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John Lennon

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  1. The Beatles, along with John Lennon, echoed a philosophy in their music that was very prevalent during the 1960's. Basically, as with each generation, they were seeking a meaning to life, existence, some form of hope to cling to...something to explain the world they experienced, yet something that wouldn't restrain them or define these things in such a way that would limit their freedom. From what I understand, they experimented with various "religions" and philosophies (particularly eastern religions). The existential philosophies of Satre, Heidegger and Jaspers lent themselves well to the whole hallucinogenic drug era because people were seeking some "experience" that was outside of themselves to validate their existence and give meaning to their life. The eastern religions fit well into this frame as well because they all reach for a "non-rational" meaning to life too. It's more of an idealistic hope (of peace and unity for instance), but without any definition or rationality behind it. After discovering that fact that using drugs left them unfulfilled, there was a period where musicians tried to emulate this "experience" with a music style, the result was psychedelic rock (this would've been eximplified in "Strawberry Fields Forever" for the Beatles). Again, this is existential philosophy, which essentially seperates belief/faith/answers from reason; nothing is understandable or explainable. Anyway, once you accept the philosophy that the answers to life are beyond our reason, then every "religion" or attempt to find an optimistic hope becomes merely a "dream" or a vision and it really doesn't matter which "religion" you pursue. The sad thing is, you'll be hard pressed to live this consistently because your life experience will not reflect your beliefs..which will leave you unfulfilled, holding onto nothing but an imaginary utopia. As far as I know, there is no other philosophy or religion that explains and defines the human problems while also offering solutions that fit within our human experience the way Christianity does. Contrary to what some say, Christianity does not require us to deny our reason or abandon rationality in order to "leap into faith" that is not explainable. I think in order to have a more productive discussion, we would need to address your worldview. Would you care to define it? For instance, every worldview has a few basic components: 1. The concept of God. Some hold that everything is God, some don't believe a God exists, but regardless...every worldview holds some belief about the concept of God. 2. Humanity/Creation. Some hold that we're all here by chance, others believe we were designed by a Creator. Each worldview will address some idea of how humanity came into existence. 3. Fall/Problem. Every worldview has to address the issue of the problems of our world. Where did it break down? What is the problem? 4. Redemption. What do we do about the problem/s? How can the world be set right? In your original post, you imply that you agree somewhat with Lennon. If we are to 'save ourselves', this begs the question...save ourselves from what? This brings me back to the worldview questions. How do you explain how everything began, when the problem/s began and how we should go about setting things right? You imply that belief in Christianity and heaven are irrational, and yet this seems to be the basis for your own belief (in an imaginary utopia). Can you explain why your belief is more acceptable to you than Christianity? John Lennon, I was wondering if you ever read this post... Me too Oh yeah! This agnostic will do a Lot of reading and thinking before I return. Thanks again Rebekah David and all at worthy-and you read Power of Myth-Rebekah!! I'm about to leave!! Yahoo!!!! I may try to write some songs while I'm on vacation-time to take out the guitar and dust it off! Bye Mates! JL.
  2. You know something John Lennon-Someday they'll put your mouth in the circus!-Brian Epstein 1966.
  3. You may say I'm a Dreamer-but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us-and the world will live as one.-John Lennon.
  4. Possession is'nt nine-tenths of the law. It's nine tenths of the problem!-John Lennon.
  5. Love is a promise-Love is a Souvenir-Once given never forgotten-Never let it disappear.-John Lennon.
  6. Part of me thinks I'm a loser, and the other part of me thinks I'm God Almighty!-John Lennon.
  7. If everyone demanded Peace instead of another T.V. set-then there would be Peace.John Lennon.
  8. I believe in God, but not as an old man in the sky, but inside every human heart.-John Lennon.
  9. Parting Quotes; Sean did'nt come out of my belly,but my God I've made his bones. I've attended to every meal,how he sleeps, and that he swims like a fish because I took him to the ocean. I'm so proud of Sean-He is my biggest pride.-John Lennon.
  10. Yup! should have it in a day or two in the mail-I'm going on vacation from my work-a-holic job-2 week camping trip/canoeing/campfires/my guitar and I'm bringing the book.Out in nature's where I belong, but I will miss the Worthy boards! Will have lots of chat when I get back. Peace to you-Rebekah David. JL.
  11. His views were based on ideas that excluded any concept of sin and a Holy God. It was just feel good spiritualism and a lie. sw Lennon trusted his own heart, and no he did not veiw this guilt-ridden 'sin' concept within spiritualism. Neither did George Harrison. This is where the different translations come into play.
  12. 'What are you talking about?'...That was well put, Jefferiah! That may be the most uplifting post I've read yet! Maybe YOU should consider being a writer.
  13. we do. any male can marry a female, as it always has been. any asian can marry any black, white, indian, etc.... as it always has been in this country. It is not outlawed. what civl liberties do you speak of? we all have the same rights. I was speaking of religious tolerance on a global scale.
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