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jackie d

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Posts posted by jackie d

  1. Our Father is oh so capable of revealing Himself to anyone at anytime, without them having to have the bible and other people to show them God. Truth is that God is the only One capable of bringing a person to a place of believing in Him and believing Him. I believe that God asks us to teach of Him to bring glory to Him, not because man is truly needed to do the job for Him, but because God wants to see us love Him so much that we cannot help but to testify of Him.

    No man needs doctrine or church to know God and to know in his heart how to obey and love God.

    I agree with you. I was just saying that it's not just faith, it's acting on that faith. God certainly doesn't need us, He wants us to believe on Him and then to act on that belief. We have the blessed opportunity to work for Him.

    yes, my comment was mostly expounding on where you were going with your post.

    How are you my sister?

  2. Our Father is oh so capable of revealing Himself to anyone at anytime, without them having to have the bible and other people to show them God. Truth is that God is the only One capable of bringing a person to a place of believing in Him and believing Him. I believe that God asks us to teach of Him to bring glory to Him, not because man is truly needed to do the job for Him, but because God wants to see us love Him so much that we cannot help but to testify of Him.

    No man needs doctrine or church to know God and to know in his heart how to obey and love God. As love is the language of God, God is the language of love and our hearts yearn for nothing more than to love and be loved. It really is quite simple. It is man who complicates the issue....IMO

  3. I too believe what you posted OneLight and believe that there are none with excuse. The truth is written on every man's heart, as the Lord said it would be. That is one of the reasons I get so annoyed with atheists and others who try to convince us that in order to win them to God we must prove His existence. As far as I am concerned anyone searching for answers already knows He DOES exist.


    p.s. Did any of you notice that this topic has 3 replies and 0 views? Did you ever feel like you don't count much here on Worthy or is it just me?

    well darlin' you count in my book and you most definitely count in God's :emot-puke-old: which being counted in both our books make you a V.I.P!!!!! :laugh:

  4. Is abuse from God. If someone hurts you, or says mean things to you is that from God. How do you know whats from God. I hear people say God uses discipline on his children. Is abuse how uses God discipline.

    there is a big difference between abuse and discipline. Abuse comes from the enemy, from the evil minds of man and their fleshly desire to inflict pain on another, and is unwarranted. Displine is something that comes out of love from God and people who truly care about you....true discipline will never demean you, it will never dehumanize you...it is constructive and for the betterment of you. God never abuses anyone, even the enemy


  5. Most of this we are in agreeance on, yet I do believe that those who will be following the new world religion will be doing so out in the open, bringing attention to the church.

    first of all I do not believe it will be a new and one world religion but an old world religion that began as far back as Abram and Sarai and the first child of Abram with Sarai's maid Hagar who bore Ishmael

    Gen 16:11 And the Angel of the LORD said to her:

    "Behold, you are with child,

    And you shall bear a son.

    You shall call his name Ishmael,

    Because the LORD has heard your affliction.

    Gen 16:12 He shall be a wild man;

    His hand shall be against every man,

    And every man's hand against him.

    And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren."

    (take note that the angel does not say he will dwell in the presence of the Lord but his brethren)

    the religion born of this people is the true beast of the matter...however this new one world religion will certainly fit into the scheme of things when Paul stated that He will leave them to strong delusions because they delight in evil. Those who follow this new one world religion will be an anything goes religion that makes them extremely vulnerable to the true beast forming behind the scenes...

    And I do believe that the beast has been revealed as was prophesied by the Angel of the Lord to Hagar when Abram was 86 yrs old. The people born of Ishmael are a people in emnity against God and against Israel. A curse that set into motion the formation of a religion that HATES God with every fiber of their being....a beast that has grown and grown...

    When you say tribulation, are you speaking of trials and tribulation, or the 7 year tribulation?

    though I am in the process of this study and have not received a difinitive answer I don't believe that this 7 yr tribulation period is anything more than an answer that man made up some time ago to give translation and support to theories such as pre-trib rapture. When I am possitive of this I will share my view point along with material to support it...

    until then.....blessings

  6. Having just read a newspaper article on patriotism, this has got me thinking.

    Is it wrong to be patriotic? I suppose that it is if we are putting our country before God (because then it has become an idol).

