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Posts posted by PetriFB

  1. http://koti.phnet.fi/elohim/studytheword

    Behind the link is a Bible program in which the verses have been divided into groups based on themes. Naturally, not all the verses of the Bible are included; only those which are used often. There are most quotes from the letters of the New Testament, approximately 98% of the verses. There are not as many quotes from the others books of the Bible. Furthermore, some verses can appear in many places.

    The main purpose is study the Word and learn it better. We often only have a superficial understanding of the whole issue and we know it poorly. Paul wrote:

  2. I realise how Dan Brown's book is not only a novel, but also a messenger of end days deception.

    Nice to meet you, Petri.

    I don't understand, so perhaps someone can explain for me: Why is this important, and why is the book so dangerous?

    Isn't this the reason why we have churches, to teach sound doctrine to their people? ;)

    The book is not dangerous to those who know the truth and obey God. Dan's book have same attitude and message as end time apostate's mankind. So it tells about goddesses worship as the Bible says. Dan's side is supporting lies and apostasy and our mission is warn about it and tell love of God in Christ.

    may God bless you!

  3. PetriFB is a brother here on Worthy,

    he is solid from what I have been able to see (read and such).

    Petri does his research and studies.

    I have read almost all (if not all) his posts, he is kind, and strong, and will not bend.

    He does not argue, he does not do much on the debate.

    I know a bit of his culture, and that is quite different then ours in the USA.

    Kiitos Petri, Kiitos

    Thanks for you and God bless you abundantly in Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit.

  4. This was really a hot topic here in the US about 3 years ago. Lee Stoeble did an excellent series on the problems with the DaVinci code that we used as aon outreach in our church in 2006

    Ok, that's good.

    More behind the link:

    Dan Brown emphasizes the sacred femininity and the goddess in his book. The message of Dan

  5. Hi, a Christian man called Jari Iivanainen (A Finn) is going to make the Bible program (websites) and he wanted to know what English Bible version is good to use in that program. The Bible program will include different subject areas with Bible verses. By that way you can find verses to subjects you are looking for.

    You can familiarize Jari through his websites: http://koti.phnet.fi/elohim/harvestenglish

    The Bible program will be completed about June or July 2008, and I will inform about it all of you.

    Jari would appreciate your suggestion to which version is best to use that he can choose a good version to that program. I suggested to him KJV (1611), but he wanted to hear as much as possible suggestions, so thank you to you all, who will answer!

  6. http://koti.phnet.fi/petripaavola/concentrateonJesus.html

    When Jesus Christ wandered on the earth, He didn't live according to His own will, but according to the will of His Father. If you wan to be Jesus central believer, so you don't have your own will, but you want that will of God happen in your life. Jesus central believer don't seek his own will, but in all the will of God. He who seek in all the will of God loves God. Jesus loved His Father and was obedient to His Father in all. If you are pleasing to people and cancel the truth and the love of God, so you are not Jesus central believer, but egocentric believer who flatters people.

  7. http://koti.phnet.fi/petripaavola/DoubleCo...mentofLove.html

    The right understanding of the Double Commandment of Love is one of the key foundation of the Biblical faith. Believers many problems and experiences that in the life of the faith are not Biblical balance and peace are resulting very often from lack of right understanding of the Double Commandment of Love. Understanding of this issue is very significant and important, because through it, we can grow to healthy and mature faith and to real knowing of God. The right understanding of the Double Commandment of Love leads us to know and love God and love also our neighbours. The right understanding of Double Commandment of Love open to us also understanding of the Scriptures (The Bible) and lead us to deep connection with God.

  8. http://koti.phnet.fi/petripaavola/Messiahcode.html

    When I was in the prayer in the Spring 2007, God spoke to me "the "code" of the Messiah" and the message, which reveals that who is the Messiah. Hebrew letters have many dimensions. They express letter's name, number value, literal meaning and symbolical meaning. When we research Hebrew words Yeshua and Yehoshua (Jesus) and the Messiah (Mashiach), we notice that both words give us a very interesting message, the "code". The Message that can change your life! Those believers who believe to God know that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah. God has promised in the last days to save the remnant of Israel. This writing and its message have written especially to those Jews who live in last days, that they could see that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah.

