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Posts posted by Pipit

  1. Bald = Folically Challenged

    Fat = Calorifically Enhanced

    Old People = Gerentologically Advanced

    Short = Vertically Challenged

    Tall = Gravatationally Challenged / Vertically Excessive

    Lost = Directionally Challenged / Locationally Displaced

    Insane People = Selectively Perceptive

    Lumberjack = Fuel Log Technician

    Plumber = Human Waste Systems Technician

    Housewife = Domestic Technician

    Hunter = Animal Assassin

    Taxi Driver = Inner-City Human Cargo Transportation Expert


  2. Homographs are words with the

    same spellings but with different meanings and origins. How many can you

    get? I refuse to bow to the pressure of giving you the answers. You can

    live without my help. So resume your thinking, and you will wind up refreshed

    as your brain cells lead you to the correct words.

    I don't like to see litter, so I ( )

    to let ( ) remain in my yard.

    After his performance, the opera singer

    straightened his ( ) tie and took a long ( ).

    The frayed ( ) wire caused

    the electrician to ( ) in fear.

    I lost my job, so now I have

    to ( ) writing my ( ).

    After I felt the cold ( ), I decided

    that I should ( ) my watch and get indoors.

    I took the ( ) in removing the

    dangerous ( ) paint from the old house.

    You can highlight the answers here:

    #1- refuse . #2-bow . #3- live . #4-resume, #5-wind, #6-lead

  3. Can someone here show me a Biblical passage that instructs us to beat ourselves down everyday or just harbor hatred towards ourself? Is it also wrong to reason with yourself when you are conflicted from within? We confront those who we have conflicts with, why not ourselves? Self talk? example: "maybe I need to not be so hard on myself". " Perhaps all the bad things I have been told about myself (loser, useless, never succeed, not wothy of love ect. Blah Blah) are not so and I need to discontinue these thoughts in my own head that repeat these claims and keep the cycle going. " Maybe God does not require me to have so much self disdain. Could it be that this negative self image is just another trick from the great deciever?


    Hey Dan...

    Firstly, there is much good advice already posted here... hopefully mine would be fitting enough to add to it, and that all that is said will encourage and challenge you.

    Nowhere in the Bible does it say we are to beat ourselves down--either physically, spiritually or emotionally--or to hate ourselves. Nor does it say anywhere we are to love ourselves.

    In reading what you have posted, two things come to mind: condemnation (and not just condemnation, but self-condemnation), and legalism.

    I am going to venture with some questions: Do you feel that you are more aware of your shortfallings, your sins and inabilities, then you are of God's grace? Do you see yourself as not being good enough to deserve the salvation afforded to you through Christ Jesus?

    If so, you are dealing with condemnation. Don't worry, most of us deal with it at one time or another, and unfortunately, some people think it should be a lifestyle. What is condemnation (as an emotional complex)? For us as Christians, it is the feeling that we have failed to live fully in Christ, and because we have failed, that we have seriously ticked off God. More so, we often forget about God's grace, or feel that we cannot accept it or accept forgiveness.

    This is not guilt--guilt is different. Guilt is the feeling we get when we have done wrong that informs us that this should be something we repent of and seek grace for. Condemnation doesn't inform us to seek grace, but makes us instead hide from it.

    Now, I mention Legalism because often, we feel that we need to do something in order to earn or maintain or make good on the salvation deal. We think that we have to maintain a consistent prayer life, read the Bible daily, learn Hebrew and Greek, and be involved in 5 church ministries in order to be 'Christian.' And when we can't do that, or we miss out on devotional time, or have a bad week, well... we enter into that mindset of condemnation.

    So why Condemnation and Legalism? Because both deny or forget about the completeness of Justification that we as Christians have in Christ Jesus! And Justification is something we often say but don't really understand. We think Justification is an ongoing thing, but it isn't. When we accepted Christ, we where Justified--and not just justified, but freely justified, meaning we can't and do not need to do anything to earn it (Romans 3:23-26). It was Christ's work, for us. Condemnation and Legalism also forget that we as Christians undergo sanctification--the ongoing process of being made righteous in Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit. It is Christ's work, in us.

