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finding God (angel)

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Posts posted by finding God (angel)

  1. Sorry about that I wasn't done my computer is going nuts.I know how it is to feel alone even though I rather be alone.I have been picked on and bullied.My friends have either been older than me so the go to another school or they move.Give it time things will get better.I have teams at my school all my friends are on a different team than me or the went to the high school.I gave it awhile and now I have new friends.

  2. Storms In Life

    The storms in our life are difficult to bear,

    Troubled seas of sorrow around us roll;

    Winds of affliction may bring us to despair,

    Then a soft breeze calms the weary soul.

    Dark clouds drift across our blue sky,

    Waves of anger may cross our stormy sea;

    It is then, we pause to wonder "why"

    We tremble and cry, "Jesus, please pilot me."

    Troubles arise in many forms of disguise,

    Shadows of trust across the mind may dart;

    Tears fall as heavy rain to dim the eyes,

    Calm streams then soothe our fearful heart.

    While the storm rages...let Jesus take control,

    He protects us from seen and un-seen harms;

    He is Faithful and the Keeper of our soul,

    He holds us tenderly in His Everlasting Arms.

    He safely guards each weary step we take,

    He is patient, kind, loving and true;

    Trust Him in the darkness and when we awake,

    He leads, guides and directs us 'til life is through.

    When the storm passes by...give Him praise,

    Our anchor in Him will buoy us on with hope for our goal;

    He keeps us safe...by His marvelous Grace,

    We will rest steadfast and secure with a haven for our soul.

    Leona I. Miller

    God Gave Me An Angel

    by Lia Fail

    God gave me an angel right here on earth,

    She taught me my values and gave me self worth,

    She guides me through life with her wisdom, God's light,

    She steers me from wrong, and leads me toward right.

    She stands by my side when things are rough,

    She taught me in bad times we need to be tough.

    She is there when I need her throughout all my years,

    She laughed with me in happy times, and comforted my tears.

    My angel on earth was sent from above,

    God paid her not in wages, but with eternal love.

    She has been my confidante, my rock, my protector,

    And when God says her job is through, I know I won't forget her.

    She need not a halo, or silken wings of grace,

    For the glory of God's love shines upon her face.

    My Guardian angel, can be replaced by no other,

    She is gods gift to me - I call her my dear mother.

    Why ask god why?

    By: Robert Lee

    When He

  3. Jesus Makes A Way

    Jesus is the Way-Maker for me,

    He will make a way ~ always;

    Even when there seems to be no way,

    Jesus is The Way.

    Jesus is the Truth for me,

    I know I can trust Him ~ always;

    On His Word and His Promises I rely,

    Jesus is The Truth.

    Jesus is the Life for me,

    I know He Lives and is coming again;

    Even though I become weary on life's way,

    Jesus is The Life.

    Jesus is The Way, The Truth, The Life,

    I believe ~ oh yes ~ I do believe;

    He is my Loving Savior, Blessed, Divine,

    I am so Thankful ~ my Soul He received.

    Leona I. Miller

  4. May God Comfort You

    We grieve with you

    in your Sorrow,

    And we Trust for you

    a Brighter Tomorrow;

    We cannot always

    fully understand,

    When God reaches down

    with His Loving Hand,

    But we know He always does

    what is best,

    As He takes our Loved One

    into Eternal Rest.

    Leona I. Miller

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