    God Himself led writers who wrote the Holy Sprictures (the Bible). God knew beforehand that Jews will make numeral, literal and symbolic meanings to each Hebrew letters. God Himself chose words and letters to the Scriptures and those words and letters have " a code" and expose that who is the Messiah!

  9. If we start examining the signs preceding the coming of Jesus, then the words spoken by Jesus himself, in which He referred to the days of Noah and Lot concerning the generation experiencing the coming of Jesus, are a good starting point. He stated that the conditions just before His coming would very much resemble the societies of the time of Noah and Lot, and that before His coming, people would be as unprepared as then; in other words, history would in a way repeat itself.


  10. and my text is mainly written to Jews ...

    Then you should label it as such.

    It is such .... there are words like Tanakh, Mashiach, Ruach Haqodesh and so on ...

    Word of God is not hidden messages or secret codes. Word of God has many dimensions. First is open message (written literally), which are basic element and most important element of God's word. Then there are parables, figures and symbolical meanings, which have also important role in the Scriptures. Jewish letters has literal and symbolical meaning and when we research example letters of Messiah and Jesus their literal meanings and symbolic meanings point out to words and the message, which is identical how the Scriptures present the Messiah and His mission. So I believe that it is no coincidence that there are those letters and theirs meanings, but God proves His word and message with many levels and this is not "secret code" things, but word of God with many dimensions. God didn't choose Hebrew coincidence to be language of Scriptures (OT).

  11. The text is mainly written for Jews to awake them to see the Messiah .. . ...

    but anyway thanks about feedback .... I wish that you have read the text before commenting ... may GBU ....

    May i ask something. Why would anyone waste their time reading codes, or books about mysterious codes when all they need is Gods word? God is not the author of confusion or secrecy or hidden codes you know.

    1Cr 14:33 For God is not [the author] of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

    You are right ....... but the Bible is word of God and has many levels open word, parables, figures, symbols ..do you deny that?

    and my text is mainly written to Jews ...

  12. Hi PetriFB,

    Thank you for posting.

    I have been reading on your pages and you have some really good things there. I hope people explore your pages, they're so right on about the hedonism of today, the Bibles views of how to live a life right before God in Gods ways setout in the Bible and the need to be saved in the Lord Jesus.

    With the way the words signify the Lord, it is interesting that the Lord fully reveals Himself in so many levels in language, prophecy, in person in Jesus, in our lives in the Holy Spirit, even in nature His Mighty Hand and story of ressurection after life. Amazing Creator and Lord we have!

    I appreciate the Word of God more everyday I live!

    Thank you for sharing with others the message of the Lords salvation!

    Thank you for sharing your pages with us here. I do appreciate reading them.

    God Bless you,


    Thanks may GBU .. you are in that position that you can understand the point of the text.. it is not symbols ("codes"), but written word, which point out Jesus as the Messiah and Saviour .. amen ...

    and that is true that there many levels how God can reveal Him .....

  13. The Messiah is Jesus.

    I don't need a long-held secret code to tell me that. But thanks for the information, anyway.

    Jesus didn't speak in secret. He spoke in a way that even children could understand.

    Right on. :noidea::blink:

    These "codes" people find in the Bible are--I want to say rubbish--distractions at best.

    :huh: I agree with you Marnie. When this idea first came up, I tried to keep an open mind about it, but the more I looked into it, the more skeptical I became. There are few that have even taken the time to read the Bible through, and yet people are being distracted over a supposedly hidden code. I would say it is better to get the understanding of what is obvious and stop spending time on what could be a last days deception.

    When you read accurate the text you will see that question is not ordinary codes, but symbols which are equal to written word and those symbols tells from the same matter than the word that Jesus is the Messiah ..

    and if you understand what you have read so you notice how it is mainly pointed out to Jews and others who don't konw Jesus ....


    Then you can compare it about above being link .. both speaks same matter other with open word and other through Biblical symbolism ....

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