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Posts posted by The_Patriot21

  1. Thought for the day. LOTRs has always been one of my favorite stories because of how in depth the story is. Well, on a LOTRs FB group I'm in it was brought up that gandalf brought 3 eagles to mt doom in return of the king to rescue the hobbits-one of them was for gollum.

    In fact throughout the series gollum has always been portrayed as a horrid creature and a villian. He killed his best friend over the ring and will do anything to keep it/get it back. He's literally evil, and in the end proves to be unredeemable. 

    And Gandalf knew just how despicable he was, and even though he had multiple chances to kill him, he stays his hand, and even encourages frodo to show him mercy as well, which frodo does even going so far as to save gollums life on more then one occasion, once from his best friend sam.

    And in the end gollum dies due to his own treachery, and gandalf while not knowing that, does know just how treacherous gollum is still sent an eagle to rescue him.

    That's love. That's what Christ does for us, over and over, it's why He came here and died for us, even though He knew most of us would spit in his face.

    And yet, as Christians when we run up against someone who has done us wrong over and over and over again, were more apt to take the attitude that samwise and most of the rest of the characters in the LOTRs took towards Gollum, and write them off as evil, instead of loving them like Jesus does. We don't know if they are unredeemable or not, only God knows that, we need to love them regardless.

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  2. On 2/25/2024 at 2:38 AM, ladypeartree said:

    and you ate the cat so YOU ate the homework ... NOT an acceptable excuse :coffee:

    Hey, who doesn't like some good authentic sesame chicken every once in awhile.

    • Haha 2
  3. 22 hours ago, teddyv said:

    Funny how back in the Bill Clinton days, the cons were all about character.

    Yeah, no they weren't. I mean his character was horrible....but bill was rotten to the core and his policies were horrid. If they were even his and not his wife's.

    Does trump have some nasty character flaws? Sure. We all do. But he at least doesn't want to destroy America.

    • Praying! 1
  4. 3 hours ago, SavedByGrace1981 said:

    I voted for Trump in 2016. and in 2020 and likely will again in 2024 if he's a candidate. Consider who he was running against in those elections

    I've always been conservative and I try to consider the most conservate option of the ones available. Unfortunately and contrary to popular belief, that isn't always the R candidate.  It's never the D candidate. So in elecions like in 08 and 12 I voted 3rd party. 

    In 16 and 20 the most conservative was DJT so he got my vote.

    My son said, "Dad, how can you vote for a man with Trumps moral baggage?"

    Son, we're voting for a US president - not a preacher or a priest


    What people forget is everyone has moral baggage. Some of us just figured out how to give it God.

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  5. 3 hours ago, NConly said:

    I agree with you paint could stop up lots inside and engine. Like I said I never seen paint inside one. But it could be some special blend of paint.  Surely they could not be dumb enough to coat the inside with regular paint used on car bodies.

    Car bodies no, it was the same stuff most places paint the outside of the engine with. Painting the outside is pretty normal, protects from rust. But paint of any kind strips off pretty easy with hot oil.

  6. 11 hours ago, NConly said:

    When I bought a new motor it came coated in thick grease to protect the metal.

    A motor may set on the shelf a while before being sold and bare metal does not last long. It may be those guys were using a special paint to protect the bare metal that is cheaper than thick grease. First I ever heard of paint on inside of motor though.

    I could see grease...but the reason you've never heard of it is no one uses it because paint on the inside can cause all kinds of problems. Short term it clogs up the oil solenoids on the 5.4 tritons causing a rough idle-ask me how I know that.

    Long term it can cause premature failure on bearings, overwork a oil pump, potentially clog up the pump or oil passages either by build up or some of it drying and becoming wedged in. If any gets in the coolant passages it can clog up the radiator. 

    I've never seen anyone who painted the inside until now, and had I known that beforehand I would have just spent the extra 2k for a crate motor from Ford.

  7. On 3/5/2024 at 10:42 PM, NConly said:

    You are right you will have to wait and see. You might want to let the motor get real warm right before next oil change. Not sure 20 minutes was enough run time although it could have been enough, good luck.

    Put almost 200 miles on It in one trip and changed the oil again, and again found paint in the oil, but thankfully not much. The thing is running good, at least for right now.

  8. 8 hours ago, FJK said:

    Some things just don't make sense to me, such as I just read that February saw the largest mumbler of layoffs (for February) in 15 years yet we are also being told of a severe labor shortage and a need to import workers from poorly developed countries to counter it.

    Maybe I'm among those who have no idea how the economy works.

    Labor shortage is real...even where I'm at it's difficult to find employees... especially quality employees.

    But yet inflation is through the roof. Interest rates are sky high. The stock market is hanging by a thread. Government debt is growing at a faster rate then it ever has.

    It's all pointing to a crash of such epic proportions as to make the great depression look like the good ol days. 

    And immigration....yeah really isn't doing any more then putting a drain on the system. Just look at all the sanctuary cities that Abbott has been bussing immigrants to. The immigrants arnt working. They're not making money. They're not spending money. Even if they were allowed to work there's not enough jobs for them. Most of them are living on the streets after they filled up the shelters and most of the local hotel-all on the governments dime. They're also being fed by tax dollars. 

