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Electric Angel

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Posts posted by Electric Angel

  1. who cares

    Why are you so harsh and unfriendly? If you dont care dont post :24:

    He is a Jehovah's Witness now.

    Doesn't sing The Cross anymore. Now he's changed it to The Christ because JW's don't believe Christ was nailed to a cross but to an upright stake.

  2. No I havent that I can recall. Is it good? I am interested in knowing now myself :24:

    It is a good song. Google the lyrics. You may also want to google his song Anna Stesia.

    Very Christian songs. Unfortunately, the rest of Prince's songs are more about the missionary position than having a position with a mission.

  3. Lady C is right about the bag balm. It's manufactured in Lennoxville, Quebec, which could be very close or very far depending on where you live in Ontario.

    Shania Twin rubs bag balm on her skin to retain its youthful glow. I was in Lennoxville when that story broke and the company suddenly found itself scrambling to fill international orders.

    Enjoy your ski days.

  4. Ok...so after church tonight we took a guy out to dinner at Pizza Hut. Of course afterwards my husband and I both raced home to use the bathroom. What is it about Pizza Hut pizza that makes you need a toliet bowl right after dinner is over? We decided Pizza Hut needs to give out a roll of toliet paper with the pizza.

    "Here's your pizza, and a complimentary roll of toliet paper."

    Does anybody else have this problem?!? :thumbsup:

    Up here, we call Pizza Hut "Pan Fried Goo."

    Seriously, go to Boston Pizza. It's better for you.

    BTW... you are the second Christian Michelle whose birthday is Jan. 4 that I know.

  5. I don't cosider 9/11 or Katrina, God's judgement only a headsup for people to pull their heads out of sand.

    Wow! That's a pretty dramatic heads up.

    In any case, I believe 9/11 was a judgment but it also provided many people with an opportunity to repent.

    And no, America isn't the only country becoming more anti-Christian. The world is slowly becoming more secular and it will also be judged in due time.

  6. I think you're mostly right, but I'd add that tragedies like 9/11 are, in fact, punishments from God. America is a nation that murders thousands of babies every year through abortion and is well on its way to legislating same sex marriage, which God calls abomination. As the Bible says, righteousness exalts a nation, but sin will tear it down.

  7. Today Rosie O'donnell showed herself for the snake she really is. Out of nowhere she went after Donald Trump and Miss USA. Please don't get me wrong I'm no Donald Trump fan but what he did was a very kind act to a girl that made some very bad mistakes and desicions. She attacked the way he wears his hair which is rather laughable) and the fact that Miss USA cried when given a second chance. Mr. Trump called her an animal but I disagree. She not an animal to me she is a snake that just attacks anyone whenever the moods strikes her.This time I think she dug herself a hole that she is never going to get out of. I agree she needs prayer but this girl does have a mean spirit. As I said I wish I could sell tickets to this one. I have never liked the TV show she is on "The View" I have heard nothing out of those women but man bashing and talk that would make a sailor blush. I hate that so many people judge women by the standards of these women. I do hope Barber Walters comes to her senses and give's ol Rosie the heave ho.

    Yeah, I'm not a Rosie fan either. She's gay and gays are trendy and Hollywood fawns all over 'em so everyone'll appreciate how open-minded they are. If you want to make it big in show biz 20 years from now, become a polygamist. By that time, it will be trendy too.

  8. I would really like to know what Jesus means when he says "GO, AND SIN NO MORE"

    because try as I might, I cannot accomplish it. I mean I lead a pretty "good" life in the physical, but my thoughts are often far from pure.

    What is sin in todays world? Perhaps that is an even better question. Do we sin by wordly standards? Maybe not...but by God's standards we do

    At least I do and by both standards


    When Jesus told the woman to go and sin no more, I think He was telling her what the ideal should be.

    It wouldn't have done any good to say "Go, and sin only on Fridays" or "Go, and try not to sin, except when you're really REALLY tempted." He set a standard of perfection because it's the only standard there should be.

    Just one of the reasons I love Him so much.

