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John Lennon

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Everything posted by John Lennon

  1. Where on Earth did you get that information from???
  2. Well look at it..Do'nt you think Osama Bin Laden is arrogant to assume all other beliefs including yours and mine are wrong? And then take it to the extreme that we must be killed by him and his zealot followers? This is what I fear this intloerance can lead to in any religion. Not just singling out Christians such as yourself..One size does not fit all. It could be that I'm generalizing a bit too much, but do'nt you see the danger? Intolerance is not believeing someone else is wrong. If that were the case, I could accuse you of being intolerant of intolerant people. I can sincerely believe a person is wrong and still be tolerant of them (i.e. I am willing to let them be wrong, even through I disagree with them) Well..That sounds like a good definition of tolerance.
  3. As a heterosexual, I consider homosexuality in conflict with nature. Because I may find it offensive, does not mean I would label it immoral.
  4. Also..the way I see it, I would never tell you what your first priority should be. That' not my place-nor is it yours. People have to follow their own heart, particularly in matters of religion. A society that has become as diverse as it is now can never be taken over by one religion. The bible is on the table..a person can pick it up, read it, draw inspiration from it or whatever. But if they don't-they don't. The same goes for every other religious text in the world.
  5. What power do you think there is in love? The only true love is the love of the Lord. I dont care what Ghandi said. He was only a man after all. Jesus said repent of your sins and turn to God. Jesus said to love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul. JL, do you love the Lord that way? Since you make love so important to you, then your first priority should be to love the Lord. I think the point lennon is making ...is that there "is" only one love. Exactly..as Micen2 put it. You've heard the phrase 'God is Love" In looking at it from a universal standpoint; I think the concepts are very much the same. Whatever name you want to call it or religion you follow. When man gives into hate-we call it Satan-But in the end, I think the 'evil' or 'good' is within us.
  6. That's too bad, isn't it? It shouldn't be that way between us brothers and sisters. They're supposed to know us by our love for one another. We should be able to disagree respectfully. This is very grieving to my spirit. Well said,Billie!
  7. Would you very much mind keeping to the subject? It was you, not some half-witted Americans or Roman Catholics, who claimed that 'the Qu'ran and the Bible both leave ample space in the reading for belligerent, first-strike, aggressive defence of the faith'. Now prove it!!!! Do you know enough about the Bible to do that, or were you just making trouble? It's never been proven before, but you never know, maybe there is something new under the sun. . Ex 20:18 'Do not allow a sorceress to live' You don't think that line encourages aggressive , first strike defense of the faith?!!
  8. When you trust someone, you believe what they say. I hope you find someone you can trust like that one day, John. If you have found anyone in your life you love and trust Billie, then you have everything you need. I get the impression you're a happily married person. If that's true- there is no better fortune in the world.
  9. What power do you think there is in love? The only true love is the love of the Lord. I dont care what Ghandi said. He was only a man after all. Jesus said repent of your sins and turn to God. Jesus said to love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul. JL, do you love the Lord that way? Since you make love so important to you, then your first priority should be to love the Lord. We are all human...every last one of us including Jesus, who's teachings will always be with us! Along with every other prophet on Earth who has impacted our imagination! What we do with these ideaologies is up to us as a speices on the brink of destruction! I hope we can get back to the garden again! Deep down...we all do.-Lennon.
  10. . . . ((removes all the long quotes that are such a pain to scroll through.....)) First of all..what's wrong with feeling good? Kindness towards humanity and so on-values both Jesus and Ghandi tried to teach us? YOKO might have made him anti-Beatle! But that's what led to their break-up. Jesus leads to eternal life. Ghandi and the beatles do not lead to eternal life. Feeling good doesnt lead to eternal life. You need Jesus. Eternal life? All we really know is the life we have here and now!
