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Can Do (Phil 4:13)

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Posts posted by Can Do (Phil 4:13)

  1. The flood crisis in Mackay appears to be easing, allowing authorities to begin assessing the extent of the damage in the north Queensland city.

    The weather bureau says the Pioneer River is peaking but flooding in the Mackay region will continue this afternoon as the water drains away.

    Earlier today, flood boats evacuated about 200 homes in low-lying areas, after more than 600 milimetres of rain fell on the region in six hours.

    The weather bureau says it is the biggest deluge in the region in 90 years.

    "We're really close to breaking the highest ever rainfall record," said forecaster Vikash Prasad.

    Ken Furdek from the Mackay City Council says the town's disaster coordination centre has received a further 250 calls for help since midday.

    "We've got just about every available person that we can on deck at the moment handling those calls," he said.

    About 1,000 residents will spend the night at four temporary evacuation centres.

    Mop-up begins

    For some, the clean-up has already started.

    The Mackay Kindergarten and Pre-school backs onto the flooded Pioneer River, and local resident Cherri Savage says there is water everywhere.

    "Our kindy has been called off today. The teacher very wisely rang parents and told them not to come in," she said.

    "So I came in on spec just to see the situation.

    "I'm standing in about a few centimetres of water as I'm speaking on the phone so I've got to commence mopping up I'm afraid."

    Emergency Management Queensland (EMQ) spokesman Frank Pagano says there has been extensive damage.

    "The challenge is always what's underneath that floodwater and having a better handle in relation to how much damage has happened to key infrastructure and people's homes," he said.

    While the Environmental Protection Agency could not confirm reported crocodile sightings in the floodwaters, its spokesman Joe Adair says people should keep an eye out.

    "Crocodiles could turn up at unexpected times," he said.

    "With the floodwaters, it does disperse them and as they move around looking for a quiet place to get out of floodwaters they might move into people's places and other quieter areas."

    Disaster declared

    The State Government has declared the Mackay floods a disaster situation.

    State Emergency Services Minister Neil Roberts says he will travel to Mackay if necessary.

    He has praised the effort of local authorities.

    "If that's required then I'll certainly go, and discuss that with the Premier," he said.

    "At this stage the coordination on the ground, as the executive director indicated, is working very solidly.

    "We've established the teams on both sides of the river and also it's receiving support at the state level as well."

    Most of the evacuations have been on the northside, but the State Member for Mackay Tim Mulherin says the CBD is also experiencing flooding.

    "Parts of Shakespeare Street, Milton Street and Juliet Street have water that's on South Mackay on the southern side of the river," he said.

    "Parts of Gordon Street would probably have a foot of water across it.

    "So the city of Mackay is isolated. Roads are cut to the north and south."

    Mackay's airport is also closed, with the departure lounge and the runway flooded.

    Queensland Rail says the torrential rain has cut lines in several places between Rockhampton and Townsville.

    Passengers are still stranded on board the 'Sunlander' at Mackay as a bus sent to take them further north cannot reach the flooded city.

    Freight services have also been suspended north of Rockhampton, along with coal trains in the Bowen Basin.

  2. Is anyone else troubled by the numerous reports of people seeing angels, talking to them, and generally having an angel as their next best friend? It seems to me that not only is there is a New Age cultish angel worship but also that in some Christian circles angels are taking the focus away from Jesus. Also, we do know that Satan and his fallen angels can appear as angels of light. It seems that every other day I meet Christians who say such things as: ooh, I can see your angel - he's quite small. Or, an angel came and spoke to me today and told me to ....... Am I just being a sceptical/unbelieving so and so or am I rightly suspicious of this sudden interest in angels? I have to say that when one of my children ordered a Christian music CD entitled "Trusting the Angels" it did not sit well with my spirit. I trust the Lord Jesus and although I believe that the angels minister to us, the heirs of salvation, I do not put my trust in them. "Trusting the angels" seemed like a subtle shift of focus away from Jesus. Perhaps I'm just being old fogeyish, though. What does anyone else think?


    You are right to feel the way you do.

    The devil will do whatever he can to draw us away from the Light and this angel thing is just another one of his tactics. If he can distract us just enough to throw us off course, his job is accomplished.

