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Posts posted by JustinM

  1. How many of those 10's of thousands were suicides and gang/drug related homicides?


    This is what insanity is.  The Supreme Court has ruled several times that the Federal Government cannot change the gun laws, and in fact, during his term as President, many state gun control laws have been overturned as unconstitutional.  Yet, the President keeps trying, now he is attempting to disarm social security beneficiaries that have been declared mentally incompetent (by SSA) to manage their finances.

  2. It wasn't put on public property in Detroit.  It was placed on private property an in abandoned building where they threw a party.  They charged $25.00 for admission and $75.00 if someone wanted sit on the "lap" of the idol and take a picture with it.  The place where it was put on display also had an upside down pink illuminated cross, and there was a lot of homosexual activity there.


    This wasn't legal a victory for the Satanists in Detroit, but they did use the opportunity to raise funds and throw a party and mock Christians.


    They plan to challenge the courts in either Nebraska or Arkansas to put it on public property there.  So, as you can see, they lost in Oklahoma and are moving from state to state until they find a court that will rule in their favor.

  3. The recoil from the gun makes it a very ineffective shooting platform.  Someone would have to develop some type of recoil suppressor and be able to calibrate the sites with a camera.


    I believe the inventor probably used a handgun because it is lighter than a rifle, but I think a rifle would be much more useful on an airborne platform than a handgun.

  4. Hopefully when he leaves office, this will go with him.  The New York Post used the words "racial economic justice."  Apparently, the progressives are no longer content with administering social and economic justice, now they are trying to institutionalize racism.


    My great, great, great grandmother was an Irish slave.  I will take my reparations on the 1st of every month, direct deposit.


    What is this telling us, are they actually trying to convince most of the country that all whites owned slaves?  But, we know that isn't true, it was the elitists, the wealthy that owned slaves, not everyday working Americans.  How many Americans could afford to purchase a slave at 50 pounds each?


    The President has data mined all our information and plans to use it to punish all whites in some manner, either through denying them education opportunities , economic opportunities, insurance opportunities, housing opportunities, investment opportunities, or equal justice under the law.


    If you haven't seen Spike Lee's movie, "White Man's Burden" then you will understand what people like Obama believe a utopia should be.


    And, if you don't know what happened in South Africa when they did the same thing to the whites there, you should brush up on your history, because that is what is in store for America if we allow this racist demagoguery to continue.

  5. Joseph Farah from WND wrote a commentary today about this agreement.  He said he believed the President, desperate to have a foreign policy achievement, gave the Iranians whatever they wanted so he could declare victory and move on.  The only condition Mr. Farah believes the President didn't compromise on, was an 18 month freeze on Iran's nuclear program.  It cost the USA 18 billion dollars, or 1 billion dollars a month until the end of the President's term. 


    Basically, the President knowing he was in too weak of a position to negotiate successfully (no way to actually enforce, compel, or threaten Iran with our military) , opted for a temporary compromise so he won't have to deal with this issue again while he's President and offered to give Iran 1 billion dollars a month to ensure this.


    So, take a breath people, we have at least 18 months before we will have to deal with this issue again.  My guess, ISIS will continue rampaging in Iraq and Syria, but Iran will probably reign them in for the time being. 


    Who knows, maybe the Iranians agreed to let the US do whatever we want to ISIS after the agreement is implemented.  They were pawns on Iran's chessboard for this agreement.

  6. Let's put aside the suspicion that the President didn't want a good deal with Iran.


    The US got a bad deal because Iran had nothing to fear from us.  The President, early on in his tenure, recalled the US military from Iraq.  Had he not done this, we would've had a large army on the border with Iran and would have been able to negotiate with a stronger hand.  The President hamstringed himself with this deal, because of a poor decision he made early on in his Presidency.  This single mistake, either with good intentions or bad, competent or incompetent, may bring about another world war.


    Using the President's own words: "Elections have consequences."


    The 8 years of his presidency will be remembered as the darkest days of the US since the Civil War, if we survive it.

  7. Yeshua was the only one of the line of Adam begotten by YHWH.  Everyone else in the line was begotten by a man, a descendent of Adam.  What we should really focus on is the word "gave".


    We may not be able to fully contemplate the Human/Trinity/YHWH nature of Yeshua, but we do know that He was given to us to die in our place.  No one before, or after will ever fill that role, which is why He was the given as the only begotten Son.  For those that may not be fundamentalist Christians, understand that there will be others claiming to be our Savior, but it is a lie, do not let yourselves be deceived.

  8. I agree that we need to get rid of "mandatory minimum" sentences.  Those laws undermine the justice system and empower the legislative branch and they are supposed to be co-equal.


    But, I don't agree that prisoners should be released if the "mandatory minimum" sentences get overturned.  Since they did the crime during existing laws they should do the time for it.


    That's all we need, more criminals on the streets and in our communities, as if we haven't got enough problems with crime already. 


    Even if these criminals get released by our President, how long do you think it will take them to get arrested and imprisoned again?  I am just so worried for the innocent victims that will be hurt by this.

  9. The homosexuals have made their lifestyle legal in all states and have been given the right to "marry" in all states too and somehow made their lifestyle choice a civil right, and they are protected against "unlawful discrimination" in our civil courts, it won't be long before the criminal courts recognize that too.


    But, what they don't have and will never have is God's approval.  They can attack His Church and His people and persecute/prosecute it/us, but they will never get to Him.

  10. Did I lose you MG?  LOL, sorry.  Just trying to see the big picture, and using old language to emphasize the point I was trying to make.


    With fewer words, I could have just said, we are living through a real life Marxist revolution right now. 


    In order to have a successful Marxist revolution, you have to continue to agitate the most discontent people you can find, which are usually at the bottom of the working class income level.  Once you get the attention of enough discontent people, you start agitating them by bringing up painful memories of the past, or convincing them they are being mistreated by an unfair and unjust "system." Which means institutionalized, which means it's impossible to change peacefully.


    Continue agitating them by making them feel like they are being singled out, or held back as a group by unnamed and unspecified antagonists.  People are far more likely to rally against a symbol or institution than another person, so the more vague and impersonal the agitator can be, the more widespread and dispersed the target becomes.  Pretty, soon, everything becomes a target and once the institutions and symbols are gone (riots, financial ruin, disasters, strikes, etc.), the mobs will have no one left to go after but the "bourgeoisie." 


    Obviously those terms are outdated, and have been substituted with "middle class", "entrepreneurs", 1%, bankers, wall street, etc.

  11. This is what happens when Californians, tired of high taxes and political correctness leave California and move to other states.  But, they don't learn from their decisions, so they turn their new homes into another California, this is called "Californicating."


    PB&J:  So, the issue is "white bread" not PB&J right?  This person is actually projecting her own racism against whites onto bread.  Since she can't eliminate whites from his world, she is using bread as a surrogate white person.  This person should be laughed at and scorned by her community and fired for incompetence.


    This history of white bread:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_bread


    The bleaching process was used so that the flour would have a longer shelf life, thus eliminating waste and thus reducing the cost of sandwich bread.


    edited to reflect correct gender grammar.

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