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Posts posted by JMJ

  1. From the Catechism of the Catholic Church

    751 The word "Church" (Latin ecclesia, from the Greek ek-ka-lein, to "call out of") means a convocation or an assembly. It designates the assemblies of the people, usually for a religious purpose.139 Ekklesia is used frequently in the Greek Old Testament for the assembly of the Chosen People before God, above all for their assembly on Mount Sinai where Israel received the Law and was established by God as his holy people.140 By calling itself "Church," the first community of Christian believers recognized itself as heir to that assembly. In the Church, God is "calling together" his people from all the ends of the earth. the equivalent Greek term Kyriake, from which the English word Church and the German Kirche are derived, means "what belongs to the Lord."

    752 In Christian usage, the word "church" designates the liturgical assembly,141 but also the local community142 or the whole universal community of believers.143 These three meanings are inseparable. "The Church" is the People that God gathers in the whole world. She exists in local communities and is made real as a liturgical, above all a Eucharistic, assembly. She draws her life from the word and the Body of Christ and so herself becomes Christ's Body.

    Symbols of the Church

    753 In Scripture, we find a host of interrelated images and figures through which Revelation speaks of the inexhaustible mystery of the Church. the images taken from the Old Testament are variations on a profound theme: the People of God. In the New Testament, all these images find a new center because Christ has become the head of this people, which henceforth is his Body.144 Around this center are grouped images taken "from the life of the shepherd or from cultivation of the land, from the art of building or from family life and marriage."145

    754 "The Church is, accordingly, a sheepfold, the sole and necessary gateway to which is Christ. It is also the flock of which God himself foretold that he would be the shepherd, and whose sheep, even though governed by human shepherds, are unfailingly nourished and led by Christ himself, the Good Shepherd and Prince of Shepherds, who gave his life for his sheep.146

    755 "The Church is a cultivated field, the tillage of God. On that land the ancient olive tree grows whose holy roots were the prophets and in which the reconciliation of Jews and Gentiles has been brought about and will be brought about again. That land, like a choice vineyard, has been planted by the heavenly cultivator. Yet the true vine is Christ who gives life and fruitfulness to the branches, that is, to us, who through the Church remain in Christ, without whom we can do nothing.147

    756 "Often, too, the Church is called the building of God. the Lord compared himself to the stone which the builders rejected, but which was made into the comer-stone. On this foundation the Church is built by the apostles and from it the Church receives solidity and unity. This edifice has many names to describe it: the house of God in which his family dwells; the household of God in the Spirit; the dwelling-place of God among men; and, especially, the holy temple. This temple, symbolized in places of worship built out of stone, is praised by the Fathers and, not without reason, is compared in the liturgy to the Holy City, the New Jerusalem. As living stones we here on earth are built into it. It is this holy city that is seen by John as it comes down out of heaven from God when the world is made anew, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband.148

    757 "The Church, further, which is called 'that Jerusalem which is above' and 'our mother', is described as the spotless spouse of the spotless lamb. It is she whom Christ 'loved and for whom he delivered himself up that he might sanctify her.' It is she whom he unites to himself by an unbreakable alliance, and whom he constantly 'nourishes and cherishes.'"149

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  2. May the peace of Our Lord Jesus be with us.
    I think that this is the first time that I have started a post here. Anyway, I wanted to share this amazing video. As  Catholic Christians we believe that Jesus is truly present under the appearance of bread and wine. In the history of the Church there have been times when Our Lord outwardly manifested Himself, in the Eucharist, in the way of observable miracles. The following video describes 3 of these miracles and delves into the scientific inquiry that took place regarding them. What are your thoughts?


  3. Who ever said that taking up our cross and following Christ was going to be easy? When I first became a Christian, I thought to myself "what is wrong with these people?" Everyone was telling me that it is not an easy road to follow. I felt fine, just could not see what the big deal was.

