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    Bible study<br>Tennis<br>Camping<br>History
  1. Hank Hannegraff is an excellent resource. I also enjoyed his book "Prayer of Jesus". Prayer of Jabez seems like nothing more than a mantra. If you pray this using these steps you will get everything in those little boxes stored up for you in heaven. Can any one please show me where God has boxes in heaven with our names on it, and if we don't say the right things, He will say, "No, no, no. You didn't say it right. I won't give it to you till you say it right."?
  2. Dimension, the links you posted are very interesting. Thank you. I can see how, looking at history, a certain French tribe are the Danites, but it sounds like speculation saying the Celtics are any part of Israel. There is more information in the sub-links I would like to look in depth as time permits. Ephriam, that is the kind of evidence I am speaking of. You say you have Biblical evidence. I do not see how that is possible, but I will take a look at anything you can show me. I am more interested in any historical documentation. I know Israel was dispersed (from the word "diaspora") among other tribes. I also know the European people are older than Hebrews. So how is it one particular group of peoples are the Ephraimites or the Danites or the Asherites...?
  3. There is a minister (I don't remember his name, but maybe someone else does) who is actually teaching Christians God created astrology for His people and it was first given to Enoch. Why does every teacher of apostacy blame Enoch?
  4. Dunany

    Burning Man

    I can't imagine how death and hell can be so seductive. How does one delve to such depths of depravity as to mix sex and death? Xan, I assume from your post you are no longer into that, but maybe you can answer these questions. I guess the real question is can anyone answer?
  5. Ephriam, please show me your evidence.
  6. Ephriam, my family is from Ireland, but I don't know what you mean when you mention the Celtic people. Are you saying the tribes of Israel are the Celts? Where do you get your information?
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