    The impression that I get from the media and society in general is that the Brits (of which I am one) are not as patriotic as the Americans and as most of the people reading this are Americans, I would be very interested to know what you think. :emot-fail:

    though I have been born and raised in the United States I refuse to pledge allegiance to the flag. Does this make me unpatriotic to this country? In the eyes of many I am sure it does and expect someone will comment on it. However, I do not pledge allegiance to anything but God. This does not make me a hater of America or its people? Not in my eyes, I just have such a strong conviction about not raising my hand to my chest and chanting along with millions of other people an allegiance to a FLAG. :laugh:

    would I defend myself or others should war break out in the United States? Yes, but it isn't because of the soil I live on but because that is what a person does in war....again is this an unpatriotic attitude? :laugh:

  7. When the AC starts to come into play

    okay first of all the antichrist and the beast are not the same thing. The antichrist is a spirit of the enemy that works against God-hence antichrist is anything that is in emnity with God is antichrist-which can be the enemy of the flesh or the enemy called the Devil....so as in 1 John there are even now many antichrists among us today...

    it is the beast who we will be seeing at the end of day and I do not believe the beast is an individual but a religion...since this is probably the case it will have to be a religion that has always hated Christians and Jews. There will be ways that this religion manages to mark its followers and it will be no less than any other religion that has tried to convert Christians to their beliefs, by torture until they fold or die...bottom line, we will be seeing the end of the holiest holy war which we live today yet have not had much of a taste of yet, but will and I believe very soon.

    those who have been watching will see the signs

    those who have been watching, truly watching without preconcieved ideas and (not aimed at anyone in particular) believe in ignorant teachings, already know that by the signs of the times the end is near even at the door and much of Danial and Revelation has already come to pass...the beast is already in the world, has been for a very long time now..it has gained momentum and has slowly and methodically broken down country after country taking away their rights to serve God Almighty and forced them in the beginning to serve a false god...as the years have passed it has become a way of life for them and integral part of these societies to hate the Jew and the Christian, so integral that these people have no fear or remorse what so ever than to torture, murder and rape the Jew and the Christian for their own god. They, as we do, feel they are serving the right god/God and will destroy everyone in their path until they have taken every Jew and Christian out of the world either by conversion to their faith or by death. This religion will seep into the control of government (already in the works) schools (already in the works) it will have the goal of controlling food and supplies including fuel (already in the works) those who convert to this religion will have something to identify them as followers of this faith in order for them to make purchases and thus we can imagine a physical ID for these, perhaps it will be as the Nazi's forced the Jews to wear a black band around their arms to ID the Jews from the Nazi, or perhaps it will be as simple as being forced to wear certain clothing that marks them as faithful followers of the beast....whatever the ID is it is merely the physical manifestation of the mark upon their spirit and soul....these people upon converting will most likely receive the mark of the beast both a spiritual marking and a physical marking.

    2Th 2:5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things?

    2Th 2:6 And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time.

    2Th 2:7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He[fn4] who now restrains will do so until He[fn5] is taken out of the way.

    Paul teaches here that this will happen in the end days in fact it had already begun, evil will become the force of this world until Christ has been taken out of the way....Now how can that happen unless it is done through religion? Oh yes there are many signs that evil rules most in these days by all of the outward signs of great sin....but the real deception comes through religion...and it will be through religion that another god replaces or tries to replace our Lord and Savior.

    As the world heads down the path it is now on, the monetary system will likely collapse as we know it, where there will be just one way to buy and sell, keeping track of it all by computers. It's basically the same as it is today, except, there will be no money, but implants that can be programmed with all the information about the person. Their health, education, birth records, criminal records, financial records and what ever else they wish to track. They already have the technology, but the time is not right to bring the idea out in the open ... the big brother syndrome. The world will have to in a place where every country will agree to work together in order to survive. This is where the spirit of the Anti-Christ comes into play.

    I believe that much of this stuff will happen too OneLight but not to be pointing in the direction of the beast but as a way of diverting the attention while the beast himself is setting up the sheep for the slaughter....

