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Posts posted by ink_spot

  1. "I'm so frightened that in 2,000 years time, some archaeologist is going to come across some video of a reality-TV show and go, 'This is what they were watching?'" -Paul Bettany


    "Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came out of man's rib: Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior, but from the side to be equal. Under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved." -Rabbi Gellman

    are some of my current favs.

  2. Well I'm clearing out of worthy boards guys. At least for a while.

    I've been on the brink of this for the last two years and I've finally decided to just pull back a bit. Honestly I'm tired and worn out and I just need to be with myself for a while. Mostly at church, people consider me a good example of christ and I just need to get out of that light and have a little room in my own skin.

    Because I've stepped back from the church I feel like somewhat of a hypocrit posting on these boards as a Christian (although I am a Christian) when I'm where I'm at with my faith.

    So thanks for everything! Thanks for the advice and the encouragement! Don't take this as anything personally to the boards. They are great, just not for me right now.

    If you want to talk feel free to email me at the address in my profile.

    Thanks again!!


  3. New Years Eve I will not be doing anything special. I will probably go to bed my regular time and sleep through the ushering in of the new year. However, New Years Day is also my Spiritual Birthday. It will make 25 years I've been Born Again! Wow! I can't believe it. It went so fast.

    in Him;


    Congrats... I don't remember the day that I was born again. Well I remember it just not what day it was. Ok I don't even remember what month...it was during sixth grade though...lol sad :emot-heartbeat:

  4. I don't really like their taste but I love to read my fortune. It's not like I really believe it or give it a second thought. It's just fun. And nowadays they are less about telling someones future and more about morals. The ones I usually get tend to say things like...live each day to the fullest, exc..

  5. I'm not so sure I need help...just a place to rant and bit.

    I've gotten to a place where I'm really questioning all this God stuff. There are times when I'm so sure God is real but lately they have been far and few. Lately I've been really questioning the truth in this God stuff. Is it possible that there is no God? Or not the God of the bible anyway? Is it possible that we're all being fooled here? I've started to wonder if the purpose I have in God is really much of a purpose at all.

    I guess in my head I know I should believe in God but, now at least, I don't feel it. I love God but there are times when I look at the bible and the world and feel that the God I know shouldn't let people suffer like this.

    I don't really know how to vocalize exactly what I'm feeling right now about God.

    I don't really know what to believe anymore. I'm not sure Christianity is worth it.

  6. I don't think we should ever just completely discredit a source w/out looking further into it. Ok so i'm getting a little off topic, but my view of science is that God put science and scientific reasoning in this world to be used along with faith and His word. I don't think you can have good science w/out some faith and good faith w/out some science.

    Well now that I've completely digressed....lol :)

  7. I wrote this last night...I wouldn't really call it a poem...more of a...well I'm not really sure what to call it. Now that I've reread it today it seems kinda sad, but I think I write best when I'm depressed. So without anymore of my talking here it is:

    I once walked in this darkness. I held onto this despair and they could see it when they met me. They could feel it in my smile. I was a shadow moving across their vision. My page in the book of life was a blot of ink; no more than a stain. They saw me for what I was on the outside, never bothering to dig deeper, but it wouldn't have mattered; there was nothing left inside.

    Then I changed and they all saw but many didn't understand why or how. I drew in my first breathe of real air and sat in green pastures by streams of life and honey. Dew sat on my eye lids, sunshine on my lips, pearls of water and light fell upon my wings. As a new creation I took a new kind of flight.

    But the seasons pasted. The sun dimmed just a bit. Something in me was tamed, and I lost the shine of birth and grew the cob webs of a worn out, sold out, life. I was falling back to darkness, but a promise had been made; sealed in holy blood. My life could no longer become the shadow that it once was. I could never again be just a trick of light. I was solid but still sinful; I was drawn over the other side of the cliff. Instead of death I got fake life.

    Now, everyone looks my way, but they don't see me. They look right through me. I am a window, shiny and clear. I am a trickle of water, unperturbed. I am a mere piece of glass, flawless. The light shines through me, but I catch enough of its shine to impress and to blind.

    I am no longer smoke and shadow; I am invisible.

  8. I agree that gays need to be told the truth about God...but there is a certain way to go about it. We can't just say, even though it might be true, that being gay will send you to the lake of fire.

    The way I see it is in this world there is no reason for a Gay person to become straight. Being gay is too widely accepted as the norm. What I mean is murderers, they are more likely to change their ways without God because our world and culture says that it's wrong. But being gay is seen as ok by the world's standards. So the only way they'll really have a reason to change is God.

    Instead of trying to fix the sin, why not try to bring that person to christ first. (I've probably said this before) But then they'll probably see how wrong the sin is on their own. If they don't believe in God or sin then telling them their sin will send them to hell is useless. They have to know God and understand what sin is before they will have a desire to change it.

    First tell them about God, don't act condeming or mean. Show them the love of God and make sure they know about God and what He can do in their lives. Don't talk to them as a homosexual talk to them as a person who needs God.

    And always keep them in prayer. Prayer can be very powerful.

  9. I agree. If you look at the Bible as a way to prove your point then you're sure to find a loop, but you'll rarely find truth. We should instead approach the Bible looking for truth and nothing more. No justifications and no expectations for the ball to roll in favor of a bahavior we probably already know is wrong. Read the bible w/ an open mind and heart....only expecting to find God.

  10. My parents were never legally married...but they did have a religious ceromony. They professed their love to a group of people and promised to be faithful under God. At the time marriage wasn't an option because of where they were (in africa). When they got home they never legally married because they had lived in Africa for many years as a married couple. They had their ceromony and religious leader declare them a couple. I don't think it even crossed their mind to get anything more.

