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finding God (angel)

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Posts posted by finding God (angel)

  1. Can you hear me daddy

    I am going through somethings rough

    Please help me daddy

    I am not that tough

    Hold my hand daddy

    Sometimes I want to die

    Please hold my tight daddy

    Please stop me from crying

    I need you daddy

    I am in a lot of fear

    I need a tissue daddy

    To wipe away the tears

    I am scared daddy

    I don't know what to do

    Show me the light daddy

    Please help me soon

    I am in the dark daddy

    But I know you will help me

    You are the only one here for me daddy

  2. this is found God.I just was checking my pms never change back to my other name though.

    I am still a cutter

    I have changed

    The Lord is in my life now

    I will never be like I used to

    I will never leave the Lord

    I have one true Father

    To hold my hand

    To wipe away the tears

    To hold me in his arms

    I am new person

    A betterr person

    But yet I feel now different

    I am the same

    I still have problems

    But thats life I guess

    I still have my Daddy

    No matter what

  3. What does my future hold for me

    What am I suppose to look for

    Do I have any hope

    Do I have any faith

    Am I a broken child

    Am I unworthy

    I don't know any more

    I am lost

    I don't know what to do

    Everything is so confusing

    I don't know what to do

  4. Look in my eyes

    What do you see

    I tell you who you see

    You see a cutter

    A little girl who trys to take her life away

    I am the quiet girl

    I sit alone a lot

    Look in my eyes

    Look at my soul

    Who am I?

    I am scared to go outside my door

    I want to be alone

    I hate to talk

    I hate my life

    Look inside my eyes

    Look at my soul

    Do you know who I am yet

  5. i haven't read all the posts to this issue but I am just putting what I think.If a woman hears God tell them they need to be a pastor of a church and they do well that shows a lot.Some of the women pastors may felt or heard God telling them this is their job

  6. Most people in my school go to halloween parties or trick or treat.It is just not me.I don't like trick or treating I just like candy.My parents usually buy my brother and me candy.I think halloween is like any other day.Kids act foolish rolling yards and throwing eggs at houses.

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