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Everything posted by MrBlobby

  1. MrBlobby


    I do thank you for all your words of encouragement. Trying to get me back in the fold, and telling me how Jesus loves me etc. However I cannot go back to something that I no longer believe is there. I do not want to continue to speak negatively about something that is so close to your hearts, so I will leave it like this then. It was never my intention to offend anyone. Thanks for our brief chat, and take care! MrB
  2. MrBlobby


    Well at the time I did actually think this was a true encounter with god. I took my *healing* to be an answer from him. Maybe not what you are looking for, but you almost expect this true encounter, which seems strange. MrB
  3. MrBlobby


    I have asthma. I prayed that this would be taken away so that I would not have to keep on taking my meds every day. One night I felt a strong urge not to take my meds, I felt this message was from god who was answering my prayer. I did not take anything that night. It felt weird and I was in some discomfort, but I managed through the night, and for the next few months. I took this to be an answer to my prayer, and gave god the praise etc. I was having problems breathing but I was determined not to take anything for it. After a few more weeks though I was really having breathing problems, and reluctantly had to go back to my meds. I think it's clear that I was deluding myself at the time. I wanted to be healed so I convinced myself that I was. MrB
  4. MrBlobby


    This statement is very telling my friend. What investment did you make in your relationship with Jesus Christ? Peace, Dave <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not sure what you're getting at here. In the 8 years as a christian I surrounded myself only with christian books and music (Bible, Yancey, Hillsongs etc etc) I literally brainwashed myself in order to submerge myself in Jesus, to get to know him intimately. It's a one sided relationship though. We didn't even go out for a cup of coffee together! MrB
  5. MrBlobby


    I had experiences that I felt were from god. I wanted to have them so eventually a situation would arise that I would attribute to god. Some people claim all sorts of weird and wonderful messages from god. I believe they are deluding themselves. It's amazing what we can convince ourselves to be true, just because we want it to be so. MrB
  6. MrBlobby


    I am not mad at god, buddha or allah. I invested over 8 years of my life and money in christianity, so maybe I do sound a little bitter. It's only been 2 months now, so the healing process is still ongoing. MrB
  7. MrBlobby


    I suppose I want to see how christians answer the questions I had as a christian, but were never answered. (I was asking too many questions apparently) I can't be mad at god, since that would be illogical, and I don't think I have hurt anyone here, have I? I do not believe in god, but I am interested in how people who do believe in him react. MrB
  8. MrBlobby


    Life is full of choices. If I have made a bad choice, then I put the blame firmly and squarely on god's shoulders. He created me from an egg knowing I would go to hell. He could have killed me at birth, but instead has allowed me the *free will* not to choose him, and therefor suffer in hell. I did not asked to be born. If I am accused on judgement day for failing to accept him, then I will blame god for making me that way, and allowing it to happen. I firmly believe it won't happen like that of course! MrB
  9. MrBlobby


    I no longer believe those stories in the bible. I thank you for taking the time to share these things, but I can no longer return to that mental prison. MrB
  10. MrBlobby


    Of course I don't believe this anymore. I never did. So my peace has been indirectly brought on by satan? Well that doesn't say very much for god then does it? So why did god forsake me then? During my last weeks as a christian I prayed earnestly to him for strength, saying that I was losing my faith. I prayed and cried out for help, but none came. I didn't need any wishy washy excuses after that because I realized there was nothing to excuse anymore. The peace came after years of forcing myself to believe. The peace came because deep inside, I knew I was living a lie. If I had the HS inside me then he must have been napping a lot, because he was awfully quiet. MrB
  11. MrBlobby


    Nothing anymore. I was a christian for 8 years. The more I read, the more I became convinced that it was just a collection of stories and nothing more. One day about 2 months ago, I stopped pretending. An enormous peace came over me. The peace I had wanted and searched for so badly as a christian. I couldn't turn back after that..... MrB
  12. MrBlobby


    I stand corrected. You are absolutely right. MrB
  13. MrBlobby


    Luke 12:4 (addressing the multitude) ....and I say to you. My friends, do not be afraid.... I think it's quite clear he expects obedience when he talks about friendship. MrB
  14. MrBlobby


    How? I accepted christ etc. Death? What happened before I was born? I don't know. What happens after I die? I don't know. MrB
  15. MrBlobby


    I still maintain Jesus was a loner. He addressed groups of people as "friends". His parables often contained the word "friend" and "brother". He was not even close to his *real* family. His *friendship* was conditional: John 15:14: You are my friends if you do whatever I command you. MrB
  16. MrBlobby


    Well I suppose it all depends on what opinions you are talking about. If you are referring to the bible, then you would have to read my testimony, and my departure from christianity. MrB
  17. MrBlobby


    I have read most of it. The parts which didn't bore me too much. I'll ask a question on another thread maybe. MrB
  18. MrBlobby


    You are getting mixed up with comics and real people! Eg. Someone who saves a child from drowning is a hero. MrB
  19. MrBlobby


    Companions, you say? Did he ever refer to any of them as a friend? He was more like a teacher to them. MrB
  20. MrBlobby


    I do not believe Jesus is God. I am sure there were many men named Jesus living at that time, but I do not believe that the Jesus in the bible is a factual person. I asked my question because fictional heroes tend to have similar attributes. Eg. Heroes tend to be loners who operate outside of society, like Jesus. MrB
  21. MrBlobby


    Would you categorize Jesus as a hero? Many fictional stories are based on a character who saves the day. Is Jesus just another of these characters? MrBlobby:
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