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Sweet Servent

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Posts posted by Sweet Servent

  1. I have been predicting for years that the result of all the modern translations would be the printing of new Bibles tailored to fit the audience.

    On the bright side, no "tailored" (talk about euphemisms) translation that has been widely accepted. Practically no one will buy this abridged version that this thread is about.

    I would disagree with that assumption. It will likely wind up in Christian Book stores, along side other translations. People will pick it up and see it as just another modern English Bible. They will purchase it in good faith, and be trusting in a lie. Also, as I have already pointed out, the current modern versions already leave out portions of scripture but are more deceptive and claim they do so because "the most reliable manuscripts leave them out."

    That is why I am thankful to have a good Christian Book store in my area that won't sell anything but the King James Version Bibles. They won't even order modern translations when a customer requests it. We need more Christians to follow suit. While they have a Baptist bias, and I am not Baptist, I have a great deal of respect for their standing up for principle over money.

    What about the amplified? Which one is the most accurate?

  2. http://www.christianexaminer.com/Articles/...t_Nov06_12.html

    Controversial new Dutch Bible cuts out difficult gospel passages

    A new Bible translation produced in Holland that aims to be more attractive and market-oriented is causing controversy after it cut out difficult parts surrounding economic justice, possessions and money.


    Chairman W. R De Rijke said the foundation has reacted to a growing wish of many churches to be market-oriented and more attractive.

    "Jesus was very inspiring for our inner health, but we don't need to take his na

  3. Does Anywhere in America celebrate Guy Fawkes day? I know it originated in UK, but I'm not even sure that they still have fireworks freely available, or are "allowed" to have bonfires - seeing as UK seems to have gone all politically correct over the past few years.

    For those don't know the origins:

    In 1605 13 men planned to blow up the houses of parliament in UK. It was to get rid of James I (the successor to Elizabeth 1st) who was rather anti-Catholic.

    They stocked the cellar under the House of Lords with barrels of gun powder.

    One of the plotters, Guy Fawkes, who was in the cellar of the parliament with the 36 barrels of gunpowder when the authorities stormed it in the early hours of November 5th, was caught, tortured and executed.

    Since then, this has been November 5 (that is this Sunday) - the day of the plot in 1605 - has traditionally been the day where everybody lights fireworks and plays around with bonfires. This year, the government is making silly, politically correct, noises about "banning" the sale of fireworks to the public and just having "organised displays". I am wondering if this is the way it already is in UK?

    I am also wondering if they have fireworks on GF day in America?

    I heard about the day from the movie V for Vendetta. From the same guys who brought us the Matrix series. No, we don't celebrate that here.

  4. I am not ashamed of the Flag but to make statements that it is treason for me or you to disagree with US policy is Un-American.

    Then you must believe that those who disagree with your position on water boarding have a right to their opinion as well, and that it is un-American to demonize them?

    You have a right to your opinion, but I stronger disagree with it. I haven't demonize just criticized and teased, but I have been criticized and teased as well. Torture is wrong and it will hurt our cause in the long run.

  5. OK Sweet Servent, you say you are a Republican. Did you vote or are you planning on voting in the upcoming elections? If the answer is yes, who are you supporting? In addition, who did you support in the last Presidential election?

    Bush and I regret it everyday........ Last time I voted for Bush because I think Kerry, wasn't and still isn't the right man for the job. I will only support McCain for president or Powell but who won't run. In 1999 I would have voted for Bradley I was hopeful that he would have gotten the Republician nomination but it went to Bush. I'm supporting Arnold Schwarzenegger (Rep) for California governor because he doesn't buy into all this partisan garbage, he's practical. He is getting the job done. I am supporting Jerry Brown (Dem) for Attorney General because he is the best man for the job and the (Rep) they gave us is horrible.

    I travel to California on a regular basis, and have to disagree with your comments about Jerry Brown being the best candidate for Attorney General. He is a total nut job, and the Republican is far superior to him. I have heard the ads put out trying to demonize him, but they are just the usual liberal tripe.

    By the way, how are you voting in your Senate and Congressional races?

    Okay Brown is a little wacky at times with his personal beliefs but he is a pragmatic Politian not for all the patrician junk I hate. No way, I would ever vote Chuck Poochigian, he is such a hard line patrician with the Republican party, we want to get stuff done not bottle neck. Don

  6. OK Sweet Servent, you say you are a Republican. Did you vote or are you planning on voting in the upcoming elections? If the answer is yes, who are you supporting? In addition, who did you support in the last Presidential election?

    Bush and I regret it everyday........ Last time I voted for Bush because I think Kerry, wasn't and still isn't the right man for the job. I will only support McCain for president or Powell but who won't run. In 1999 I would have voted for Bradley I was hopeful that he would have gotten the Republician nomination but it went to Bush.

    I'm supporting Arnold Schwarzenegger (Rep) for California governor because he doesn't buy into all this partisan garbage, he's practical. He is getting the job done. I am supporting Jerry Brown (Dem) for Attorney General because he is the best man for the job and the men the (Rep) they gave us is horrible.

