered the original manuscritps concerning Idols, Mary, Eucharist and Priests much more has been altered and changed and manipulated - and K.J.V is a part of this as the King James Translation the JKV is an exact word for word exact duplicate copy of the Catholic English Douay Rheims translation of 1582. word for word exactly in 99 % of the translation. in 99 % of the translation the Church of England simply copied the Catholic Translation strictly " word for word, exactly down to the very last dot " 'protestants then went in and modified and changed only a very few select passages to reflect what they believed how the Catholic Church was in error. If you were to take the Roman Catholic Douay Rheims Translation and the KJV side by side and read them both, you would not be able to tell any differences in 99.5 % of the Bible. the KJV is literally copied word of word exactly straight from the Catholic Translation. - word for word exactly / identically, The Church Of England had not broken away from the Catholic Church Of Rome no less that a single generation until the KJV was granted as a - Permit Bible { A BIBLE PERMIT } granted to the public - authorized for the public to have, that reflected the few changes that the Church Of England had disagreed with, - just less than 30 years previously broken from Rome not even, 30 years had passed form the time of the separation from Rome - and here, the English government is literally copying word for word exactly from the Douay Rheims word for word, identically and exactly, chapter and verse. The JKV translators ONLY were concerned, ONLY interested about changing and altering and fixing the doctorial differences in specifically, centralizing and orbiting around - IDOLS, MARY, EUCHARIST and TRANSUBSTANTIATION, PRIESTS - everything else, the KJV copied exactly the same as the Douay Rheims -as if the Catholic Church would only misrepresent these 4 areas alone the truth is the entire Trinitarian Translation has been manipulated and perverterd on many, many levels and are not limited to what PROTESTANTS disagree with concerning Catholic doctrines . this is the deception that Protestants seek to present to the world - and what the King James Version was all about - to tell the world that the Catholic Translation was incorrect only in these 4 things, ALONE Romes involvment = = Idols, Mary, Eucharist and Priests - everything else - outside these 4 things, King James and his administration left exactly as the Roman Catholic Douay Rheims Catholic Translators had translated - for his K.J.V.
  5. thank you so much. I believe that Franklin Graham is a good man who is stepping out to make this journey to Israel and pressing onward in faith to despite and press aside all of the negative forces existing around the world that do not love the Hebrew people True American patriots can identify with the ideals of a Hebrew homeland as the early arival of the very first original - Puritians and Pilgrams The first Puritans to arrive in America aboard the Mayflower in 1620 AND - Only 59 of these 102 Mayflower Puritans survived the first winter after arriving to America. None of these remaining Puritans 59 Puritans are recorded or known to have ever persecuted or harmed anyone. And the Salem witch trials did not even take place until February 1692 THIS IS 72 YEARS AFTER THE MAYFLOWER PURITIANS ARRIVED TO AMERICA 72 years AFTERWARDS ! - these original puritans were not even alive to defend or effect the accused witches who were a part of the Salem witch trials there simply is no evidence that any TRUE PURITIAN had ever persecuted anyone. At anytime. From 1629 through 1643, - approximately 21,000 people CLAIMING to be Puritans immigrated to New England - and the Salem witch trials did not even take place until February 1692 , 72 years after the original Puritans had arrived. I openly admitted, clearly, that there most likely would be people claiming to be Puritans who would be harsh, unkind and even violent. But when we look at the facts - we do not see any connection to the Original Puritans aboard the Mayflower, connecting these families or their grandchildren to conducting violence or persecution All we see on the internet is information saying that the Puritans persecuted or executed two women named - Ann Austin and Mary Fisher on October 1659 - this is 40 years after the original Puritans had begun to arrive to America. Also, England had already begun dumping and criminals and deviants and convicted criminals into America since 1610 - this is ten years before the Puritans even began moving to America. we see that - the first execution in America in Puritan areas took place after 50 years of shipping in criminals, murderers, rapists, thieves and the mentally insane and every form of evil in humanity AFTER 50 years following the first original Puritians, arival - we find a record accusing Puritans of persecuting and executing two women - we do not know if any Puritan majority had any influence or involvement with executing or persecuting anyone and from 1629 through 1643, - approximately 21,000 people CLAIMING to be Puritans immigrated to New England - and the Salem witch trials did not even take place until February 1692 , 72 years after the Puritans began arriving. - I am convinced that any honest Puritan community that respected the freedoms and religious rights of others had the absolute right to ask that other individuals of other faiths stay out of their community. Anyone could claim to be a Puritan, and by the 1700s there were around 250,888 Europeans living in America. In conclusion - I am certain that much of the history involving the origial Puritan community is false and has been manipulated I believe that that King James succeeded and accomplished his goal in destroying the reputation of the Puritans - and that he enjoyed it, as if he was an adult playing a child’s game against children. it is possible that the original PURITANS had no control or participation nor involvement in persecuting accused witches NOR had any direct involvement in persecuting and abusing and torturing and killing others. Meaning - they had no control - and had completely lost all their ability to govern themselves. Just three years after paying their debts to England for the voyage aboard the Mayflower - the English Government began an extermination crusade to suppress and destroy the Puritan's ability to prosper and maintain their livelihood. Yes - We see that the PURITANS asked that others outside of their faith to stop attempting to enter into their community to change their religious faith. But by the time the executions of Witches and Quakers begin to take place - this was decades after - after the first Puritans had begun to arrive - they, the Puritans were surrounded by thousands of outsiders - troublemakers and manipulators who England would and did promote, reward, encourage and advance and insert into their Puritan community - Protestant defilers intent on destring their influence, their ability to grow and prosper and be self-sufficient. I am simply looking at all of the facts - and encourage others to move beyond the One Step Theology and the submissive worship to the Spiritual Father King James who made war upon the original puritians . King James hated and persecuted the "" American bound "" Puritians because of their views, especially their denial of the divine authority of kings. He believed the Puritans and the Geneva Bible were hostile to the monarchy King James drove the Puritans out of the Netherlands in just around 10 years - he had nearly 50 years in an open and free range - to destroy and pervert everything , of any goodness and decency and anythimg Godly concerning any righteous influence that good Puritans would have, both - in the Church of England and also in the Americas King James and his administration did nothing for the Scriptures outside of changing the 4 disagreements his Church held against the Church of Rome involving = = Idols, Mary, Eucharist and Priests - everything else - outside these 4 things, King James and his administration left exactly as the Roman Catholic Douay Rheims Catholic Translators had translated - for his K.J.V.
  6. Hello, today was watching Franklin Graham as he went to visit Benjamin Netanyahu you can see the You tube video
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