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  1. Do you think it’s ok to not visit parents anymore. I’m not completely comfortable around them. They always grill me about why I’m not married yet and have no kids. I have to stay with them for weeks because they are out of state and in order to not be rude I have to watch shows with them. That’s all they do is watch shows. My dad gets mad at me if I just stay in my old room which is really all I want to do. It was difficult growing up with my dad and he’s mellowed out a bit but I still am not completely comfortable around him. There’s always an eggshell I don’t wanna step on so I try to watch myself around him. anyway, I’m thinking of not visiting them again is that wrong ?
  2. Ok. Thanks everyone. I figure it probably won’t work out.
  3. Well anyone who’s been divorced is fornicating. I guess anyone divorced is going to hell. Know any?
  4. Ok. I think it’s fair to ask for opinions though.
  5. We won’t have children. He doesn’t want any.
  6. Ok so first off I’m a woman he is a man with a child. he is divorced and does not want to ever remarry. he also is agnostic. so once again, if I continue being with him, being sexual with him as his girlfriend will I go to hell?
  7. I know I SHOULD. But will I go to hell if I don’t ?
  8. Ok I mean a lot of people fornicate. I mean I guess I wonder if that verse states the law , so you know it’s a sin, but so long as you believe and ask for forgiveness you won’t go to hell?
  9. That’s not my question. I’m asking if we are fornicating and if I need to stop.
  10. Hey everyone. I am just wondering. I am in a relationship with someone who is divorced with a child and does not want to ever marry again. If we were to stay together forever but never marry, would God be displeased and would I possibly go to hell because I willingly continue to fornicate?
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