    And then something began to change in me. I began to see things going on around me that the Holy Spirit told me were not okay. With each knowing that something was not okay, I had to turn my back on it. And I found that the road I was travelling became more and more narrow with each passing day. And now I am at today. My family? Full of the world, gambling, lying, cheating....they don't understand why I want nothing to do with hanging out with them. They know God, they know the difference between right and wrong, they know what is sin and what is not. And they know me, they know how far I have come and what I have given up in my life to live for Christ. And yet they continue to invite me along to join in the 'fun'.

    When I say 'no'..then I am being selfish and unloving. This morning I told my mother 'no' about something..her response to me is 'you are nothing but a selfish little @#$&^*#! This is my mom saying this to me! This is the woman who the night before was talking about having the love of Christ and showing it to the world??!!

    I am not the person that says I am a 'christian' out of one side of my mouth and goes out and gets drunk and talks like a truck driver out of the other side. I am telling you folks I have turned my back on ALL of those things. I barely watch TV programs because I can't stand to look at the sin in them.

    God speaks to me, God gives me dreams, God has taken me through spiritual battle after spiritual battle. I am the child in the mother's womb who was visited by the angel, that the angel touched the mother with great fingers of light that caused my mother to feel electric waives go through her body (and in a pleasant comforting way)..My mother told me that the greatest point of feeling was her womb. That is who I am...that is what God has done. But she doesn't seem to remember. She just tells me I am selfish and don't like even my own family.

    But I endure it...and will continue to endure it.

    Lately, I have felt frustration in me because I don't seem to have the ability to communicate to others the great need to keep things simple, to not complicate the meaning that God has for us by big words and snotty attitudes. And what happens? I come off sounding snotty myself, I come across as seeming to think I am better than others. But I'm telling you I don't think I am better than anyone. I just know that what God has shown me is TRUTH. I have been reading the gospels alot. And the biggest lesson that Christ has taught me lately is that in the long run I am better off to have the entire world turn against me than I am to compromise even one second of this world accepting me. And if it weren't for Christ and a couple of friends...I would be one of the most lonely people that ever walked the face of this earth.

    I don't know about any of you, but God talks to me a lot in my sleep. I don't usually remember most of what He has said..but I am sure that when the time comes for me to remember God will make it known. He keeps me company and comforts me in these very hard times. Times that seem to get harder by the day.

    He will never leave us nor forsake us and He will never leave a good work undone.

    Have a blessed day in the Lord everyone. I am NOT to sad..a little, but even as I wrote this I could feel the Loving warmth of His presence. Ever reminding me that I am NOT alone. Thank you Father God and Christ our King! I look forward to the day when I get to go HOME!!

    Awesome post, Jackie.


  4. While I grew up on the KJV and learned so much and received my salvation by the influence of the KJV, I have since found that the NKJV and the NIV are both wonderful in that they are more easily readable and understandable. I prefer a more modern english translation because I find that when witnessing, people get a better grasp of what you are reciting and showing them.

    Why would I want to show a non-believer whom I may hardly know a bible written in a form of the language we do not use? I would want it to be easily grasped by today's non-believer!

    When I study, I add The Message to give me another fresh inspiration about the meaning of some passages.

    To these I add concordances and commentaries.

    Blessings! :blink:

    I read The New American Bible(St. Joseph edition).

  5. Obedience folks, complete and total obedience to the Lord. God is so much in love with us and wants us to see His Glory but cannot give it to us without us being in complete obedience to Him.

    It is not only about obedience to the 10 commandments and the order that He has set for us. It is about facing lifelong fears of what ever spirit has tried to keep us in soul sleep and away from Him. It is about being willing to stand up against our oppressors and let them know that we have won the victory through the blood of Christ and it will not happen to us anymore! It is about keeping our mouths shut when we spread the word to those who mock, persecute and hate us for what is being said and who we love-God! It is about putting aside our fleshly desires to have the things that places God second. It is about living without bondage of these things.

