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Isaiah 6:8

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Posts posted by Isaiah 6:8

  1. :th_praying::rolleyes:

    I'm a single male so imagine.....

    Come home, open fridge, throw out anything with inch long green fur on.

    Eat anything with less than inch long green fur on.

    Except if it is vegetable or fruit, then wonder? Who has been putting stuff in my fridge?

    When one feels the need for vegetables eat chicken! (the half inch green fur variety) :th_praying:

    Ewww.....have dinner parties much, fez? :th_praying:

    Remind me if I ever visit Fez to bring the food.

  2. I read this online years ago so I figured I would add my own diet as well...


    People are always on the lookout for a new diet. The trouble with most diets is that you don't get enough to eat (the starvation diet), you don't get enough variation (the liquid diet) or you go broke (the all-meat diet). Consequently, people tend to cheat on their diets, or quit after 3 days.

    Well, now there's the new Toddler Miracle Diet.

    Over the years you may have noticed that most two year olds are trim. Now the formula to their success is available to all in this new diet. You may want to consult your doctor before embarking on this diet, otherwise, you may be seeing him afterwards. Good Luck !!!


    Breakfast: One scrambled egg, one piece of toast with grape jelly. Eat two bites of egg, using your fingers; dump the rest on the floor. Take one bite of toast, then smear the jelly over your face and cloth.

    Lunch: Four crayons (any color), a handful of potato chips, and a glass of milk (three sips only, then spill the rest).

    Dinner: A dry stick, two pennies and a nickel, four sips of flat Sprite.

    Bedtime snack: Throw a piece of toast on the kitchen floor.


    Breakfast: Pick up stale toast from kitchen floor and eat it. Drink half bottle of vanilla extract or one vial of vegetable dye.

    Lunch: Half tube of "Pulsating Pink" lipstick and a handful of Purina DogChow (any flavor). One ice cube, if desired.

    Afternoon snack: Lick an all-day sucker until sticky, take outside, drop in dirt. Retrieve and continue slurping until it is clean again. Then bring inside and drop on rug.

    Dinner: A rock or an uncooked bean, which should be thrust up your left nostril. Pour Grape Kool-Aid over mashed potatoes; eat with spoon.


    Breakfast: Two pancakes with plenty of syrup, eat one with fingers, rub in hair. Glass of milk; drink half, stuff other pancake in glass. After breakfast, pick up yesterday's sucker from rug, lick off fuzz, put it on the cushion of best chair.

    Lunch: Three matches, peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Spit several bites onto the floor. Pour glass of milk on table and slurp up.

    Dinner: Dish of ice cream, handful of potato chips, some red punch. Try to laugh some punch through your nose, if possible.


    Breakfast: A quarter tube of toothpaste (any flavor), bit of soap, an olive. Pour a glass of milk over bowl of cornflakes, add half a cup of sugar. Once cereal is soggy, drink milk and feed cereal to dog.

    Lunch: Eat bread crumbs off kitchen floor and dining room carpet. Find that sucker and finish eating it.

    Dinner: Drop pieces of spaghetti onto back of dog, insert meatball into ear. Dump pudding into Kool-Aid and suck up with a straw.


  3. My one year prayer experiment.

    I am going to do a one year prayer experiment I am going to create a list of things and people I am going to pray for every day for one year. During this time I am going to journal what I have prayed for daily. At the end of the year I am going to look back at my journal and see what God has done through my prayers. I know prayer works but I have not been spending enough time in prayer. I feel like the Lord is calling me back to my prayer closet.

    I am also going to set some basic perimeters on my list, not to be religious, but to make it easier for me to stay on topic.

    First of all my list is not total more then Five main items and 4 sub-points IE I am going to pray for my youth group as a whole, as I am a leader, and I am only going to list up to 4 kids by name. This is not to say I cannot pray for other kids during my prayer time as the Lord leads but that I will always pray for these three kids. I also am going to try to keep this list private and not let the people involved know that I am praying for them. I want this to be all God. I am also going to have one accountability partner here in town I am going to share this with to hold me to praying everyday.

    I ask that you may join me in two things. One is that you may join me with my prayer list praying for what I am praying for if you wish. Two if you feel lead to try the same experiment. Finally

    I am starting tomorrow morning, October 28, 2009 my 6th wedding anniversary. In one year from now I will see what the Lord has done.

    My List.

    1.My Marriage

    a. We would love each other more and more every day

    b. We would have a sense of the direction He is leading us.

    c. That we would come to a unity in our visions and we can walk side by side and not have a tug of war.

    2.My Job/finances

    a. That the Lord blesses me in my current job as I do all things as if serving him.

    b. That as I do the above the Lord will bless me with all the finances I need to get out of debt and then a blessing to others.

    c. That the Lord would increase my wisdom on what choices to make with His money that he lets me manage that is all of it!