    Something that I think is incredibly important regarding this period of time and that is to pay attention to the past. As history always repeats itself and most of the time it happens because man does not learn from the mistakes of those who came before them. Even while Christ walked the earth as a man among man many did not recognize Him as their Messiah, because of preconcieved ideas. If Him being here among man was missed, the beast will be too...not because man isn't looking for the beast but because they have made specifics of what the beast is in their head, they have taught it to others and others believed it and on and on and on.....so what we have going on is like slight of hand. People looking to the left (for the beast) people looking to the right (for the beast) but few looking straight ahead at Christ. And since the beast is not a person, just as Christ didn't have the minds eye markings of the Messiah, is being passed over, ignored and tolerated. Let's also remember history for this reason...besides satan and the flesh what was Christ's enemy? RELIGION.....religion caused people to be blind and fall then and it will and is causing people to be blind and fall today. This time I am not talking about Christian religion (however some of it has the markings of antichrist and most likely is what will be used by the enemy to cause them to be decieved and follow a false god) I am talking of another religion that intends to wipe out any who believe in Christ and remove Him literally from the face of the earth.

    The tribulation period has begun....began a long time back for many places and has only recently reached the coast of these United States where we have actually felt the sting of death on our own soil and the reason for the attack. This war is only beginning for us but it has begun none the less. We can be very sure that by the time this religion and it's people have infiltrated the United States thoroughly most Americans won't even know what has hit them....thus the period of Great Tribulation for us yet many are enduring it in other parts of the world, this will bring troubles that has not been seen in our history and that will never be seen again.

    these truly are the days folks and it truly is the time to know the Shephards voice.....

  8. Prophecy, is rarely on target - but I have received shockingly accurate assessments of what was going on in my head, heart and physical body on a couple of occasions.

    God is ALWAYS encouraging even after He convicts. If something makes somebody feel like they are a creep in God's eyes - TRASH IT IMMEDIATELY!

    that is a great way to discern what we are doing and if it is right or not....good motto!! :emot-hug:

  9. if God is privy to all information, man your theory doesn't seem that far off the mark (pardon the pun)..since it is Him who is running the show, He has placed the players and knows who will do what and choose which side of the fence they are going to be on. Since election is true doctrine it only makes sense to me...

  10. I hate to say this but the writers of the left behind series and others like them have done many people a great disservice for they managed to solidify in many peoples minds things that have been born of imagination....an identification of a physical mark on the forehead or the hand is one of the many. Heck pre-trib rapture all the way around is nothing more than wild imagination....but that's another topic :cool:

    anyhow OneLight, again not speaking to get into great debate about this topic...be blessed brother

    Please, never hate to say what you feel is the truth! I stand beside you on what ever is put out in movies. I gave up watching them a long time ago. The damage was to those who had no idea what the truth was before even watching them, and now refer back to them because they were put out by people who claim to be Christians, as if the movie itself was biblical.


    In His Love,

    Your Brother,


    Edited to say that I am not judging the producers of the movies as if they are or are not Christians, for those who pick up on this issue.


  11. I don't believe everything in Revelation is pictorial. I believe we have to divide what is real and what is pictorial. If it was all pictorial, then we can say there were no real churches, as spoken in Revelation 1 through 3. We can forget about the seals, trumpets and bowls. We could also forget about Revelation 7:1-8. and on and on and on ... Just because we can not see it, it doesn't mean it is not true. Yes, He does show us in pictorial form as HE, through John, describes the harlot, the whore and other factors, which are not physical as described, but when it comes to the mark and the seal, I believe it will be all so true.

    How are those who belong to the beast going to tell the Christians from the non-Christian when it comes time to buy and sell? Do you think they will ask everyone in line if they believe and have a lie detector present to ensure what they are told to be the truth? I foresee a time when money will not exist as it does today. It first started with checks, then credit cards, and I believe the next step will in fact be an implant that will give a code. Will it look like "666" .. I doubt it very much ... to easy. It will, however, contain the number of the beast in the code that can be scanned. Then, what about the two witnesses? Will they be real? Will the whole world see their dead bodies laying at the gate for three and a half days before they are resurrected?

