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    Lawton, OK
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    Inductive Bible Studies
  1. Man, I'm getting older, but I know the sound of a fishing pole being cast when I hear one. If we're here then I have no doubt we'll stand firm for the Cross and that God will provide for His people.
  2. Aren't we glad we're not going to be here! You know Toni, you lay out a very clear and clean thought process that justifies your position, and the biggest thing is... it does make sense. As we progress towards the final days (or at this point we could probably say "hours"), we know that knowledge is going to increase, and that those who seek the truth will continue to find it. I'm going to go back over all of this, perhaps print it out, and review each point. Glancing and reading over these past pages really doesn't do it justice, and a more indepth look is required. I hope we can continue our discussions, not only on this topic but also on others. Its been not only enjoyable, but I think also profitable. YBIC, Chuck
  3. Okay, I think we're in agreement to an extent, so let me ask (for my own clarification), when in the scenario of end time events do you see the war of Ezekiel 38 and 39? I just don't see Islam being that much of an influence in the region, let alone the world, once the war of Ezekiel 38-39 is over. The majority of Muslim around the rest of the world are relatively Sunni and peaceful in their approach to their belief compared to the Shiites of the Middle East. Chuck
  4. Oh, no, no, no trnfiles, I didn't say that you said there were ties, or anything of the like. I was the one who made the comparison, in saying that during WWII Hitler himself was seen by many as the A/C. I will say that I disagree with your understanding that the beast of Revelation 13 is a group and not single person. The context of the passage, as well as all surrounding passages that deal with the A/C, the "son of perdition", the "little horn", etc., all point to a single person. To bring and understanding as you have into the prophecy would be taking the entire doctrine of the future A/C out of context with all supporting scriptures throughout the Bible. In doing so, you cannot achieve a correct interpretation. Now if you remain in saying that the Beast, the "son of perdition", the "little horn" may possibly be a Muslim, or is from the region of the Roman Empire, that would be perfectly acceptable within the context of all supporting scriptures. Do you see my point? YBIC, Chuck
  5. Well, just so you know, I'm in agreement with CJ, and it is what I teach in our Precept classes on Daniel. Historically, it matches exactly what has happened in the past. Although I don't disagree that the description you demonstrated can relate to Islam, I can also tell you that it was also the same description used for Hitler during the late 1930's and early 40's when he was believed to be the A/C. Each generation seeks understanding and is watchful, which were called to do, and we need to continue to do so until the day the Lord comes. YBIC, Chuck
  6. The Fourth Beast of Daniel 7 was the Roman Empire. Like I said previously, I don't personally have a problem with the A/C being of Arab decent, since the majority of the region was within the Roman Empire, but I disagree that he will be Muslim, let along the entire empire being Muslim since Ezekiel 38-39 clearly states that these nations will participate with Gog/Magog in the war against Israel and that 5/6th of them will be destroyed, rendering the nations ineffective. From that point there will be the confirming of the covenant with the many (Israel) by the A/C, who will ultimately proclaim himself to be God, something else that the followers of Islam would not accept. The war of Ezekiel 38-39 (I believe) will occur shortly, but before the beginning of Daniel's 70th Week; that Islam will be rendered ineffective because of it; that the rapture will occur just before or during this war; that, by the description of the events, Russia and the United States will be rendered militarily ineffective, with the US receiving the greater destruction by nuclear attack; all of which paves the way for the son of perdition to come into full reign of the world through the use of deception and economic control. The 10 kings without kingdoms will most likely be economical leaders, or perhaps regional ambassadors, who claim leadership but actually are puppets to the A/C. Blessings, YBIC, Chuck
  7. Think I'm going to have to stay with the traditional interpretation of Daniel 7.
  8. Exactly glory, and pretty weak for those who have studied the Word for a few years.
  9. Now that is a different read, albeit a bit confusing the first time through. Anyone have an Arabic calculator???
  10. Good question Justin. Todd, I know and work with some Sunni's through the military, and I can tell you that they clearly say that it is a "Shiite myth". Just going by what the horses say, so to speak.
  11. I understand, and I respect that. I also don't disagree that he will come from the former Roman Empire, and that could cover a lot of land, including Western Europe, Britian and Ireland for that matter. Going to be some interesting days ahead, that's for sure. Be blessed, and I enjoyed reading over your blog. YBIC, Chuck
  12. Okay, I think that what you have written in interesting, even if I disagree. Its not the first time I've heard that the A/C would be Syrian, but I couldn't remember all the various justification people came up with. Now I remember, and I'll leave you to your discussion.
  13. I personally enjoy sharing the Gospel Lightheart, but if you're referring to the Gospel going to the ends of the earth, and then the end shall come, that's not the job of the Church, but rather that of an angel (see Revelation 14:6). YBIC, Chuck
  14. I did, and its a stretch at best. However, again if that's what you choose to believe, that's fine. Its certainly not a salvation issue, but I would like to read your reference to Josephus that the Romans soldiers under the "prince to come", who was Titus, were primarily Assyrian. I must have missed that when I read the War of the Jews.
  15. Humanistic hypothesis? Look, when you pick and choose the verses you want to use to explain something, you have to be like a Thompson Chain Reference and just ensure that you use them all in context. I personally don't have a problem with your believing that the A/C may be Assyrian because Daniel 11 could lean in that direction, moving from the description of Antiocus Epiphanes to the future A/C in verse 36, but like I said, context is key to interpretation, and you are taking out of context (and that is all). As for the timing of the rapture, if you're not looking for a pre-tribulational rapture, that is fine. I was invited here by a friend who recommended the boards, and its not my intent to try to change your belief in anything. I merely know what God's Word says, and the Word says that He is coming for those looking for Him. I'm being watchful and waiting. You can take another approach and be perfectly content. As important as I believe this future event is in relation to the remainder of the Revelation writings, it is but a thumbtack compared to the life in which you live now, in Christ. Blessings, Chuck <--- the guy with the humanistic hypothesis.
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