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Everything posted by Tari

  1. Tari


    Thanks Nathele, we are going to be just fine. I will never step foot back in this church again. That is not Christlike whatsoever. That is very very unfortunate, because like what you said is very important. What is the point of calling yourself a church if you cannot even help your own people, yet alone anyone else. Very very unfortunate for those who have ever really really needed help, and never got any whatsoever. That is a total shame.
  2. Tari


    Wow, I am really disappointed and just wanted to share this with you. Okay, my husband and I have been small business owners for 6 years. Well, unfortunately everything just crashed and were going bankrupt. Okay that happens were working through it. In the meantime, I talked to our local Catholic church, which a couple years ago we just went through the whole process for my husband to join. The priest knows axactly who we are. So I asked if we could get a little help in the meantime, just to get our feet on the ground. We are in a desperate situation right now, and we have affordable rent. So the priest gives me this phone number for the Catholic Social Services. What they told me is that only if we have a turn off notice for our electricity, we could bring it in with our families social security cards and for one time they would help. Wow, this is the only help they offer for people in a desperate situation. This church is full of more than a thousand people. This local church has been collecting multitudes of millions, for a few years now, because they want some cathedral to be built. So I called back this priest and explained the only help the Catholic social services offered. I also explained that my family has always been Catholic and always has supported the church. We just happen to be going through a serious crisis right now and could use some help. So the priest said sorry there is nothing we can do, click. I cannot believe an institution of wealth, probably one of the wealthiest in the world, cannot offer its own people, who have always supported them. Well, they cannot even offer any help when your in a time of crisis. What are they cloaking themselves behind? This is the year 2007, we are not still living in the dark ages are we?
  3. Tari


    Well, that was a silly question, sorry. Of course it's after the return happens, I just think were all looking forward to some peace.
  4. Tari


    Just a quick question would be---Does the thousand years of peace start before or after the return of Christ???
  5. Tari


    . In the Second Commandment God makes no distinction between the making of or the worshipping of an image of Himself, the Invisible God. So are you saying that worshipping Jesus goes against that law? We don't typically make images of Jesus and pray to them, at least not in Protestant churches. No, Christ is the only begotten son of God, but as far as worshipping goes? I don't know axactly what the Catholic doctrine is about that. I suppose you could find out online? One thing that is confusing to me is that the Catholic church has the crucifix, and all the protestant churches have simply the cross alone. My own stance today would be that the cross itself is sufficient enough. Mainly because obviously Jesus did not just stay stuck there on the cross. Another main part of his teaching was about believing in life after death.
  6. Tari


    . In the Second Commandment God makes no distinction between the making of or the worshipping of an image of Himself, the Invisible God. I understand that. Well, even from all the teachings of Christ alone, without humans ever trying to depict what they look like in the spiritual form. Through what Christ taught, He obviously always prayed to His Father above. He held His Father in Heaven in highest reverence. So, the only issue with that was putting the trinity into perspective, as a human, enough to try to understand.
  7. Tari


    Darnit I thought "the Dictionary of Early Church Beliefs" was going to be my Christmas present. Oh well, I'll just have to order it myself. Has anyone out there happened to read this, or into this subject? Well before exploring any other documentation myself, here's a little summary of what I can conclude from the Bible alone. Okay Christ was clear about giving all that you have away. Sell all that you have and give it away. Okay, Christ also set up discipleship, because He knew that leadership has to be passed on through him. Then of course (John 6) explains about communion (the bread of life). Then in Acts 4:32 - 5:11 okay there is a real clue of how serious Christ was about giving all that you have. Alrighty, so around the 300th century the early church was mixed with a peagan whatever society of beliefs. Basically, it looks like these people simply added the belief of Christ into their "society of beliefs". Now one of two very crucial things probably happened. Either those people thought it would be crazy to give away all their possesions to follow Christ. -or- Possibly greed had taken over the leadership positions, and they failed at supporting the people back who were giving it all to them. Maybe even both scenarios were taking place at the time? Nevertheless, the most crucial foundation that Christ put forth for His True Church following, was absolutely broken during that period of time. I would bet that was axactly why the human race had to go through the 600-700 years of dark ages? How much would you bet on that? This is very interesting because the Catholic Church from the 300th century until the protestant reformation of the 1500's was all that people had to follow. I know that churches of today are not following the true way for what Christ intended. The true church was meant to be passed on from Christ, to the disciples, apostles, and hand to hand leadership passed down from there. They basically made some crucial teachings of what Christ intended, absolutely extinct in my point of view. The poverty level in just Europe alone through many of these centuries is just sickening. Any comments about this subject?
  8. Tari