    3.My Family

    a. My two brothers Joel and Daniel who know the Lord would make him 100%

    b. My Sister Sarah, who is caught up with everything teen and cheerleader and who's identity is in her friends to find her identity in Christ and that He would become the Father she never really had.

    c. My brother Ezra. That he would come to the end of himself and realize that he cannot do things on his own and allow the Lord to take the reigns. Also that he would forgive the religious people that hurt him and realize this is not about dead religion but about relationship.

    d. My Father who raised me. He once knew the Lord but he walked away and is not in a good place. In his words

  4. The camp director of the kids camp I went to always had a version of this joke he would tell. This is a version I found online...

    In the days when you couldn't count on a public facility to have

    indoor plumbing, an English woman was planning a trip to Europe.

    She was registered to stay in a small guest house owned by the

    local schoolmaster. She was concerned as to whether the guest

    house contained a WC. In England, a bathroom is commonly called

    a WC which stands for water closet. She wrote the schoolmaster

    inquiring into the location of the nearest WC.

    The school master, not fluent in English, asked the local priest

    if he knew the meaning of WC. Together they pondered possible

    meanings of the letters and concluded that the lady wanted to

    know if there was a "Wayside Chapel" near the house . . . a

    bathroom never entered their minds. So the schoolmaster wrote

    the following reply:

    Dear Madam,

    I take great pleasure in informing you that the WC is located 9

    miles from the house. It is located in the middle of a grove of

    pine trees, surrounded by lovely grounds. It is capable of

    holding 229 people and is open on Sundays and Thursdays. As

    there are many people expected in the summer months, I suggest

    you arrive early. There is, however, plenty of standing room.

    This is an unfortunate situation especially if you are in the

    habit of going regularly.

    It may be of some interest to you that my daughter was married

    in the WC as it was there that she met her husband. It was a

    wonderful event. There were 10 people in every seat. It was

    wonderful to see the expressions on their faces. My wife, sadly,

    has been ill and unable to go recently. It has been almost a

    year since she went last, which pains her greatly.

    You will be pleased to know that many people bring their lunch

    and make a day of it. Others prefer to wait till the last minute

    and arrive just in time! I would recommend your ladyship plan to

    go on a Thursday as there is an organ accompaniment. The

    acoustics are excellent and even the most delicate sounds can be

    heard everywhere.

    The newest addition is a bell which rings every time a person

    enters. We are holding a bazaar to provide plush seats for all

    since many feel it is long needed. I look forward to escorting

    you there myself and seating you in a place where you can be

    seen by all.

    With deepest regards,

    The Schoolmaster

  5. OK burning, the gloves come off now. I have tried to be nice but you keep being obnoxious so here we go...

    you have your own agenda, you are not a U.S. Citizen you do not know what is going on here outside of what you see on TV. Of course you know, everything you see on TV is 100% truth right? You have your own biased ideas, you do not want to see the other point of view. From looking at what you have said what you have posted, and the links you have posted you have proven not to be a rational person. You are not only posting thoughts and idea's that are not just liberal but radical liberal. You seem to believe conspiracy theories that back up your own previously formed ideas but yet deride other people who believe in conspiracy theories that disagree with your predetermined idea's.You do not want an honest debate, which I ave with my liberal friends all the time, you just want to attack. You refuse to answer my main point, you refuse to admit that all news organizations have bias, as I have acknowledged you just keep attacking Fox.

    The point is not Fox news. The point is how the White house is dealing with a situation. They have admitted that they have controlled the media, and they want to control the media, this is against what the United States is founded on and is completely illegal. If you are so concerned about what is going on here, move here become a citizen and vote. I personally do not agree with anything Obama does I did not vote for him, I did vote but for the other guy. I have a right to object to the government and what it does as I live here and I have stated my opinion by voting.

    As for your accusations.

    The issue is when a self described News Organization does the following;

    (self described? Who defines what a news organization is? What are the rules? I think CNN started as a

  6. Mess with the Word?... people are strange. As one pastor I know, holding up a Bible said This is not the word of God he paused watching the horrified Look on everyone's face. He then said, this is just paper.. it describes what God's word is but it is not Gods word.

    John 1

    The Eternal Word

    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend[a] it.

    We can mess around with the description but that does not alter what the word truly is. So since we cannot change the everlasting word, why try?.. Silly people's...

  7. sure it's free speech. but it's a LIE, and it sure doesn't look very good for an administration to be spitting out lies in an effort to discredit anyone who speaks out against them. but then, that's what the obama administration has been doing since the campaign trail days. nothing new at all.

    Do non-propaganda outlets promote protests that are one sided in nature?