    So, know this: you, if you are a Christian, are Justified--your sins are forgiven, and you do not need to beat yourself up when you mess up or when you feel you have fallen short (but you can fall on your knees and pray for God to strengthen and help you!).

    Now, as for all the bad things told about you: If you are a Christian, you are first and formost a Child of God. You are a New Creation, with your old self passed away. You are not a loser (you have Victory in Jesus), you are far from useless (hey, you have a job: You are Christ's ambassador!), you will succeed (you can do all things through Christ who is your strength!), you are loved (for God so loved the world... and if God's love is not enough, I love you as a brother in Christ!) . Those lies are not so, do not place any weight on them!

    Dave, place your worth in Christ, and in Christ alone. Know that He has paid for your sins, and that you need not walk in condemnation, nor believe the lies that say you are not worthy.Remember the promises that you as a Christian have in Christ! And remember that there is Grace for those times when you feel less than zero in your Christian walk.

  4. It is sad, especially regarding History, that we are losing our depth of knowledge. It seems the more we are exposed to and know and experience, the less we want to learn about it or pass it on to the next generation. And this is a big problem. As a generation grows up not knowing the heritage of the previous generations, it fails to respect the lessons of history that the previous generations learned through struggle and perseverence. And when it fails to respect those lessons, sadly, it will most likely find itself either unable to rationally come to terms with world events that effect them--such as wars, economic fallout, political upheavels, genocide--or they will become the perpetrators themselves of such things.

    Winston Churchill was right in his philosophy, and history proves it right. The further back we look into history, the better can understand the future. And the more we understand the past, the better we are to safeguard present from follies.

    One only needs to look at Isreael in the Book of Judges to see what can happen when a generation forgets and neglects the heritage it is part of. And we are seeing a similar development here in North America. Maybe not a spiritual neglect (though one certainly sees that!), but a neglect of the lessons already learned.

    "We have become smart, but we have destroyed all knowledge and wisdom in order to do so..."

  5. Ouch... that's no fun!!

    I remember when it was still okay to hand out apples and such (that wasn't that long ago...and hey, I come from a smaller community where everyone kinda knew everyone else). I received one once that had worms in it... and I don't mean the gummy kind! But that doesn't really count as candy, does it?

    There was the year of the melted chocolate bars... that was kinda odd. Or was it that I put my candy-sack (my pillowcase loaded with loot) on top of the heat vent when I got home??

  6. I think I know the reason why some of the students aren't just that bright. Look at the watered down misinformation found in text books.

    These are things that have been found in text books approved for use in school:

    Americans dropped the Atomic bomb... during the Korean War.

    That the Plains Indians unprovokedly attacked peaceful American settlers (no mention of how the Indians where treated)

    That the Americans won the War of 1812. (Hey... the best the Americans did was raid Toronto. The British and Canadians did better by burning down parts of Washington, including some of the White House! The war was a draw)

    That Russia did not fight in World War One.

    That Ford invented the automobile.

    That birds migrate north for the winter (maybe in the southern equator and their winter... but this was refering to north american birds... and it was repeated a few times!)

    and there are others... many others.

    Of course, much else is dumbed down, not fully explained if even partly correct in its explaination. So no wonder we have students asking if the Iron Curtain was really made out of iron, and what the holocaust was. And sadly, it doesn't look like things are going to get much 'smarter' any time soon....

  7. Hmmm... find one word to describe and sum up what Christianity means to me. I find it hard enough to describe my salvation in Christ Jesus and my relationship with God using less then a thousand words!

    But if I could find one word to describe it all, the best I could find is a reverent and awe inspired "Wow"

  8. Something else you don't want to hear an alien saying:

    "Do not underestimate the power of the Dark Side."

    if they say i will say.... do not underestimate the power of me :)

    You know how to fight a mechanized man with a light saber and the ability to throw heavy objects at you?


