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Everything posted by homebild

  1. I pray that every Southern Baptist be made to know there is no Rapture just before the Second Coming!
  2. Mike: All I can say is you either cannot read or simply cannot understand. All your questions were asnwered fully in the links I provided. From the Bible. Fully and only. But if you don't WANT to understand or believe what the scripture says from the links provided, then that is a whole 'nuther issue and not my fault, but yours. Sorry to say, but I cannot conclude you to be an honest seeker of the Word nor Christ if you take the posture you do with the information I posted. God Speed on your journey. May your eyes one day be enlightened.... And for the record....I am NOT the Catholic in my marriage...
  3. Do Catholics Worship Statues? http://www.catholic.com/library/Do_Catholi...hip_Statues.asp Do Catholics Worship Saints? http://www.catholic.com/library/Saint_Worship.asp Praying To Saints? http://www.catholic.com/library/Praying_to..._the_Saints.asp Intercession of Saints? http://www.catholic.com/library/Intercessi..._the_Saints.asp
  4. "if they do not worship them, then why is it i left the Catholic church?" Uhhh, I give up. Maybe it was because you didn't have the foggiest clue what the Church teaches in the first place? That would be my best guess because Catholics do NOT worship idols nor pray to statues. To state they do is to state falsely or ignorantly...or both.
  5. The 'unequally yoked' lie. It is a teaching of men, and a FALSE TEACHING at that, that simply because two christians from different denominations worship Christ differently that somehow this qualifies for the condition that Paul warned against, namely: "Be not unequally yoked..." But it does not under any condition. Because those who like to quote 'be not unequally yoked' ALWAYS forget the REST OF THE VERSE which states: "DO NO BE UNEQUALLY YOKED WITH UNBELIEVERS." Funny how some would like to twist the truth by eliminating the WHOLE verse. A belieiving Catholic marrying a believing Protestant or Orthodox or Coptic or Chaldean Christian is well within God's will and the saying 'unequally yoked' has absolutley NOTHING to do with being 'unequally yoked'.. It is of the flesh alone, and NOT of the Holy Spririt, to make a statement that because of different methods of worshipping Christ there is somehow a disqualification of marriage before God. There is NOT. God never said anything of the like. Scripture says nothing of the kind. And anyone suggesting that Catholics worship statues needs to get an education beyond perhaps the 3rd grade and find out EXACTLY what it is Catholics DO teach or keep their embarassing ignorance to themselves....
  6. There is only One Church and One Body made up of all who believe in Jesus Christ. Those who suggest that a Catholic-Protestant should not marry or could not marry because of differences or 'compromise' are probably too immature to marry anyhow...since 'compromise' is the inherant essence of marriage. Scripture says, a spouse is no longer his/her own, but his/her spouses' as well. Being from one denomination or another does not now nor EVER has disqualified marriage between believing christians and those who emphasize the differences do so as the teaching of MEN, not GOD and run the risk of running CONTRARILY to God's will just as Mirriam and Aaron did when they criticized Moses' marriage to a black woman. God dealt with both Miriam and Aaron swiftly. The Scripture does NOT even suggest that one of one Christian beleiving denomination cannot nor should not marry one of another denomination. In fact, according to scripture, such a notion is completely absurd. There is ONE BODY and ONE CHURCH. If you cannot compromise then certainly DO NOT marry, but not because it is wrong to marry outside of your denomination, but because you are too immature in Christ or too inflexible in person to be married at all.
  7. It is a perfectly fine idea for two believing christians to marry despite any denominational differences. There is absolutley no God-given requirement against such a marriage nor does scripture EVER speak against two believers who just might not to happen to agree on each and every doctrinal point from marrying. If there were, no one would ever be married. There is hardly any married christian couple that agrees on all theological issues 100%. The Scripture DOES say, however, that whom God has brought together to be man and wife let no MAN divide them. If this fellow and woman are called by God to marry, then get out of His way.... And by the way, my wife and I are a mixed Catholic-Protestant marriage which has worked successfully for almost 20 years. So don't believe the made up man-made nonsense that tries to prohibit one member of the Body of Christ from marrying another member of the Body of Christ because of some third party's own personal bigotries and ignorance. If God is telling you this is the spouse for you, then listen to GOD and ignore everyone else.
  8. So when Paul quotes from Greek Poets, that makes the quoted Greek poetry "Scripture"" The "Word of God"? Or when the Bible quotes from apocryphal books, that makes the portions of Apocryphal Books "Scripture"? The "Word of God"? Or when false prophets are quoted, does that make their words "Scripture"? The "Word of God"? You have totally confused m with you assertions....
  9. It is absolutely untrue that you must convert to Catholicism to be married by the Catholic Church. The only requirment the Church will make upon you is to promise to raise your children as Catholic Christians. You need to keep checking around with different parishes and/or priests who will accomodate a 'mixed' Christian marriage within the Church.
  10. Most Major Hospitals provide family housing either right in the hospital or in hospital owned properties nearby. The charge is normally a token payment and far less than what one would expect to pay for a comparable motel or hotel room. Contact your hospital's Patient Services for details.
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