    The devil has many faces and one of those faces is that of an angel.

    It's sad how so many people get sucked into this stuff.

    If they would only study the Word of God......

    THIS IS EXACTLY what I was reffering to in another 'ANGEL' thread and was laughed at. I copletely agree with everything posted so far.

  3. April 10, 2007 08:06am

    A BRITISH man has met and married a 22-year-old woman after, by his own account, dreaming of her phone number and then sending her a text message.

    David Brown, 24, said he woke up one morning after a night out with friends with a telephone number constantly running through his head. He decided to contact it, sending a message saying "Did I meet you last night?."

    Random recipient Michelle Kitson was confused and wary at first but decided to reply and the two began exchanging messages. Eventually they met and fell in love.

    "It was really weird but I was absolutely hooked," Kitson told the Daily Mail newspaper. "My mum and dad kept saying 'But he could be an axe murderer', but I knew there was something special about it."

    After a long courtship, the oddly matched couple - he's six foot seven inches tall and she's five foot four - have just returned from their honeymoon in the Indian resort of Goa.

    A love-struck Brown said: "I've no idea how I ended up with her number in my head - it's only a few digits different from mine."


  4. Okay, it's a little after 4 am, and after roughly 4 hours of sleep, my insane cold has finally gotten me out of bed. Evidently, the ability to take a breath without forcing it is necessary for a good night's rest. Thanks to our insane weather patterns here in Northern New York (where it goes from 50 to 20 in just 60 seconds), my entire family has developed these wicked head colds... so now it feels like my eyeballs are literally floating ... and that if I can just blow my nose enough they might pop back into their sockets.

    Okay, I'm done complaining.

    So who else is up late? Or is it not late where you are (you lucky dogs, you).

    Get some good old Eucalyptus Rtwo :noidea: As an Aussie, I can assure you, you'll feel MUCH better soon.

    Faithie :thumbsup:

    Oh, and it's currently 8.26pm here in Australia.....NOT late at all :thumbsup:

  5. Quake lifts Solomons island out of sea

    From correspondents in the Solomon Islands

    April 08, 2007 05:56pm

    Article from: Agence France-PresseFont size: + -

    THE seismic jolt that unleashed the deadly Solomons tsunami this week lifted an entire island metres out of the sea, destroying some of the world's most pristine coral reefs.

    In an instant, the grinding of the Earth's tectonic plates in the 8.0 magnitude earthquake on Monday forced the island of Ranongga up 3m.

    Submerged reefs that once attracted scuba divers from around the globe lie exposed and dying after the quake raised the mountainous landmass, which is 32km long and 8km wide.

    Corals that used to form an underwater wonderland of iridescent blues, greens and reds now bleach under the sun, transforming into a barren moonscape surrounding the island.

    The stench of rotting fish and other marine life stranded on the reefs when the seas receded is overwhelming and the once vibrant coral is dry and crunches underfoot.

    Dazed villagers stand on the shoreline, still coming to terms with the cataclysmic shift that changed the geography of their island forever, pushing the shoreline out to sea by up to 70 metres.

    Aid agencies have yet to reach Ranongga after the quake and tsunami that killed at least 34 people in the Pacific archipelago but witnesses on a chartered boat saw the destruction first hand.

    At Pienuna, on Ranongga's east coast, locals said much of their harbour had disappeared, leaving only a narrow inlet lined by jagged exposed coral reefs either side.

    Villager Harison Gago said there were huge earthquake fissures which had almost split the island in half, gesturing with his hands that some of the cracks were 50cm wide.

    Further north at Niu Barae, fisherman Hendrik Kegala had just finished exploring the new underwater landscape of the island with a snorkel.

    He said a huge submerged chasm had opened up, running at least 500m parallel to the coast.

    On the beach at Niu Barae, the earthquake has revealed a sunken vessel that locals believe is a Japanese patrol boat, a remnant of the fierce fighting between Allied forces and the Japanese in WWII.

    Mr Kegala said that from the perspective of those on the island, the sea appeared to recede and villagers still feared it would come back again as a tsunami, making them reluctant to return from higher ground where they fled.

