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Posts posted by salos

  1. In the last couple of weeks my son graduated from college, another son got leave from the army unexpectedly, my daughter visited, we had a great Mother's Day, we had our wedding anniversary, and my son is in good shape to get a job. I saw some friends this week I haven't seen for a long time. We went to a fun music concert. I'm kind of dizzy but happy.

  2. Will, I was in this same situation not that many years ago. There are a lot of things I did that helped. It takes time to get well from things like this because it involves physical health, relationships, life style, family, church, and other things as well.

    Try a multifaceted approach. If you can find a godly same gender counselor, work with that person. A godly counselor will be patient and kind, know the bible pretty well, will encourage you to new understanding and new applications of God's word in your life.

    Put a little more discipline in your life if needs be. For about two years the only thing I could count on doing was getting up in the morning and making up my bed. Anything more than that I regarded as an extra.

    Try to improve your diet a little. Maybe more fruits and vegetables and lean meats. Perhaps fewer fried foods and sweets.

    A little exercise on occasion will help.

    As far as relationships are concerned, I found it helpful to stay away from anyone who had hatred inside, esp. against me. Hatred is a real poison that can flow from one person's soul to another person's soul. You don't need that kind of thing happening around you.

    Confess to God anything in your life that might be an idol.

    Know that God has good plans for you! He loves you and is watching over you. Don't expect to get over things quickly, but be certain that in time it will work out. Remember that God rewards overcomers (Rev. chapters 2 & 3)

  3. Today I heard a sermon that really confused me, though, because the minister was talking about humility, and said that true humility is thinking of yourself as less than others.

    This false teaching made me want to tear my hair out. The man was misusing Philippians 2:3, "in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself." The first part of verse 3 says, "Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit." So that verse is for people who are used to getting their own ways and who don't care about others.

    Isaiah 40:1-5 is good for people in your situation.


  4. Thank you all for your excellent posts. I fear for those who profess the faith yet live unrepentant lives. As it says in Romans 10:9, salvation isn't just a matter of saying some words. It has to do with believing in the heart.

  5. When my feelings are persistent and wrong, I quote scripture to myself. Saying God's truth helps me stop paying attention to things that are not true. Genesis 1:1 is excellent for this. Try to avoid saying, "I feel...." and instead say "the Bibles says ..."

    Hang out with mature Christians, try to avoid cotton candy theology, read your bible, and get involved in service projects. Those things help take the place of wrong thinking. Good luck!!!

  6. I prefer to think in terms of degrees of dependency. If a person doesn't feel normal or doesn't feel good without alcohol, that's a problem. If all a person thinks about, or if it is the best thing in his life, or what he depends on, that's a problem. "He who sins is a slave of sin." It's so much easier to live life without alcohol, no matter if you have cravings or not.

  7. It's so true that possessions mean little compared to souls. I feel sorry for people who have so little sense that they just take what they want with no morals. What a sad way to live life. Aren't we all glad that eternal life is free! John 6:23

  8. Some klan thinking comes out of a bottle. The klans type people who lived not too far from me when I was growing up were very poor because of drinking, poor education, and probably low IQ.

    Rev. 5:9-10 "And they sang a new song: 'You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth'" (NIV) Wonder what they make of those verses. Probably never heard of them.

  9. Prayer is most important when dealing with atheists. Genuine kindness helps also. Those things helped me come out of atheism more than anything else. A lot of times people are atheists because they're ashamed of things they've done. Then they get proud of their false notions. Logic and reasoning might help, but they might not touch the real problem. Often a messed up mind is the result of a hurting heart. Be the person's friend and look for simple opportunites. Be patient. It can take years to get out of the lies of atheism.

  10. Please tell your friend that we rejoice at his turn around. I hope these points will help:

    1. Repentance should not lead to overwhelming sorrow. "...so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. I urge you, therefore, to reaffirm your love for him." II Corinthians 2:8,9, NIV "Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death." II Corinthians 7:10, NIV

    2. Repentance brings joy in heaven."I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance." Luke 15:7, NKJV

    3. Romans 2:4 says it's God's goodness that leads us to repentance.

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