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Posts posted by desi2007

  1. I will say great post and awesome song.... thank you brother goldeneagle for sharing, I just loved it all. You are so right on the part about the great news is that for us believers, "bad circumstances are only an illusion of a lack of security".  Just from my own life so many times things may appear to be going really bad but keeping the faith and let God worry with the details. Hard to see the light at the end of tunnel at times so true but its there!! just need that trust. God bless you always, you shine your light with others.



  2. Praying for you. May I say something else that is stirring in my heart as I read your post. I feel your energy is so drained, you seem to go along with others vs. with what you want. I think having a sense of boundaries and limits helps you to connect with your true self. Boundaries are all based on  your feelings, beliefs, thoughts, choices, wants, needs. You don't need to feel guilty for what you need. Find a healthy boundary for you, Protect your boundaries otherwise your needs go unmet which can lead to anxiety. My guess is find what is missing from your life get a clear idea on what you value and desire in life and build from there.



  3. Being hurt by a friend is always a painful thing to go thru. Just tell her you forgive her and move on. Be at peace with what you can do, you can't change someone else. Just learn from it and move on.  Some people grow up late in life and maybe do not see the error of their ways. I can only guess here. But you know what you can do? Finding your passion is the single most important ingredient for changing your world. Know your worth and your value. Exploring the desires of your heart its never a waste of time, maybe this is what God is stirring in your heart.

    proverbs 13:19...."A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul, but fools detest turning from evil".

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