    I don't know about Peaches... but I can speak for myself: if tea and chocolate, or a big steak, are the objects I am defending or fighting for, heavy objects and light sabers wouldn't deter-et (the things you learn in english.. that is the proper way to spell deter-et!!) me...

    ...and hey... my roommates couldn't stop me with the pillows and foam pipes... so light sabers and heavy solid objects shouldn't be that much more difficult... :ph34r:

  9. HOW MANY APPLES!??! Stuck on 21.. grrr...

    the container can hold 18 apples (3 on top, 6 on middle and 9 on bottom).... but you can only count 13 (possibly 14).

    the word 'Fruit' appears 88 times

    but what is the combination???

    Try "apples" and see what happens. :blink:

    Tried apples and it said 'how many?', so I tried various number possibilities.

    Then, as it was well past my bedtime, I decided to quit... with no plans on bothering to try again, as I have much better things to spend (and waste) my time on....

    ...has anyone seen my playing cards? I really want to play a game of solitair!!

  10. Somehow I missed Constant's picture! I clicked on her profile and it's gone. My pic? Not posting it, lol!

    Your photo that bad... or that good... that you are not posting it??

    He's afriad we'll use it to scare off varmints or to throw darts at! :thumbsup:

    He doesn't have to worry about me doing that. I don't have any darts, and we use one of my roommates to scare off the varmints.

  11. Oh Baz...

    Shy people usually don't make eye contact with people they do not know (I use to be a really shy person... hardly made eye contact with people I did not know while going thru highschool). So, don't be too concerned about that. If there is anything to be concerned about, it is in finding something meaningful beyond the weather to talk about, and to hit on a subject that you can actually have a conversation with. Add to that the difficulty of seeing each other beyond passing in the hallways makes for opportunity to talk difficult (lets face it, unless you have class together or share some other common activity, the chances of you getting to talk to someone and know someone are fairly slime without putting effort into it. Which is a pity... )

    As for things to talk about... you could ask her what her interests are, what she plans to go to college or university for, etc. Trick is to ask her without sounding like the Gestapo or KGB.... talk about common interesting. hey, you can ask her why she was at the costume party at school--if she is in the Athletic Council or not, if she likes sports and activities. Make your conversation enough about her so she knows you are genuinly interested in knowing about her without trying to know everything (or that you are not just someone trying to get into her pants-- sadly, girls face alot of that from guys---what is worse, enough girls allow themselves to fall for it!), while sharing enough about yourself (but not too much unless she asks!) so it isn't one sided (you asking questions, her answering them) and so that she will know you are not just some psychotic nutcase who is stalking her.

    Other then that, and BEFORE all of that, pray and seek God's direction...

    and hey... my mom is 5 years older then my dad... and there is nothing in the Bible that says you cannot marry an older woman! :emot-crying:

    not that that should be your intention.... :emot-fail:

  12. You know guys...I feel like I'm taking a crash course in Christianity recently. It's like the urge to "grow up" finally has been hastened. I feel this pressure like I need to do that lately.

    This excites me and scares me horribly all at once.

    Excites you and scares you horribly???

    Yep, that's Him!


    If you get that warm "spiritual adrenaline rush" after following His will, you'll know for sure.



    Gotta love those crash courses... they leave you wrecked and vulnerable yet elated and refreshed, scared and excited... like that moment just before you dive into a pool for the first time, unsure but wanting to, wondering what the experience will be like. That is a shadow of what life in Christ is like!!!

    And it is awesome watching you "grow up," and it really encourages us (at least me!) to hear what is happening to you spiritually Disconnected!! THank you for keepign us posted on your journey!

