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Everything posted by PreciousPuppy

  1. This is to everyone that has replied to the topic of "What do You Believe." We are all different people, we have different beliefs and I believe that no matter how much we disagree or agree with each other, no amount of comments are gonna do anybody any good. So, as of this very moment, I hereby, am not interested in this or any other related topic.
  2. Oh my, Precious. You must watch out for Pastor Murray and the Shepherd's Chapel. I'm sorry but that man teaches heresy. I don't know how far you are into his teachings , but I can give you information about them that will show you just how far wrong he has gone. This site (click here) is a wonderful Christian Apologetics site that has some information on Shepherds Chapel. IR Rose, I am very aware of that site and know all about it. But, I am still and will be a student of Pastor Murray.
  3. No matter how and what we believe, one thing to remember is just be ready.
  4. I didn't know much about the "rapture" until my brother was talking about it, and it seemed to me not to sound right. So, one day I was watching Shepherds Chapel on tv and Pastor Murray was teaching about it and he said that he had a recorded tape about the subject. So, I bought the tape and it explains where in the bible to go to back up everything that he says about the second coming of Jesus. I am So glad that I understand about the truth behind the so called "rapture."
  5. Very well said, servant, I couldn't have said it better myself. You mentioned a girl named Mary, who had a dream or vision, is the way that I see where the rapture began. I have one thought for you to think about, why would God not allow His people to go through the tribulation in this day and time. Remember the plagues that the people of Egypt and of course Moses experienced? God didn't scoop up all of His people back then to protect them from those horrible plagues, so why would anybody believe in a thing known as the rapture? So why would God not let everybody be here to make the choice who they are going to worship when the anti-christ appears claiming to be Christ??? Again, just something to think about...
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