  7. You have been brainwashed by republican extremist. Did you send hate mail to the Dixie Chicks?

    :noidea::wub::wub: good grief, you're really having to reach low to come up with something, aren't you? by the way, did you send fan mail to them? did you praise them for posing naked on a magazine that children can pick up in the supermarket? did you commend them for coming out with their latest song saying they don't want to play fair and could care less about their former fanbase? and now, can we leave country music defectors out of the conversation and debate the real issues here, which are the safety of american citizens?

    Oh here we go the republican extremist of all time LadyC! If a republican says it's a golden nugget.

    you're really having to reach low to come up with something, aren't you? I'll take that as a yes.

    by the way, did you send fan mail to them? No, I was disgusted by how fellows Christian acted.

    did you praise them for posing naked on a magazine that children can pick up in the supermarket? No, but you can tell they work out. I wish I was as fit... :wub:

    did you commend them for coming out with their latest song saying they don't want to play fair and could care less about their former fanbase? Play fair, do mean how freerepublican.com played fair? They we vilified for their comments, I don't agree with them but I will defend there right to free speech.

    and now, can we leave country music defectors out of the conversation and debate the real issues here, which are the safety of american citizens? Please you say these sill things and expect me to take anything you say serious. You wanted proof of torture and you got it. After you where going on after how we weren't using any.

    you're really not worth my wasting time with, but i have nothing better to do. first of all, i'm not an extremist of any party.and when i vote, i vote on the person, not the party, and there are always some democrats and independents who get my ballot. as i've pointed out to you over and over, i obtain my information and form my judgements from all reports, left, right, and dead center. you have tried to make people believe the baloney that you get your information and form your opinions ONLY on the Bible and history books, all the while posting articles from only extreme left sources.

    your second comment made no sense, by the way. not that much of what you say does, but "i'll take that as a yes" ???? i asked YOU a question. i suppose you meant that your response is yes, and that you are admitting that you had to reach very low to come up with something to say.

    your third comment was ridiculous. how about how they behaved? don't give me the free speach bit. what they said was bordering on treason because they were in another country making disparaging remarks about our commander in chief IN A TIME OF WAR. even then i could have forgiven their stupidity if they hadn't gone on to pose naked on rolling stones, which leads me to the next thing you said.

    you are truly uninformed if you think for one second that those women work out and are physically fit. two of them might, but natalie was airbrushed to LOOK thin. she's not. she wasn't before the photo was published, and she wasn't after.

    by the way, i've never heard of freerepublican.com. i assume you're accusing it of being an extremist website. maybe it is, maybe it isn't. anything that isn't liberal, in your mind, is right wing extreme. but i don't visit extremist sites on either side. they nauseate me. there are plenty of democrats and republicans that have a bit of integrity without raising the popularity of the fringe-lunatic sites.

    as with everything else you claim to provide proof of, you have not ever provided ANY evidence to support your accusations. i'm still waiting for you to show me proof that butero called YOU a fringe lunatic, and for you to provide proof that our government has admitted to committing torture and pulling out fingernails (YOU said those things). i'm still waiting for you to show proof that the legal purchase of guns from walmart has any bearing on the violent crimes statistics (in fact, you claimed specifically that guns from walmart are a big contributer of criminals shooting cops) and so on.

    i really don't care if you take me seriously. i'd venture a guess that there's only a two people (i won't mention their names) on this board that take any of your political comments seriously at all.

    now, i'll be surprised if this thread doesn't get locked up tight very soon. so to prevent that liklihood, why don't you start a NEW thread about the ditzy twits if you really want to discuss them.

    No, I am leaving that thread for you since you are acting like a silly ditzy twit...... One can only hope they stop the thread with all the propaganda being spread my garden would grow triple headed flowers..... I never said John called me a fringe lunatic but you like to keep saying that. You really need to read the threads before opening before posting. I also think you need to do some research and stop waving the American flag, please treason... And you keep bring up Walmart when the whole point is it's dangerous to have guns so easily available, but you can't see that is wrong and dangerous.... You never even read the research report from Harvard I posted you just went on about criminals when everyday people shoot by accident and not....

  8. Sweet Servent, you haven't provided one shred of proof that we are torturing terrorists. There is dissagreement over whether or not waterboarding is torture, so that is not sufficient to prove torture.

    By the way, I agree with you A.K. I was thinking the same thing about the name Sweet Servent, but I figure anyone can come up with anything as a user name, even if it doesn't fit them. Left-Wing Activist might be a more accurate title.

    What I find interesting is that when I give as good as been throw at me in this debate, my moniker is contradictory

  9. You have been brainwashed by republican extremist. Did you send hate mail to the Dixie Chicks?

    :wub::wub::wub: good grief, you're really having to reach low to come up with something, aren't you? by the way, did you send fan mail to them? did you praise them for posing naked on a magazine that children can pick up in the supermarket? did you commend them for coming out with their latest song saying they don't want to play fair and could care less about their former fanbase? and now, can we leave country music defectors out of the conversation and debate the real issues here, which are the safety of american citizens?