  13. I'm wondering how women who are stay at home, full time mothers to small children (under 5's) keep their house so nice and clean? I'm so gosh dern tired that I can't be bothered to clean the walls, put the clean clothes away in the draws, DO IRONING. HOW do you all do it? How do you stay motivated? I'm in TOTAL awe of those mothers who can, because to be honest, I really don't want to be bothered, hence my motivation question.

    Faithie :taped: :wub:

    I think my mom was smart, in that she had her house build on the farm beside her parents. As such, my grandma was the one who kept the house from becoming a disaster zone.

    Can Do, it is an honorable goal to want to keep a clean house: Proverbs 31:10-31 speaks of a wife of good character, one who keeps her house in order. Yet a house in order is not a house that is spotlessly clean--it is a house in which the family is in harmony, with Christ as its center, and love as its foundation, and in which fond memories abide.

    As it has already been said here, be motivated to love your Children, and place them well before housework. Stand in awe of those mothers whose houses may not be the neatest, but whose family is close, and who are loved and honored by their children!! And seek to be such a mother!!

    My hope, when I have kids, is that I will never place the value of my carpet above the value of fond memories, that I will not be worried about the crayon on the wall too much, but will charish the artwork (aww, that's nice sweety! Can you draw it again on paper for me?), or that how clean my clothes are and how well they are folded will take precedence over playing with my kids even if it means getting dirty!

    Can Do, as said, it is honorable to keep a tidy house, yet the greater thing is found in creating and keeping a loving family!

    That was a great post. I have a twenty year old daughter you need to meet. :noidea:

    OK, just kidding....... (she's in college in Florida....) :thumbsup:

    That's okay Island Rose!! I'm a bit of a northern boy!! If I don't see snow by early December, it means I'm too far south! And well, Florida doesn't get any snow!!

    (what college in Florida?? :) )

  14. I'm wondering how women who are stay at home, full time mothers to small children (under 5's) keep their house so nice and clean? I'm so gosh dern tired that I can't be bothered to clean the walls, put the clean clothes away in the draws, DO IRONING. HOW do you all do it? How do you stay motivated? I'm in TOTAL awe of those mothers who can, because to be honest, I really don't want to be bothered, hence my motivation question.

    Faithie :24: :)

    I think my mom was smart, in that she had her house build on the farm beside her parents. As such, my grandma was the one who kept the house from becoming a disaster zone.

    Can Do, it is an honorable goal to want to keep a clean house: Proverbs 31:10-31 speaks of a wife of good character, one who keeps her house in order. Yet a house in order is not a house that is spotlessly clean--it is a house in which the family is in harmony, with Christ as its center, and love as its foundation, and in which fond memories abide.

    As it has already been said here, be motivated to love your Children, and place them well before housework. Stand in awe of those mothers whose houses may not be the neatest, but whose family is close, and who are loved and honored by their children!! And seek to be such a mother!!

    My hope, when I have kids, is that I will never place the value of my carpet above the value of fond memories, that I will not be worried about the crayon on the wall too much, but will charish the artwork (aww, that's nice sweety! Can you draw it again on paper for me?), or that how clean my clothes are and how well they are folded will take precedence over playing with my kids even if it means getting dirty!

    Can Do, as said, it is honorable to keep a tidy house, yet the greater thing is found in creating and keeping a loving family!

  15. It would be totally awesome if it was a true story, and the men putting in the septic tank got saved!! Imagine that testimony? "I got saved by some wacko preaching a funeral eulogy while I was putting in a septic tank!" That'd make it all the funnier!!

  16. actually, I really like bond films---and that movie was a SHAM---to Bond movies.

    David Niven and Ursula andress(good actors, but movie is really a parody)

    by the way---THAT---is the title to the NEXT REAL James Bond movie....

    Casino Royale in November 2006.

    How do you know this?

    What rating will it be? :):24:

    You can find info on the up-coming James Bond 'Casino Royal' by looking it up on the net. Most likely it will have the same rating as the others. Of course, as it is in the pre-production stage, not much info will be out there on it... mostly speculation.

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