  9. I used to be a big Prince fan. Had all his albums, saw him in concert once, etc...

    Prince has some very devout and Christian sounding songs. Two of them come from his 1988 album Lovesexy album.

    Lyrics from Anna Stesia: "Save me Jesus I've been a fool. How could I forget that U are the rule. U are my God. I am your child. From now on, 4 U I shall be wild. I shall be quick. I shall be strong. I'll tell your story no matter how long. We're just a play in your master plan. Now my Lord, I understand."

    From the same album comes I know (rendered Eye no): "I know there is a heaven. I know there is a hell. Listen to me people, I've got a story to tell. I know there was confusion, lightning all around me. That's when I called his name, don't you know he found me."

    And, of course, there is The Cross from 1987's Sign O the Times. "Black day, stormy night. No love, no hope in sight. Don't cry, he is coming. Don't die without knowing - the Cross. Ghettos to the left of us. Flowers to the right. There'll be bread for all of us if we can just bear the cross. Sweet song of salvation, a pregant mother sings. She lives in starvation, her children need all that she brings. We all have our problems. Some big, some are small. Soon all of our problems will be taken by the cross."

    There are other examples.

    Unfortunately, Prince also sings many graphically sexual songs, the lyrics of which I will not print here. It painted a confusing painting of him: Someone who probably believed in God and Jesus but refused to submit himself to Him. In fact, he openly revelled in sexual indulgence, not a good role model for Christians.

    Today, he's a JW. I saw his 2000 concert and all the gooey sex stuff was toned down big time.

  10. I've been a magician for a little over 20 years. Over the course of my career, I'ver performed for literally thousands of Christians. Almost all of them don't have a problem with the magic I do - they recognize it as entertainment (sleight of hand and misdirection) rather than communion with the Occult.

    Now and then, however, I run into some Christians who have a big problem with it. Once, while performing in a hotel during a Sunday brunch, I was approached by an angry-looking young man who warned me to stay very far away from his table, as he didn't want his children to be corrupted by the colourful sponge balls I had in my hands. This was a very rare occasion.

    I don't take it personally when Christians are uncomfortable with magic (the whole meat offered to idols thing) but I'm wondering what the rest of the posters here feel. Do you have problems with magic per se?

  11. I agree that the ecumenical movement has severely misplaced priorities. Its "peace at any cost" ignores the importance of doctrine and thus gives a plethora of cultists the opportunity to assemble under the Christian banner while denying several doctrines of the historic Christian faith.

    At the same time, there's a danger in become too myopic. I know of one Christian in the United States who anaethematizes everyone who is not a member of the Duck River Baptist Confession (??), thus reducing the body of Christ to maybe 3000 people on the Eastern seaboard.

    I will enjoy fellowship with anyone who affirms the absoluteness of justification by faith and all the doctrines that support it (diety of Christ, resurrection, his sinlessness, etc...)

  12. I imagine that they use the adjective "personal" to distinguish Jesus as being an active God, not someone mentioned in passing in the Apostle's Creed.

    Most people who go to church think very highly of Jesus. He was a great man, they say, and a wonderful example. But is He their "personal" savior? That's where the penny drops.

  13. Bless you, trimatrix, for your honesty.

    What keeps you out of hell is faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible says that if you profess that Jesus is lord with your lips, and believe in Him in your heart, you have passed from death to life. If you can say these things about yourself then yes, you are saved.

    This does not mean that it is acceptable for you to view pornography. Clearly, it's not. It is good that you are asking the lord to help you correct your sinful behavior but perhaps the answer he is giving you is more obvious than you'd expect. Maybe you should get rid of your computer. It's a thought.

    The Bible says that if you put your mind on Godly things and seek the Kingdom of God, you will grow in righteousness. I admit that I have a problem with sex myself. I'm not into pornography but I have dabbled in fornication and I am ashamed of my sins. Big time.

    I find that when I read the Bible and surround myself with good wholesome material, sinful thoughts are far from me. Maybe the same will work for you.

    Another thing: the fact that you are concerned about your behavior is encouraging to me. If you said "Yeah I'm a Christian but porn is no big deal. I watch it and I love it and I don't think it's compromising my faith," then I would start to worry.

