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Everything posted by Catsmeow

  1. Levi: I find it interesting that you refer to it as "my government". Star had mentioned previously that I was assuming that you were one of "us". Now, since you refer to this government as my government or let's take it a step further...my country - I think it's safe to assume you are NOT an American. Look, first off...if you want to throw stones...look and see what OUR God...the Lord Jesus Christ says about throwing stones. If you or your people, (whoever they are) are sinless and have done no wrong...then by all means...knock yourself out. THROW STONES! I sorta doubt you can say that and maintain a speck of credibility. We all know that all have sinned...that means you, me...and anyone who reads this. So, now that we've established that, let's go a step further and say that the forces of evil, (Satan, if you will) has infiltrated each and every government on the earth and that each one is a "pawn" of some higher decision making body that manipulates kings, presidents, and whole nations at a whim. Their aim: to turn us all in on each other. What better way to wipe out civilization that to turn people in on themselves. Look, Levi...they use us all as pawns. Don't you get it. If you cut through all the smoke and mirrors they're using...(the "powers that be"...the ones I believe to be the real "beast" in the book of Revelation"), you'll see that all they have to do is cry, "Jihad!" or "Terrorist" or "Fundamentalist" or "Homophobe" or some other label, (the list is a mile long) and create wars and mini wars and all kinds of dissentions. Some people write into these boards - their sole aim is to cause dissention and create turmoil. They get off on that kind of thing. Since you refer to it as "our" government, (as opposed to your government), why don't you see that we're probably all playing into their hands like a bunch of pawns on a chessboard?
  2. Not too much controversy here...(praise the Lord!)
  3. Levi, Excuse me...just a moment. Let me get this right...you think I'm excusing the sins of man in general? No, I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over the sins of man in general...that means the Blood of Jesus over the Christians, the Jews and anybody who's willing to accept God's grace. We're all sinners but that's not even the issue. We aren't going around bombing mosques and murdering thousands of innocent civilians, and then laughing and dancing in the streets like the Palestinians did on television, after September 11th. They got a big thrill at seeing thousands of innocents civilians die; "Allah" got his revenge upon us, (a quote from Osama Bin Laden) ... have you bothered to read what their clerics think of us? We're good for slaves or to simply kill off...that's it. Just do the homework. I promise you I have...my computer's gotten workout and I've researched the countless articles about what the Muslims think about Americans. I, for one, don't think I have a right to go and bomb innocent civilians and do suicide attacks or topple down buildings with hundreds of people in them...get it? No one is without sin, (Jesus pointed that one out) but when when a whole religious sect claims that their holy book, (Koran) says it's perfectly OK to kill off the "infidels" (that includes Christians and Jews, by the way)...well, you figure it out.
  4. Timothy: I forgot that one...how very true! Amen... :thumb:
  5. Proverbs 11:25 A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. James 2:15 Suppose a brother or sister is wihtout clothes and daily food. (16)If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed, " but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? (17) In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. Matthew 25: 41- 42 Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. (42) For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat...' Luke 6:36 Be merciful , just as your Father is merciful.
  6. John S: I couldn't have said it better! You go boy! :thumb: Levi: Hey, bro...have you even bothered to read the recent articles regarding the Muslim attitude towards US, much less Israel. They wanna eat us for lunch... Helloooooo???!
  7. This is pure racism and the enforcement of it amounts to a very criminally oppressive apartheid like regime. Germany and Europe was for the Aryans too but it turns out that was a very racist idea. If Israel is for the Jew only, how can it ever be a true democracy??? It can't because the Jewish only view is anti-democratic and racist which amounts to an oppressive regime. Nonsense! Your argument is with God. It was He who said Israel is the land promised to the Jews through their Father, Abraham. And if you look at a map, I think you'll see how much land the Arabs possess all around Israel. All the Jews want is this small parcel of land and their holy city, Jerusalem. But this response doesn't surprise me at all. The Jews have been continually persecuted - driven from their homeland, enslaved, butchered by Hitler's Germany and despised by all of the Arab world. And you call those who support Israel "racists"? Really? ???
  8. Why is it that I'm the only one reading the message board that "freaks" when I read this article. I've brought it to light in other message boards but no one really cares, I guess. I'm wondering why people say Islam is peaceful when this cleric claims that the "Book" (Koran) clearly states the opposite. Maybe this article won't matter until they end up in our country and in control of our lives...when we're forced by the sword to swear to their "god" or else die.
  9. FYI: I strongly recommend everyone pullup the 11/19/02 article by WorldNetDaily called, "Sheik:'It's OK to kill non-Muslims'... It's a shocking account of a Muslim cleric's position toward non-Muslims. According to this article, the Sheik is quoted as follows: "If a kafir person (non-believer) goes in a Muslim country, he is like a cow." explains Hamza. "Anybody can take him. That is the Islamic law." He also goes on to claim that
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