    To say that the whole of Revelations it pictorial may be how you see it, but it is not how I see it at all.

    and that's fine, I didn't post to begin a great debate on it...just my two cents :blink:

    when I speak of the pictoral I am not speaking of the church as we already know the church exists (however I'm not about to start splitting hairs between the obvious and the obscure) I speak of things like 7 headed dragons and a lady of the evening and riding upon it's back and such...but since you are aware that parts like these are pictoral then there is no sence in arguing those points either.

    .I hate to say this but the writers of the left behind series and others like them have done many people a great disservice for they managed to solidify in many peoples minds things that have been born of imagination....an identification of a physical mark on the forehead or the hand is one of the many. Heck pre-trib rapture all the way around is nothing more than wild imagination....but that's another topic :emot-pray:

    anyhow OneLight, again not speaking to get into great debate about this topic...be blessed brother

  12. Both of these marks are to be administered during the 7 year tribulation. The Mark of the Beast will be given for the word tells us that we will not be able to buy or sell without it. The 144,000 are to be sealed by God as His words tells us. These will happen, or His word is not true.

    the whole of Revelation is pictorial, not to be taken in a literal physical sense. If so then none of it makes sense and makes much of prophecy regarding end time and scripture not true...IMO

    these thoughts OneLight come from a place of too much false assumptions and teachings that have been passed on through the recent generations....

    You should read a very good book called "The False Prophet" by Ellis H. Skolfield...it is very enlightening and has taken the fine points of prophecy from Daniel and from Revelation that tie directly to sound historical fact and time lines that cannot be dismissed if one is truely searching for the truth.

    be blessed brother :blink:

  13. Ddavid said:

    What fellowship does light have with darkness? The Scripture references and inferences are multiple. The principle is there even in the being unequally yoked passage. Being careful what you join your body to... The idea of being holy (set apart)...

    BUT God is a forgiving and loving God who would that NONE should perish. What's done is done and the only thing left is to let God do His job as He is a master at all trades, including bringing people from darkness to light...only He knows the outcome and He says cast all of your burdens and cares upon Me...He has broad shoulders and will handle it...just as He showed through example of Israel and their adultry toward Him, His plan is to reunite them to Him, can any of us possibly believe that He is not willing to find the one who has strayed and bring back TWO?

    through God ALL things ARE possible :thumbsup:

  14. well I had deleted the post for fear of offending but I will put it back since it was quoted...

    I said

    This is not intended to be rude but to make people stop and think what they are saying compared to what scripture teaches so, let's use a little common sense here, shall we? Why would God or the devil even, need a physical mark to identify when they have very clear eyes for both the physical and the spiritual?

    people are already bearing the seal or the mark....it's called fruit of the (s)Spirit and that is how we are told we can identify one another.

    Nope, no physical marks, implants being forced on someone could not be considered simply because we are all given the choice to whom we serve....makes no sense that a forced implantation would be the mark of the beast since people must choose their master.....

    I had deleted it after reading the OP post more closely and believe he was saying the same thing after all...oops :thumbsup:

  15. I've seen that before but I think I could watch it over and over...

    two points stood out:

    1)that it is not good to compare themselves to others

    2)that two people can look the same thing and still see it differently

    thanks for sharing this

  16. For the past several weeks, I have been going to a church I was attracted to just because they had a ministry for my age group. Turns out that church is part of the Emerging Church Movement, a New Age movemenet that appeals to the masses, especially the unchurched or post-churched. I guess I know why I didn't like the sermons, now.

    "Emerging Church Movement, a New Age movement that appeals to the masses".......

    I have found that the Emerging church movement is a lot like the prosperity teachings and all things are possible as long as you don't forget your heart's dreams and a lot of mumbo jumbo that has everything to do with making things happen of our own and very little to do with the working of God through the Holy Spirit... and why wouldn't this appeal to the masses? Especially in places like the US where every thing is about power, glitz, glamour, wealth and fame...who needs God when we can have all the shiny pretty stuff? Kind of like rats...they just love shiny things.... :thumbsup:

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