  6. Here is my adaptation.....

    I Am Your Worst Nightmare. I am a BAD Australian.

    I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some mid level governmental functionary be it Labor or Coalition!

    I'm in touch with my feelings and I like it that way!

    I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and does not entitle you to anything.

    I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, Hungry Jacks or fish and chips do it in English.

    I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God when and where they want to.

    My heroes are Ned Kelly, Sir John Bradman and whoever canceled The Catch Up.

    I don't hate the rich. I don't pity the poor, but I do honor God in my giving of my money to charity.

    I know wrestling, is fake and I don't waste my time watching or arguing about it.

    I've never owned a slave, or was a slave, I haven't burned any witches or been persecuted by the Turks and neither have you! So, shut up already.

    I believe if you don't like the way things are here, go back to where you came from and change your own country! This is AUSTRALIA .

    I want to know which church is it exactly where the Brian Houston, where he gets his money, and why he is always part of the problem and not the solution. Can I get an AMEN on that one? Al Sharpton

    I think the cops have every right to shoot your sorry backside if you're running from them..

    I also think they have the right to pull you over if you're breaking the law, regardless of what colour you are.

    And, no, I don't mind having my face shown on my drivers license. I think it's good..... and I'm proud that "God" is written on my money.

    I think if you are too stupid to know how a ballot works, I don't want you deciding who should be running the most powerful nation in the world for the next four years.

    I dislike those people standing in the intersections trying to sell me stuff or trying to guilt me into making "donations" to their cause when I don't know what or who is behind 'the cause'.

    I believe that it doesn't take a village to raise a child, it takes two parents.

    ! And what is going on with petrol prices... again?

    I believe "illegal" is illegal no matter what the lawyers think.

    I believe the Australian flag should be the only one allowed in AUSTRALIA !

    If this makes me a BAD Australian, then yes, I'm a BAD Australian.

    If you are a BAD Australian too, please forward this to everyone you know.

    We want our country back!


  7. Last night I had a dream. In the dream was a vending machine which contained packets of food, all differently labelled but each label represented a religion or faith that wasn't Christianity. I remember being asked to eat of this food, but I chose not to. I knew the food wasn't from God, so I didn't want to eat of another belief.

    Is this prophetic? Or was it a realization of something I thought I already knew :thumbsup:

    I look forward to your replies.



  8. LOL bud, if this is really how you feel you're gonna have a tough time around here because people discuss these kinds of things all the time. I don't think it's judgement, just talking about something. Stick around and actually get to know the people youre accusing of being "gossips" because I assure you these are God-fearing people who love Christ and the point of our conversation is not to gossip or pass judgement.



    Amen Sister :)

  9. Aussie rescue team arrives in Indonesia

    March 08, 2007 08:25am

    AN Australian journalist injured in an Indonesian passenger jet crash has been airlifted to Perth, while the first emergency team of government and medical specialists has arrived in Indonesia to assist with rescue efforts.

    Sydney Morning Herald reporter Cynthia Banham arrived in an International SOS private charter from Yogyakarta about 2.15am (WST) today.

    The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) said today another Australian, believed to be 63-year-old businessman Roger Tallboys, was being flown to Singapore for medical treatment.

    He was expected to arrive shortly.

    Royal Perth Hospital spokesman Philip Montgomery said today Ms Banham's injuries were being assessed by trauma doctors.

    "She is quite stable and has done well," Dr Montgomery said.

    The doctor said he believed Ms Banham was the only victim of the air crash likely to be ferried to Perth.

    "At the moment she is the only person I am aware is coming," he said.

    The pair were among 10 Australians on board a Garuda Boeing 737 that crashed on landing at the cultural capital of Yogyakarta yesterday, killing 22 people. Five Australians are still unaccounted for, feared dead.

    Australian media has named one of the dead as Australian Financial Review journalist Morgan Mellish. The deaths of Australians are yet to be officially confirmed.

    Two RAAF officers, Michael Hatton and Kyle Quinlan, are being treated for their injuries in Yogyakarta.

    It is believed they will not be evacuated to Australia for treatment.

    Another unknown Australian escaped the crash unharmed, DFAT said.

