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Posts posted by Akiko

  1. xD just got a picture in my head of an old squirrel with glasses all hunched over running into an acorn... "what're these kids puttin' on my lawn..." XDD and then Scarlet would shoot it from her porch with her rifle... :rolleyes:

    hey everyone. ^^

  2. Hey everyone... just an update on my life so you know I'm not dead. :24:

    Well, Colorguard has started up, and that's really fun! I start working on Monday (at our library) and I got a guitar for my birthday! I'm super happy. :24:

    LPT, don't be confused... those scientists just muddy the waters. XD We all know that thunder is REALLY stars bowling. When it's a really big crack of thunder, that means that they got a strike! And when you only see the lighting, it's a gutter ball... :24:

  3. Hey, guys!

    Just posting to let you guys know I'm not dead or in a coma... things have picked up, and I'm not going to get much of a break until November! I got a job after school for three hours every weekday and after that, I'm at youth group or our musical practice. So basically, I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off, trying to balance all that, Colorguard, and starting college courses online. Yeah. Pray for me that I won't be stressed!

    I still am trying to keep up with messages... if you really want to tell me something, that's the way to go! Just shoot me a message.

    :wub: The drive by queen strikes again! Hope I can get a chance to post soon. :emot-prettywink:


  4. yea yea so you say :):24::24::o

    She'll say anything rather than admit she finds other things more interesting than she does us! ;)

    That's not tru-- hey, look, a butterfly!! And it's SHINY!!

    *fifteen minutes elapse of me chasing the butterfly*

    No, really. I swear!



  5. I really had no idea about the steering wheel until Sheya said it. I'm like, "There's only four wheels on a car!" XD

    (Oh yeah-- my privacy service blocked this for the last few days. which is why I haven't been posting, not because I'm the drive-by queen! lol)

  6. I really like comedies, although my friends make fun of me when I watch chick flicks... one, because I do not strike most people as a romance/chick-flick-watcher, and two, because I talk to the character. If it's a bad chick-flick, I make fun of them. Hahahaha.


    And what's this about a movie war?!

  7. What was the movie?

    Well, I originally wanted to go see Hot Rod, but it wasn't playing.

    So I picked another comedy....It was Superbad.

    I definitely recommend that you DON'T see it. Not only was it lame, but it was filthy and absurd.

    There were some funny moments, but overall, it was trash.

    The only reason I chose it was because Bill Hader from SNL was in it, and I'm a big fan!!

    Oh, man, Superbad? Yeah, I've heard it really is super bad! :)

    A really good movie to see is Akelah and the Bee. :b: Kid-friendly, good, and just encouraging. :21: I saw Hairspray, and that was pretty good too.

    I've never heard of that one.

    Hairspray was also playing at the theatre I went to, and I'm thinking I should have seen that. I just remembered the original, and how much I dislike John Waters, so I opted not to see it.

    I still want to go see Hot Rod, but now I'm a little afraid to. Does anyone know anything about this movie?

    I don't know anything about it. *shrug* And yeah, Akelah and the Bee didn't hit a lot of the main theatres... which is depressing. :D It's an AMAZING movie. You can check around online about Hot Rod; probably any site like Yahoo! or that Pluggedinonline.com will have something.

  8. What was the movie?

    Well, I originally wanted to go see Hot Rod, but it wasn't playing.

    So I picked another comedy....It was Superbad.

    I definitely recommend that you DON'T see it. Not only was it lame, but it was filthy and absurd.

    There were some funny moments, but overall, it was trash.

    The only reason I chose it was because Bill Hader from SNL was in it, and I'm a big fan!!

    Oh, man, Superbad? Yeah, I've heard it really is super bad! :)

    A really good movie to see is Akelah and the Bee. :b: Kid-friendly, good, and just encouraging. :D I saw Hairspray, and that was pretty good too.

  9. * watching for the men in white coats who are coming for Bucks( cuddlebunny) system...* Now we know what all the talk about moons does to some people :whistling:

    Well I'll just put on my aluminium foil hat, curl up in the foetal position and hide under the bed and they'll never find me! :emot-highfive::emot-highfive:

    So there! :emot-cheering::emot-bounce::emot-drums::emot-drums: (maniacal laugh)

    bwah ha ha... :emot-dance: I liked your idea, in any case. Duct tape is a wonderful thing... hey, look, a gerbil!

  10. This isn't an evolution board, so I'm not turning it into one. However... (you knew that was coming!) one major question.

    If everything evolved, why have we found a pitiful amount of 'transitional' fossils? Shouldn't they be EVERYWHERE?

    That's one thing that keeps confusing me. I could go on.

    The best explanation I've heard was in an AiG seminar. Instead of the evolutionary tree of life, you'd get the Creation forest of life. Such as, God created a dog. This dog can vary within its species, creating many different types of dog from one dog! Such as, you could get to a pug, collie, whatever. I'm not going to explain it now; if you really want to know what I'm talking about, go to Answers In Genesis' website and seach, "orchard of life" or something along those lines. It should come up.

    Also, with the statement, "99+% of scientists believe evolution"... what do you think was the percentage of the scientists who thought the world was flat before Aristotle? Probably around 99+%. Just because something is widely believed doesn't mean it's true. Science and beliefs change. The Bible does not. And this sounds so narrow-minded, but it's true: where science contradicts the Bible, it's because science hasn't caught up yet. Sound arrogant? Take it to God... I'm merely passing on the word.

    Just a few thoughts.

    As you've cited AiG, allow me to point you towards the Talk Origins page dealing with transitional fossils. I think you'll find it a very reasonable explanation for the lack of transitional fossils. If anyone is hesitant or resistant to even look at the page, allow me to state that fossilisation of any kind is a very uncommon event. There is no reason to expect billions of transitionals. Now please take a look at the page for a more exhaustive presentation of the issue.

    If anyone believed in a flat Earth in the past, it was not due to substansive evidence. This is not the case with evolution.

    And as for the constant nature of the Bible - animist religions and supersitions have existed in hunter-gatherer tribes for thousands of years, even predating the great monotheistic religions of the Middle East. Doesn't make them any less false. It does not follow that older equals more valid.

    If you're still itching to use the "evolution hasn't been proven" statement, please have a read of http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/CA/CA202.html

    In plain speak, what is the explanation for no or extremely few transitional fossils? I'm still completing science classes, so the knowledge I have past general sciences is all of my own research. From my standpoint, if it took such a long time to get from species to species, there should be a majority of transitional fossils, since the majority of the time is spent evolving. If this statement is incorrect, please correct me. It seems like common sense to me. Even taking that fossilization is very uncommon, there should still be a respectable amount of transitional fossils, taking into account how many fossils we have of species.

    Er, with all due respect, the evidence for a flat Earth was everywhere around them. If something is round, you expect to see a curve (such as if you look at a kickball, you see a curved edge). If you go outside and look, the Earth does not have a curve. It is flat. In fact, with the evidence and maps that they had, they had no reason to believe that the Earth was round. It was Aristotle who provided that evidence that changed that view drastically, with something that no one, or very few people, had ever considered. He was also mocked for his 'crazy theroies'. The evidence for a flat Earth was literally staring people right in the face.

    Sorry if I step on your toes, but evolution has not been proven. There are still issues that are being worked out; take a look at the news!! You'll find recent articles with findings that challenge the view of evolution today. Ask any science teacher. They will tell you that they believe nearly all of it is right, there are still kinks being worked out but science will figure that all out eventually. If evolution has been proved, it would not still be changing. Because if it is changing, that means parts are being disproved and therefore having to change.

    I completely agree with you that just because something is old does not make it true. :emot-giggle:


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