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Posts posted by Britani18

  1. I believe that your husband did commit adultery eventhough he wasn't acutally sleeping with the other woman, atleast to your knowledge. It's fine to be friends with the opposite sex (my husband has lots of females who are friends, but he would never cheat on me). Your husband seeing another woman behind your back is adultery because he wasn't honest with you about it, and the fact that he was inspired by another woman instead of you is terrible because he became so inspired he decided he wasn't happy with you. God bless you in your life without your husband. I hope you have a great future; I'll keep you in my prayers.


  2. There are three passages of scripture that I hold close to my heart everyday. These really moved me when I was going over them this morning...THe word of God is truth, and something that I do hold close to my heart, but I feel so comforted by these passages. We are His servant, He will always uphold and help us, We are never alone and feed upon the Lord and His word, and He is truth, the way, and the life!

    Isaiah 41:9-10, Matthew 4:4, and John 14:6

    I was also reading in my study book about Eve, Sarah, Rahab, and Naomi from Gensis 3:15, Gensis 21:2, Ruth 3:13-17, and Esther 4:16. All of these woman have let God help then in spite of themselves. Even through our sin God uses us for His glory. I feel that is so comforting to know because we can be redeemed and forgiven for our sins. God uses our experiences to shape us even if the situation is good or bad.


    Thank you for reading and God bless you today and everyday.

  3. I feel that we should all listen to God wether that be in His Word, through another person, or through ourseleves. I believe that God puts thoughts in our minds to help us see His way. God speaks through me in my mind; He gives me thoughts and things somehow seem so clear when He's speaking to me. My mind has a thought in it that is so strong and powerful and I realize that it's the Lord speaking to me. God bless and may the Lord speak clearly to you everyday.


  4. I feel that my ministry has lead me to many places spiritually in my life over the past three and a half years. If you would have told me three years ago I would be as close to the Lord as I am now, I would have thought you were crazy. I fee that I have inspired others as well as myself with being more confident, and knowing that I can really trust the Lord. I can turn to Him for anything; He is there to give me strength and encouragement. I joined deardiary.net back in 2002 and I didn't know why I felt the urge to find a public diary site, but God has blessed me more than I can imagine with the technology of the internet. I started just writing about my day and hoping that people would comment on it, now I use it in my ministry. I spread the word of the Lord in that diary. This has grown into joining another diary site livejournal.com, a devotional and prayer team group, and now worthy ministries. I feel that it is so important to spread the word of the world around the world; we all need to know the Lord and how wonderful, gracious, and awesome God is. It is so great that God has blessed me enough that I can use the technology of the internet to spread God's word, I can say I'm also a missionary in my own town. May God bless us all, and may we all come to know Him. God bless.


  5. Today, God has really reminded me to trust Him. As I was reading in the following scripture of people who trusted God, but when He wasn't answering them quick enough they decided to take matters into their own hands.

    Genesis 16:1-2, 12, Genesis 27:9,37

    Hebrews 10:36

    Teaches us to have patience and faith in our Lord. I learned from my lesson in The Woman Who Pleases God, (which is where these scriptures came from) that God doesn't always answer our prayers right away. He wants us to keep praying and grow in our faith. What a wonderful time to grow in the Lord, He is our reason for living, He is "the way, life, and truth." from John 14:6 (my favorite bible verse)! Have faith in Him and turn to Him for all of your needs, He is our provider, deliever, Savior...and so much more!

    Santa VS Jesus

    santa lives at the north pole ...

    jesus is everywhere.

    santa rides in a sleigh ...

    jesus rides on the wind and walks on the water.

    santa comes but once a year ...

    jesus is an ever present help.

    santa fills your stockings with goodies ...

    jesus supplies all your needs.

    santa comes down your chimney uninvited ...

    jesus stands at your door and knocks, and then enters your heart when invited.

    you have to wait in line to see santa ...

    jesus is as close as the mention of his name.

    santa lets you sit on his lap ...

    jesus lets you rest in his arms.

    santa doesn't know your name; all he can say is, "hi little boy or girl, what's your name?" ...

    jesus knew our name before we did; not only does he know our name, he knows our address too. he knows our history and future and he even knows how many hairs are on our heads.

    santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly ...

    jesus has a heart full of love.

    all santa can offer is ho ho ho!

    jesus offers health, help and hope.

    santa says "you better not cry" ...

    jesus says "cast all your cares on me for i care for you."

    santa's little helpers make toys ...

    jesus makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.

    santa may make you chuckle but ...

    jesus gives you joy that is your strength.

    while santa puts gifts under your tree ...

    jesus became our gift and died on a tree.

    ~author unknown~

    This really tells the true meaning of Christmas, and we should look to Him all year round, not only in the Holiday season.


  6. :noidea: I feel that in the past year God has really touched my life. I went from really not letting Him live through me, and still turning to the ways of the Lord, to really knowing that I am letting Him live through me. I have turned my life completely over to Him, and because of that I have been blessed beyond belief. Once, I really started to turn my life around to His way, I found the love of life, and I didn't think that this year was going to be a year of marriage, but it happened. I got married on October 1, 2005. It was a wonderful day and I love my husband and he loves me; it's wonderful to be married and to have someone to share my life with. Since I've been married I have learned just how important waiting until marrige to have sex. God has really shown me just how wrong it was for me to participate in that act before hand, now I can use that experience to tell others how important it is to wait. God has just really blessed me this year, and I am really lucky to have Him in my life; I hope in the years to come I can continue to grow in Him.

