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  1. Evolution is not a religion. It requires no faith, has no thing it worships. It doesn't fit any definition of religion. It also says nothing about god. You pastor lied to you then. Big time. No "honest scientist" will say evolution is false or impossible. Only creationists say that evolutionists say that. I have heard all the usual YEC "evidence", and it is all false and a bunch of lies easily disproven. I probably would have gotten a good laugh at that seminar, then. Charles Darwin NEVER RECANTED. That is an urban legend. Evolution doesn't deny god. It has no say about god!! Maybe if you tried and learned about evolution, maybe you'd actually understand it!!
  2. Thermodynamics don't apply because they only apply to closed systems, which the earth is not, because we receive energy from the sun, so it is an open system Simple as that. Nope. The Cambrian Explosion is the perfect example of new species emerging.
  3. 92% is much more signifigant... Artsylady, if you want to repost some of your previous questions that I missed, feel free to, and I will answer them now. I don't have to time to go post by post and answer all your questions.
  4. I emphasized a part you missed in the quote, about it only referring to archaeopteryx. The reason the record is scanty is because birds bones are small and hollow, so they don't fossilize as well. Birds
  5. I am very sorry for not posting lately. I have been very busy. Bad examples. As you have said, you can see and measure the effects of your example. You cannot see or measure a diety. I also don't "choose not to" see it. Maybe I don't see it because it is not there? Yes, it has been observed. I do my best! You can see cars, but not god. Bad example. No, I will take responsibility for my actions. I know I will be held responsible for my actions, but I don't believe the is a god. This has nothing to do with belief in a god. Denying god, which you have posted an example of, is not the same as not believing in one. It was a really bad movie all around. I think it concentrated to much on Jesus' beatings rather than his supposed miracles. It was very anti-Semetic. Gibson portrayed the Jews as an angry mob hellbent on crucifying Jesus. Yep, your right! I am not an atheist because of evolution. It is irrelevant. Blame it on Satan now! Again, I am not an atheist because of evolution. I didn't want this to get into a atheist/theist type of argument. I only meant for this to be about evolution. People say Jesus Christ as a curse word because Christianity is the prevelent religion in America, that is why. I am done with this post now. I don't want to get off track. I felt I had to respond somewhat because you typed so much!
  6. It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: I think this better supports a flat earth. A circle is 2 dimensional. It is not a sphere. And a tent? a tent has to be place on flat ground... Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. I don't think this is referring to atoms... Where is the way where light dwelleth? and as for darkness, where is the place thereof, 20 That thou shouldest take it to the bound thereof, and that thou shouldest know the paths to the house thereof? This isn't about light moving. You could also say that this supports that darkness moves, then. To make the weight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure. This is also pushing it... The prophecies could be applied to many different things, so I guess they could be true, just like Nostrudamus. It didn't take one day for Israel to become a nation. It took hundreds of years, but it "officially" became a country on one day, because have you see a country that has more that one date for becoming a country? Also, unlike you, I do not see a god, or the need for one. [quoteI would like to suggest something... maybe you already have plans to do so... If you would go see the Mel Gibson movie "The Passion". I havent seen it yet but i have heard that it is very acurate. I am sure that there are some dramatic things that have been added and maybe somethings that didnt happen exactly as they did in history but Roman Crucifixtion was extremely painful and bloody... whether it happend exactly as the movie portrays or not the fact of the matter is it happend. If i could just ask you to go watch it and put all the controversy out of you mind, all the "I dont think that happend" thoughts and just keep this in mind... If it is all true then the painful death on the cross was for you... im not saying this to play with your emotions.. i know its going to be an emotional movie... wait until the day after if you want and think about it but keep that thought in mind. I think ive said this already but ill say it again.. im not doing this to prove a point, to win and arguement or to kill time... im doing this because i care about you. Youve probably heard that before and i am telling you i really mean it. One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord, and one day every one will give an account of everything they have done... in public and in secret... Some will have Christ and enter into an eternity of peace... some wont and will enter into and eternity of Judgment... I dont want that to happen to you... or anyone... the reality is that some will go to hell.. i would hate to see that happen because they spend their time arguing over the little things while the biggest most important thing passes them by... please understand that i am speaking to you from my heart.. . at least go see the movie and check out the scripture that i gave you... thanx
  7. Ummm.... adaption=evolution. It's all the same. Carbon dating is very accurate WITHIN ITS LIMITS. Creationists like to work with is outside of its limits. They manipulate it. Darwin never recanted. That's an urban legend. To reject what science has found and accept YEC is calling a god liar, because you are saying that god is decieving us because the evidence points to old earth/evolution, when the earth is really young.
  8. AiG doesn't know what is talking about. Read the link I posted. From an encyclopedia. It WAS NOT created because evidence was lacking. That is what creationists say, not scientists.
  9. Ummm... evolutionists agree that archaeopteryx is a descendent of a small dinosaur, most likely the maniraptora. It is the the ancestor of birds. You complain how I only post Talk Origins, which I don't, and all you post is AiG! They sure are trustworthy!
  10. What about the bird-like features??? Do you realize the 'transitionals' , scanty as they are, are almost identical to the modern platypus? Just because Talk origins has an answer, doesn't mean it's a good one. Is that why you post the link? Do you hope I won't actually read it? You didn't read your own quote very well. There, I fixed it. So what is if archaeopteryx has a scanty fossil record? That doesn't mean all species have a scanty one. The fossil record in general is very strongly supporting of evolution.
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