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Everything posted by artsylady

  1. Angeledei, Douay, Nicholas: I don't believe it's against your religion to follow the scriptures. If it is not, then try this. This verse was posted on another thread, and it seems particularly fitting at moment to remember this promise from God. It's found in James 1: 5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. Let's just pray.
  2. Cats: That is atrocious. I'm crying. I'm actually sitting here bawling my eyes out.
  3. Angeledei: Scandal? Angeledei: This happens constantly. It isn't just a scandal. It's rampant within the Catholic Chuch. Just last month, new charges were laid against a priest in my city. It's not longer big news. It's old news that happens regularly. Do you realize this? Do you ever wonder why this sexual abuse is such a problem with the RC church? QUOTE Thank you. I do appreciate that very much. Although I've never heard of it in any other religion, I'm sure it has probably happened. But in the RC church, it's an EPIDEMIC! I don't have the heart or the energy to debate much more on this subject, but surely you know that the RC church was responsible for covering up the issue. They knew what was going on and rather than calling authorities, they'd move priests around to new locations. You did know that it wasn't just the individuals, but the church itself lending itself to the problem. My heart ACHES for those who were abused by the Catholic church. Those hurt turn away not just from the RC church, they turn away from God! They link the two together because that is the way they are raised. That the RC church stands for God. And they raise their children to be athiests.
  4. Angeledei: But the 12 years before that, you felt the effects of the Catholic indoctrination. At the ripe old age of 12, you had already decided. Well, if you want to know the truth, my family has been affected as millions of others have by the sexual abuse of priests in the Catholic Church. My grandmother was sexually abused by a priest when she was very young. She was not even Catholic herself. But she did keep the faith of Jesus Christ through her life. She was a warm beautiful Christian lady, who took the pain upon herself, right through adulthood suffering from nervous breakdowns many times. Christ has asked us to forgive those who harm us, and I have forgiven this priest, but do we need to forgive the movement that condones these acts? Covers these astrocities up? I'm not so sure we do. It's a movement that began with a man taking power and control away from the focus - Jesus and has been able to somehow maintain that power through the centuries. I have no bitterness toward Catholics. Only love and often pity, but there is contempt on my part toward this powerful and destructive entity known as the Catholic Church. When I hear about more sexual abuse by priests, which is RAMPANT, is sickens me to no end. Somehow, I'd imagine this huge problem with the Catholic Church is just another one that you're able to justify away as if it's no big deal.
  5. I think these are the kinds of things the moderators do not like to see, just a guess.
  6. Adstar: Wow. That's very interesting. Very sad.
  7. I looked at the first three verses listed and showed why NONE of those said anything about anyone being able to add to scriptures or that scripture is not enough. I told her to actually read them herself and pick out the three that were most convincing, rather than copying and pasting and taking for granted that they actually do support what the catholic leaders do.
  8. Are you serious Angeledei? What is the ONE thing you've proven or shown to be true yet? We've shown you that Mary obviously had other children, that the Catholic church has been responsible for astrocities, that the Catholic church rules are not timeless, very much unlike the Bible, and need to change with time and many, many other truths? You guys can't accept any of the truth, so the discussion is pointless. I had nothing to do with deleting this post. I'm new here too, in fact. But it was obvious to me why it's deleted. You actually booted me from your Catholic forums? Remember that? Then you told everyone I was booted because my email address was wrong. Well, there was nothing wrong with my email address. Your website sent me my password via that address, which I've had for about 4 years now.
  9. Anyone who follows Christ sincerely is a Christian -whether they are Catholic, Protestant - whatever. Man looks upon the outward appearance but the Lord looks upon the heart. He knows are thoughts, our intentions, he knows if we love him and if we are doing things out of love, or out of obligation or fear of hell. What do you think he'd prefer? ( I've asked this 3 times now. ) a) someone who does works because they think they have to in order to be saved? b) someone who does them, knowing they are already saved, out of love for God? I would not give up because I think this discussion is not leaning in my direction. I think the opposite is true and your refusal to see it, and to make up every possible excuse NOT to see it is disheartening. I'm with Cats on this. I feel badly for you guys. Bound by ancient and outdated religion, when the timeless beauty of Christianity is passing you by. There are SO many things wrong with the Catholic Church in my eyes, but you guys can't even open your eyes up to what should be blatantly obvious. THAT is why I would give up. The Bible says "To Him who has ears let him hear what the spirit is saying to the churches". Funny thing is, you'd actually read that as "What the spirit is saying to the Catholic church".
  10. Do you actually believe Philip, Bartholemew, Matthew, Luke, Paul and countless other followers of Christ were Catholic? Do they really teach you that?
  11. Angeledei: If i read correctly from your other website, weren't you the ripe old age of 12 when that happened?
  12. artsylady