    So yeah... The Washington post article is pretty much all baloney. All these immigrants are just straining the system. I mean if you work for a hotel in say NYC you might think it's great, your place is booked solid with a garenteed paycheck. But on the scope of things, that paycheck is coming from money the government likely doesn't even have and is having to borrow to keep footing the bill.


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  9. 1 hour ago, Neighbor said:

    Well He gave Israel some pretty harsh rulers did he not? Sometimes He grants what one asks for and then lets one have to "rest" with the result.

    As for me I have a vision of a new political party and a new candidate Kennedy24. Maybe God will use the foolish things once again, and we will have a decent leader for a reprieve, and a contrast from the evils of both major political party's corrupt manners.

    In any and every case God is sovereign. He has given us to His Son and His Son loses not a one of us given Him by His Father.

    In Christ Jesus is our hope certain.

    Indeed God did give Israel some harsh leaders. In fact Israel begged for a crappy king so God gave them Saul.

    However that doesn't mean we should vote for them. Had I been alive then I wouldn't have voted for Saul (not that I would have even had a vote) 

    I can see what bidens Trying to do. I have a just, Godly reason to oppose him and Harris best I can, but In the end, God's will will be done. If God places Harris in office, that will be His will, but I don't think it's His will that I support such an evil person.

    I will support the candidate who I think will be the best, and let God sort the rest out.


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  10. 6 hours ago, NConly said:

    You are right you will have to wait and see. You might want to let the motor get real warm right before next oil change. Not sure 20 minutes was enough run time although it could have been enough, good luck.

    It was nice and hot before I even started, it was right after the first one. But yes it will be hot before I do it again.

    I still feel like 4 months and 3 motors is ridiculous but I'll stop complaining lol

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, NConly said:

    I bought a new 350 from Summit for 2700 bucks  and also added all the external parts extra but it was great motor for my 77 chev 4x4 swb. The bought a rebuilt motor 2.8 from Grooms in Nashville, Tn and put in my S15 gmc and It has run fine for 4 years.

    Yeah well...I'm doubtful on this one. It's running good now...but who knows what might happen down the road, who knows what it did to the bearings, or if I even got it all. Would be the pits if some of it hardened only to break free in a year and clog a oil port or the oil pump. 

    In all my years I've never seen anyone ever, paint the inside of a motor. That's literally just asking for trouble. My high school auto shop teacher even told us, no paint anywhere a gasket will go, and definitely nowhere that oil is going to hit it.

  12. Handy tip...listen to your mechanic.

    I blew the engine in my wife's car back in October. Mechanic wanted to drop a $5000 crate motor into it. I decided to go with an outfit out of Michigan selling rebuilt engines for $3000 grand. They had a 100,000 mile warranty, should be good right?

    Well... ordered it in first part of November. It was supposed to take 2 weeks to deliver. First part of December? No engine. Called them. No answer. Call the salesman. He answered and figured out they forgot to ship it.

    So the engine finally shows up. Mechanic installs it. Thing starts running rough as soon as it got hot. Mechanic pulled the solenoids. They were, wait for it, covered in paint. That's right, covered in paint. They had painted every square inch of every part they installed on the engine, inside and out, and the hot oil peeled the paint right off.

    Well, took me a week of calling non stop to get ahold of them. They finally answer. Guy apologized explained they just switched painters, and they'll send a new one. Well, they again forgot. Three weeks later I couldn't get ahold of them so sent them a nasty email threatening legal action. General manager called me next day, got the engine sent out.

    Second Engine shows up...covered in paint just like the first. After a nice heated discussion with the general manager who actually answered his phone this time, sent it back, with the promise he would make sure the third engine was done right.

    Third engine shows up. Guess what, it's painted inside and out again. Called the general manager, to which he swore up and down that that was how they did all their engines and hadn't had a single problem with them in 40 years, and was insistent I try it.

    So I tell the mechanic to just install it and see what happens. Well, during installation he figured out the manufacturer had installed the wrong crankshaft timing gear (on top of painting it wrong) but he was able to fix it.

    I took the vehicle back today, drove it 7 miles from the mechanics to Walmart where I bought a truckload of cheap oil, then drove it 40 miles home, where it was again starting to idle rough. So I changed the oil. And all the paint their GM had promised wouldn't come off? Yeah it came out in the oil. You could see all the paint in the oil.

    Put on fresh oil and a oil treatment similar to sea foam, drove it around for another 20 minutes then changed the oil again. It seems to be running good for now. Will change the oil again in a week or two.

    I would not ever recommend accurate engines out of Michigan...they're work is sloppy and their customer service is completely non existent. 

    Moral of the story...don't be cheap listen to your mechanic.

  13. 3 hours ago, Slibhin said:

    Dude, Israel doesn't care. The IDF is on film desecrating graves, stealing food, beating an old man to death and shooting clearly unarmed civilians. If they try to stand up to hamas, which including ratting them out, they will be shot along with their families. They are terrorists, that's what they do. It's easy for you to say "do it anyway" because it isn't your butt and your family on the line.