    When we are willing to lay our lives down in this way, we fall into complete obedience to Him. Amd He takes into His glory..He gives us rest and replaces our burdens with His which are few and His yoke which is light!

    Are we in this obedience? Do we contemplate it daily? I know that I am not always and I do not contemplate it daily..those times are hard. Why? I believe it is because if I am not willing to be quiet for a minute and listen that He will get my attention in another way..the harder way.

    Praise be the name of the Lord, who reigns on High!!!


    What a wonderful and uplifting message. Thank You

    In Our Lord Jesus Christ,


  6. These past few days have been filled with a new kind of teaching from the Lord and they have not been easy. God has removed layer upon layer of deceptions, behaviors and fears that have controlled and ruled me for years. He started with the newest and is now at the oldest. Fears and intimidations that have been with me since my first memories as a child.

    Dreams have been coming that have been confusing and full of fear of the enemy. Because of the depth of these lifetime fears they have been the hardest to recognize as keeping me in bondage to this..have been in bondage forever with it and did not know. Wow talk about getting knocked off of a chair!

    All I have been able to do is pray and talk with friends whom I trust and know will not turn away from me in this hour of need. I have felt lately, a presense of something trying so hard to pull me away from this walk with the Lord. A presense that show up in ways that cause my hands to sweat and feel like running away from it.

    I had a dream the other night (I won't go into it right now) that caused me to wake in such fear that my heart was pounding and my entire body felt on fire with it. I shared it with a friend and now that it has been recognized God is working me to a place to where I can look this manifestation in the eye and get rid of it in my life. It is a paper tiger, a lie..and God is guiding me on how to get rid of it. This is a being that I will not be able to get rid of without prayer and fasting. "If you have faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains." This demon is not a demon that can simply be cast out by speaking it out..God pointed the way for it to be gotten rid of ..through prayer and fasting..to finish off the scripture that my friend was pointed to.

    So folks I again am on a spiritual journey with the Lord in which He is going to teach me what the freedom of faith the size of a mustard seed can do..woohoo..gonna be free!!!

    God Bless


    May the Lord God set you free of all the things in your past that weigh you down. May He nourish you at the waters of His mercy, love, and forgiveness.

    I hope that this letter finds you well. By the sound of things you are fighting a tremendous spiritual battle. I too have fought many spiritual battles in the past and do so today. Please pray for me that the will of God may be fulfilled in me.

    My trip to Colorado was awesome. I went to the summit of Pike's Peak. I could not help but say to myself, "Glory to God in the Highest." It was truly amazing. It was also cool at the top.(Around 50 degrees) Here in Arkansas it is 105. I wish I could have packaged some of that cool weather and bring it here. :emot-hug:

    Well, I hope that you have a wonderful day. Talk to you soon.

    In the Lord,


  7. How can the following verses be reconciled? They appear contradictory.

    "Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin.... For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law."

    --Romans 3:20,28 (NIV)


    "All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous." --Romans 2:12,13 (NIV)

    I think that a way to reconcile this is to say that we are justified by both faith and good works.(James 2:24) Also what St. Paul was speaking of was the ritualistic laws of the Jews under the Old Covenant. This is exemplified at the beginning of Romans 3. Hope this helps.

  8. Keep going and going and when you feel as if you cannot go any further, keep going.

    These are words that the Lord spoke to my mother the other night and what an encouraging thing for Him to say to her.

    No matter what the odds, no matter how many scoff, throw stones or simply ignore the ministry you have to share..just keep going.

    It is not people we are here for it is the Lord. Don't listen to the negative docterines and mean spirited words..just keep going.

    In Him


    Thanks so much for that. I do encounter mean spirited words when I'm trying to share Christ with others. Sometimes you just want to give up and throw in the towel but I know that I'm doing this for the Lord and He will keep me going.

