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Posts posted by shanbopop

  1. Read Romans 1:18-32.

    God does not give us a "reprobate mind." Actually, the verse in Rom. 1:28 is better translated as "disapproved mind." When mankind fell to the uttermost - to the worship of idols, to the worship of himself, and gave himself to the satisfaction of his own lusts and desires - God essentially said, "Okay, you go on ahead. My hands are no longer upon you."

    Ah ok thank you very much for clearing that up.

  2. Scientists say the image was made from radioactive heat waves.Once scanned with hi tech equipment it produced a 3-D like image that left them baffled.Just seems that if that is true it would be difficult to fake.

  3. I dont know if i have ever met an angel.But there is this one time i was asleep and my brother woke me up about 2 in the morning and said he had seen somethin in the sky.When i went to look there was what appeared to be an angel in the skies about 30 yards above.I could clearly see the white gamented being with blonde flowing had going across but it had no wings..will never forget it.

  4. 1.I have heard that mentioned somewhere in the bible God curses a man to walk the Earth until he returns..is this fictional mumbo jumbo that has no merit or is this really mentioned?

    2.The Bible says to entertain strangers as they could be angels walking among us.I wonder if we have met one once and didnt know it..what do you think,think you have met one?

    3.Man of god spoken of in I Kings who was later cursed and died,does the bible give this man or angels identity?

    4.Revelation 9:7-11 speaks of Abbadon who reigns terror on Earth during tribulation.Is this Satans right hand fallen angel or Satan himself?

  5. I doubt this as for one the US is allies with Israel and also the religious figure who calls on all people to fall down and worship the beast to be the Pope.

    Check out the seat the former pope and the one today sits in with its upside down cross.


    Also Whore of Babylon as compared to EUs coins and stamps they use...




  6. As for the anti-christ having no interest in women, that doesn't mean he would be celebate - in this day and age he may we be openly gay! Or even could be a WOMAN anti-christ (unless it specifically says that he is a man - I can't remember right now)

    It says "HE"will cause all to worship him..so it will be a man.As for why i say celebate is because the prophet Daniel wrote that the Antichrist "does not regard the desire of women."--this may imply that he's either celibate or homosexual--that he will have a "fierce countenance" or stern look, that he will be "more stout than his fellows"-more proud and boastful, and that he "understands dark sentences", refering to his possessing supernatural powers!

  7. Greetings,

    I agree with Sue. Good work Sue. It is interesting to note that the English word "pharmacy", comes from the Greek word:

    5331 pharmakeia {far-mak-i'-ah}

    from 5332;; n f

    AV - sorcery 2, witchcraft 1; 3

    1) the use or the administering of drugs

    2) poisoning

    3) sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and

    fostered by it

    4) metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry

    or the Hebrew word:

    07081 qecem {keh'-sem}

    from 07080; TWOT - 2044a; n m

    AV - divination 9, witchcraft 1, divine sentence 1; 11

    1) divination, witchcraft

    1a) of the nations, Balaam

    1b) of false prophets

    1c) in a good sense (king's lips as oracles)

    When you think about this, one must realize that God is the "healer":

    Exodus 15:26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

    07495 rapha' {raw-faw'} or raphah {raw-faw'}

    a primitive root; TWOT - 2196; v

    AV - heal 57, physician 5, cure 1, repaired 1, misc 3; 67

    1) to heal, make healthful

    1a) (Qal) to heal

    1a1) of God

    1a2) healer, physician (of men)

    1a3) of hurts of nations involving restored favour (fig)

    1a4) of individual distresses (fig)

    1b) (Niphal) to be healed

    1b1) literal (of persons)

    1b2) of water, pottery

    1b3) of national hurts (fig)

    1b4) of personal distress (fig)

    1c) (Piel) to heal

    1c1) literal

    1c2) of national defects or hurts (fig)

    1d) (Hithpael) in order to get healed (infinitive)

    You might have heard the Name - Jehovah Rapha'.

    Now, I am not condemning the use of drugs per se, for I believe they can be used of God where there is a lack or numbness of faith. I have abused my body for many years and now I am paying the toll and must take several meds to keep it in balance, but nevertheless it is the Lord who numbers my days and not man's pharmakeia.

    Blessings to all,

    Dad Ernie

    So...since i am taking Oxycontin for my back pain that means i am practicing witchcraft in a way? :emot-hug:

  8. Any fans of this bluegrass gospel group?

    Familiar with who you are talking about and have seen them in concert years ago. I haven't heard any music from them in 15 years or so. But, I am a big bluegrass fan. I will go great distances to hear a good group.

    15 years?Wow theyve came out with some really great stuff since then.

  9. The following are the characteristics of the "sun of God":

    The sun "dies" for three days on December 22nd, the winter solstice, when it stops in its movement south, to be born again or resurrected on December 25th, when it resumes its movement north.

    In some areas, the calendar originally began in the constellation of Virgo, and the sun would therefore be "born of a Virgin."

    The sun is the "Light of the World."

    The sun "cometh on clouds, and every eye shall see him."

    The sun rising in the morning is the "Savior of mankind."

    The sun wears a corona, "crown of thorns" or halo.

    The sun "walks on water."

    The sun's "followers," "helpers" or "disciples" are the 12 months and the 12 signs of the zodiac or constellations, through which the sun must pass.

    The sun at 12 noon is in the house or temple of the "Most High"; thus, "he" begins "his Father's work" at "age" 12.

    The sun enters into each sign of the zodiac at 30

  10. The antichrist will be Jewish,celebate,and will have the greatest political mind the world has ever seen.Looking at the current member nations of Eu,which of these countries are led by a leader who is Jewish?Narrow these down then look to see if he is not married that is another sign because he will have no interest in women as the bible says.

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