    Ok, first of all I have read your other posts, and you seem to be a liberal and look through that lens. From what I have seen, you seem to have an anti-conservative agenda. What you state that is true about Fox news is from anti-conservative and or anti fox news sites. You agree with every liberal institution on fox news. Because you seem to look through life through a liberal lens it seems as if you missed my point completely.

    For the record my best friend is a die hard liberal democrat who I debate with all day long, and he is still my best friend so I do not think lower of you due to your views

    The white house has freedom of speech, but they are going beyond that. They are now at war with Fox news. Even liberal websites call it a war. War against a news institution by the white house is not freedom of speech, that is the government getting involved and treading dangerous waters. Weather you agree with Fox news, or not, this is violation of the freedom of speech. If the white house just stated that they don't belive that fox news is a ligitamite news sourse that would be fine. But they have taken the extra step to try to force Fox out of bussness one step at a time.

  8. When you organize two protests against the government using your news. Hannel as the staging ground you lose yor credibility as a news organzation. Nobody but Fox did that.

    Fox didn't organize the 'tea parties' if that's what you mean and certainly not the town hall meetings. Anyway, even if they did.....Americans are free to do that. It's not necessary for our government to approve of the press either. Fox didn't lose anything; in fact they GAINED 20% in ratings. Who or what is 'Hannel'?

    If you disagree with the news source that is fine with me. All news sources have a bias. Because humans are reporting. The issue here is not that fox news has some political bias as do all news sources, but that the President of the United States is attacking a news source that he cannot control. This is not just criticizing Fox its is an all out war. They are repeatadly trying to discredit them and cause them to lose status, bussness and income. This is not only against the constitution, it is one of the ten planks of the communist manifesto to transition to a communist state.

  9. Taken from foxnews.com

    "White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Tuesday pointed to two top-rated opinion shows on Fox News as the reason why the Obama administration has castigated the network as an illegitimate news organization.

    Gibbs weighed in on the controversy after several top White House advisers have gone on other channels to criticize Fox News' coverage of the administration, dismiss the network as the mouthpiece of the Republican Party and urge other news organizations not to treat Fox News as a legitimate news station.

    Gibbs said White House officials "render (that) opinion based on some their coverage and the fairness of that coverage."

    But asked how Fox News was different from other news organizations, Gibbs mentioned the channel's 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. shows, in an explicit reference to "Beck" and "Hannity" -- even though those two shows represent opinion programming.

    Informed that those hours are for opinion programming, Gibbs said: "That is our opinion."

    but I guess its all right to base this on an opinion as did the Nobel committee with the opinion that Obama may do something good. Someday...

    They are attacked because they dare to disagree with the president. This means our freedoms are under attack... no real suprise.

    The bill of rights. the third Amendment

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Abridging the freedom of the press. What is next? Pray people this is just a the start.

    Nothing new; the Bush administration lashed out at their critics hard too. Does anyone remember Valerie Plame? It amazes me that people are surprised when politicans are being....politicians. This is NOT abridging freedom of the press. That would be when they came in and shut Fox down. This is criticizing the press. It's way over the top and juvenile but it's NOT anything new.

    True, they are not abridging the freedom of the press but they have pushed for it. The

  10. Taken from foxnews.com

    "White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Tuesday pointed to two top-rated opinion shows on Fox News as the reason why the Obama administration has castigated the network as an illegitimate news organization.

    Gibbs weighed in on the controversy after several top White House advisers have gone on other channels to criticize Fox News' coverage of the administration, dismiss the network as the mouthpiece of the Republican Party and urge other news organizations not to treat Fox News as a legitimate news station.

    Gibbs said White House officials "render (that) opinion based on some their coverage and the fairness of that coverage."

    But asked how Fox News was different from other news organizations, Gibbs mentioned the channel's 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. shows, in an explicit reference to "Beck" and "Hannity" -- even though those two shows represent opinion programming.

    Informed that those hours are for opinion programming, Gibbs said: "That is our opinion."

    but I guess its all right to base this on an opinion as did the Nobel committee with the opinion that Obama may do something good. Someday...

    They are attacked because they dare to disagree with the president. This means our freedoms are under attack... no real suprise.

    The bill of rights. the third Amendment

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Abridging the freedom of the press. What is next? Pray people this is just a the start.

    Nothing new; the Bush administration lashed out at their critics hard too. Does anyone remember Valerie Plame? It amazes me that people are surprised when politicans are being....politicians. This is NOT abridging freedom of the press. That would be when they came in and shut Fox down. This is criticizing the press. It's way over the top and juvenile but it's NOT anything new.

    True, they are not abridging the freedom of the press but they have pushed for it. The

  11. Taken from foxnews.com

    "White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Tuesday pointed to two top-rated opinion shows on Fox News as the reason why the Obama administration has castigated the network as an illegitimate news organization.