  11. Actually God has stated that anyone opposed to His Gospel is His enemy. Although He treats His enemies with Loving Kindness and Mercy. I am commanded not compelled to Preach the Gospel. However there is no driving force behind it. I am so very Grateful for what God has done for me that I sincerely want to tell the world the Good news. So that they too can partake of the Loving Kindness of the Lord. No one is advocating the merging of Church and State. God will take care of that upon His return. Meanwhile we are to Save as many souls as possible. The world and everything it are plunging headlong into destruction. It's already been Judeged and found lacking. The Lord Bless you my friend. May you have a sincere revelation of His beauty. Peace, Dave MEN have penned this gospel you speak. And they claim to be "inspired" by the lord.
  12. Yoko was John Lennons' life..He loved her with whole mind, body and spirit! Maybe in the same way you love Jesus!!! Again..what's the difference? I can tell from your postings that you LOVE Jesus. So I ask you this, WHY SO BLIND....are you so blind that you cannot see the power of Love? What do you think Ghandi or Jesus would say?
  13. My goodness. As much as you twist words, its a wonder you dont see a twizzler when you look in the mirror. I made a simple comment to a poster about following love! And you say I'm twisting things? I think YOU better look in the mirror-you're beginning to sound like hate! You don't even believe in the Love he was talking about, which is Jesus, not your "feel good" Beatles mentality. So I stand justified in what I said. I find his statement less biased, and more widely useful to kindness towards humanity, then some "feel bad ""church mentality" sigh. and for the record.. ..john lennon is anti-beatles. First of all..what's wrong with feeling good? Kindness towards humanity and so on-values both Jesus and Ghandi tried to teach us? YOKO might have made him anti-Beatle! But that's what led to their break-up.
  14. My goodness. As much as you twist words, its a wonder you dont see a twizzler when you look in the mirror. I made a simple comment to a poster about following love! And you say I'm twisting things? I think YOU better look in the mirror-you're beginning to sound like hate! You don't even believe in the Love he was talking about, which is Jesus, not your "feel good" Beatles mentality. So I stand justified in what I said.
  15. Defend it with all their heart they do..and How! Faith can be a powerful thing. Thanks for your response, Lypse.
  16. My goodness. As much as you twist words, its a wonder you dont see a twizzler when you look in the mirror. I made a simple comment to a poster about following love! And you say I'm twisting things? I think YOU better look in the mirror-you're beginning to sound like hate!
  17. "A true believer in truth"..How refreshing to hear a simple positve statement! I wish more Christians had your open point of veiw. And as far as the ignorant comment..from a Christian who seems to be advocating the merging of church and state!! Well, it speaks for itself..Anyway thanks again.-Peace.
  18. My goodness. As much as you twist words, its a wonder you dont see a twizzler when you look in the mirror. how ignorant 'that' comment is. Especially in response to that quoted statement. I think that is good principle and "reason". soooo having said that.... john lennon, i understand what you meant...in your original post. I agree....but i still call myself a believer...but anyone can call me anything they like...as long as i can think for myself...and encourage ppl to do the same....I think that's what you meant. If that's the case ...i call that a "true believer" in truth. mike Imagine all the people.......
  19. It should always come down to choice. Free-will Right?
  20. Religions are "very often" a cover for the evil that men do! And I'll tell you this...I HOPE I'm wrong about right-wing Christians moving towards a Fascist State!! I want to be wrong....KEEP RELIGION IN CHURCH WHERE IT BELONGS and it won't happen.
  21. Exact and well spoken. In a thousand years Ghandi may be like Jesus..and he may have as many followers. Would that be harmful to anyone? He may be dead, but his ideas are not. "ideas" are what religions start from!
  22. Holy cow...where do I begin? That's more scripture crammed into one post than I've ever seen! You can qoute the bible all you want and go off on tangents in a thousand directions and why? Let me ask you this...Do you as a devout Christian feel compelled by whatever force you seem to be driven by; to Christianize the world,Advocate the merging of church and state, and consider all people of opposing ideaologies your enemy??
  23. Would it be better to leave the child home alone while the parents go to church? Well, get a babysitter first!..are you kidding? I made an example about not forcing religion.
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