    How was your weekend. Mine was O.K. My mom was sick but thanks be to God she is feeling better. I got my letters of recommendation sent off to the university that I want to go to and ,hopefully, I will hear something by the end of the week. The weather was cool today and they are predicting cool weather for the next couple of days. God is so wonderful to give us cool days in the summer.

    Take Care!

    In Christ,


  9. It is with a servant's heart that I lay myself at the alter of God to do with as He pleases. To take every part of my being and turn it into the glorious being He intends. I lay myself at the alter as a sacrifice of love to He who has rescued me from the arms of death. And beg Him to remove every ounce of filth that may cling to me yet.

    Praise be the name of the Lord. He who is exalted above all the earth.

    I love the Lord with all my heart, mind and soul. And dedicate my life to His Hands.


    What a wonderful message! I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. My weekend at the E.R. went O.K. There were some trauma cases that came in that did bother me. When these cases come in I always think of my family. I always pray for these poor people and their families. Sometimes it is tough to see people go through so much suffering.

    Anyways, my family is doing fine. Please pray for my brother who is going to have an endoscopy done tomorrow. I did get to go fishing today. Sometimes you just have to get away and enjoy what God has givin us.

    Take care and God bless,


    I was wondering when I would hear from you again Tony, and I am glad to see you and your family are doing fine.

    Heavenly Father,

    I place Tony's brother in Your Hands. Your strong and mighty hands that forms us from clay. His brother is having medical problems and we ask that you keep him.

    It is in the name of Jesus,


    So, did you catch a fish?

    God Bless you Tony, you and your family..


    How was your day? I caught 3 fish. I threw them all back.:emot-questioned: My brother is doing O.K. They found that he had a hiatal(I hope that I spelled that right) hernia. Thank you for the prayers.

    Well, it's the first day of summer. It is hot and sticky here(Arkansas). They are calling for rain over the next couple of days.

    Stay in touch.

    In the Lord Jesus,


  10. It is with a servant's heart that I lay myself at the alter of God to do with as He pleases. To take every part of my being and turn it into the glorious being He intends. I lay myself at the alter as a sacrifice of love to He who has rescued me from the arms of death. And beg Him to remove every ounce of filth that may cling to me yet.

    Praise be the name of the Lord. He who is exalted above all the earth.

    I love the Lord with all my heart, mind and soul. And dedicate my life to His Hands.


    What a wonderful message! I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. My weekend at the E.R. went O.K. There were some trauma cases that came in that did bother me. When these cases come in I always think of my family. I always pray for these poor people and their families. Sometimes it is tough to see people go through so much suffering.

    Anyways, my family is doing fine. Please pray for my brother who is going to have an endoscopy done tomorrow. I did get to go fishing today. Sometimes you just have to get away and enjoy what God has givin us.

    Take care and God bless,


  11. The Lord is totally good and merciful. He is always kind.

    He will never leave us or forsake us.

    He turns everything to our good and counts every hair on our heads.

    He guides our footsteps and protects us from the evil one.

    He makes himself known to us and provides all of our needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Not according to anything else. But according to his riches......

    One day He is Returning for his own.

    Glory to his Name.

    Thank you Shepherdsgrace.


  12. Jackie,

    How are you doing today? I hope that your day is going well. Please pray that I get accepted to graduate school.

    Sincerely in the Lord,


    I will Tony and I am doing very well..

    Heavenly Father, I cannot pray for the will of others but I can pray for Your will. So Lord I lift Tony to you in prayer and ask that you show Tony the path that You have prepared. If the graduate school is not what You have in store, whatever is Your will for Tony will be greater and more wonderful than would be expected from school. I know from the experiences of Your will in my life and everytime I move in Your will Lord the path is clear and straight. There are never any obstacles. So with that knowledge of Your works Lord I ask than You show Tony without delay what is in store. I also pray Lord that if Your will is different that Tony's desire for this schooling that You show Tony how to accept Your will with gladness in Tony's heart. And that You show Tony patience and understanding in whatever walk You are to take Tony on.

