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Posts posted by nagwalk

  1. If the satisfaction or consumation continues to be 'self' based after marriage, does it not continue to be lust and not love?

    i don't even understand that question. my goodness, i must be dense.

    I have counseled many young people who married so that they could consumate their desire to have sex and after the honeymoon woke up to their true selves. With counseling some were able to realize that marriage and true love required them to give or submit to each other.

  2. Need determines treatment not a committee. My Dr. determined I needed knee replacement in March, I had my tests and orientation with other joint replacement candidates in April. I would have had the operation at the end of April but I had an open sore on my calf that needed to be healed before surgery. It was declared closed two days ago and my surgery date is July 19th, no committee, no Politburo, just me and my Doctors.

    Like I said before, we Canucks are here to answer any reasonable questions.

    Don't get hypnotized by the bare legged blondes on Fox, or the pill popping radio commentators.OL

  3. I will share a little tool with you that has stood me in good stead for many years. First, have your bible with you, then ask your self, "What does this group believe about God, sin, Salvation and the future?" The answers will show some groups to be outright cultish, others cold or lukewarm and others closer to what you find in the Word of God. The Word will also help decide which issues are essential to eternity and which ones are not. Hope that helps

  4. The Holy Spirit through the prayed up Pastor can and will signal those in the congregation who are in tune with the Spirit and will direct the Pastor to the person chosen to pray. The beauty of this when directed by the Holy Spirit is that all are blessed and assured that God is moving on their behalf.

  5. The thing I get tired of is the perception that we do not have choice. No government chooses my doctor. No government decides how many times I may visit my doctor. I also reject the perception that we have a lower quality of doctor care here. WE have a shortage of doctors in the more remote parts of the country but that is because the doctors themselves have restricted the number of doctors they will accept from other countries. Being a busy premier, Danny decided to combine the operation, recovery and holiday and pay for it himself.

    I trust folks are not depending on you tube for their education. There are many Canadians on this forum. Ask us directly about concerns you may have about our health care before you hop onto the Fox News band wagon.

  6. I'm just glad we don't have a Socialist/Communist President like the United States has. We can only assume that you are all Socialists. (Alfie puts his broad brush away...) :emot-handshake::):emot-handshake: by at least 53% too.

    Shame. The Newfie Premier is a Conservative of one Province. Your President is the head of the United Socialist states of America.LOL

  7. I remember a message on prayer I heard a long time ago. God always answers prayer with no, slow or go! The bottom line is, He has a purpose for all of our lives. Many times what is needed is for us is to be along side of our new born friends as they are growing in the Lord. They will then have the feeling of the Lord being with them.

  8. My understanding of this time is during the thousand year rein of Christ. All world governments will be subject to his rule of righteousness. It will be a rule of righteousness and not party politics. This will really bother those who grate under his authority and why the devil will be able to deceive and gather many to himself when he is released for a season. This won't be for long though as he and all his coherts will be defeated and thrown into the lake of fire. Even so come Lord Jesus.

  9. Though not perfect, I too would not trade our Health care system for anyone else s.

    One hundred percent of our citizens are covered from prenatal to palliative care.

    I currently pastor a small community of 450 residents. We have a doctor comming to our community once a week with specialized care 20 minutes away.

    We also don't have an industry of ambulance chasing lawyers either.

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