    Every time Israel commits a war crime like bombing a school or hospital, they always claim hamas was hiding there without evidence. When they have people like you that are more then happy to swallow whatever they saw unquestioningly, they can even get away with it.

    I have no doubt hamas has used hospitals and school as bunkers. So what? You don't destroy the only means of survival to an innocent population just to (maybe) kill a handful of thugs.

    I have seen evangelical Christians, in large numbers, support the death penalty and draconian punishments for woman who have abortions. In fact, it is so widely supported that some states in your country have even tried to pass bills to enshrine such laws. I didn't say every one of you supported it, but enough do. So don't accuse me of lying or acting like it's some fringe opinion.

    In every war, you have a select few that commit war crimes from any side. That's a fact. The examples you list are just that, a select few. A select few the media are locking on to to paint a very, very false narrative about Israel.

    I find it sad that so many people, such as yourself are buying into that false narrative. Your suggesting that Israel just steps back and allow Hamas to murder it's citizens en masse. With Hamas it's not the few committing these crimes, it's everyone. The mere fact they're willing to hide under schools and hospitals (many of which were built by Israel for the Palestinians) is proof positive of how evil they are.

    Israel won't kill people for pointing out where Hamas is. Hamas will. They will kill any Palestinians who dare speak out against them, then they will blame it on Israel. 

    The only ones committing genocide over there is Hamas. Israel is simply defending itself.

    You are being lied to, and your believing it. Your judging an entire nation based on a few bad apples because that's what you've been told, and you refuse to look past what your told because you want it to be true.

    As such I see no further point in this discussion. If you want to believe these lies, that's on you, I can't force you to change your mind, nor will I try. Have a good night.

  14. 26 minutes ago, Slibhin said:

    So you've never even done so much as a Google search?

    Only the Palestinian security, an arm of the Israeli government, is allowed to own firearms. Palestinian citizens are prohibited unless the PA gives them a license, which surprise, almost never happens. Plus merely owning a gun in Gaza or the West Bank can flag you as a terrorist so gun ownership is very low. However, hamas and criminals in bed with hamas have very high gun ownership.

    I don't know if I'm more surprised at the wide support for genocide from the same people who think aborting a zygote should carry the death penalty, or less surprised that no one here has ever bothered to look up anything whatsoever about Palestine.

    Correct. And the reason they don't, is because.... wait for it, a surprising number of people there would either use the gun to shoot Israelis or give it to someone else who would.

    But as you've noted those who want guns, obviously have the capability to get them. But the citizens don't need them. They can tell Israel where Hamas is hiding. They can refuse to let them hide under their hospitals. But they do nothing.

    I like how you compare those who support Israel, and pro life as being supporters of genocide.

    I mean it's not like Hamas attacked Israel intentionally targeting citizens and not military targets then returning back to Palestine to hide under schools, hospitals and other such targets where any retribution will result in innocent casualties. 

    These are all well documented facts. To say otherwise is a false statement.

    Kind of like your blatantly false accusation that those of us who rightfully oppose abortion, want the death penalty for the mothers who do it. 

    That statement hasn't been made. Yes, abortion is absolutely murder. No matter what you say about it it's murder, and through abortion America has committed the largest genocide in history. 

    But, killing the mothers to be doesn't rectify it. I've done a lot of work with local crisis pregnancy centers who are pro life, offer all kinds of options to young mothers, including counseling to those who choose to go ahead with the abortion.

    So don't sit here and group all of us in with a few. Just because you know ome nut job who made one stupid comment doesn't give you the right to falsely accused the rest of us.

  15. On 2/16/2024 at 5:33 AM, Starise said:

    Not much discussion here on them or if there is, they are all seen as an enemy.

    What are your thoughts on those innocent caught in this war and forced to relocate? Is the feeling "oh well"?

    Do you see them all as the enemy? 

    Personally I can't see it that way.

    Enemy? No. Biblically even hamas is not our enemy, that is Satan.

    However, the fact remains that Hamas has made it their goal to completely eradicate Israel through any means necessary. They don't even bother to hide it. No matter how much Israel caves to them, Hamas won't stop until Israel is completely annihilate.

    And they are the pure definition of evil. They are so bad most of Palestine's neighbors have driven them out. They are more then willing to hide under hospitals, schools, anywhere where any retaliation against their evil is garenteed to kill innocent civilians.

    They chose the gaza strip because unlike their neighbors the Palestinians won't run them out. A lot of them while they don't necessarily want to fight Israel, would just as soon see Israel gone as well.

    And Hamas has really given Israel no choice, they either take the scorched earth against Hamas, or they let Hamas destroy them.

    Does it bother me the innocent are caught up in this battle on both sides? Absolutely. But outside of Christ's return, it's going to happen. It's unfortunate, but that is life on this planet.

    And the blame doesn't lie with Israel. Nor does it lie with the Palestinians who won't run Hamas out, even though they should have, the blame lies entirely with Hamas. All those innocent lives on both sides stem from Hamas pure unadulterated hatred.


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