    Now today we don't have to worry like they used too. But something to think about would be in the past, heck if they would have had so many hundreds or thousands of people to feed. Then it would have made sense for the (say a cow) for being killed. It's hard to think about because we are sooooo spoiled today. If only they over time would have really grown and continued to..... I'm going to read this book when it arrives because I want to find out where did the church stop following following.....
  9. Tari


    Thanks for that link. There was a lot of things that Christ taught. The most curious part for me was to give all that you have away. But, along with that your very basic necesseties would be taken care of. Just to think what life could truly be like to do such a thing, wow amazing. I would love to give it all away, and have that true following of Christ. Unfortunately, this has been nowhere present in the world for a long long time.
  10. Tari


    Thanks, I"m going to look that book up. This is a very curious subject. I think some serious things broke over that years that were a very necessary part for the church to have a role in our lives.
  11. Tari


    Thanks for the responses. Well it's not like we have some strange Almighty God who just stuck us on a planet like Mars, and has us playing war games together. Sorry I'm having a hard time sleeping. No He the Almighty is very real and very true and you can only begin to see it out of what He creates.
  12. Tari


    I'm equally driven about people attacking the body of Christ and God's Commandments. Welcome to a growing crowd of people who are passionate about something. What do you mean the Ten Commandments are obsolete? The Ten Commandments are about as moral as it gets. Even non-Christians have similar codes to the Ten Commandments, and you have no place to be blaming technology: it's the last generations crappy parenting techniques. I know because I have witnessed it over and over and over again. Oh, and that's another thing I'm very serious about - the failures of adults in raising their children. Whoa! No, what I was trying to say about that the Commandments is that many children today in a certain generetion, well They were never taught anything. Sometimes in life things can go so well, that they forget to teach teach period. That includes the commandments period. Nooo not in any way shape or form do I blame technology. Certain technogies are beautiful. Electricity, Temperate controlled atmosphere, refridgerator, stove, and all the grocery food imaginable. I was just trying to make a point that the human race was very strong to have endured for thousands of years without those things.
  13. Tari


    I know that it is the holy spirit that leads a body of believers. My husband who grew up mormon and went through the whole process to join the catholic. Well you have to attend this class every week to learn, okay. Then he happenened to be previously married, so you had to be totally investigated first and any previous marriage eliminated. This was such a college course process seemingingly. During the 25th anniversary (August 2006) of EWTN, the pope came across with this message during the middle of a mass. Then he later uttered that these were someone else's words that he uttered. Anyway, the axact words I do not have. Basically what the message came down to is that people and families were being treated like a college carricular program in order to join the church. The church had been sending out a message about this being a death society. And what the pope said from there was do not preach about a death society when you yourselves are practicing that, and he said that they have failed to support families. See they try soo hard to attack this abortion issue, yet they don't even care or know who you are at the doorstep. What is so sad to me is that our particular one that we joined, nobody their could have ever cared if we are alive and breathing.
  14. Tari


