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>> Hannah <<

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Everything posted by >> Hannah <<

  1. is god gonna be annoyed with me for having "given" my life to him 18months ago and promised to follow him and now im doubting his existence... is doubt a sin?
  2. Basically, no - you cannot get to heaven on good deeds. ok, so we get into heaven by believeing??? end off full stop?? cos we will be judged but get in anyway apparently.... wat a waste of gods time...
  3. just a thought from what i said earlier about faith... plus i had a massive row with someone in chat about it... if god deals out how much faith people have... why would he give someone hardly any... are they meant to have a rough life.... surely the more faith you have the better a life your going to have????
  4. can a person gain more faith? will god give someone more faith if they are faithful or do you think by somone exercising there faith in god with certain situations etc... there faith will grow stronger... i seem to only have faith in god when everything i going great... or see him as my only hope when my world is crashing down around me... bad bad attitude to have... so screwed up...
  5. well mine is hannah which means "god has favoured" not too sure what that means... my middle name is ruth which means "friend" which i think is pretty cool.... cant think of why i would want to change it ....
  6. faith annoys me, because it entails uncertainity and trust.... just frustrates me that we have to have faith to be saved.... its screwed up
  7. this faith malarky is a right cop out you know someone once said to me that they would rather live their life as though god exists to find out he doesnt, than to live their life as if there is no god to die and find out their is? come on what were working towards is eternal life right, its not like god is saying believe in me and on your death bed you can have the hugest bowl of your favourite ice cream, he is offering us eternal life.... i dont wana go to hell, but i dont wana live my life for some invisible being that claims to have all power, yet sits back and lets thousands and thousands of innocent children die everyday
  8. all i will say is that im not sure if i believe or not.... i change my mind hourly... im really confused about this.... can i be 100% certain that im going to heaven? does a person only get into heaven on good deeds? does believing in god get you into heaven alone? is getting into heaven circumstancial? even though my grandma didnt get baptised she did believe, will she be in heaven?
  9. hmm, me thinks i shud try get my head round this stuff when im actually awake.... i think i get what your saying... you should separate what your saying lol, makes it easier to read. erm... so you believe in OSAS then? xx
  10. so what you saying then.... whether or not a person is "once saved always saved" is up to them?
  11. Im a baptist... dont throw rocks at me please..... as you can see from my quotes above, i have noticed baptists havent got the best of names for themselves.... hmmm erm, a little confused here..... other one has said that baptists believe that all you have to do is believe, but in the bible doesnt it say "believe and be baptised" and isnt baptism a sign of showing you believe, and baptism a symbol of new life...have we as baptists taken this too literally, have we got to perfect ourselves before we can be saved.... or does god accept us as we are.... id like to know what else we have to do in order to be saved other than believe... now if here we are on about being saved from hell, then obviously we gotta stay on track... cos whether this be correct or not, i kinda take on board that if a person is going to say they believe but totally go against god, n i mean totally, cos we all go against gods will for our lives daily, but god can work with a willing heart cant he... im just really confused as to what as a baptist you are telling me i believe and not sure whether or not its right... i dont care if you tell me im wrong, i obviously need to know... or are we talking about being saved as in at the beginning of your walk with god, when youve accepted him as your lord and saviour.... is there something other than believing here that i dont know about... i know there is more to it than this but... surely once saved always saved is correct , no matter how much we mess up god will forgive us... and promises never to forsake us... no? Jesus died on the cross so that are sins were taken away and so that we could be saved and know eternal life... whats with this once saved always saved debate?? again, if were looking at whats going to happen when were judged at the gates of heaven. none of you know truly what god will do with you.... im a very confused miss muppet today
  12. you are actually both right in some way when trying to figure out what i was saying... i thought it was clear what i was saying obviously not... NP im saying that if you said to someone you will go to hell if you commit suicide then this wouldnt be something that would stop them as to them what they are living is hell.... and as far as i know i didnt say that saying this to someone would push them further to it... and i believe no man without the power of god thru them can draw them form it.... Im just trying to get across that from my experience, im afraid i wasnt at all bothered where i ended up aslong as i got away from the pain i was feeling... Butero.... i agree that i said the threat of hell would not deter me... but where did i say that saying a person would go heaven would make them more likely to do it???
  13. Exactly. Even those who believe in OSAS are not sure; which means OSAS is just an allusion; either your beliefs are true or not. Every soul is important. I dont care who believes in OSAS and who doesnt believe in OSAS.......... still none of you have any right at all to say whether or not they will or will not go to heaven... and again this debate is pointless.... Also did i say that every soul isnt important?? NO i said the subject isnt important... i am glad you have stated that every soul is important... maybe now you have realised this you can stop polutting the weak in spirit and esteem minds with posts concerning such things as suicide, where only god knows the true answer to your question...