    God's will

    Teri: What an inspiring story! I loved that.
  13. Cats: I am very much beginning to change my mind. You're right. When I hear things like "maybe Joseph was previously married and had kids" you can't help but give up hope.
  14. Jettd: Yeah, look what you started!!! Just kidding. It was a sincere question and you were searching for truth, but in your search, don't forget to look at the scriptures. It's the only holy inspired true word of God.
  15. Cats: I'm confident that once they look up the scriptures in reference to Mary and the verses which prove she had other children, they will change their minds. At least on that issue anyway. They can make excuses for a lot of things the Catholic Church has done in the past - the many astrocities which we Christians must now answer for, but at least they should begin to question some of the things they've been taught and why they've been believing it. But then again.... if they don't... I guess you're right.
  16. I remember Billy Graham's son on TV right after 911, saying that the terrorists could have actually been following the qu'ran (koran) because it DOES say in there that it is okay to kill the infidels. Beating your wife is a last option, but it still is allowable to beat your wife. I wouldn't call that peaceful either.
  17. Yeah, you'd think they'd eventually 'get it' but I don't think it's going to happen. Peace anyways!
  18. Homebild: So argue with THIS then! Matthew 12:45 - 46, John 2:11 - 13, John 7:1 - 5, Mark 6:3 - 4, Matthew 13:55 - 56, Galatians 1:19 Was Mary a virgin forever, or were the New Testament writers liars?
  19. Matthew 12:45 - 46, John 2:11 - 13, John 7:1 - 5, Mark 6:3 - 4, Matthew 13:55 - 56, Galatians 1:19 Did any of the Catholics look up these verses posted by Mike? It's pretty convincing that Mary did have other children. Any comments at all?
  20. Douay: I agree with Godrulz. It's what is in a person's heart that determines their Christianity. I have no animosity toward ANY Catholic. It's just the religion that I do have some problems with and can't figure out many of the questions I have about it. It's not for me to say that any Catholic is or is not a Christian. I wish that I COULD agree with what Catholicism teaches. I wouldn't necessarily follow it, but at least I wouldn't feel that people are being led astray, but unfortunately, at this point, I do feel this way. When I went to the Catholic website and saw the thread "Can only Catholics be saved?" I was totally in shock at the responses, because most were saying "Yes", but not based on scripture, but based on the Catholic laws. As a protestant, I don't feel we protestants are the only ones that will be saved. In fact, I'm pretty darn sure there will be a lot of Catholics in heaven. I also think about the other religions that say they are based on the Bible (mormon, islam, catholicism) which have books that are extraneous to the Bible, yet the followers of these religions seem to hold these extra books as superior to the Bible. Most Catholics I know can recite many Catholic verses and rules and Hail Mary's and such, but don't seem to know the Bible very well. It sure makes me wonder.
  21. http://christiananswers.net/evangelism/bel...iefs/wicca.html Here's a pretty good article.
  22. Sorry, maybe I was a bit harsh here to you Homebild, I just feel sorry for accusations toward this poor guy. He came here looking for answers and there is NOTHING to indicate that he wants to dominate his bride. If he wanted to dominate his bride, he would just do so, and not be searching for answers.
  23. Homebild: Muslim rates are even far lower than Catholics. Does that make Muslim law better? I was in a physically abusive relationship. What would the Catholic Church have instructed me to do if I was wishing to get out of this marriage? How's this for speculation? A friend of mine had a husband who cheated on her and then left the marriage for another woman. This friend was then shut out of the Catholic Church because of her divorce. She was allowed to attend, but couldn't be a full member - not participating in some certain rituals of some sort. Is this what GOD would want for his church? This woman, who had had a devasting end to her marriage is then outcasted by her church. This HURTS people. This does the OPPOSOSITE of what Jesus accomplished for us. That is not clear at all. I think you're out to lunch.
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