    Emergency response

    Foreign Affairs parliamentary secretary Greg Hunt said a flight carrying Australian personnel had landed in Indonesia to assist with victims and the investigation into the crash.

    Another two flights, including one carrying specialist burns doctor Fiona Wood, were en route.

    "All up one Australian flight, a Hercules, has landed with Australian personnel," Mr Hunt said.

    "Another two including Dr Fiona Wood are en route.

    "So there are three planes which have been dispatched, two which are still travelling, and there are about 50 Australian officials covering a range of roles that are on the ground with another 28 or so to come."

    Prime Minister John Howard has offered to prove extra medical assistance to help Indonesia treat victims of th crash.

    "Our embassy has been in touch with the ofice of the Indonesian president and we have made an offer of additional medical assistance," Mr Howard said.

    "The Indonesians have indicated that they will be very ready to take that up if it is needed."

    Mr Howard said Foreign Minister Alexander Downer had visited hospitals in Yogyakarta and spoken to the crash victims.

    "He assured me that what was happening was a meticulous check was being made in the hospitals to make absolutely certain that people who are now unaccounted for are not there,"

    he said.

    Surviviors recount horror

    Mr Pujobroto, chief spokesman for Garuda, said flight GA 200 was a Boeing 737-400 plane carrying 133 passengers and seven crew when it crashed about 11am (AEDT) after a scheduled flight from Jakarta.

    Dozens of passengers leapt from the plane's emergency exits into surrounding rice paddy fields to escape the inferno, which reduced the aircraft to a smouldering wreck of twisted metal.

    Twenty-three people died in the crash, health ministry national crisis centre chief Rustam Pakaya said. The deaths of the Australians are yet to be officially confirmed.

    Earlier a provincial government official had put the death toll at 48, while Garuda had subsequently said it was 22.

    One survivor said that passengers had been warned the flight would be turbulent.

    "As we approached the ground and I could see roofs from our window, the plane was still swaying and shaking," Ruth Meigi Panggabean, who works for the aid group World Vision, said.

    "Then the plane was slammed to the ground and skidded forward and slammed once again before it came to a stop," she said.

    The flight was carrying Australian diplomats, officials and journalists who had been accompanying Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, who was not aboard, on a visit to Indonesia.

    Two survivors, both in the Australian air force, had told him the aircraft landed too fast, Mr Downer said.

    "The two who are in the best health told me that the plane came hurtling in to the runway at a much greater speed than an aeroplane would normally land at," he said.

    "They themselves thought the plane would never stop in the length of the runway, which it duly didn't. They just ploughed across the end of the runway, across a road, hit a bank and a culvert and went into a paddy field. When it hit the bank and the culvert, it exploded."

    As well as the Australians, Garuda's media office said the plane carried two Japanese, two Brunei nationals and seven other foreigners.

    Investigations begin

    Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has ordered the chief security minister to investigate "non-technical" matters related to the crash, a Cabinet official said.

    However, Mr Downer and Prime Minister John Howard said they had received no information that would suggest terrorism or sabotage was a factor in the disaster.

    Indonesia transport Minister Hatta Radjasa said Australia would join an investigation into the accident.

    Yogyakarta, around 440km southeast of the capital, Jakarta, is known as the cultural heart of Indonesia and is popular with tourists. Its Adi Sucipto airport is known for its relatively short runway.

    Garuda spokesman Mr Pujobroto said the plane, manufactured in 1992, had its last major inspection last month and had logged 34,960 flight hours.

    Indonesia has suffered a string of transport accidents in recent months, including an Adam Air plane that disappeared in January with 102 passengers and crew on board, and a ferry sinking in late December in which hundreds died.

    With The Daily Telegraph, Reuters and AAP

  10. Another story of Biblical Moral values being challenged and declared out of date.

    SOurce : BBC


    Couple stand by forbidden love

    By Tristana Moore

    BBC News, Berlin

    At their home in Leipzig, Patrick Stuebing and Susan Karolewski are in the kitchen, playing with a young toddler.

    They share a small flat in an east German tower block on the outskirts of the city. It looks like an ordinary family scene, but Patrick is Susan's brother and they are lovers.