    God bless, Britani

  7. :noidea: I really feel that the yoke we take on is all the God hands us. Everything in life God gives us a way to shape and mold us. Every experience we have the Lord uses to mokd us into all that He wants us to become. God puts us through the fire so that we can come out on the other side closer to Him and more humbled to His teaching. THe Lord is always with us, and we should take all the He give us (good or bad things in our lives) with a smile. We will have hard times, we will have good times, but with trust and faith in our Lord, God all will be right. Have faith and trust in Him.

    God bless, Britani

  8. Hebrews 11

    I have really felt God telling me to study foundation. I feel like by reading this chapter again, I know how strong my foundation is and how important it is to have a strong spiritual foundation. God, our Lord, is so important and living in Him/Him living in and through us is the most amazing. I am learning to trust Him and let Him lead me in all the I do. A strong foundation though is key because without that we are subjected to the world and all the it has to offer.

    1 Kings 19:7, 10-21

    This book and these verses just cleansed me. The Lord was showing His presence so strongly. I told him as Elijah said in this chapter, 10,14 "I have been very zealous for the Lord almighty..." It was so awesome how the Lord knew I needed rest 19:7, and then I was able to confess to Him all that was on my heart. As it says in Psalms 139:1-2 I believe "search my heart and know my heart." Well, He has searched my heart, He knows all about me, more than I know of myself. Thank you Lord for knowing me and being able to give me the strength and encouragement I need to get through the day. I pray that in the year to come I"ll be able to draw even closer to you. By faith I follow you!


    Thank you for reading and God bless you today and everyday.

  9. I have been doing my devotionals almost daily, and I have lots to post, so I hope you don't mind having alot to read.

    Psalm 139

    This Psalm really encouraged me because I realized He has searched me, He knows my heart, and I'm so greatful that He loves me enough to know just what I need; He provides for me. It's so comforting that I can go to Him, cling to Him with all that I have and know that I'm going to be okay. Listening to His voice is soothing and wonderful; it's like a breath of fresh air.

    Psalm 140-141

    I just get so moved when I read the book of Psalms; it makes me feel so close to the Lord. He protects us and keeps us from evil; He delivers us from trouble. If we only call upon Him; He can do so much. It's wonderful prasing God, He lives within us. All we have to do is call up on Him. I love talking to Him becaue I feel that He is my best friend, He is always there for me and wlll never let me down.

    In bible study on Wednsday, we talked about submission, and Becky told me to look up Ephesians 5:22-33 and 1 Peter 3:1-7. I was so comforted by thses scriptures because I know that I am doing my role as a wife to Andy, and Andy is doing his role as a husband to me. It so comforting to know that all I have to do when I have a question is turn to God's Word, and there will be an answer waiting for me. I feel that through Becky, God is showing me to really trust Him, mot only in prayer and talking to Him, but in His word.

    Becky and I did get into a discussion about divorce as well. Some how we got to talking about emotionally abusive relationships. Her opinion was that no matter how bad it gets you should stick it out because in the bible it says that a couple can only divorce due to marital unfaithfulness. She said we had to put our trust in God and let Him handle the situation. Now, I have read in the bible about the divorce subject, but I really feel that if a man or woman are in an emotional or physical abusive relationship than it is okay to leave. I feel that no man or woman should treat there partner that way. However, I do feel that before a divorce takes place (except for being unfaithful or in a physical abusive relationship) marriage counseling is the best. If the couple goes through counseling and still can't work it out than i feel a divorce is necessary. Becky, as you saw disagreed, so I would like to know what your opinion is on this subject?


    Thank you for reading and God bless you today and everyday.

  10. I do daily devotionals and I really feel that God has blessed me through the use of the internet to spread His love and His word around the world. God bless all and enjoy.


    Isaiah 31-32

    It was nice getting back into my devtionals lastnight since I made time. As I was reading these two chapters I felt like I was reading the bible in whole new way. Instead of just reading I really felt like God was speaking directly too me. In 31:1 it talks about the strenghth of their horsemen; to me, that is the Lord, He is our strength. 31:3 the lord stretches out his hand. When ever we need anything all we have to do is go to Him and he will help us. I experienced this first hand lastnight when I was starting to worry about our finances. I prayed to God and asked Him to help because I didn't know how we were going to pay our phone bill. Well, when I talked to Andy he said we had already paid itm and all we had out of my next check was cable. I was so releived. I knew that God had been telling me it was all okay, and all would be fine. It was so nice to be able to lean on Him in our time of need. In chapter 32 I felt the Lord really speaking to me; telling me that I was following Him, but it was so good to hear his voice in 32:3. In 32:8 belng noble and following Him. I also really was moved by 32:20 how blessed we will be in Him, He sets our cattle and donkeys free. I really took this as He sets our problems free, and we are free in Him.

    Psalms 4-5

    These psalms are wonderful! Psalm 5 how majestic is His ways! He made the sun, moon, stars, the whole world. Heaven is his kingdom. He is righteous, and fills us with righteous. He fills us with joy!

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