    Pray about your situation and confess your sins to your fellow believers and ask them to pray over it with you. I think you'll be suprised how forgiving they all will be.

  14. People are xenophobic by nature. We tend to compartmentalize the people who have wronged us and blame the entire race/tribe for that evil.

    Having said, there are so called Christian sects, like the Ku Kux Klan, that tries to interweave racial hatred into New Testament theology. This, to me, is obviously cultic. Is it possible to be a Christian and struggle with racial prejudice? Yes, I think it is. But if you're truly born again, it's not a facet of yourself that would make you pride.

    Confession time: I'm something of a homophobe myself. I find gay jokes uproariously funny, but is this Christ honouring? You know what? It probably isn't. Part of me realizes that I'm using humour as a cathartic release for the pent up rage I have for society as goes down its merry gay-embracing way, but I don't think this kind of humour brings much honour to the church of Christ.

  15. Everyone is a hypocrite, atheists included.

    I've yet to meet one person - atheist, Christian, or anything between or beyond - who has never told a lie. On the same token, I've never met anyone who likes being lied to.

    In other words: It's okay for them to lie, but it's not okay for other people to lie to them.

    People who condemn people for being hypocrites are either hypocrites themselves or they're Jesus Christ.

    This doesn't mean we should adopt a lukewarm attitude towards hypocrisy. Perfection must be our standard. I'm just saying that everyone is in the same boat.

  16. Make sense or did I just confuse the issue even more?

    No that helps alot - thank you

    Works, as James explains, is the proof of our faith.

    But doesn't James also say that it is through works and not faith alone that we are saved?

    Remember, all outward actions begin from inward processes. Thus, if there is no fruit, then there was never any faith to begin with.

    But what if a person is saved and after many years in the community of going to church, raising a family and being a good husband, him and his wife begin fighting, maybe he starts drinking - a little at first , then alot, a couple years later they divorce, he starts hanging out at work with some morally bankrupt coworkers, drinking leads to experimental party drugs, which lead to total moral depravity. You name it: fornication, pornograghy, homosexuality, small time drug dealing leading to big time drug dealing, and maybe even murder (actual, not the kind you mentioned earlier). The man dies in prison leading a homosexual life in there...does he go to heaven?

    If someone behaved like that, I'd wonder if they ever received God's saving grace in the first place.

  17. I grew up understanding the RCC teachings on salvation through faith in Christ and works. I also understand (correct me if I'm wrong) that most Protestants believe that salvation by faith alone is sufficient. There seems to me to be so many holes in this interpretation that I'm beginning to think that my understanding of what sola fide is must be lacking. Would someone be willing to explain it to me so I can hear it first hand from someone. If you don't mind I might have a few follow up questions.

    Friends in Christ

    mike :o

    Hi Michael"

    Justification by faith is the most important doctrine in the New Testament. It teaches that human beings are inherently sinful and can never please God with our own good works. Therfore, Jesus died on the cross on our behalf - a vicarious sacrifice - and rose from the dead, conquering sin and creating a perfect path through which we can be reconciled to God. As Peter said to the Roman jailer who wanted to know what he had to do to be saved: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." That means accept that you're a sinner and you need Jesus as your savior. Instantly, you are saved.

    Now, where does works fit into this? If you've truly been justified by faith, then you are a new creation and you will bear good fruit (ie good works.) You don't do good works to obtain salvation, you do them because you've been saved. Good works are the result of salvation, not the way to it.

    Peace and blessings, my friend.

  18. I sure don't consider myself a patriot. I don't even like standing for the national anthem, which contains the line "God keep our land glorious and free."

    In Canada, you're allowed to murder babies and same-sex marriage is perfectly acceptable.

    This country isn't glorious and I'm not going to insult God by asking Him, in song, to keep it that way.

    Move to Alberta...neither of those things are perfectly acceptable over here :taped:

    And anyway...I don't think the writer of the song had the same idea of glorious as you're thinking...

    I wish I could move back to Alberta, my home province.

    Stuck in Ontario now.

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