    It is in the name of Jesus that I pray, Amen

    Please let me know, I am interested in your life. :emot-pray:


    Thank you sooooo much for the wonderful prayer. I got a letter today saying that the school received my application and that they need my measles, mumps, and rubella form. It is looking like Gos might be leading me down that direction. I'm glad to hear that you are doing well. God is truly great!!!

    In your letter you said that your interested in my life. Well , I 'll tell you about myself. I'm 32, have a wonderful wife of 2yrs., and have a 10 month old son. I just graduated that past May with a B.S. in history with a teacher licensure. I work as a clerk at the Emergency Room at one of our local hospitals. I have been a Christian all of my life and I'm presently discerning a call to become a deacon.

    Write soon.

    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


  13. Jackie,

    Stay close to the Lord. He will be with you. Today, I found out that I did not get a job that I was hoping to get. I prayed but I also know that the Lord answers our prayers in ways that we sometimes cannot imagine. I know that He is leading and guiding me. There is a popular Catholic saint named St. Pio of Pietrelcina. He died in 1968. He always said, "Pray, hope, and don't worry. Worrying won't help at all. The good Lord will hear your prayers."

    Sincerely in our resurrected Lord,


  14. Crab3,

    I would steer clear of the Masons. I cannot go into all of the evidence here but there is good reason to believe that that organization is satanic. St. John the Baptist was definitely not a Mason. Masonry originated with the stone mason guilds of Medieval Europe. During the "Enlightenment" and the French Revolution the Masons turned increasingly anti-Christian.

    Hope this helps.


  15. I would say that I'm in favor of Theory 2. I would argue that 2 Tim. 3:16-17 would not prove the idea of authority resting in Scripture alone. First it is important to look at verse 16. It says,"All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, etc." It does not say,"Only scripture...." If it said "Only Scripture" then there would be a case for the authority to rest in Scripture alone. Also in verse 15 St. Paul writes, "And that from a child thou has known the holy scriptures....."In St. Paul's day the New Testament was not canonized. Through logical deduction this would mean that only the OldTestament would be sufficient to the exclusion on the New. I'm not willing to take the leap and dismiss the New Testament.

    You are right in saying that in the Early Church they had to rely on oral tradition. In 2 Thess 2:15 we read, "Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle." Notice that St. Paul did not give a time table as to when the faithful can get rid of Tradition and rely on the Scripture alone. It is also interesting to note that the Lord not only taught Tradition but He also bound His listeners to Tradition. We read in Mat.23:1-3, "the scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not." Now "Moses' seat" is found nowhere in the O.T. This must have been a tradition that was passed down.

    As to the authority of the Church"Mageterium" the Scriptures have some pretty interesting things to say. In Mat.18: 17 we read, " And if he shall neglect to hear them tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican." If Scripture is the only authority it is odd that the Lord did not say that the Scripture is the last and only authority in this verse. Also 1 Tim. 3:15 calls the Church the, "pillar and foundation of the truth." Scripture nowhere designates itself under that phrase.

    It is evident that the Scriptures are not the only authority but points also to Tradition and the authority of the Church. There are other verses in the Scriptures that point this out but due to time I cannot quote them all here. You might also want to check out the tachings of the Church Fathers. They also testify to the triune authority of the Church, Tradition, and the Scriptures.

    I hope this helps.

    God Bless,


  16. Jackie,

    Know that God loves you so much. You are truly wonderful and beautiful in His sight. Don't forget that. Someone told me a story of how a boy came to Jesus and asked Him, "How much do you love me?" Jesus answered the boy and said, "This much." The Lord spread wide His arms and died. Jackie believe and put your trust in the Lord. He will always come through for you. I have had difficult moments in my life and through God's grace everything turned out O.K.

    Hang in there.

    Your brother in the Lord Jesus,


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