    They gave way to the buying of the gold???
  15. Tari


    All you need to do is read the word of God over and over and over and teach your child to do the same and pray and pray and pray. God wants an intimate relationship with us and by cultivating that relationship with Him will put in touch with Him and His will for your life. The Catholic church was not set up by Christ while He was here. Christ set up His church and the first gatherings for His church took place in Jerusalem and no place else. Do the research and you will find this to be true. The Roman church was started by Paul when he went there to preach the gospel. The Catholic/Universal church was created sometime after that by men who were influenced by paganism and so today the Catholic church is made up of men and women who were made deity by other men. They believe they are the only authorized by God clergy who can properly interpret the word of God and are directly responsible for bringing pagan ritual into the church sometime around 325 AD. Today we practice this pagan ritual and call it Christmas and Easter. The Jerusalem church which according to the bible was the first organized church, never celebrated Christmas or Easter because they considered them to be pagan even to celebrate the birth of Christ. The only two biblically recorded birthday celebrations were celebrated with the death of a man as part of that celebration. Well the problem is what in those 300+++ years happened. See they were sooooo crucified Just to Believe it was barely written down and understood.
  16. Tari


    Well there you go a laptop to go. SO we have this generation of children coming up that have been raised on violent cartoons and video games. They have never been taught one ounce of morals. And the 10 commandments alone, are so obsolete and alien they don't even recognize what they are. This is like hell for people, for people who live in this world. And do not ever forget that this life is a test. I am very serious about this subject and the church failing people in their lives.
  17. Tari


    Chat babies chat. This is quite a subject and an important one. As for yourself, well make yourself a dang quesadilla, I'm off for a couple of days!
  18. Tari


    Nathele, Thankyou very much for your responses. They made a lot of mistakes over time. No God the Almighty does not have a mama. But obviously He created Mary, and if He The Almighty God were to have a mama she would be similar? Why were people crying so hard for that over time? I am just fine in my life. Just taking a look at over time and the crucial mistakes that have hurt others.
  19. Tari


    Do you remember the movie THE JERK, well he was Forced to give it all away. But, he had a FAMILY who loved him. And they came to get him in desperate times. Well, that's just a whatever. My point is my neighbor from my hometown, who is one of the best friends I have ever had. She is 80 years old now. She went to the same church as I, which is a school also, her whole life. She lives 3 blocks away and has a hard time walking. She walks to mass the same time it is getting ready to start every Sunday. See I live 2000 miles away, and have for years. Nobody out of hundreds of people every week on their way to mass, Nobody ever stops to ask her for a ride. My God, your talking Ice, sleet, and snow weather. She has not drove for years, she has to walk. Helloooooooo is something wrong with this picture? And she is one of the sweetest people you could ever meet. WOW!
  20. Tari


    Gotcha, and why were we suppose to give all that we have away, all that we have? It was not to end up homeless eating worms. Do you know what I'm saying?
  21. Tari


    Sorry, but why would they attack an issue like abortion when they Do Not support or evangalize to people in this life. Just because they have their own routine down, are they putting themselves above others? It amazes me because their own food and shelter were always taken care of, plus a fine salary WOW! We are not here to judge but ONLY evil behavior.
  22. Tari


    After going through the rejoining process, plus learning about many other religions I wanted to do something to help. I mailed all the dioceses all across the country just in a simple letter. I also mailed some seminaries, EWTN etc... In my letter I wrote well I have had a miracle and been touched by God in my life. I emphasized that they needed to have the discipleship and support back for people in their life through the church. Anyway it was a beautiful letter. The ONLY, out of hundreds of mailings, the only response I got back was from the Priests for Life with 6 brochures on why I should not get an abortion. Well, I have never thought of such a thing. I just thought I could help them to try to look at a problem of not supporting people who support you back period. That was very heartbreaking, (1 response) and that was it! That happened 8 months ago. Now I don't really care how busy their offices may be.
  23. Tari


    I think from all the different religions and crap that you have to deal with in this life it is very confusing. I would say stay very true to who you are with your natural God given gifts and what He has given you. There are so many offsprings of religions that try, maybe without realizing, but they warp the Almighty God. Many also try to warp that Your Very Own heaven is assured. Always remember that it is the Almighty's heaven and earth and other punishment. That is something to beware of in this life. Now man only being man and cannot in any way shape or form try to be, or even do what the Almighty God would do. We are His servants and we are here to try. Do not be deceived and fall prey in this life. Now, I Do Not Have a problem with my church warping the Almighy God, because they do not do that. The problem was following through with supporting the people who support them back period. And that seems to have happened for too many centuries period.
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