    Gibbs weighed in on the controversy after several top White House advisers have gone on other channels to criticize Fox News' coverage of the administration, dismiss the network as the mouthpiece of the Republican Party and urge other news organizations not to treat Fox News as a legitimate news station.

    Gibbs said White House officials "render (that) opinion based on some their coverage and the fairness of that coverage."

    But asked how Fox News was different from other news organizations, Gibbs mentioned the channel's 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. shows, in an explicit reference to "Beck" and "Hannity" -- even though those two shows represent opinion programming.

    Informed that those hours are for opinion programming, Gibbs said: "That is our opinion."

    but I guess its all right to base this on an opinion as did the Nobel committee with the opinion that Obama may do something good. Someday...

    They are attacked because they dare to disagree with the president. This means our freedoms are under attack... no real suprise.

    The bill of rights. the third Amendment

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Abridging the freedom of the press. What is next? Pray people this is just a the start.

  12. Obama was elected by CNN, BBC etc... He won his election by media bias. Not his witty campaign commercials not his witty speeches but by the popular media, save fox news. Now that he is crashing and burning, he is targeting the one news network that did not line up and follow the pied piper into the river. I know this in part because my wife is from Norway and in Norway its near imposable to get Fox news or any other conservative news outlet at all. I was over there During the Bush V Kerry elections and they all hated Bush. But no one knew why. They also thought that Saddam was a nice guy, as CNN and the BBC which they do get failed to cover Saddam's atrocity they were surprised when I told them about mass graves in Iraq full of Iraqis. They had no clue that Saddam was evil by watching the news from the states. So if you do not support the government run media you are attacked.

  13. [url=http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/20091020/sc_space/getoutorionidmeteorshowerpeaksovernight]Meteor Shower[/ur

    The Orionid meteor shower is expected to put on a good show tonight into the predawn hours Wednesday, weather permitting.

    This annual meteor shower is created when Earth passes through trails of comet debris left in space long ago by Halley's Comet. The "shooting stars" develop when bits typically no larger than a pea , and mostly sand-grain-sized, vaporize in Earth's upper atmosphere.

    Cool Thanks!

  14. One of the times I am emberssed for my wife as she is Norwegian. But you can not compleatly blame them, as their only sources of news are Libral media with major slants. But then again, this makes me think one thing.

    Saints its TIME TO PRAY!

  15. The grass is always greener on the other side, until you move in, and discover its Astroturf...

    Ever find yourself in a circumstance, where moving away, running away or going somewhere else seems to be the only way out? But when you do, you discover that everything you thought was real was fake, and you wind up in a place where your worse off then you were? I have been there, and in some ways coming to a similar situation right now.

    When I first was married my wife and I were living in a small apartment in the states, we both worked but she did not like her job, and I liked my job just not the way it was being managed. We had some debt, which we were on the way to handling as we had enough income to handle it. My mother in law offered us a place to stay for free in Norway, and some money to help pay off our debt, if we moved to Norway. Now Norway has a higher standard of living then the States and also a higher rate of pay. So despite both of us feeling like the Lord was warning us not to go, we went. My wife immediately got a job, I did not, I did not know enough Norwegian to get hired. So instead of getting out of debt we fell worse into debt. We came back to the states three months later to a mess.

    We wound up moving to Denver from California and spent the next three years struggling to make ends meet to the point of not even being able to make it to fellowship hardly at all, and definitely not able to pursue our calling to the missions field. We finally both prayed and felt like the Lord told us to move back to my hometown in California. So we did and things have gone very well, we are involved with our youth group, took them on an inner city missions trip to San Francisco etc.

    We are facing some thing similar now. I had to leave my job, and now have had no income for almost 2 months. We have paid off most of our debt in the states owing less then 5k total. The problem now is we have her large college loan in Norway, which due to the exchange rate changing against us its going up from about 18k to possibly 35k just from the change of the rate. If we move to Norway this will not effect us and we could possibly get jobs that would allow us to pay this off in short order. In a way I feel like we are facing the same thing we did 6 years ago when we first got married. This is a scary situation but yet I don't want to make a decision with out first seeking and trusting him. I also want my wife to feel safe with the decision and a peace about it either way. Right now we are so involved with our church I feel it would be wrong to leave now.

    So any thoughts anyone?

  16. Hmm.. but yet where I live, California, not many earthquakes to speak of and yet we are in "earthquake central.. I dont' know kid. *HUG*.

    Maybe I'm just becoming more sensitive and aware. I have been praying for a heart for missions (sad, I know, but the desire just wasn't there :emot-fail: ) and the fragility of this world and our lives is becoming more evident.

    yeah that would do it. and Missions is very important. its my heart right now, and my heart to inspire others to the same.

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