    "Many people see it as a crime, but we've done nothing wrong," said Patrick, an unemployed locksmith.

    "We are like normal lovers. We want to have a family. Our whole family broke apart when we were younger, and after that happened, Susan and I were brought closer together," he said.

    Patrick, who is 30 years old, was adopted and, as a child, he lived in Potsdam.

    He did not meet his mother and biological family until he was 23. He travelled to Leipzig with a friend in 2000, determined to make contact with his other relatives.

    This law is out of date and it breaches the couple's civil rights

    Lawyer Endrik Wilhelm

    He met his sister Susan for the first time, and according to the couple, after their mother died, they fell in love.

    "When I was younger, I didn't know that I had a brother. I met Patrick and I was so surprised," said Susan, who is 22.

    She says she does not feel guilty about their relationship.

    "I hope this law will be overturned," Susan said.

    "I just want to live with my family, and be left alone by the authorities and by the courts," she went on, in a hardly audible voice.

    Jail sentence

    Patrick and Susan have been living together for the last six years, and they now have four children.

    The authorities placed their first son, Eric, in the care of a foster family, and two other children were also placed in care.

    "Our children are with foster parents. We talk to them as often as possible, but the authorities have taken away so much from us," said Susan.

    "We only have our little daughter, Sofia, who is living with us," she said.

    Patrick Stuebing and Susan Karolewski with daughter Sofia and their dog

    All but one of the couple's children have been taken into care

    Incest is a criminal offence in Germany. Patrick Stuebing has already served a two-year sentence for committing incest and there is another jail term looming if paragraph 173 of the legal code is not overturned.

    The couple's lawyer, Endrik Wilhelm, has lodged an appeal with Germany's highest judicial body, the federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, in order to overturn the country's ban on incest.

    "Under Germany's criminal code, which dates back to 1871, it is a crime for close relatives to have sex and it's punishable by up to three years in prison. This law is out of date and it breaches the couple's civil rights," Dr Wilhelm said.

    "Why are disabled parents allowed to have children, or people with hereditary diseases or women over 40? No-one says that is a crime.

    "This couple are not harming anyone. It is discrimination. And besides, we must not forget that every child is so valuable," said Dr Wilhelm.

    We would like society to recognise us, as any other normal couple

    Patrick Stuebing

    The couple's case is controversial and it has prompted a heated debate in the media.

    "We need this law against incest in Germany and in the whole of Europe," said Professor Juergen Kunze, a geneticist at Berlin's Charite Hospital.

    "It is based on long traditions in Western societies, and the law is here for a good reason," said Prof Kunze.

    "Medical research has shown that there is a higher risk of genetic abnormalities when close relatives have a child together. When siblings have children, there is a 50% chance that the child will be disabled," he said.

    Patrick and Susan say they have no other choice but to fight the current law.

    "I have read that some doctors claim that children born to siblings could be disabled, but what about disabled parents who have children, or older parents?" asked Patrick.

    "People have said that our children are disabled, but that is wrong. They are not disabled," said Patrick.

    "Eric, our eldest child, has epilepsy, but he was born two months premature, he also has learning difficulties. Our other daughter, Sarah, has special needs," Patrick said.

    Ruling soon

    The couple claim they have received a lot of support from friends and neighbours.

    "When we go out to the supermarket, people recognise us and many have told us that they support our legal challenge," said Patrick.

    "We would like society to recognise us, as any other normal couple," he said.

    In 2004, Patrick voluntarily underwent a vasectomy.

    "It's legal for the couple to live together, and to share a bed. But they are breaking the law once they have sex. If there are no more children, then who will be able to prove that they are a couple?" asked their lawyer.

    Dr Wilhelm said a ruling was expected in the next few months.

    "We've already heard that the vice-president of the Constitutional Court said that there will be a 'fundamental discussion' about this issue in Germany," said Dr Wilhelm.

    "Many criminal law experts say that we are right and I'm confident that my clients will win their case. The law against incest is based on very old moral principles. The law was abolished in France, it's about time it should be scrapped here in Germany as well."

    Oh, right I understand....morals = common sense = out dated thinking. It boggles my brain that common sense is being bandied about as morals and then kicked to the curb.

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