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Everything posted by DaughterofKing

  1. Alright, the bible says that we should fellowship and come together and all that...so does that just entail coming together to worship and read the word? Or MUST I also go out and have coffee and chit chat with other Christians, because quite frankly, I just don't connect or click with most Christians in that way...??? The key word here is MUST ...???
  2. I know a family. The dad works at a job that makes him miserable but it provides for the family. The wife has put up with abuse and gave up her career because her husband told her to and is now completely dependent on her husband-- all for the sake of the family. And now the grown daughter is trying to be a good daughter by following their career reccomendations and being obedient because they have told her if she ever left them their heart would break. What do you think of these people? What do you think God would say of these people?
  3. Will you go to hell if you commit suicide?
  4. Felix, are you defending the church or disagreeing with it?
  5. well, i mean i am just confused because, i have seen a couple of cult like churches, but the fact of the matter is, these churches did show me God and help me to try to get closer to God, so I figure, they can't be that bad can they be?
  6. Really? Well, dont all Christians believe that jesus became the holy spirit that dwells in each of us today? Also, um, what exactly is a cult and why must they be avoided?
  7. Ok, so there is this church that really adheres and studies the teachings of watchman nee and witness lee. They are always handing out little booklets that were written by these two guys. They otherwise just follow the typical Christian teachings and all but--- Is this a church I should avoid? Or does it sound Ok? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, there seem to be churches that are quite pure or fundamental. I walk in and see many conservatively dressed ladies and gentlemen, praying and singing gospel songs sung to a guitar playing brother or sister. Then there are those churches that you walk into and everyone looks modern and cool and there is a band playing Amy Grant's latest hit and the drums go crazy and there is dancing and laughing, etc. Is one better than the other?
  8. So if I remember having wronged people should I go back and apologize to each and every one of them?
  9. at the time of adam and eve there were other people were there not? there was not literally two people to begin with, it is a story.
  10. sorry, what I meant to say was cousins marrying each other is disgusting!
  11. how are they off? What about them is cult like?
  12. GROSS!!!!!!!! You married your cousin! Are you from down South? If you guys have kids they'll have hoofs! EEEWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. ok maybe this is bad to say but i would actually go to church for the yummy munchies they had. So this one church had krispy kreme donuts, muffins, cookies , coffee, tea, etc. and it would get me out of bed to go. And then this other church, someone would bring some yummy dessert or another, like a cake and coffee and tea. So I was happy. Well, maybe a bad suggestion and maybe that just speaks more for me but, oh well....
  14. aww, how inspiring. I often wonder about that. God works in mysterious ways...your story has inspired me to pray for---Leo Dicaprio!
  15. Well, these folks really utilize the teaching of watchman nee and witness Lee a lot in their church.
  16. But what should I say in regards to his "You have done this and that and this and so you have no right to judge me or preach to me" speech. And should I say anything about his abortion?
  17. Ok, so my friend (non -christian friend) writes me that he is in another country having a great time, getting drunk and getting motel rooms and stuff. So I feel like I have to say something, so I tell him that I dont think it is a good idea for him to do that stuff and I will pray for him and his friend. He then writes me back saying he was offended and so was his friend that I would say that I am going to pray for them. He always tells me that I need to shut up since I am someone who never does anything and I have no idea what I am talking about and that I am preaching to him. Then he listed all the things that I have done wrong to prove his point. Then he had the nerve to bring up how he had an abortion before and how he used to think that abortions were wrong until he was in the situation and that you cant judge unless you are in the situation and I am delusional. Argh. I wanna tell him off. I half half a mind to call him a baby killing murderer (Edited by Moderator) Was I wrong? What should I do now if anything at all?
  18. wow, what brilliant advice. why didnt i think of this? no i dont really have many friends elsewhere at all, just a lot of bad memories Id rather forget....hmmm, you have got me thinking!
  19. Er, has anyone ever lived in Houston Texas or Spring texas? I am wondering if it is diverse? is it particuarly racist over there? Are there certain races that are scarce or that they just dont like over there?
  20. Alright, well, look, I know I already asked this but I really need your guys' opinion here cause I'm approaching the fork in the road and I gotta turn left or right. My parents are about to move to another state into a new house and they wanna know if I'm coming with them or if I'm going my way. See, my parents and I we're really close. We're all we got. So if I were to leave them, they would be really sad and would only have each other. I am 25 years old and if it were up to me I would kind of want to move out because I love the idea of moving to my city of choice, getting a cool little apartment and dressing it up with furniture and having freedom and eating whatever I want and inviting whoever I want over and all that. On the other hand I would feel guilty knowing I left my parents and I would be sad and I would miss them too. Either way I would get a job and be financially independant but--it's just a matter of whether I live with my parents or not. I don't know, the most important thing to me is to be a good Christian in whatever I do. I would like to know all of you guys' opinions? What would you do? What is your opinion?
  21. Everyone hates me. no one likes me. life is too hard. I cant deal. i dont like myself. i am angry and bitter and i frown a lot and its too much and i wanna be someone else! what do i do? whats wrong with me? what am i doing wrong? I hate people. I hate everyone. why does everyone hate me.
  22. well, people struggle, i am not sure if it is right to say that those babies should not be here, especially if u believe God created them.... but anyway, back to the bi-racial question.....???
  23. do bi-racial people make you uncomfortable? do interracial couples make you uncomfortable? do you think it is irresponsible to have bi-racial kids?
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