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Posts posted by NITE OWL

  1. I think Christ would be more concerned as to why the doors are locked on our churches. With over 200 million christians in this country, there should be no hunger, no homeless families. The poor of this country shouldn't have to depend on the government for their wellbeing.

    Christ said we were to take care of these people but we don't. We turn our backs on the Godless when they be the focus of our walk. FEMA, the Red Cross, The United Way, and every other charitable org. shouldn't have to take care of these people. That's our job. That's what Christ told us to do.

    I think we as christians like to puff ourselves and find fault in others. We like to point fingers and judge. I'm as guilty of this as the next man. We forget that He's always there. Listening...recording.

    Would I let Him in my house?

    I don't have a choice.

  2. G-d called the light Day, and the darkness he called night, And the evening and the morning were the first day.

    24 hours a night and a day, if not then we have to beleive that time changed since then, that one night and one day equal x-amount of years.

    What about 2 Peter 3:8?

  3. Google your question.

    Or read some of the threads here that talk about evolution vs creation.

    I've been in a couple debates here concerning evolution and what I've learned is, I can't prove that God exists and they can't prove He doesn't.

    I like to bring up the fact that no one has ever found a full body skeleton of man in his early stages of evolution but we have skeletons of animals that are small enough to fit in the palm of our hand that are millions of years older.

    I use their information against them. Go to some evolution websites and look at their facts. You'll soon discover that they really can't prove anything. Their language is filled with "what ifs, maybes, and could be's". Educated guessing.

  4. Christ will get here when He gets here and no amount of praying is going to bring Him back until everything is ready.

    Christ is coming...there's no doubt about it, so I don't see the point in praying for His return. It's going to happen whether we pray for it or not. We can't change yesterday and only God knows tomorrow, so why not focus our prayers on the here and now.

    Pray for those around us...both good and bad.

  5. Everybody has their own comfort zone.

    Some people stay away from things of the world. It's not a question of their faith being weak, they just don't like it.

    I don't think people should be condemned for watching or not watching a movie.

    Questioning someones level of faith is judging...I don't believe it's our place to be doing that.


    I would say that many of these things ARE a matter of strong or weak faith. Paul himself implies this in Rom. 14:2. However, it is true that it is not our place to decide whose faith is at what level, or to look down on people whose faith is weaker or stronger than our own. If someone admits, though, that their faith is weak, or whatever, we have every right to acknowledge that, and to act accordingly by seeing that we don't put a stumbling block in front of them. For instance, if we know that someone struggles with alcoholism or that they are offended by alcohol, we should not drink in front of them, whatever we may believe about it. Here's Paul's example:

    "Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way. As one who is in the Lord Jesus, I am fully convinced that no food is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean. If your brother is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died. " - Rom. 14:13-15


    I agree.

  6. One of Tess's quotes.

    Well nothing would surprise me about homos.

    I'm sorry you are offended by that remark, Tess, but it's the truth, but for sake of others on this board, I wont go into graphic details, because what I have seen would turn you green.


    Tess didn't say that...you did.


    Nite owl, go back and read the post again. I know Tess did't say that. I said it and Tess was requoting me. Do pay attention.


    I do pay attention.

    You wrote it in a way that made it sound like it was her words.

    If you didn't make such derogatory statements, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I keep those kind of thoughts to myself, you should do the same.

  7. Everybody has their own comfort zone.

    Some people stay away from things of the world. It's not a question of their faith being weak, they just don't like it.

    I don't think people should be condemned for watching or not watching a movie.

    Questioning someones level of faith is judging...I don't believe it's our place to be doing that.

  8. For those of you who are advocating the closure of my thread here, why is the thread at fault? How many here stuck to the OP? It was not about Homosexuality in general, but about how america has been brainwashed into thinking that it is OK, if its their preference.

    A small child knows this isnt' right, but is corrected by his mom to not think what the conscience the L-RD gave him can be trusted.

    This is what we should be addressing.

    It is about fighting G-d and his holiness.

    This news clip was made to be shown just after the Movie about Penguins came out, to refute what it was basically saying that there is a CREATOR, and that his design in all things is perfect and in that perfection is not same sex unions.

    Why have we gone four pages and this not addressed? I even took 3 hours to get high-speed hook up and to watch over and over the clip to make a trasciption so you could read what is being promoted.

    The issue here is not about how we should or should not treat those who believe in this "lifestyle" or what type of sin it is, but rather what I have addressed above,

    Now can we keep this on track?



    So what's your solution to this issue?

  9. One of Tess's quotes.

    Well nothing would surprise me about homos.

    I'm sorry you are offended by that remark, Tess, but it's the truth, but for sake of others on this board, I wont go into graphic details, because what I have seen would turn you green.


    Tess didn't say that...you did.

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