  14. i want to know why you concern yourself with such things??? why do you wish to know where a saved person who kills themself goes? thats what i want to know! are you suicidal and debating it but scared of what will happen to you!!! from personal experience, when i have been on the brink of suicide and have many times attempted the last thing i was bothered about was where i was going, all i was bothered about was getting very far away from the feelings, life and thoughts i was having... and even since ive been saved ive been suicidal... yet still where i was going if i suceeded in killing myself didnt bother me at all when a person is in a state of being suicidal, trying to scare them with, well you'll go to hell if you do, will have no effect at all. there response is likely to be, "Hell!! doubting hell can be much worse than what im feeling" it really frustrates me that this topic keeps coming up over and over again.... what happens if a christian comes on the boards and actually is suicidal and gets the impression from this thread and others that they will still go to heaven if they kill themselves... Not one of you has any right at all to say whether or not they will.... because you dont know... god decides... drop the subject... its not important dont question things that you know you will never get a satifactory clear answer for... just have FAITH that god is going to make the right decision
  15. i know full well by the end of this post i will be crying my eyes out, but i want to share it cos its so precious too me... the best day of my life so far happened nearly 4 years ago, my grandma who i had always been extremly close too, doted on and well i just cant explian how significant and precious she was and still is too me... i lived for her.. she had been gradually getting more n more poorly, she suffered with severe osteporosis and couldnt walk... and having to watch her slowly deteriorate broke my heart... she went from being a chirpy, smiley, lovely lady, too a withdrawn, depressed and very confused woman.... she kept having little strokes, and cos she wasnt mobile, if she had one she was in danger, luckily wen she had one, she would bite down on her tongue so that she didnt choke on it... your wondering where the best day bit comes in arent you... well, she was admitted to hospital and was in for 5 months, i visited her daily and my life was in tatters as i was so scared i wa going to lose her... she moved into a nursing home... much to her disgust, but we had little option and i again visited her as often as i could which was 3hours there n 3 hours back, but i knew she needed me.... then one day i visited her and she wasnt in her room she was in the lounge and i walked over to her and said "hello me lovely" she loved me calling her that.. and i placed a kiss on her forehead and i will never forget the look she gave me... her eyes just looked horrified, she shouted at me "who are you, get away from me, n started calling for the nurse" all the other residents were in shock, they couldnt believe that she didnt know who i was" n the nurse came over n was like, "its hannah, edna dont be silly, "shes come to see you" She denied knowing me, and i just stood there totally numb, i was just gutted... your still waiting for the good bit it is coming i promise... so my grandma had forgotten who i was... i went with other people, like my mum n my sister to see her, and she remembered them all, n always asked who i was, everytime my mind was screaming at me to stop going to see her, wat was the point, i was a nobody to her now... but i had to keep going, it broke my heart everytime, n i knew we didnt have much time left with her.... her 80th birthday was looming and we were unsure as to whether she was going to still be alive for it.. so we didnt plan anything too big... she kept asking what we doing n said she didnt want a fuss... looking back now she held on for her birthday cos she died a few weeks after... so her birthday came, and on the morning i was debating whether or not to go, why would she want a stranger at her birthday... i went on the agreement with my mum that if it was too hard for me then i could leave... so we go over to the nursing home, set up the food, and the chairs, and one of the nurses goes to get her from her room, she didnt know we were doing anything we all wait in the diniing room and the nurse wheels her in (shes in a wheelchair if u hadnt realised) her eyes lit up as she realised we had organised a party for her... it was loevely to see that big beaming smile back on her face, even if it was only for those few hours.... then she burst in to tears... tears of joy im hoping... i took over a card i had made her and a picture of me and her... wen i was about 3.. and we were both sitting in the garden and my grandma had her sunglasses on and was reading th paper and i was sitting next to her with my sunglasses on n ready a comic now im crying so i go over to her... and she looks up and... she said "ooo look hannahs here" SHE REMEMBERED ME and did so strangely from that day till the day she died the day my grandma remembered me again was the best day of my life
  16. fantastic point dude, man if only we could just GRIP IT and ACCEPT IT and STRIVE ON and not doubt, as through doubt we doubt god, and in him we should put all of our trust.. no matter the situation... he WILL provide As the dudes sig says HAVE FAITH IN YOUR FAITH.... says it all really doesnt it
  17. come on guys read this post....
  18. like i sed earlier only residents of the uk can sign it. i had no problems at all signing the petition or using the website, maybe god is trying to say that the petition is pointless and that we should get on our knees and pray!!!!
  19. im absolutely gutted and so sorry i didnt realise it was the case... this is at bottom of petition page really sorry keep praying your hearts out tho for the situation god bless you all so im rubbish h xx
  20. Are people signing the petition??
  21. jckduboise the author of the letter is 11 years old
  22. Since reading the thread recently started on the boards called " The state of the world ..., what do you think ?" i really have been thinking about it... Not gettin depressed about it but feeling quite heartbroken to be honest, but resting assured that god will provide and is in control... But today reading the newspaper sitting on a bus, i sobbed my heart out, and cried out to god... Thats all im gonna say... here is the link to the story i read, its from a different paper because the paper i was reading was a free one and doesnt have the story on its website for some reason... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/wear/4758683.stm in the paper i read there is a copy of the letter that Dean wrote, and the website only gives a couple of quotes from it so i will write the letter out as it is in the paper.... Dear God, I'm sending this letter to say i'm very happy with all the people in the world that don;t go around killing other people for no reason. Also, I'm happy with all the sports you can do in the world like football, hockey, rugby and a lot of others. I'm even happy with the way i look apart from my glasses. But i'm not happy with the war in Iraq because it is not nice to kill another human being. I add that the way people bully other people that don't harm a fly. The things i would like to stay the same is that when your Mams and Dads go to work they need to earn money to get food and stuff so God please change the awful things in life and keep the good stuff running. Yours Faithfully, Dean P
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