    I feel that God honors that commitment. That's how I see being married under God. It's not just a certificate, although that too is important.

    But I don't think people understood what I was getting at. Legal marraige is very important. In this day and age if you have the option of being legally married then take it, take it, take it. That's the most logical and Godly thing to do. But some don't have that option, like my parents, (When I used the slave example it was just an example...i know people don't have the road blocks that slaves had w/ marriage...that was just an example) But if you don't have that option then I don't think it's un-Godly or any less of a marriage then one that happens in a chaple with a pastor and family.

  11. I've always had that question too. If two people live in a comitted relationship w/ another person for a long time and they are not legally married how does God see that.

    I mean in the old south slaves couldn't get married so they just had celebrations and jumped the broom and then they were married and that was supposed to be fine in God's eyes.

    Do we need to get married legally if we're married in God's eyes?

    Yes, because as I said above, the Bible says that you are to obey those in authority over you. If you love someone, why not get legally married? If you don't love someone enough to sign on the dotted line, what makes you think you are married in God's eyes?

    This whole "married in God's eyes" thing is a sham. It is code for, "Why can't I just shack up with someone just so I can have sex with them, and then ease my conscience by pretending we are married in God's eyes?" If you are not willing to make the commitment, and put your name to it, you don't deserve to be married.

    Being married in God's eyes isn't always just "shaking up". You can go in front of a religious person and have a ceremony. This can yield a very long, loving, committed relationship. People don't always like the idea of having a certificate (for various gov. conspiracy theories and how they use this info) so they opt for this route. Not getting legally married isn't always about not being willing to make a commitment.

    Anyway, the bible says to follow the authority...but there's no law saying that to live together or love each other you must be legally married. It's an option (legally I mean) but it's not like speed limit laws that say you MUST obey the speed. So it's not rebelling against authority.

    Don't get me wrong though...I'm not against marriage. I do agree that marriage is important and a very real show of love. It's just not always a good option, or an option at all (like I said slaves in the old south, people of other cultures, exc...) for every one.

  12. I've always had that question too. If two people live in a comitted relationship w/ another person for a long time and they are not legally married how does God see that.

    I mean in the old south slaves couldn't get married so they just had celebrations and jumped the broom and then they were married and that was supposed to be fine in God's eyes.

    Do we need to get married legally if we're married in God's eyes?

  13. There's no doubt that Saddam is a bit crazy and absolutely horrible....but I still like to pray for him daily. I pray for him to come to Christ and to repent before he dies. It seems a little strange, but I don't know, I just like to pray for those kinds of people. I don't like to think about people ever going to hell...even those who deserve it.

  14. Islam is NOT rooted in the God of Abraham. If Islam believes in the same God as the Jews and the Christians, why are Jews and Christians persecuted in Arab/Muslim countries as unbelievers? If Muslims argue that they are worshipping the true God of the universe, then why don't they believe what He says about Jesus as being His Son? Why would they call Him by another Name that what He has proclaimed for Himself?

    The Islamic, Jewish, and Christian God do all come from Abraham. They all are based on his story. Islam just takes a different turn...turning them onto the path of a god no where near the God that we know. It doesn't mean they follow the same God, just that they are rooted in the same story of Abraham.

    No they do not all come from Abraham. First of all, Arabs are not descendents of Ishmael. We can find the ethnic ancestors of the the Arabs mentioned in Genesis 10, and they predate the birth of Ishmael. The descendents of Ishmael were the Midianites, and they are extinct as a people having assimilated into other people groups. The Seven Cushite nations mentoined in Gen 10:7 were all in Arabia: "Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah and Sabteca. The sons of Raamah: Sheba and Dedan." These peoples/nations are where the Arabs came from. They did not come from Ishmael.

    Islam does not go back to Abraham. Islam goes back to centuries after Christ. It has nothing to do with Abraham, and has no ties to the Bible whatsoever.

    I don't mean they're a descendant of him just that their religion came from the story. I'm good friends with an Islamic woman and she's told me all about her faith. They do believe, weather or not they are right, in the Abraham story with a twist. They say a differnt son was the one planned to be sacrificed. Islam isn't much at all like Christianity but it does come from that story of Abraham... Hence Abraham is called the father of three nations, as we learned in school not too long ago. (Jews, Christians, Muslims)

  15. Well, to the contrary, our Lord calls us to love the sinner (including the homosexual) but to condemn the sin (including that of homosexuality). Unless one is biblically convinced that homosexuality is a grievous sin before the Lord, one easily falls into the lot of minimizing the abominable nature of homosexual sodomy. Be sure you know the perverted nature of the sin -only sinners need to be saved - then proceed to offer new life in Christ Jesus. Res ipsa loquitor!

    You do have a point there. God does condemn sins. But I don't think the best way to bring people to Christ is by showing them the perverted nature of the sin and then offer a new life in Christ. I think, in my expierience, that it should be the other way around...although there is no one-and-only-one-way to bring people to Christ.

    I think we know we need Christ without nessicarily understanding how bad sin really is. In my expierience, at least, I've noticed that people are more likely to want God because of that feeling that they have. That need for a God that was built into us so long ago. We all know on some level that we need something more and we can show the unsaved that fullness.

    After they accept and know God then their eyes will be opened to the sin. They will see for themselves that they are living against God. Then, because they have expierenced and loved God, they will want to change.

    I don't think, gays at least, will see any other reason to change. By the world standards homosexuality is ok, whereas murder is not, that's why it's easier to show people the evil of murder vs. the wrongness of homosexuality. That's why I think we need God's help on that front. We need God to show them how wrong it is.

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