    Oh here we go the republican extremist of all time LadyC! If a republican says it's a golden nugget.

    you're really having to reach low to come up with something, aren't you? I'll take that as a yes.

    by the way, did you send fan mail to them? No, I was disgusted by how fellows Christian acted.

    did you praise them for posing naked on a magazine that children can pick up in the supermarket? No, but you can tell they work out. I wish I was as fit... :24:

    did you commend them for coming out with their latest song saying they don't want to play fair and could care less about their former fanbase? Play fair, do mean how freerepublican.com played fair? They we vilified for their comments, I don't agree with them but I will defend there right to free speech.

    and now, can we leave country music defectors out of the conversation and debate the real issues here, which are the safety of american citizens? Please you say these silly things and expect me to take anything you say serious. You wanted proof of torture and you got it. After you where going on about how the US wasn't using any. It was all the liberals saying it....please... :noidea:

  10. Thank you for posting this, and for being brave enough to buck the system. I know some Christian's don't want to face certain facts and claim that it's the lunatic fringe or the liberal media reporting that the USA has and is using torture. We all know it's wrong and it's hurting our credibility around the world.

    In Christ,

    Sweet Servant

    Speak for yourself Sweet Servant. No we DON'T "all know it's wrong." I believe that it is RIGHT that we waterboard terrorists in order to gain information to prevent further acts of terrorism. In addition, I don't care how the world views us. I would rather keep the innocent citizens safe, and have the world hate us, than to allow more acts of terror and get worldwide applause.

    Then John your mother didn't teach you right. You can't see the forrest for the trees.

    No Sweet Servent. My mother did teach me right. The problem with you is you have been brainwashed by liberals.

    You have been brainwashed by republican extremist. Did you send hate mail to the Dixie Chicks?

  11. Back before the Iraq war, when most of the administration was content with lies claiming Saddam was near to having nukes. Cheney out and out said Saddam did have nukes. No one predicted before the war a rosier result of happy Iraqis greeting the invasion. Even now, and at any time since the invasion, Cheney can be counted on always saying the insurgency is about dead and things are going better in Iraq than expected.

    How about providing proof Cheney "out and out said Saddam did have nukes."

    Even now, liberals can be counted on always saying things are going worse in Iraq than they are.

    Oh please John everyone knows what weapons of mass destruction are.... The worst part is they didn't listen to Colin Powell a Godly man of honor about not going into Iraq, and he was right. The administration treated him so shabbily and rejected his advice brazenly.

  12. Thank you for posting this, and for being brave enough to buck the system. I know some Christian's don't want to face certain facts and claim that it's the lunatic fringe or the liberal media reporting that the USA has and is using torture. We all know it's wrong and it's hurting our credibility around the world.

    In Christ,

    Sweet Servant

    Speak for yourself Sweet Servant. No we DON'T "all know it's wrong." I believe that it is RIGHT that we waterboard terrorists in order to gain information to prevent further acts of terrorism. In addition, I don't care how the world views us. I would rather keep the innocent citizens safe, and have the world hate us, than to allow more acts of terror and get worldwide applause.

    Then John your mother didn't teach you right. You can't see the forrest for the trees.

  13. Chris can you please explain what you meant? And can you give me scriptural back up? If you mean there are people who really work for the emeny and have let their gifts go dark then yes, but I am not sure that is what you mean.


    I'll quote the part of your OP to clarify my misunderstanding concerning your question.

    I wonder if it's just me or not. But I see so many of my fellow brothers and sisters falling for things hook line and sinker, and in some cases we are just as bad as the world gossiping and believing lies told by someone who claims to be a Christian.

    Prophecy is wonderful thing but I myself am careful not to jump to believing those telling me a prophecy, even more so when they ask for a love offering. I am always reminded of this scripture: Matthew 10:16 16Behold, I am sending you out like sheep in the midst of wolves; be [c]wary and wise as serpents, and be innocent (harmless, guileless, and [d]without falsity) as doves.(A).

    In the first part can you clarify what you mean by lies, do you mean in the sense of cults and sects drawing people away from the teachings of Christ through false Prophecy? Im not sure if I'm following you on that part, it's kind of vague.

    Those that are telling a Prophecy. Those that interpret Biblical Prophecy or those that make up their own Prophecies that are completely non-scriptural? (ie; Mormons, JW's) Also, what is a love offering? cash donation?...monetary fraud?

    I follow you on Mathew 10:16 as that can cover many an issue.



    Well there are those who claim that there are Christian's but are not Christian's so that they can lie to people giving them false prophecy and hope intentionally to get money. And then there are cults or sects and false prophets (those who are controled by dark forces), who do the same things but more to control people.

    You have never heard of a love offering?

  14. Read this before ""Cheney's remarks fuel torture debate" it explains what it is all about.


    Thank you for posting this, and for being brave enough to buck the system. I know some Christian's don't want to face certain facts and claim that it's the lunatic fringe or the liberal media reporting that the USA has and is using torture. We all know it's wrong and it's hurting our credibility around the world.

    In Christ,

    Sweet Servant

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