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Posts posted by Bob1234375

  1. The other day I heard a beautiful song, it made me cry. I could not find out the title, and I only remember a few of the words. I really want to hear it again, and would be very grateful for any help.

    Some of the lyrics were (guaranteed not to be 100% accurate):

    The soldiers tried to push away the crowd

    but the people wanted to see

    something something Calvary.

    And some of the chorus is:

    For you (echo)

    And me (echo)

    (this part might not me in it, but I seem to remember it)

    Just wait

    And see(long)

    It was, as you can see, about the death of Jesus. I am sorry I can't remember more, but this is it. I am sure if I saw the lyrics, I would know if they were from that song or not, but I can't remember them now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. I am ready. Though I am only 15, I'd say I've had more of a fulfilling life than most dead people. "To live is Christ, to die is gain." Dying makes me happy. However, I can't just waste my life, thats selfish. I decided long ago that dying is easy, and I will live my life for Christ, then, at the end, hopefully die for Him. Whenever God says my time is up, I am ready to go home. In the meantime, I will carry out His will here.

    "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend," and everyone is my friend.

  3. Well, I can't have you hanging around doing nothing. :thumbsup: I would love to explain any of it to someone. Or answer any other questions. Although, if you are familiar with Revelation, than there goes all the questions...

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